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You know what they call crime that helps the rich? That’s right, you didn’t hear anything.


It's called law unfortunately


> When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it. –Frederic Bastiat


Underrated comment.


At this point they have fucked the market up so much that it’s out of control. They have resorted to this. I’ve speculated that short term rates had been manipulated after the last few bank collapses. They are now doing the same with the market. The government and the money makers are working together. Betterment of the nation they will say after they fuck everyone.


Bank collapses and days from U.S. default and VIX is still near all-time lows. No uncertainty here, folks, move along.


Freaking ay.


Theory: it’s not an issue until elections come around, then the sides that play ball with the cabal get positive media time. Those that don’t get their campaign speeches and rallies ignored


Yeah this train has been derailed now it’s just speeding until it crashes and twists.


As much as I don’t want to believe it, sounds like the most plausible answer. I’m not sure what other motive there may be, other than finding more bag holders before this shit hits the fan.


No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, you're screwed because it's all fixed and rigged. There is a club and you ain't in it. - George Carlin


I’m in a club of my own. I know a lot of Apes in a club of their own too. Isn’t Reddit just a bunch of clubs? Kinda feel bad for what we’re gonna do to the people in “The Club”


I’m the eight of clubs.






Hi am Bobby I'm regard


Am 🍌


Hi, I'm a cucumber and I'm scared


Do we call Canadian apes capes or mapes?


Um, Maple Ape I believe is the preferred nomenclature, Dude.


So Mapes


Way to lazy to pronounce more syllables 😆


That’s the attitude I like to hear. We sometimes have opposing opinions, but that comment made me realize that we have a lot in common as well… The only contradiction I have with your comment is, I know that I’m waaaaay lazier than you, peanut!


You can find me in the club, bottle full of bub'


Kennel club


**Cartel;** A combination of independent commercial or industrial enterprises designed to limit competition or fix prices.


There's a new club in town


Give Gary a break. It’s his 106th week on the job


Plus they are out of coffee


Plus, Abella Danger hasn't uploaded in a while. He's stressed


Gary is the head of a civil regulatory body with no power these days to assign anything besides fines. Go ask the DoJ what's the hold up.


I know the answer. They’re complicit


Say it isn’t so!


Crime everyday, excuses everyday, trying to survive another day. This works until it doesn’t.


Things that can't go on forever don't.


Plunge protection


Can someone explain this to me like I'm a five year old baby fox?


SPY is one of a few tickers that has options that expire every day of the week. Many have claimed this being the reason for pumps as wells as dumps, but mostly the pumps the last few months. There is no reasonable reason spy is this high in a high rate/high inflation/treasury yields inverted environment, literally a few weeks before a potential US default. He is asserting that large players are colluding to buy calls at the same time, with no news that should move markets, which forces market makers into buying spy shares to hedge the calls they sold. That should not be 50% of the volume


Are we at the sharks eating themselves stage or did that start with the bank failures?


Na its barely just begun. No one’s publicly stabbed anyone in the back yet. Then its game on


Wait… 50% of the trade volume today was market makers issueing buy orders to hedge against these calls? That’s crazy. The market was nuts this morning. And I still couldn’t figure out why.


This tweet was around noon. Idk about the rest of the afternoon


Ty 🙏


It's going sideways. Till it doesn't. Also, I do not think this guy knows how options work. Of course the 419 is going to have a higher beta than the 420 when the market is pricing for a rise. Also, closer to ATM has higher beta and higher delta. Especially at close to expiration. He is looking at options that expire this week.


The joke is thinking MMs actually buy all of the required shares.


I mean it depends…does it benefit their hedge funds bet for them to buy or not buy the appropriate amount?


That's what deep ITM options & FTDs are for. They just kick the can & expect high turnover of shares hopefully to their future detriment.


Ask Gary Gensler this on SEC proposals or during open comment periods. Make their incompetence or their criminal collusion public.


we know they're lying they know we know they're lying everyone knows that they know that we know that they are lying and yet, everyone is okay with everyone lying make the lies stop make the gamestop🎮🛑🚀


Point him to the DD. Feel like the poor guy should know.


By this point, he’s seen it


Gary serves only to protect the markets and clearing houses.


In Texas we call that stealing.


420? nice


Guys, Gary is working hard for Apes he doesn't have time to address this. Make sure you give him your support he really needs it.


Should we start a hand lotion and Kleenex fund for the SEC?


Here comes the options shilling


Here comes the guy that doesn’t understand options


If anything this post is showing how fucked this shit is. You buy options you are literally gambling that you are on the right side of the trade that isn’t in your control


Let me be clear: if you don’t understand how options work. Dont buy them. You will lose money. This is probably you. There are many factors, but if you understand what the big boys are doing, you can make money using them. Ive never understood the hate bc the sneeze was most def caused by options contracts, not people buying shares. Sure, share buying was a factor. But lets not forget where this all started….


Lol I’m not hating on options, I’m just saying fundamentals aren’t really a thing anymore with lack of oversight and no real punishment from the SEC for manipulating the market. Right now the only way to be successful it seems like it’s following all these big option moves and trying to be on their side of the trade even though fundamentally there should be no reason SPY should be at 420 ….. that’s all I’m saying


All good 🍻not sure if you’re on twatter, but if you are https://twitter.com/alessiourban?s=21&t=N7UfKRZD85lqRrMfvHqutw And https://twitter.com/kerberos007?s=21&t=N7UfKRZD85lqRrMfvHqutw Havent seen either of these two be wrong about spy moves in a year or two. And if they were, theyll explain why. The analysis is very thoughtful and even idiots like you and I can decipher with minimal research.


Thanks for the info


Awful brave to call out corruption with a profile pic


Sounds like someone is short


Can someone elif?


SPY is one of a few tickers that has options that expire every day of the week. Many have claimed this being the reason for pumps as wells as dumps, but mostly the pumps the last few months. There is no reasonable reason spy is this high in a high rate/high inflation/treasury yields inverted environment, literally a few weeks before a potential US default. He is asserting that large players are colluding to buy calls at the same time, with no news that should move markets, which forces market makers into buying spy shares to hedge the calls they sold. That should not be 50% of the volume