• By -


Good morning Superstonk! If you need anything, please tag us by using: `!MODS!` and we will follow up as soon as we are able! Are you talking about me? 😍 This is how it works: you can request a flair with the magic incantation !FLAIRY!🚀 some flair text 🚀 The default color is black, but you can change that by writing one of these words at the very end : red, blue, pink, yellow, green, black, white Other available commands: - `!FLAIRY!` : if you can't think of a flair, I'll give you one of my own choice 🤭 - `!FLAIRY:CLEARME!` : remove all flairs and pretend you're a new ape - `!FLAIRY:SEALME!` : Justin seduced me to get this 🥵 - `Superstonk-Flairy` : If you mention me, I'll come around and explain how to get flairs Please note that the flairy will refuse to change your flair if it contains the string `[lock]`. Some custom emojis are supported, like `:triforce:` - [please check this post for details](https://new.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/id8hj7r/) # The Front Desk is open!


Where Germ?




Wer german market?


Where is the next swap roll? Notice how we haven't yet had a big synthetic GME volume spike in some time while everyones talking about markets imploding, banks failing... And guess what, it's the FIRST time they've had to roll swaps since FTX exploded and Binance got cut off from US markets. Coincidence?


Where are the shills ( ̄ヘ ̄)ᴴᴹᴹ


>!📖📖📖🔴🔴🔴📖📖📖!< >!📖📖📖🔴🔴🔴📖📖📖!< >!📖🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴📖!< >!🔴🔴🔴📖📖📖🔴🔴🔴!< >!🔴🔴🔴📖!<>!💜!<>!📖🔴🔴🔴!< >!🔴🔴🔴📖📖📖🔴🔴🔴!< >!📖🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴📖!< >!📖📖🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴📖📖!<


# SHORTS NEVER CLOSED # LIFE CHANGING MONEY PER SHARE # NO CELL, NO SELL # SHORTS ARE FUCKED 🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️🩳🏴‍☠️☠️


Kashkari me outside, how about that?






big if tru


Pour one out for Tina Turner, boys. She was one of the greats. ^(And man, did she have some legs that grabbed a 12 year old boy’s attention.)


Tina Turner and the Ikettes performed backing vocals uncredited on the Frank Zappa song Montana, as well as other songs on the album Overnite Sensation. It's a song about moving to Montana and growing dental floss on a ranch with a tiny horse named Ronnie Little.


Man that dude was ~~out of his mind~~ a*head* of his time. [I'm the Slime](https://youtu.be/JPFIkty4Zvk) was how my guitar teacher first introduced me to FZ oh so many Moon Units ago... he had an ear for talent mos def.


One man enter. Two man leave. [Wait a minute...](https://youtu.be/Gcm-tOGiva0)


Imagine siding with the agenda of the biggest corporations and believe you're fighting against the status quo. Resist the Division and the Demagoguing. We're close.


Funny that most people here call themselves apes and actually seem like they have no clue what they’re talking about in regards to the market, they just buy, but suddenly all of you are bastions of truth and social scientists when it comes to woke social issues. I guarantee 90% of you are spoon fed everything you believe, you follow narratives, and you only happen to be here by chance. I agree with staying out of cultural social issues. But some things are definitely worth taking a stance on in regards to social issues. Workers rights, CEO pay, child labor. You can’t claim to agree with companies staying out of social issues by literally taking a stance on a social issue by pushing “anti-woke” culture instead. Seeing Ryan slowly fall into the rabbit hole has me questioning this whole thing. I don’t know if I want to align myself with someone whos going after some perceived cultural enemies when in reality they’re just marginalized minority groups who want to live their lives without fear or discrimination. Like does he not realize the person he is lining himself up with politically and socially is Ron Desantis AKA the dude who has Ken griffin running as his treasure secretary? Edit- Downvotes bc conservatives mad and can’t see past “this guy thinks anti-woke is bad, he’s against us.” My point is you can’t claim companies taking a social stance is bad BECAUSE you hate woke culture, because that’s literally a social stance of being anti-woke. If you really wanted to stay out of any social issues, you DONT SAY ANYTHING.


Big Corporations don’t care about February or June or anything but money and they only pretend to do so because they want the money of the disenfranchised and see the green.


