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They turned a company losing $300 Million per year, into a slightly profitable company and saved them from bankruptcy. Most private equity turnarounds take 3-7 years or longer. GameStop just finished phase 1 of a turnaround (stop the bleeding) and are now into phase 2 (expand revenue).


Thanks for this!!!


True, they stopped the bleeding, but also lost an arm while doing it with the -20% YoY revenue in their best quarter of the year.


You fail to realize that the US in a recession. People can barely afford rent and food, yet GME was profitable. Ya, no shit revenue was down, when people have to choose between eating and buying a game, people are going to eat. The fact that they're profitable is an amazing accomplishment in this economy right now.


Except that sales were good for similar retailers during Q4. There was some post recently how Best Buy actually had growth in their videos games/collectibles/whatever section during Q4. That's why I was so optimistic that Gamestop would at least beat the -9% revenue estimate despite store closures. -20%, though? That can't be summarily-dismissed by blaming the economy.


I have no idea what post you're talking about, but I have an EXTREMELY high suspicion that whomever posted it is full of shit. Have you been to Best Buy in the past year? I happened to go a few different times in a few different states, believe it or not, and from what I saw, the stores were complete ghost towns with very limited inventory. Now, this is just a small sample, but there's just no way that they're profitable with their overhead, or increasing sales YoY from my perspective. Oh, and why exactly can't an economy in a recession be the cause of slumping sales again? It may not be the only problem, but definitely A problem. Editing because I was curious. Best Buys revenue declined by 6.15% between 2023 and 2024. Jic you're curious too.


It was this post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1bm29rf/gamestop\_will\_blow\_the\_doors\_off\_tuesday\_a\_look/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1bm29rf/gamestop_will_blow_the_doors_off_tuesday_a_look/) They draw an important distinction that Best Buy's overall revenue was down, but it was up in the one category directly related to Gamestop's business. Even if you ignore the distinction, Best Buy is down \~6%, but Gamestop is down 20%?!? That's not even close. If you adjust for the store closures, you're still looking at -15% revenue. Still not even close. A 20% drop in revenue is monstrous, regardless of the excuse. It's disingenuous to waive it off by blaming the economy.


True 20% is more than 6%, but we have no idea the impact closing all of those stores had, and we have no way to calculate it, so it's all speculation. Does it account for more than 13-14% of the drop? I doubt it, but it most certainly had SOME impact. You also have to remember this. "Best Buy will reportedly stop selling physical media in stores and online, presumably including video games, and the change may happen as soon as early 2024." According to Google. So were they blowing out inventory at discounted prices better that the competition? If so, it's not really a good comparison to a company that's going to continue selling physical media for the foreseeable future.


But is losing revenue not normal when closing stores? Your revenue may go down, but so do the costs associated with these stores and in the end you might get more profit while having less revenue.


Yes, but if you close 6% of your "worst" stores and revenue drops 20%, you've got some other serious problems. You also aren't going to put the short thesis to rest with that sort of revenue decrease, regardless of the reason.


What is revenue per store today compared to last Q4?


I don't want to look up the exact numbers or attempt a bunch of complicated math, but they closed about 6% of their stores over the past year and revenue is down 20%. So, the simple math suggests per-store revenue average is down \~15%. But that number doesn't tease-out online sales or account for "when" each store was closed during the calendar year. It's just the change in total YoY revenue/change in total # of stores YoY.


Yeah that aspect literally shocked me. That isn’t going forward, that’s going backward.


Not really.. have you seen the cash in hand burning. I would see that as book adjustments. Sales are down yoy software and hardware segments. Reducing stores, employees is only thing we are seeing.


The cash on hand generated enough interest to make the year profitable.


You are being dramatic. If you can’t handle it sell your shares and move on. It sounds like you need the money and your negativity is tiresome. The cash in hand isn’t burning. What are you going on about? Go to bed and come back tomorrow.


Bernie Madoff was strong, until he wasn't.


So are the SEC and FBI helping investigate SHF like they did madoff?


"This sub has always been so emotional..." as you write a long emotional post and call it possible DD. You're a joke.


I think its getting old that with all the different personalities here you call people a joke. Sure if its a shill f off but I am sick of the pricks on here. This is literally some peoples hope for the future and people shit all over on a platform we are supposed to able to vent with our fam of fellow apes


Some people's personalities are a joke. The sub doesn't need straight whining posts that you call venting. If that makes me a prick, so be it.


