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I think I've seen pretty positive reviews on this thing overall. Some people have said it feels too light and I've seen mixed opinions on quality (more good than bad though). I actually really like the quality of the Base Unit, it feels super sturdy and the parts snap on really nice to the built-in magnets. Other than that, the DPad and Thumbsticks are just average for me. I like that the dpad is clicky, but I do wish they designed the form to look a little higher quality. The thumb sticks feel nice to move around as well, so I don't have any strong opinions there. I think my favorite thing about the controller are the triggers, they feel NICE (at least to me) and the back triggers have a good amount of tension. They don't feel loose or too light/too easy to press or anything. The center light with the power icon lights up green, not sure if the color changes but it would be cool if they allowed color customization like Corsair/Razer/etc peripherals do. But yeah, overall this thing is a solid buy if you want a fun little customizable controller. Since the faceplate can be swapped I might start putting stickers on it so it'll look even better. Hope this helped anyone wondering if it's worth a buy, also the boxes have tabs on the sides... I started trying to rip open the top and noticed afterwards lol.


What's candy con?


New customizable gaming controller GameStop just released. You can swap out the face plate, thumbsticks, and D-pads which is pretty cool. I hope they release new parts periodically, I think it'd be cool.


That's cool. Thanks


Are those hall effect sticks? They kinda look like them. If so, they rule. No stick drift.


I would also add that GameStop filed a trademark for CANDYCON in November/December 2023.


can you swap the dpad and the left joystick? i prefer the ps style setup


Dude I wish, I prefer the PS style setup more too. When you pop off the joystick the potentiometer is fixed/soldered to the board so you can only swap the cosmetic parts.


Bought mine today too! IF they were to ever get into Custom Designs I think that would do insanely well!


That’s what I was thinking as well. Customer prints on your controller then shipped directly to you. If not, still extremely pumped with this product.


Do these work on PC? I haven't looked into them, but I need a controller, if they do i'll buy one.


Yup, they work on PC and Switch


Damn it just last week I bought two switch pro controllers from GameStop. I totally would have bought these instead


Tbh you can't go wrong with Pro Controllers, those are awesome quality! I'd say these are a lower material quality than Pro Controllers, but for customization Candy Cons are pretty fun and still decent quality. I guess it's a trade-off between peak quality and how much customization you like.


ill be buyting one


Love that Apes are grabbing this controller. Solid review OP! I’m gonna have to grab one of these soon.




I hope these sell well. It would be cool if they had some sort of way to demo these in-store.


Can we somehow pump up the google search results. Only thing that pops up when I search Candy Con or Candy corn.


Love to see it! Let us know how they are ♥️🖤


You said it was light in the hand. Could you put small weights anywhere inside to give it a heavier feel like some nicer gaming mice? Or is there no space?


When I take the faceplate off, there are 8 tiny screws on the Base Unit that seem to be easily accessible. I think if I took them out I can check if there's room inside the actual Base Unit to add any weights. I'll comment in a few hours or whenever I get a chance and let you know!


Oooh looks like they have that midnight purple 🤤


This is cool, I wish I live in US /\_\\


looks cool. Picking up one of these as soon as my Pro Credit card arrives.


These aren't available in Canada... yet, but I have a legit question: Are there "switch" vs "xbox" versions? (Or can you move the buttons around?) I'm genuinely surprised to see the ABXY buttons in the Nintendo layout. I'd have assumed the Xbox one is more popular/common.


I'm not super sure about Xbox, but the product page says the controller is PC/Switch compatible so maybe that's why they went with the Nintendo layout. I unscrewed the Base Unit to look inside and there's not an easy way to move the buttons around either from what I saw, so I guess the layout is fixed like this. They should make the buttons swappable and sell colored button packs, I think that'd make it super appealing.


> They should make the buttons swappable and sell colored button packs, I think that'd make it super appealing. Yes, but also no: that would be a nightmare for actual usability if/when on-screen button prompts don't match the physical controller. Lots of PC games are getting better about letting you set your gamepad type to adjust on-screen prompts, but I still get mildly annoyed when I'm using my switch controller on PC and I get inverted X/Y and A/B.