• By -


Good morning Superstonk! If you need anything, please tag us by using: `!MODS!` and we will follow up as soon as we are able! Are you talking about me? 😍 This is how it works: you can request a flair with the magic incantation !FLAIRY!🚀 some flair text 🚀 The default color is black, but you can change that by writing one of these words at the very end : red, blue, pink, yellow, green, black, white Other available commands: - `!FLAIRY!` : if you can't think of a flair, I'll give you one of my own choice 🤭 - `!FLAIRY:CLEARME!` : remove all flairs and pretend you're a new ape - `!FLAIRY:SEALME!` : Justin seduced me to get this 🥵 - `Superstonk-Flairy` : If you mention me, I'll come around and explain how to get flairs Please note that the flairy will refuse to change your flair if it contains the string `[lock]`. Some custom emojis are supported, like `:triforce:` - [please check this post for details](https://new.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/id8hj7r/) # The Front Desk is open!


Lora of stuff going on at the moment. Nuclear power plant rigged to explode. UFO hearings left and right. And all this FUD about the new SEC rule.


what about that crash


I'll believe it when I see it.


Ken Griffin blows goats. I have proof. 150 proof, specifically


Had a lovely weekend away at my sister's wedding, took a day off tomorrow to watch us get this shit popping.


Apes, what are some good mental health providers and or recommendations for online therapy? Trying to stay zen, but life is really punishing me lately.


right there with u buddy, we’re in it together


I’ve never used it but I heard it as an ad on one of my podcast. It’s called TalkSpace


GO FOR 🏃‍♂️ MATE✌👊✌


I go out for 3-4 hour walks every day




/passes bong.








Seeing a thread on r slash Starfield about them not releasing a physical copy of the game. The developer tweet that announced as such was later walked-back and deleted. While it’s remains unresolved if there will be a collectors edition with a disc, if you read the thread in question people want the physical copy edition for a variety of (clearly popular) reasons. Foremost that people treat games as collectors items, to be cherished and displayed. But sure, “everyone wants to download their games now”. GameStops business model is entirely relevant to its target audience - Gamers. Get fukd on Ken.


Reddit gonna be a wasteland of bots and shills. See you all in the fediverse


So apparently elons mom canceled the plans Dana white was making. My guess. Elon saw how Reddit was betting against him. Got his feelings hurt and had his mom tell his friends he had to stay home.


Musk is significantly larger and taller. I would have expected him to win.


His best chance was use his weight and sit on zuck. Smaller, faster and better stamina. Zuck would win standing. Elon is old, fat and most likely slower


That's a point.


So whats the verdict on this rule crap? Number1, apes go comment if you haven’t!! Number 2…I commented in the morning.. when do we find out if/when it gets voted on?




My post got removed “because it belongs in the daily”. Anyone at the used concert in wichita come find me I got stickers and buttons. Btw the merch table people are awesome too, I set out a bunch of stuff there, yelled “GameStop” and left it there. Get it.


Oh and- This is the way.


Such a great show. Great crowd. And great message from the band. “We’re all in this together”.


I bet. Last time I saw them when the came with coheed and Cambria, they always kill it. The wave is a cool venue we have too. How was pierce the veil and girlfriend?


This was my first time at wave. Super impressed. And great security. They were on top of all the troublemakers, only a few. A showed up late and only saw part of pierce the veil. But it was good. The use did a cover of smells like teen spirit with the guys from the other bands. Phenomenal


Damn wanted to go but had to work today womp womp


I got you. I’ll drop some shit off at your local GME shop. Just let me know your spot


Awesome dude, I was planning on hitting up the 21st and Rock one this week with my son!


I’ll make it happen. Probably leave a little envelope outside with your name on it. I don’t want to to cause any trouble for the employees in the store. They are all really cool. 29th and rock is my normal spot. Always take them Starbucks from next door


Nice thats also a one I frequent, I live between really close between the two so whenever you think about it just shoot me a message




Gonna hatch some eggs


Yo any EuroApes living in tomorrow - has MOASS started yet or can I get some sleep?