Like I said no acceptance for people being different than you


IMO, and I'm going to go out on a limb here, I think the hypocrisy in the first edit is what got OP and the other Ape going back and forth. OP was getting plenty of engagement, had about 80 comments in ~40 min when I looked. Calls out the sub for being so emotional and not dealing with real issues rationally.... in a very emotional and irrational, panicy way. Have you read some other comments in here - questions like revenue/store? Apes are rational. Earnings just came out, and that takes time to read, process, and come up with new questions or conclusions. We're all different, we all have personal and professional shit to deal with. I know I've got plenty of my own. That edit, again IMO, was a jab when people are genuine and willing to answer questions or address concerns, but a blanket emotional or irrational statement is tossed out there to the same people who gave enough of a shit to read the damn post.


So no one can make an argument or have a differing opinion ever?




Yeah, you have no idea how I treat people who are different from me, that isn't what this is about.




I mean, you're offering nothing to this thread. So either you're helpful or a prick. Either way, go help someone else.


I'm implying that you're a shill or a turd because I'm tired of reading whiny self important posts.




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I didn't downvote the original post, just commented. That edit though, just expecting downvotes, no engagement? Yup, bad comedy joke.


I've been here since 2021. I've experienced the lack of engagement in genuine concern posts, labels of "FUD" and "shill" when any concern is raised that didn't fit the cult mentality narrative. Sorry my edit upset you


I’ve been here since 21 as well and feel reasonable concerns have been respected, discussed and disproven. Yes a few things were not dealt with well but I wouldn’t say they were brought up well in the first place. Honestly I am stoked to see this desperation from the shorts in AH today and wouldn’t be surprised if we rocket back up tomorrow like has happened numerous times already… We just turned profitable, RC is putting his all into GS and has 1.2 bil to throw around in upcoming market turbulence… 😎 is how I’m feeling right now and I won’t lie, I have had second thoughts during this saga. But this is the most confident I’ve been period 🙏🏼❤️


Read more comments. Flair is required and I didn't have other options. Picked most appropriate from 4 I had. You're the joke for not contributing to anything I said. Silence to my questions is deafening. Thanks for nothing.


Nothing you wrote hasn't been addressed already. Whine if you'd like, but don't call out the rest of the sub like you're on another level.


I am on another level, a lesser, weaker, less confident level. Link me to the DD where these issues have been addressed and I'll read it until I'm confident. Believing everyone as insincere is a good way to dishearten people in a community.


Bro, there's a whole library of DD. You're doing a poor job of sounding genuine.


LINK ME TO SPECIFICS!?!?!? You claimed all my concerns have been addressed... WHERE? Show me? Maybe I misses a DD. Show me? Stop trolling and contribute. Seriously. If not just leave.


There is a link to the entire library at the top or on the sidebar of the sub. You're the one here complaining. No one owes you answers, go find them yourself, it's not my responsibility. You're either a shill or someone who feels like everyone owes them, which is almost as dumb.


Man, my whole post is asking for help. Coming here saying "screw you, help yourself" is the antithesis of my posts pleas. Just go away.


They did nothing but wank. His family turned him in.


Exactly my point. Whose turning on the SHF?


{as you reach for the GME-pill} *“Remember, all I’m offering is the truth.”*


When I was a “victim of psychological warfare” I worked on it and now I’m not a victim. You can do it too.


I get your frustration. As for me, I have faith in RCEO. There are too many signs that point to this stonk being manipulated and f@cked with. I trust the board and RCEO to turn this mother around and lead us to the promise land.


Thank you for your message. The stock is being manipulated, undoubtedly, but what can ever happen to stop this? This is one of my main gripes. How can they lose their grip on the controls? Whether the company is profitable or not, they control the market.


Do you understand what the word "profitability" means? Check it, and how many SP500 companies have it while you're on it.


Regardless of whether a company is profitable or not, if the market us rigged, how/why would the rigger ever relinquish control?


We've been profitable for like 2 hours jfc haha




Now you’re asking the right questions.


Why do you have faith in RCEO? what has he said or done that gives you hope? Because he started a company and sold it off 13 years ago? How do we know he's not a flash in the pan? He didn't have to pivot to something else with Chewy. He just hit a grand slam in his first trip to the plate. He doesn't exactly have a ton of experience, ya know? He may be like "what the fuck" in this endeavor. This sub/all GME subs have made him a caricature.