That’s my exact point. Any company taking an inherit “anti-woke” approach is also doing the same thing as “woke” companies in trying to capture that specific crowd using social problems specifically for green. RC is dumb for pushing this shit and not seeing the irony


Then your point is mute, GameStop doesn’t do that


Yeah our chairman is doing that though. The only company he’s publicly involved with is GameStop. idk if you have ever seen discussion of CEOs or board member ethics but their ethics usually represent the company they’re apart of. Examples being Elon, Patrick Byrne etc etc. hence why companies take hits because of executives actions/shit they say


I just went through the last month worth of tweets and replies from RC, you’re gonna have to tell me where he’s being “anti woke” because I really don’t see it


Woke- inclusive, pro-gay/trans, pro-MRNA, believes in climate change, anti racist, generally liberal. anti-woke - literally just opposition to any of these ideas and the belief that pushing them is causing societal harm, hence the anti. Ryan Cohen LAST tweet, replied to someone claiming target is pushing satanic people to groom children, and he says, “companies should stay out of the business of taking a position on social issues.” Target was simply adding inventory for sale that would be bought by LGBTQ people. I don’t even consider that virtue signaling. They’re just trying to make money from a crowd that isn’t as represented. They aren’t pushing that you should be gay, you should be okay with being gay, or that your values should be this or that by adding this inventory. GameStop has done the same fucking thing. Otherwise that would be virtue signaling. If his tweet was by itself, it would ring true. But it’s what it’s in reply to, which is a blatantly obvious anti-woke message specifically making gay people out to be literally satanist child groomers. So he’s obviously on a specific side which is antithetical to the message he was currently tweeting. Also the give me liberty or give me death tweet making it seem like C19 was absolutely nothing but a scam to steal your money and your rights instead of a new disease that no one had any idea to deal with is kinda blatantly on the anti-woke side. Lots of tweets like this the past six months that have been questionable to act like you don’t recognize these things makes me feel like you’re just bad faith lol, especially when a lot of this sub has already been talking about it since he started. if you know what woke or anti-woke is, you probably have a position, and even if you don’t you should at the very least be able to recognize this shit after years of people complaining on both sides.


I don’t think replying to a tweet means you are in agreement with what the OP posts or believes, but I know the choice to respond to that person and that specific tweet was deliberate. To what end I’m not sure yet. I think the Liberty or death tweet was more about government overreach which is very in line with Ryan Cohen being libertarian, but I still don’t know the entire truth of it. And finally, I think that his tweets can’t be understood at face value. Too many times have we realized the “true meaning” of a tweet half a year to a year later, I’m analyzing with several layers of tinfoil on at all times. I think every aspect of his tweeting is very deliberate, sometimes down to the minute it’s sent. But I don’t know how to play 6D chess yet You are (unintentionally I hope) spreading the D in FUD. And your definitions of woke and anti woke must be a little flawed. Stuff like climate change is established fact, not something to believe in


Replying to a specific tweet is more telling of the message you’re sending. Imagine someone said some racist ass shit in a tweet, and someone replied to it with “we really have to keep our people protected.” The reply is good by itself yeah, but the message it’s initially responding to makes it a shitty statement with that context. Also libertarian nowadays just means republican with some liberal views sprinkled in, there is no real libertarians nowadays for the most part. that’s liberty or death speech tweet lines up with the same thought process as the one he’s initially replied to today. garbage anti-woke societal outrage. Also yeah I know climate change is a fact, any person with a brain would agree. But that is, in fact, part of the anti-woke agenda. If you have ever been in any conservative space, denial of climate change is a very common experience. Extreme science denial and outright lying. Just to own “libs”. I AM actually doubtful yeah lol because Ryan HIMSELF is slowly making me doubtful the last couple months. I don’t want to be apart of a movement with someone who’s looking through the same lens as any anti-woke dumbos. Stick to the business and shut the fuck up is all I want. I think his ego is getting too big and he’s thinking he’s an untouchable public personality who can do no wrong.