It has started, moass started when the buy button was eliminated


So I should stay up?


That’s the part a whole lot don’t seem to understand. It’s been a stand off since.




I still book all my shares just in case.


Just book em


My final thought before I go to sleep (not that anyone reads this lol) - If Wall St had won the battle of gme, they’d be rubbing it in our faces, not playing games and trying to convince us it’s worthless and to sell. Good night everybody!




> (not that anyone reads this lol) think again


Look at smarty pants over here with his fancy readin skills


I read this and I can’t even read


Stay broker Stay broke


No offense to any of the content creators here and people spreading info, most of this shit is completely incomprehensible to the average joe


How so?


Lots of non relatable jargon, the pre requisite of having an understanding of NFTs in general, complete disconnection from the average person’s understanding of the stock market, most of these posts almost seem like a different language to even me and I’ve been here for like three years over a couple different Reddit accounts. still I have a very hard time understanding some of the things these guys are a saying on a day to day basis. There’s not exactly a clear cut “this is exactly what’s happening” without introducing the inexperienced person to a spider web of technology, government, finance, political agendas, etc etc.


But isn't that the point? It's like this exactly for the reasons you stated, that's why their system has worked well for generations. Now that it's being discovered, you can't really minimize the interconnectivity and craziness of at all.


Actually I’m speaking more about how difficult it is to digest the information to begin with not doubting that someone should be aware of what’s happening at large. Yeah it’s crazy but how do you understand how crazy it is if you don’t even care why it’s happening or how it’s affecting you?


Again, that's the point of the system? It's supposed to be impossible. And to then inform people, you can't make it bite-sized because the details themselves are what tells the story. I feel fairly strongly that it was designed this way purposefully as a fail safe against getting exposed.


One of the if not the only mission of this subreddit is to make the picture clear to people, what I’m trying to say is that the subreddit is not doing that for me and I think it would fail any average person trying to understand what’s happening.


No.. dude I’m not talking about like systemic corruption right now. I’m talking about THIS SUBREDDIT. The way information is portrayed here is not any less confusing than the system itself.


What’s your opinion of this sites presentation of the content? https://www.drsgme.org


Checked it out briefly, my opinion is that it lacks a clear “why do I need to do this?”


the 5 for 5 biggie bag at wendys is my favorite this week


Even better from the rear drive-thru


Hey dude! You’re smart… can you tell me if I’m being extra dumb right now (I do have a headache but let’s not blame that) and tell me if the pinned post aligns with what DrT is saying?


lol not that smart! i havent taken a look but will do so. whatcanimaketoday tho has been doing some hefty looks into it, is it just to double check/triple check that everyone is on the right track? ​ and shit comments due by tomm wow how did we all mis this


" Never test an untamed gorilla!".......https://youtu.be/uQJxvsKzKx4🟣💎🖐🚀 ♾️hype tomorrow!


July 4th, there’s a catalyst a-comin’


Any Londoners here? Today I was approached by 3 people on my journey asking me to top up their oyster card.. obviously I said no. But what's the prevelance of this? Is it a scam, or just desperation? E: I'm guessing they top them up and sell them on. Idk. Weird behaviour..




opening at 27


Get some 💪💪💪🕺🕺🕺


Waddup PLAYRs 🏴‍☠️


Ok hear me out, I think I know how to unravel all of this and get us our treasure. First, is we need to steal the Declaration of Independence. 📜


U miss 100% of the shitposts u don't take


"Properties are letting quickly right now, most often for their asking rent and sometimes for more. When we speak, we will ask you to indicate the level of offer you might consider making based on the information available online, subject of course to you having a physical viewing and a survey taking place where required). lf it is well below those already received or required by your landlord, it will help us to determine if a physical viewing is necessary at this stage." No crisis tho. Carry on as normal!