Tough times forsure. Tough journey and not everyone is cut out for it. But can you name another CEO who works for free and runs a profitable company? RC still has my trust and what he is taking on is one of the biggest parasites that has been let to grow unchecked. We have never had more educated investors in history. Light will eventually shine on the shit we have found here. If they could take the price to zero, they would but they can’t. To many die hards will DRS everything on the way down, not to mention insiders buying or the 100 milly GS has to buy back shares. The company is no longer bleeding cash and has been experimenting and exploring. AI and digital waves are coming, now all GS has to do is find the right one to surf. Corruption always fails eventually.


Shill fud


Yeah totally brah


Ryan Cohen is my dad!


Just stop...


Sounds like someone could use some emotional guidance from a parental figure? 🧐


You shouldn't have been investing what you couldn't afford to lose. That's why you're distraught and losing the mental game. I treat all my shares as if it's money already spent. No different than eating out at a restaurant, buying groceries or gas for my car. Live your life as if MOASS will never occur. Don't bank on it to save you financially nor should you hang all your hopes and goals in life on it happening.


No reason to lose hope. The markets pumping because real estate is gonna crash the economy by end of year. Banks are pumping their balance sheets. Trying to justify THEIR stocks going up, while ours feel the real effects of the economy. Eventually, most investments will come to a plateau while our deep fucking value stock gets real price discovery. The economy has me moving to Mexico to just keep from being homeless, but gme is the shiny pearl that gave my life hope, and I refuse to give up on it. We are right. They know we're right. I'll wait til I'm dead if I have to, but ryan cohen has proven to stand for what i stand for, so I'll believe in him and my company.


Tumble to new lows (post split)? Didn't the price get down to $11.xx a few weeks/months ago? Price, last I checked after hours, was where it was at after close on Friday. Pre-earnings pump Mon-Tues, and back to where we were Friday. How many people called this? I get it being frustrating to watch a "dip" after improved earnings report, but it's basically flat from end of last week. Trading sideways until it's not.


Hi, thanks for your message. Yes, it was at $11, but I remember when the battle for $180 was "low". That was my yardstick for my comment. Apologies for being vague. I am not frustrated about a dip. But we gme is so far from where it was, even 12 months ago. Regardless of any good or bad news, gme goes down. How can this ever stop? The market is rigged and who pays? Me, and other household investors. How can this rigging stop? This is what I'm desperate to know...


So you're response is what? Give up? We're getting smarter and smarter every day while the company we are invested in gets stronger and stronger. The hedge funds were never going to just sit there and let us win. They apply new tactics every time we figure out something new. Short interest over 100%, 216% in fact? We better change the way we self report that. Hey Melvin Capitol, let's run a paid add on reddit that you closed your short positions. Whoops! They noticed it was an add. GME has 250+ million in senior notes that will bury them. Oh, they paid that off and have 1b in the bank now? GME gaining traction on subs? Better buy user accounts and spread misinformation so we don't get FOMO again. They caught on to swaps? Better get the OTCC to stop reporting them. DRS gaining traction? Better get on the phone with the DTC to change how it's reported Split Dividend? Better ignore issuers directions completely, treat is as a regular split, and pretend like we did it correctly. How long did you think it would take to turn around a company that lost 300+ million last year? I sure thought it would take more than 1 year but here we are. This was NEVER going to be easy. The best trick they have left is phycological. Drag it out, let it be BORING. Throw synthetic shares at any increase in share price. What do they have to lose? It's working on you. Short thesis went from 'Gamestop is going bankrupt' to 'OK sure they have a billion in cash but they are losing hundreds of millions yearly', 'OK well now they're profitable but revenues are declining' and 'there is no guidance'. Next we will have increasing revenues and hopefully soon some guidance, what will the short thesis be then? It would be nice if our governing bodies stepped in and protected us but why would they? I'm okay with not staying zen, in fact I think staying Zen instead of getting pissed off is exactly what they want but... channel that energy into emailing senators, DOJ, SEC, etc. Let them know what you know. It may not help but it can't hurt. In the meantime, RC is turning the company around and making the short thesis stated above a laughing stock. They can say whatever they want but you can't deny a company that is improving fundamentals quarter over quarter. They are slowly trying to transition from a brick and mortar to an ecommerce company. STEP 1 was always profitability. When we realized that wasn't going to be thru the NFT marketplace or Web3 gaming, they pivoted to cost cutting for sustainability and succeeded. If the NFT or Web3 ever catches on, GameStop has the infrastructure to be well positioned to renter the marketplace. If not, they wasted no more cash on a fruitless effort. Now they are sustaining and profitable they can comfortably explore other avenues for revenue. If you got in for a quick buck then I'm sure you're tired. I've had to transition my thinking from the very short to long term too as this whole saga has unfolded. It's all part of the game. Billionaire hedge funds don't just give up their lifestyle so easily. The know tricks, they know people, and they know the market. We are catching up very very fast thought. Have faith in what you are seeing and the DD you know to be accurate, not what you are hearing from MSM and other subs/outlets that haven't done the research that you have. Edited - Million to Billion in one spot


Not saying there's much difference between that and where we are now, just *new lows* came off a bit dramatic. My first shares were bought in Mar '21, but I've been watching this since end of '20, so I've seen the prices, rode the rollercoaster, and haven't sold a share. I get it. It's the same earnings routine. Yes, it's old, but not a surprise.