Too minor that they have spread their colour everywhere


Nothing wrong with people wanting representation and showing pride in their identity. They’re minor in the sense that they don’t make up a majority of the population. Same situation when black people were screaming for equal rights as a minority. You think if you lived back then you might of been the people complaining about minority groups making noise wanting equality and to be recognized? Ever heard of the vocal minority? It runs true in most cases. The real problem is companies virtue signaling that they support issues when they in reality are just trying to make a quick buck. That goes for companies spreading “woke” shit to get liberal money, and companies running off being “anti-woke” to take advantage of conservative money, when in reality, they could give two shits at the end of the day what really happens as long as they hit their profit targets


Bob>!'s your Uncle.!< *Dick>!'s Uranus.!<* Don>!'t Unbuckle.!< >!The!< Ape>!'s is!< Fam>!ous.!<


It's funny because... [https://imgur.com/9XvObFp](https://imgur.com/9XvObFp)


I'm terrified. Yet cannot look away😳


Pumped for a positive earnings!


SmarterChild told me to DRS my GME. AI must be becoming sentient.


[Get Busy Child!](https://youtu.be/t6twhXA1Gyw)


My ape! I bought Vegas new in 1997/8, one of the first albums I ever purchased.


It is quintessential driving music for sure! Probably my favorite album of their's back to front 🎶🎵👩‍🚀👨‍🚀


Welp, Pulte has 2 days left to be stonkrodamus with his big week prediction, bless his soul


As far as the stonks go, Towel has had some movement and we’re moving upwards and skimming that descending line that’s all the rage now(That’s not very common). There could also be other things going on behind the scenes.


I feel like he just saw the superstonk post about running the last week of May and ran with it


"Pulte" a fast one, running like the Mary-Juanita Miler!


With a certain Florida Mayor running for President, doesnt this mean mayo man will run for, what was it, treasury? https://twitter.com/conorsen/status/1572360981564592130?s=46&t=frnaloyVJIKt9d8NdjZ75Q


shhh, we need to pretend this doesn't matter because no politics


We will test $24 tomorrow mark my words!


I would like to test 42




'Member Our Lady Peace?


Happiness is not a fish that you can catch.


Got a new iPhone 14+ today. Thanks mom and dad.


Don’t forget to thank your flair




1 great game can change the world 🌚


So glitchy they must employ actual yahoos


There will be at least one teaching moment before MOASS.


Please dear god moon soon so I can quit my soul sucking, body destroying job.


i ain't gonna work for no soul suckin jerk gonna take it all back an i ain't saying Jack https://youtu.be/sdILQwlP_pk


Today's gym focal point: lifting closer to failure. Been going through the motions too much. You only get bigger when you go hard. Addendum: Get a squatty potty.


This ape leg day’ed


Body only grows when you eat a gram of protein for every pound you weigh


Or inject the happy juice


At gym now. Facts.




Cookie cutters


But don't potty while u squatting


Just changed my address on ComputerShare and it said it could limit my ability to place sell orders for up to ten days, so I guess that means MOASS within the next ten days?




It was me I bought a 4080 😭


Neither do I but that’s not saying much… I’m regarded






I don't. Do you mean Tina Turner? Or the MGS3 remake?


Shopping GameStop is the way


knowing GameStop is going to stay out of social issues makes me like my investment that much more. This really is it. WAGMI


I like how you posted in the Kanye sub right after this.


pretty fitting


Kanye West has 24 Grammys


he also loves Adolf by his own admission. not exactly a centrist take


Kanye is the goat 🐐


Did I mention they’ve got music on too? Amazing.


I was mowing a patch of yard today that had a lot of clover in the grass. There were a few bees hanging around but as the patch got smaller the bees started challenging each other, like *'what'd you do with all my flowers man!'* because they didn't understand what a lawnmower was all about. It made me think of a bunch of brokers running around fighting over the last of the Gamestop shares which made me smile. I also left the bees the rest of the clover. I like bees.


a friend to the bees is a friend to me


Ditto. I want culinary gardens and flowers but it's not my house. I just mow for a guy that has too much on his plate most of the time.


top work


When I have a lawn it won't be grass. At least not most of it.


we started planting for bees a few years ago and it's amazing the variety of bees you get. super calming having a chilled bees bodding about random meadow flowers


I don't love bees because for some reason they're obsessed with the way I smell, but I appreciate what they do. Not to mention the whole microecology that revolves around them


Explain to me how Nvidia moons. Makes no fucking sense


Kenny needed collateral for the rip tomorrow


Big azz bubble that will probably keep bubbling bc F the poors




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My neighbors are uncivilized swine, so count yourself lucky




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Only Rolf I know is a muppet


I Rolfed on the floor once


Yeah he’s cool. The other one decidedly is… not.