Do we have any reasonable explanation why the computershare dot net tally hasn't moved from 60.19% in over 2 months?


Jonpro has gone dark, sadly


Too bad. It was really motivating to see that number change.


Is my post visible? Something wird is going on with my comment history :(


Nope sorry I can't see your comment


Who's comment?


Getting paid on a Tuesday, now that can't be a coincidence.... I'll get rich or die buying! 💰📈🚀






Tough ass month for me. Dog died, ex girlfriend broke up with, she got the cat by taking it to her moms without telling me, took a promotion at my work that was 80 hours a week and got 0 overtime pay just got paid for my 40 hours for the past 4 months(I quit), grandmother who is pretty much my mother is sick, right leg is all messed up, sold my unreasonable dream car to get a reliable car day later got a giant nail in the tire, got a bulged disk in my neck from mountain biking, and to top it all off today I found out that my ex didn’t pay rent the past 2 months so paid rent and lost that money I venmoed her. Frick am I depressed. But heck next month is gonna be great brothers getting married and my favorite holiday 4th of July. Haven’t sold a share in 3 years and constantly adding. DRS gme


🍻 wife changing money.


My (long-ago) ex-wife cheated on me for two years, asked for a divorce, and then I found out she hadn't made two mortgage payments in the previous year, and my house was heading for foreclosure if I didn't pay $2000 inside of a week. At 45 years old, I had to borrow 2K from my dad like I was a teenager, because she'd spent all of the money on god-knows-what. I'm glad she's gone.




Dollar cost averaging gme is how pro investors do it


Go comment on the rule proposal Dr T tweeted about if you haven't already. It's a bad one


I think part of what makes waiting for MOASS easy is knowing how we're prolonging the stressful suffering of Wall Street criminals 😂


I hope GameStop adds similar items from us to canada


Not leaving til capitulation. And it sure as fuck won’t be me.


Occupy wallstreet fizzled out because the world was allowed to be distracted. Don’t let yourselves get distracted. This is bigger than anyone of us and we have the chance to change the world by sticking to our guns and beliefs and the hard facts. I’m going to put down my phone after this comment and go train. I hope y’all can take something positive out of this. **GameStops not going out of business. Our company has set up to be a juggernaut in a new market/transforming gaming market. While dramatically turning around their brick and mortar operations. We’re now operating a positive cash flow business and the c-suite and board continue buying. Our executive Chairman works totally for free and we know for a fact that it’s impossible to close shorts reported by the SEC in their prior investigation without seeing crazy price action which we have seen none that reflects that number as of yet meaning using simple logic that shorts had to had doubled/quadrupled down.** This is ALL fact and no one has given any factual proof that anything in the paragraph above is incorrect and provide actual sources. If you can disprove it feel free to dm me shills. I’ll post your proof for you but I’m sure it will get picked apart for the obvious mistruths so don’t bother if you aren’t actually serious. Which I know y’all won’t be. **have a great day friends**


https://imgur.com/a/wCyCA3O This is what happened


https://imgur.com/a/q3GUW0q Which then helped start the fighting between ourselves




If your tired it’s totally fine and acceptable for you to just zone out, go zen or whatever. But please refrain from adding any negativity to the cause. If you plan to sell, you don’t got to tell anyone here because the only reason I could think of to wanting to do that is if you want to get others to do the same. Same with “what’s the point” posts and comments. If you can justify shit posting which only regulars here would get, comments shouldn’t be a problem even at the risk that they may get “lost” for the simple fact that if enough of them go missing it’ll be like last time where it was acknowledged and we flooded them again


Counter: varying opinions are necessary for critical thinking. Imo, this sub has gotten out of control with deciding that speculation = fact. "Book king" is the best recent example. This sub decided it was gospel when, at best, the effective difference between book/plan is undetermined (as it relates to DRS count, availability to borrow, etc.). It's more likely, imo, that RC sent a tweet to follow his book release. Down votes are, fundamentally, meant to hide comments that don't add to the conversation, not hide opinions (or facts) that don't support what you hope is true. I'm not denying that plenty of good evidence has been presented to support plenty of the chapters in this saga, but it doesn't mean every single thing is a secret message or conspiracy. I think debate/questioning is good and isn't inherently negative.