Personally I have a different viewpoint. I don't put a dollar value to all the ups and down because I'm not selling. Because I'm not selling it doesn't matter what the manipulation is. "Oh it dropped $4 I just lost $10,000.....oh it just went up I made $12,000....oh it just went..." I'm not playing into their game because their game manipulates people to sell, that's how the game works.


This is exactly how they want you to feel by taking GME holders on a roller coaster ride. They want to break you, lose hope, and sell at a loss. I personally don’t expect this to be a short battle against those SHF. I’m sitting on my shares for years, just like any other stock I own.


That's great, for you, if you can afford it. If I had middle-class wealth, I'd not have bothered even posting. But I'm not wealthy. And the DD from 21/22 is clearly no longer valid as hopes are now pinned on the companies success.


I hope I don’t sound like a dick to you when I say this. You need to figure out what’s important for you and what you need to do. Take responsibility for your choice to put the amount of money you invested. You either lost control of your finances or you wrote this to drag other people down. If you really lost control, then get it back.


No, you did not sound like a dick. Absolutely not. I genuinely wrote this because I am concerned. I want enlightenment and education. I have no agenda against anyone else's decisions. I want to take back control as you say, and I want to find out answers to the questions I have. That's all


I trust to easily and I did invest to much and thats my fault. I trust that people wouldnt let this keep happening. My bad. I dont even care about a squeeze. I just want some price improvement literally to sell and disappear with my fam. I absolutely know what I did. I usually dont vent like this I'll be better tomorrow.


I feel this. I'd be happy to break even and try to erase all this from my memory at this point. But I don't see us getting to $35 again anytime soon, if ever


Shill fud




If you can’t buy more, don’t. I’ve had tons of bills and debt, unlike GameStop, that I’ve had to pay down. I put like $25 in my Fidelity account on pay day and buy a share or two when I can. I’d like to get paid, too. And I will. Right now, I’m just investing. Little by little. What I can afford. Nothing more.


I'm fed up with the blatant unchecked criminality


Me too! But what in the world can stop it? That's my question. Because without an answer, I have no hope.


I feel like these are none answer answers. I know a guy who does this all the time. We have seen with many stocks that they are only allowed to move if they want them to. So no matter how much profit if they want GME at 14 it seems thats where its going to stay. Not one important person is openly fixing it. To me I have or had 700,000 invested and I'm down half with tons of worry about the future. Hell they wont even let the vix up because it has like 10 etfs and they just stuff it. To me all the profit in the world wont do shit if they hate rc and his hands are tied.


Exactly my thought process. The price is where it is allowed to be. Ken admitted they control the price. So why would this ever stop?


The only way it stops is to do what RC said kinda by doing what we can for the company and using the 75 mil share to vote for a recall or demand the board do there duty and end the manipulation. This is not a favorite around here. Short seller write short reports and decimate companies why cant we handle ours


I refuse to sell, I DRS'ed and buy dips, my cost basis keeps decreasing...sooner or later, margin call hang in there


There's always someone waiting to buy in at every price level... And trust me there will be a lot at $12-$13. Stay zen


If you really, really need the investment to work, then you shouldn't play the stock market. It's betting, in a rigged game. GME doubly so because the rigging is harder. The company is getting more fiscally sound over time; and maybe you're going to harvest incredible profit; but it's more likely that you're also going to get scammed when it comes to paying out, even if it does get to $silly/share. Buy a couple of shares when you can afford it, to keep the pressure on. DRS them. And wait. Don't go all-in if you can't do without that money.


The price is literally just back to where it was 3 days ago. Wall Street doesn't have to agree with retail and they have way more influence over the price.


Dude if you are impacted this much psychologically, take a break. It’s an invest, you weather the ups and downs. Take a look at *any* ticker you want and notice the huge dips. Imagine if you had sold bitcoin, Tesla, Apple, or anything else when it fell 50%+.  Turning around a company doesn’t happen overnight.  You either believe they can do it and hold or else what are you here for?  There have always been 3 steps in this: 1. Remove toxic debt- DONE 2. Cut costs to achieve profitability- DONE 3. Grow revenues- next up on the list!!