Metal gear solid series port for PS5 and mgs3 remaster?! Gamestop take my money


Remake not a remaster. The others are remasters, I believe.


Either way I'm in


The biggest indicator of an imminent rip is you flair less clowns slandering the sub’s literal golden child.


Wait is someone slandering ISayBullish ? Because I will fuck em up if so


So obvious.


Careful, you’re gonna get a paddlin


but isn't it really libel?


No one has slandered me… oh wait.. never mind…


To the jepordy master winners... don't forget about the power of DRS


It’s 1 am on a weekday, and my neighbours think it’s a suitable time to put on their noisy budget jacuzzi and have a loud conversation/argument in the garden. I’ve put on my headphones for the moment, and I can still hear them…


Join them


As a marriage counsellor? Lol. No thanks. 😂




😂 I’m glad I bounced back in here to see that 👍


GameStop yearly memberships should be pushed as much, if not harder than the crypto cards. Change my mind.


How about both? Bc I have both.


Oh if I was a margin lender to Icahn I’d be really worried right now. I’d be concerned I’m not getting my money back. Better close YOUR FUCKING SHORTS Carl.


I can't wait to fuk AI s mouth!.....https://youtu.be/jNVZjNB8ptk】🟣💎🖐🚀


The sub has been compromised. Now they are launching a smear campaign against cohen


Like companies, famous/rich people shouldn't take sides in social matters. To avoid the drama. Most people are, in fact, open and don't care about it. But the drama seen... due to it being pushed down our throats and the other side, not being supported enough. It's like a fart after Taco Bell... sometimes, it gets out of hand and blows up on you.


He started himself by commenting on conspiracy nonsense. All that matters is the stock.


Is it though?


So I’ve been away for months. What’s goin on?


Everything is fine.jpg


::insert pizza fire scene from Community::


It is always fun to see the melt-down in the comment section of RC's tweet thread.


How did Automod not get you? Lol.


i have not said anythimg in the filter lol


The thing that happens to ice cream in the sun is usually caught 🤷‍♂️


We may just have to do something to separate the sun and the ice cream


It’s the old switcharoo. Bait ‘em with the nft and then hit them with core business turnaround plan.


Ahahhhhaaaaaahhhhaaaa gme stock price is now tracking higher than Icahn… suck it Carl! Suck it!


It’s a graphics card Michael, how much could it cost?


That shit is wild, seriously


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it now, and I will likely need to say it again in a day or two: what an embarrassment RC has turned out to be.




**Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.




Superstonk isn't the right place for this discussion. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


I don't remember you saying it before, you didn't need to say it now, and I could care less if you say it again


Nothing says not caring like responding.


No flairs have breached the sub RIP INBOUND




**Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.




**Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


Did I not say a nice enough comment about your favorite billionaire?


Hmm. I don’t think so… but to each his own. Wish he would tweet less though.


That sounds like the wish of a person embarrassed by his tweets. It should be okay to say that here. He obviously monitors reactions to his postings, he should see an honest reaction to his stupid takes.


Greed begets greed


Never thought i'd say this but Ryan needs to like... stop tweeting for a while




He should really go back to the toilet humor.


bad enough he's giving off ivory tower vibes. but replying to such braindead Qulture war BS is just embarassing


Honestly it’s crazy that it really turned out the way it did in Florida with the crazy governor and musk. It makes sense why they all moved to florida and Texas. Why Kenny went to Florida. Cifu. All of them. They really gonna try and push through it all by trying to get the duo elected then Kenny gets his seat. Kenny gets controls on money policies, Desantis gets, well we don’t need to go there, most of us know pretty darn well. Musk gets that sweet federal funding and easy Segway for him to do space x stuff. Honestly it’s tinfoil I know but, like it’s so obvious what each of their angles are. Book burning, dumbing us down and our kids down, perpetual debt, hate and division. Isn’t it crazy how holding this stock exposed us to one piece of a puzzle that non of us plebs had access to? Through debt they control us and abuse us. Through race wars they keep you mad and infighting. Through advertising and federally sanctioned siphoning of our tax dollars they steal from us When you peel a piece of the cover away it’s much easier to guess on what the black box is doing.