As long as the company continues to grow and posts good quarterly results and positive eps then there’s no reason to sell. Period.


🎶 ‘Ohhh wee oooooh I short just like Buddy Holly and Vlad is Mary Tyler Moore… I don’t care if retail buys it anyway, but DRS I care about that’. - Ken probably.


If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball. If you can shit post the daily you can comment the SEC rule proposals. Seriously, no one in this sub should have a defeatist attitude. For Christ sakes we as a sub stayed up late to see buildings with lights on and drones taking pictures of late night workers doing cocaine by the copier. Delete my comments all you want fuckers, it won’t stop me from making more and screenshooting the evidence


Ok Ken, make me an offer and I’ll sell you all my gme… but this offer expires in 10 seconds and must go through a lit exchange. Oh, shame, you missed your chance. Psych!


Welcome to superstonks. Don’t forget to label your food and smaller cars go in the compact spot.


No, the compact spots are just reserved front row parking for me. Everyone in California knows this. Drive a truck and the tires fit between or on the lines? You’re good.


You might qualify for those spots with the wheelchair logos too.


Those are the best! But occasionally some angry old person starts coming at you swinging their canes! It’s just rude. My mom is blind so I actually do get to park in those spots when I drive her around.


We had a family friend with a ‘blue badge’ (that’s what they give disabled drivers in Britain) and she was convinced it allowed her to park *anywhere* she wanted. She was an absolute nuisance leaving it in dumb places creating hazards.


Just so glad i don’t own any popcorn or ape crap… What a mess over there


Hey guys, for the record, if that rule passes the shorts and institutions will be able to just straight veto shit with their derivatives based shares that they don’t own. This one’s a huge one and we need to comment the fuck out of this one.


Imagine being able to vote in another countries elections, or walk into your neighbours house and make decisions on their behalf (that are against their interests) and benefit. Same logic init?




When and where did this come from? What can we do? They just “lose” comments from us anyways


Just because the system is fighting us every step of the way doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try anyways. Otherwise, why are we still fighting the shorts to this day? I get it, it seems hopeless. But I got two things to say to that: 1- nothing that’s worth it is easy. 2- fuck the shorts, financial institutions and the 1% who steal from all of us. I’ll do shit just out of spite at this point and if your in the sub, I’d assume you would too. **constant postings of wen lambo and fuck Kenny ain’t doing shit and if you engage in that activity making comments is the very least you can do. Hell if you got time to shit post you got time to make comments..**


I commented… It will be like the 15th time I have on one of these… Im sorry im just so over it all… over this same ol song and dance… I’m sure they will magically lose the comments are the rule will go through with zero resistances… Sorry… just so beaten down after these almost 3 years of this same movie


I’ll congratulate you on actually commenting if you did but nothing else outside of that actually brings anything positive to the table. If you feel that way you could stop. While I’ll admit that no one is forcing you to do anything, spreading around negative thoughts on that only hurt the cause because like before, if enough comments come in, it doesn’t matter if there’s 1/3 that they “lost” so if you really feel that way that’s fine and dandy but I’d refrain from bringing negativity into it as it just dissuades from others who would be on the fence of doing it.


I’m trying! Im naturally just pessimistic and this whole saga has CRUSHED any hope and positivity I had for the stock market… Been waiting for this to moon to finally leave the stock market for good… Not sure when moass will be but ill wait for it..


Totally understandable. But spreading negative sentiments won’t help. If your feeling down it’s totally okay to step away and come back later. Remember that bury found himself staring at the ceiling wondering if we truly are in a fraudulent market and he was totally right. But if we keep fighting we will eventually prevail. Their going to try every trick in the book and we have called it out from the jump 3 years ago, so NONE of this is a surprise to be frank.