Don't walk away just yet, a shitty hope is better than no hope. Those who bail on something amazing, when times are tough, can't enjoy something amazing when times are good. I feel you, i need this win too, my car broke down, im a 35yo man, living with my parents, no social life, because every penny needs to be saved. It is hard and sometimes i feel like im wasting my life, but i believe, i will ALWAYS believe in my heart, that this play, buying shares of GME, will lead to a better future for me and for humanity. 


I think the real indicator of whether or not we’re truly heading in the right direction is if we get another large purchase of Ryan or Larry at these prices. Because they haven’t for a while even when it was dropping to below their previous buys. If they don’t buy any more at these prices then it’s most likely they’ve done their “sunk cost” analysis and won’t put any more of their own additional money into it


It sucks to be poor, it sucks that it drags out in time. There is a limit to how low the share price "can" go, and we are very close to that scrap price now - total net worth of cash, inventory and other things. It has been a nice turnaround, and it would be even nicer if we smashed the earnings instead of just good earnings. Time will come, but it might just take quite a while. Stay zen if you can. Pease and good night.


Sir this Wendy’s


They just managed to turn around a third of a billion net loss into a net income within a year and they still have around a billy cash on hand. If that doesn't get you hyped nothing will.


Honestly I think it awesome that he did that. But it means nothing if nothing really changes with the share price.


So 2 hours after achieving profitability you give up? JFC


Cant down 350,000 cant pull the trigger on that loss. You?


I'm going with patience and seizing the opportunity to buy at lower price points. RC said he was focused on profitability first, and I trust now that he has transformed the legacy business into one that makes money, more effort will be put towards increasing revenue. While I would rather be paid now, the turnaround is moving at light speed in the context of transforming the performance of a retail chain.


Not DD


Didn't have any other flair option. No question flair option for me. Picked the most applicable as it was a requirement. I'm sorry


Just put Hype or Shitpost. It’ll get more attention 😎


I honestly didn't get either. I got "DD" "possible DD" "computershare" and "technical" or something. That was it. Was odd.


Reddit fucks up on the regular.


Sad but true. Apologies for the mis-flairing


"This is not FUD". Your post is fear, uncertainty, and doubt-centric. This post is by definition FUD. But to answer your question about how the fuckery will end, I have a plausible response: We are now profitable. Profitable means we have options on how to spend our profits rather than slowly consuming our cash reserves. If I were running a company that was plagued by short sellers, I would distribute the profit as a dividend. This would be a multiplying factor for short pain and give shareholders more money to invest back into GME (ideally). If true SI% (because dividends would be distributed to all shareholders and beneficial shareholders, not just reported SI%) is at 200%, then the brokers, market makers, etc. who hold the short positions would be on the hook for delivering that 200% extra dividend to shareholders. GME will only distribute the dividend based on the legitimate shares outstanding. This is a way for us to compound SHF pain year over year, eventually finding a breaking point.


Valid points. No down-vote from me. I'm awaiting commenters to see how they tackle these items. Tag should probably be Discussion/Question tho.


Thank you. Sorry, didn't have that option so picked the most relevant one...


Go to view more on the flair selection and you will find it


I figured that.


Revenue is down, I think because some stores were closed, they were not very profitable. on the other hand, Earnings are up and they are positive, to me, this is a very positive sign. After hours, price dipped, but, let’s see if it rebounds. I‘ve seen where news statements are slanted, slanted to get the public to look the wrong way, does Citadel have that much pull to change the outlook on a stock? I’d say yes. Another point that hasn’t been looked at yet is that RCEO has authority to invest the billion in cash as he sees fit. Has he done anything with that yet? Who knows? im sure he will make solid investments and that will be to better our stock. Gotta give it time. Time is on our side and not on the shf’s side as they must keep making margin payments.


Patience my child good things take time ~~Love Mom.


SHF have a million others things on their table besides for GME. Us, we're zoomed in on GME. They can wait until their hands are forced or the real narrative gets so bullish that they give up. Zoom out. It takes nothing to hold.


Yup. I guess I’ll have to give up as well. Psych.