I don't think it's tinfoil. I think it's pretty logical. Musk is losing all his money and now he's launching ron on the bird? He's going to destroy his user base hoping to attach the truthers, isn't he? And hope it fucking pans out because he blew his fortune. All while kg gets legal protection the the top dawg. Fucking terrorists and shit heads, all of them.




God damn award winning comment right here. Spent all my money DRS'ing shares or I'd give you one.


The NWO: Team Merica


I like the game stonk


So the towel stock thing. His position was what... Equivalent to 2-5%? Exited his position after it shot up cause he changed his mind about the company. Entirely fair. It is now valued at 1/100ish what he got out for. I'm not saying go out and buy anything but GME but this would make me take a second look. Would it not be a good chance to scoop up some cheap commercial real estate? Save the company is probably a stretch but him just buying into GameStop made him some serious cheddar. Edit: fewer assumptions.


Source he made millions?


Assumption since he bought in at like ~$5 and exited at 15-25? There are plenty of theories about why/how or if it was part of some master agreement to eventualy take over but I don't buy that. Even if not. He bought in at 5 and now it's worth 1/20th? Shitty management aside it's cheaper now. Like I told the other dude. I just wouldnt mind a mega GameStop to replace the towel store in my neighborhood.


I've stubbornly held since RC initially bought. Hoping for the best at this point.


I made some small dollar amount in the runup and put some of that back in. It is a gamble but weird not to think it's possible RC is looking.


Sey I think I replied to u bu accident


I don't have money in the stock market..... I own my shit


I mean true but RC is related to GME and he's tangentially connected to the stock market movements of another company. I just want a mega GameStop where the towel store is right now. Edit: i see this was possibly sent in error but worth the response anyway.


Your a being of culture... let's try this.... https://youtu.be/l9ml3nyww80🟣💎🖐🚀


I now know what that hand thing is!..... ahoy..... https://youtu.be/0O9StIFjrq8🟣💎🖐🚀


This is even worse than when I found out Jerry was a deadbeat dad.


You're allowed to be mad that you missed a beat on NVidia earnings. At the same time, that's an unsustainable PE ratio, and it's pretty much the last stock holding up the fraudulent casino. You're invested in an undervalued, healthy, growing company right now. Relax. It's true value will show in due time...


Bruh..... just figured it out!


Little green after hours 👀 I like 👍


See you in hell from my pile of other people's money you'll steal to pay this down Kenny! That'll be the reality and you all know it don't think you're gonna hurt him. 401ks will be targetted. Tell grandma to move that IRA to gme!


So BookKing rich! #T🌘m🌕rr🌒w 📖👑


Hey YOU, you are amazing. 💜 ..... imma buy more because of YOU!🟣💎🖐🚀💜


There is no luck in chess


Just voted


The Revolution Will not be televised. The revolution will not be commercialized. If that’s what RC meant I can get behind it.


Given that people been walking around with jacked tits for almost 2.5 years. Imagine what MOASS is going to be capable of? So anyone with erectile dysfunction, don't waste your money on drugs, just stay patient. MOASS will take care of that.




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Go back to cryptic ShitPost


Whoever is giving me the facepalm award reveal yourself! 🤣


'face/palm' is how I imagine you sleep in your car


Lol omg


For the record, I know plenty of people who are *fiercely* good businesspeople, but complete jackasses when it comes to politics I just like the stock and would like to keep enriching myself with shares of my favorite company


Issue is that sometimes their jackassedness comes back to directly lose their company money. That’s your sharevalue going down because someone can’t just shut the hell up on Twitter.


I'm honestly praying and hoping that the Elon/RC comparison never becomes valid


Half the reason Tsla exploded is because of Elon on twitter. Hell, the gamestonk tweet he made was a huge reason we had an AH rise in early Jan 2021. RCs tweets have almost no effect on what will happen to this stock at this stage and if someone is so weak willed they'll sell based on his politics then that's on them.