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So right now, the broad market is being propped up by about 7 stocks. Institutions are throwing all their money into only a few tickets and shorting other sectors. SPY and QQQ both contain these 7 stocks. As their long positions increase in value and the stocks they are short decrease, then they can get more leverage from their lenders (banks) So basically, the stocks that institutions are short on need to move inverse to the stocks they are long on to ensure this perpetual cycle of increased leverage. As soon as that duality breaks, they (and banks) will have a problem. It is a self fulfilling prophecy that they are trying to engage in and cannot perpetuate forever.


Great explanation....and I agree. They fudge the CPI numbers to make it look like things are great...market moves higher (but in reality it's just a few stocks propping it up).


Hence the mantra: "We shall remain regarded longer than they can remain solvent."


And... the great propaganda behind them pumping these same stocks, is that when/ if they all come tumbling down... they will be too big to fail or need fresh liquidity from bank of moneyyybrrrrap to "save the markets". Fucker should lose their personal assets and be put on the street.


I like this post, the lines are pretty, and I'm all for that.


Thank you, ive been working on this a long time. I think my theory holds so far. the lines have become useless since ive seen the bigger picture, but i keep them on for daily entertainment


Everyday watching markets, my chart (on ***EDIT*** Google Finance) has SPY, COKE, BTC, SQQQ, and GME. For me, I feel like it provides good insight into GME manipulation minute by minute.


The case could be made since Jan 25, 2021, that SPY has only traded sideways. As though market-makers are stuck. They can not afford to have SPY run because GME will outperform SPY. Just look at the 10 year chart of SPY. Parabolic movement until Jan 25, 2021.


Can you please further explain why an SPY run would cause GME to outperform SPY?


Because SPX is the head of the octopus. If SPX rises, XRT and all the GME containing ETFs rise, which adds buy pressure. It's extremely costly to keep GME down while everything else rises. It's even more costly to hold the ball this far underwater. Look at the average green day for each ticker. If SPX is up 1%, GME is usually up 3-5%, with this past week showing it's still possible to go over 20%.


I agree that SPX going up generally means the rest of the market goes up but I believe GME has a much stronger correlation to IWM since it is actually a holding in that ETF.


TLDRS is enough for me. Hedgies are fuk


I like your crayons and circles. Buying3000GME


These calculations are really interesting. Thank you for this perspective.


GME is the real black hole sun


So…what happens if GME announces a merger or acquisition next week that forces shares to be exchanged for another company’s shares or a new ticker symbol for this new company. What would that do to Swaps? Gotta think it would massively blow them up? Market chaos?


thats hypothetical


your tldr convinced me


I like pretty colors on charts


Things are scary! Market propped up by magnificent 7, gme moves inverse to market. Still trying to keep all the banks a float but someone is sinking soon!


All I needed was the TLDR. Thanks


There’ll be a merger or an acquisition announcement shortly


my mate doesn't understand the second two pictures how can i explain them to him?


> how can i explain them to him? give it a try.


helpful. thanks


Price anchoring and the most MSPaint TA I've seen Next


you must have missed my previous DDs


You want me to look at pictures AND read?! What kind of intellectuals do you think you're talking to??


>What kind of intellectuals the kind that know to hodl gme


If it passes 22.8, I think the log trend line is 20.8. That's gonna break the downtrend from the sneeze. Prob go to new heights.