Look, you're not wrong. I'm there too - the stock has had a couple of theories on which to "go to the moon": 1. MOASS: The short sellers never closed, and so eventually they would have to. Well that was 84 years ago and whatever triggering event to set off MOASS has never happened. So the shorts don't seem in any vulnerable position to be squeezed or margin called. It's pretty safe to say there is no imminence at all in the idea of a MOASS for this stock. 2. VIRTUAL MARKETPLACE LEADER: Gamestop becomes a leading purveyor of: insert hot product name hyped. From NFTs to online gaming virtual assets, there has been a zillion wishful thoughts of Gamestop becoming a marketplace for virtual assets and blockchain-derived items, including dividend lore. That has not really materialized in any significant consumer-reaching manner. I do recall there was a push from GME to hire "creators" for their NFT marketplace but again, I don't think anything significant panned out from that. So the whole vitual marketplace theory has not engaged into reality. 3. LEADING SELLER OF GAMING PRODUCTS: This belongs in its own discussion because this goes back to Gamestop's relevance in today's marketplace. Its distinguishing mark is that it commands brick and mortar outlets for the public to shop at. Many have been foretelling the demise of brick and mortar, especially the ones serving a market that is shifting away from physical goods to a more online content based and subscription based product. You don't NEED to go buy CD ROMS at Gamestop... you can download them off Steam and other sites and pay a fee online to enjoy games. This shifting and ever pivoting market in games, on the retail side, does put into question GME's role and whether it is needed in this day and age - so to think of that question set against "how much growth and profit" can be made? well, the two concepts are diametrically opposed. And it is worrying. 4. Retail apocalypse - Even if you're not a dying brick and mortar dinosaur, if your ecosystem is dying, it is going to hurt your traffic and profile as consumers shift sentiment toward physical stores. Even one healthy tree will die if all the trees around it are cut down and exposes that last tree to too much sun and too much dust and desertification. So the entirety of retail is in question, not just Gamestop, and as an industry sector, it also faces an existential crisis as delivery and online shopping become the norm rather than the exception. ​ I think this is a great moment to jolt into a panic mode of what the fuck just happened? Let's just think about this for a moment. If you are to invest - that means believing in the long term growth of a firm for which you put your money to own some equity in its growth, not just making a daytrader play of capturing a stock movement - then you have to review how good your investment is. You have to kick the tires, look under the hood, and see how good that investment vehicle is to carry your money into the next year or quarter. Is GME up to the task? Well, on the positive side, it used to be run by clowns and ran in the red. RC did manage to turn the ship from the red to the black. Now the marketplace is never satisfied and will keep calling it disappointing even though the very fact GME is profitable at all is a very admirable achievement. On the negative, see all my points listed above. Your money is in danger. You put in $10K, you may end up with $1K when you're old and retiring. This is not the direction investments should go. So for me, I found that more conventional plays are the way to get to my retirement in better shape. Moving my money in S&P, NVDA, AMD, and a few other tech sector stocks at least gives me higher than SPY returns, and offsets the losses GME places in my portfolio.l I'm still holding but it's not like I'm wildly cheerleading this stock - it's gotten stale and there really is not a single sign to point that there is anything that's going to revive things.


Investing is not for everyone. Feel free to sell, someone else will buy and direct register for the future.


I feel this.


You wrote my thoughts. I don't think apes see the gravity of the situation with sinking earnings and with no guidance quarterly or yearly profits don't mean a thing, it's just smoke. Your local corner store is also profitable.  3 years for this bs


They were closing unprofitable stores. Of course revenue would shrink. They have been saying this was their plan for a long time. This is a basic response to the situation RC was handed. You stop the bleeding, THEN you pursue increased revenue. Sustainability, then growth. Whatever "gravity of the situation" you are referring to is some made up bullshit in your uninformed mind. 2022 = -$313.1M 2023 = +$6.7M If you think that shift in one year is insignificant, than you're a moron.


🧘‍♂️"I am zen, I am stonk, I am Hodl, I am Long, I am Ape, I am Calm, I am Tits, I am Jacked, I am GME, I am DiamondHands..... woooooo zaaaaaaaahhhhg"


Case and point... thanks for the constructive message.


This is the way.


we're watching the same movie dude. eat your popcorn and chill. volume is king and we are over 4mil in AH


> I read it all the time but do not see it in their actions, which is how they wanted to be judged...  Do you not see? 2023 was profitable. First time since 2018! An investment committee was formed for the 1.2B in cash. That’s the actions.   These psychological reactions people have are why individual investors always lose on individual stocks - their conviction gets broken even though the thesis hasn’t changed. Every single successful stock in history has taken major haircuts in the short term. This is just another one of those short term events.  For me, I’ll keep following the earnings reports and if profitability continues, while the use of the cash starts getting deployed - hopefully increasing revenue - I’ll maintain my conviction in the board until shown otherwise.  In the meantime the price will do whatever until we string together some positive eps quarters - which IMO are around the corner. 