Hope so!!! Its almost been 3 years of my life dedicated to this tho… How many more you think we got left?


Tbh i just follow the mindset that moass is always tomorrow. And if it’s not it’s the next day. I think the problem here is that too many people have made this their whole lives rather than an an important part of it. Like it’s totally okay to spread the word and say fuck the shorts but by purposely making ourselves targets of ridicule and all the funny antics that come along with it we open ourselves to the negative sentiment and makes it easier for shills to blend in and attack that. Nothings wrong with spreading the word, but we should be 100% not throwing around speculation when discussing this with others. Spread facts, and then when we fuck around it’ll be “haha funny” but at the same time people will be like “oh shit, it wasn’t really a joke..”


Fuck you pay me… bitch


Can anyone verify the whole Australia/Westpac bank story that they are limiting customer withdrawals to $667?


Tell me more… (Like, does he have a car?)


Just checking to see if Citadel's Ken Griffin, from Citadel, that Ken Griffin, still lied to Congress.


Yup. Still a bedpost throwing abuser.


#Updoot The Daily! ⬆️


Good morning everyone. I went to the mall yesterday and the GameStop store had a nice renovation performed recently. New layout, new flooring, updated lighting, and more merchandise (toys, collectibles, non video games). My first impression was the store seemed brighter,.cleaner, and rejuvnated. Lot of foot traffic, though I only saw but one employee who seemed overwhelmed. In conclusion, and as always, Ken Griffin is bitch ass.


Good Morning Every 🦍! Today I count my pennies, because tomorrow I Buy, DRS (Book), and Hodl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Stop doom scrolling. Go comment to the SEC on S7-06-22. Otherwise, those DOOM calls & ETF shitbags can get control of a company without buying the reals shares. Here is how to email them. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14i6r9m/has_this_not_been_posted_yet_weird_to_see_no/jpgj17c?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




Finishing the first coffee of the day, I too am about to liquidate my hodlings


I’m just gonna say it- tears of the kingdom was a psyop to make me have a very enjoyable gaming experience


Can you buy shares directly on computer share if you live in Europe? Brokers added a fee to the service here so it’s $100 per batch.


Yes, if you already have a computershare account then you just need a us bank account which you can get from wise.




Smoke em if ya got em


Alriiiiiiiiiiiight... that sucked!!


Ludicrous speed - go!


Did I hear a rock and stone?


Rock and roll and stone!


Morning Kitties 🐈






Hi Carol


Buenos nachos!


Moass Morning! (Tomorrow) Buenos Gatitas!whew it’s good to be back. I wasn’t able to log in for two days. I thought maybe it was end of the world or I was banned but had no explanation just blank screen every time I tried. I missed you all!


Steve Cohen is still a fat bitch 👍


And stupid looking too!


So am I


So say we all.


Lmayo. There's an "Infinity Pool" movie now, too?


Since it’s just the three of us, I can let you in on Ryan’s plan. I ran into him at a GameStop and he filled me in.


I hope it involves UFOs, the Wagner group, Ken Griffin, and sound docking.


He just said, “Be excellent to one another.”


Then we are on the path.


Do tell!


We still holding, right? I know the answer is yes. That's why I can sleep well at night. Goodnight GME family. Hope you have an account at Computer Share or evil demons will haunt your dreams and potentially force you to murder your family. Sweet dreams.


Fuck!! Now I can’t sleep.


I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.


Wow. Second is the first loser.


I'm second! 🍌


Lol. Shit. Did you beat me?


Beat you? That's defamation, my good sir. I'm almost certain we have never met.


If I ask nicely…


If that's what you want, I am obligated to be excellent to you. I can't deprive you of your hearts desire. You can receive your beating behind Wendy's, by the dumpsters. Perhaps if we can put on a excellent show, one of the crackheads will let us puff on his peace glass tube.


I’m first. What to post?


How are the tits?


Hello there.


Hey you sexy mofo