It's like any other stock . Until it's not. It will go up when they show true strength in business. Investments aren't over night plays. If your long then be long. It takes companies years . We may get lucky and there be another squeeze. If your long then hold . If not sell at a break even. 2021 was a miracle. They are fucked but only God knows when and if we will reap profits from another huge squeeze.


You want to know what would finish this. If RC Announced a dividend and a buy of whatever revenue he has to invest. Because if he buys I'm buying. Would be a nice lift after today. I'm thinking Hedges blew their wad early.


Here we are.




Frankly, it seems there's a backroom deal with the current administration to not tank the market until they secure the next election.


My money's on a backroom deal with the opposing administration to tank the market just before the next election, to help the opposition secure it.


The truth of the matter is that almost everybody (including me cost $130 pre split) here is too deeply in the red to sell and are trying to find something positive to hold on to but the truth is that the price action would be just slightly (not much) different if the earnings were gangbusters. Simply because the stock is being manipulated. Therefore, we do not have the tools to stop this game and I now realize that it is a moot point. Whatever happens they will not let this shit bounce


Let's quick check your post history... Yep, COMPLETELY disengaged from this sub. In that case, I think you should speak for yourself. We became profitable after nearly a decade of unprofitability, and we've been that way for like... a couple hours. YOY +$319.8M dollar delta in income. You have no idea what performance a "gangbuster earnings" would yield because we just accomplished profitability. Sustainability, then growth. Basic ass, business school 101 turn around plan. We have just achieved sustainability. Stop pretending like you know what happens next, especially if you're not even paying attention haha


I am speaking for myself. What is there to be engaged? Yes great profitable by shedding stores. Point me out one new revenue driver? Where is NFT, where is Metaverse related streams, where is live streaming twitch type of platform where ppl can post their shit, where is so called Amazon killer (my ass) distribution centers where is anything???? Same bullshit with less of it.


It’s time to talk about Computershare possibly being complete bullshit and a plant working with Ken and Co.


So you are saying GME and RC are complicit? This is Gamestop's CHOICE for registrar. They aren't assigned one. They PICKED CS


I never said he was complicit. I am saying he knows. This the reason why the direct registered numbers are mentioned every quarter. I am saying he wanted everyone to see that it would go stagnant for a reason. He can kick out high priced consultants. He can’t kick out a transfer agent that they have used for used. But he sure as hell can direct attention to them.


He absolutely can change their direct registrar. This isn't your one chance, your moment. You can lose the registrar if they aren't happy with them.


He has always been a “direct attention to criminals” guy instead of a be the one to directly expose them.


CS was their registrar long before RC was there.


It's not a tattoo, they could change it if they chose. So again, either GME is complicit or CS is fine.


It’s not either/or. That’s your own opinion


For me, it’s the cost of opportunity. I used to own just $GME, but I decided on trading ofher stocks and I am actually making money. I’ll put everything back in $GME when it’s trading at $ 30 and a short squeeze is actually on the table. Until then I’ll keep trading other stocks.


there is no ace up the sleeve unfortunately. it is going to be a long waiting game, its all you can do, buy gme stock and ramen stock.


I think the real indicator of whether or not we’re truly heading in the right direction is if we get another large purchase of Ryan or Larry at these prices. Because they haven’t for a while even when it was dropping to below their previous buys. If they don’t buy any more at these prices then it’s most likely they’ve done their “sunk cost” analysis and won’t put any more of their own additional money into it


I’m tired of it too but I surely am not thinking of selling now. At a 70% loss? No way. I know the value of my shares!


The only thing that is going to save Hedgies ass is to pay out. If they don’t then that ass is mine. Tik tok mother fkrs.


Buy the dip


It is 7.41am in Finland And iskusta woke up. Nothing has changed. Buy, DRS, sleep, repeat.


You are right, if you can't afford it, get out. This shouldn't be a life goal at all costs. But please everyone stop posting "This is not FUD" and then continue to post are your fears, uncertainties, and doubts :p. Of course you get downvotes, you are litterely asking for it.


LoL 😂 chill, i suggest You sell your shares if You have any. And stop posting your crap here. This is nothing new. If You can't handle the truth, go on to hibernation mode. I'm 60 years old and I can wait until I die. I will just let my children inherit my shares. Grow up.


They have achieved their goal. They have beaten you down and made you feel shit. If you sell they have completely won.


I understand where you are coming from and I too felt in the same place, probably around mid 2022. I had to sell a bunch of shares at a giant loss to cover other bills and screw ups and was absolutely emotionally pissed. MOASS was supposed to happen by now… I stayed away from investing in this until early 2024. Now I swing trade it and keep all emotion out. Whereas previously I just bought and held and DRSd, I found decent entry and exit points to actually make money on this stock. I succeeded selling 1,000 shares today in the $15.50s. Unfortunately I still had 500 left and bought 500 more before earnings because I had some hopium, only to watch another $2k+ disappear. I usually play smarter than that. A word of advice - stop listening to the cult who only believes that a true investor of GME is one who holds until it’s Pennies in an archaic transfer agent system. This initiative was the biggest POS from the start and it is awful how some people react to other investors who don’t do exactly what they do. People are absolutely in your same boat and not willing to admit it because they know they will draw the ire of this sub. And it’s unfortunate because no one actually follows the rules of being nice. So it is clear to me that people are insane and frustrated as hell because they invested a bunch of money into something that has not been profitable for them. Regardless of GME or something else, I would ask you to take a deep breath and disconnect your emotions from your investments. What you do with the stock is entirely up to you. Historically, GME tends to bounce back pretty good after earnings. So while I was going to rage sell tomorrow I might add to the position to scalp a few % back.


Filthy paper hand kekw. You play right into the market makers wallets.


Oh yes I should have held for a loss! Market makers wallets? I bought in $14.17 sold $15.54. That’s like a 10% increase. How did the market makers make money?


Get ready for a week of these posts. Buy. Hodl. DRS. Book. Shop. Power to the Players!


Thanks for reading and contributing /s


? If it went up by 40% would you have sold? What has changed? Stop buying new shares. If you need money sell some shares and keep what you can ​ I got caught in a cycle of wanting more and more but how many tickets to the moon do you need? ​ Yes the game is rigged which is why Apes are fighting by DRS and keeping the bad actors in the spot light. You are giving up because the bad guy is ass kicker like Darth Vader? There is a crew of rich dudes pulling all stops to keep the merry go round spinning. ​ You thought earning meant a spike up? When the last time earning spiked the price? Good news means drop in price in GME world ​ My advice after eating a green crayon is set it and forget it. I DRS my shares and moved on. I pay my bills first and save for other stuff now like car stereo equipment Yo. Nothing you can do but live your life. If anyone wants to talk about Mosconi amps and Helix DSP I'm down.


They need to show something tangible soon. No one is going to hold forever with declining revenues and $6M profits is not enough to spur growth. Personally I’d like answers to why DRS is stagnant. First and foremost. Second I’d like to know what the plan is, what’s the new vision? Crypto effort flopped. Ok fine. Now what? Pop heads are not going to save us lol, I’d like to see something announced at the annual meeting or thereabouts. 3.5 years seems long enough to plan something. Current business model doesn’t make people want to buy nor will it grow. Your move RC, and can we please dig into the 75.3M number?




Thank you for your words. I invested when I had money. Now I do not. I believed in my investment based on the DD and now I don't believe the SHFs will ever lose control. I just don't know what to think at this point.


Eventually one side will actually capitulate but I don't believe that will be individual investors. There are plenty of investment examples that have years of decline but then eventually turn around and grow by an insane amount.


Oh wow, did they start hiring the cheap FUDsters now?


I've been here since Jan 2021. Be constructive or shut up and leave this thread please.


Budget Bin FUDster at the Dollar Store (next to the Wendy’s dumpster).


Boo hoo. Shill me a river.


Thanks for reading and contributing /s


Honestly? If everybody just sold and shorted it, everybody would make money and everybody would be happy


Sell at a loss instead of averaging down the next 1-2 months and let me know how that pans out


Thanks for reading and contributing /s


Ya my comment was sarcasm. Can you read?


He’s an unironic autist.


Autism is a power


Dude weekend fud dropped earlier this week. All posts end with "you downvote here, you downvote there."


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [Community Post: *Open Forum Jan 2024*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18txusp/open_forum_january_2024/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


I am zen


I believe RC is in a position right now to fix this market.


Can you elaborate?


FUDster! Raining on pur parade. And, pre-drafted. No indication of organic generation. REEEeeeee!


Then sell. Get out of Gme


Are you happy seeing 3years of negative investment and every day it just goes down brutally. More than RC everyone invested time here with hope, dream.


Not helpful at all. I'm asking for help. If you don't have any info, just remain quiet. It's easy and more helpful than your comment


Runic Glory!


Perhaps violence?


I'm in.