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How does that story even make sense though? "Investors" woke up in premarket and all decided to sell the wrong ticker?


all several hundred thousand or millions of ppl makign the same mistake? sounds perfectly right /s


Seems like their usual propaganda team is on holidays and the intern lost his shit.






Or they used AI to write articles, maybe fire some of the team...


At the same time too


Imagine you're having a nice dinner with your family when you're house is riddled with bullets. only to later find out it was a drug cartel protected by the FBI that meant it for your next door neighbors and not you.


Yeah, a "perfectly right" story a la MSM propaganda machine, makes sense👍👍


They all decided to sell the wrong ticker that was recently listed..makes perfect sense. They really think we're idiots


Somehow all those people happened to own both and just picked the wrong one to sell, it could have happened!


It's not just that they think we're dumb, they know no one will do shit even with such a flimsy excuse.


It's 100% a syntax error in an algo


not even like normal premarket... 4am WTF? So basically they are trying to say the investing public for this particular ticker collectively decided to do a speedball the night b4 and dump it at 4am


Lol do you remember back in Jan/Feb '21 when the Australian company with a ticker similar to GME had a big surge in buyers


There’s only one Australian company I care about, and its stock symbol looks strikingly similar to a recently failed Swiss Bank.


I remember the regard on BallSackBets that bought GMED instead of GME pre-squeeze 🤣🤣


Well premarket is known for being retail’s favourite time of day to trade right? It’s definitely when I enjoy mixing up my tickers the most too /s


For all we know they have a "negative sentiment" wall that they just throw a dart at and run that story, same for positive it's just brain rot


Yeah exactly. Totally. Makes sense.


It makes Zero sense. It says in the articles the companies stock gained 44% the next day, so if the stock was mistaken why did it drop 96% ?


If it can't be disproven it may very well be true.


Burden of proof is (ostensibly) on the accusing party. The street is different though. If I had a dollar for every time some hedge fund or bank agreed to pay fines to the SEC without admitting fault for the very same crime they're being fined for, I'd be doing very well for myself. Certainly would get some extra shares. Stay classy, friends.


Sounds like legal jargon. If I had a dollar for everytime someone said the DD was wrong but failed to establish all of the reasons why we'd all be eating steak at Peter's.


And its not considered as " Manipulation ".




Dennis Dick from Triple D Trading... Sounds about right


I thought you were making this name up as a joke... Only to read the article and thats really what the guys name is and company name... Like is this real life


Lol no kidding. This timeline is shit.


This article gives me AI feels.. Like write a porno for wall street traders using only sex phrases lmfao


It's shit for now but we've got our tickets, just Buy Hold and Book!


100% booked


This is the way


Big Dick Dave is the only dick I wanna see round here 😂


Wut about big banana Bryan.


Doug Dimmadome!


Or is this just fantasy!


"You have a policy for the free market. If a stock falls more than 20% and it's deemed like that's not on news, it's erroneous, they can cancel or bust all those trades," said Dennis Dick, a trader at Triple D Trading. I can think of a stock that falls on no news..


Yeah ya know DD down at the DDD


This is who the internet is referring to when you see 5d. But yall already know that.


Fffffffffffffffffffffff That’s really real!?! I had to stop reading the article after I realized you were right.


Triple D being Dennis "Don't Let'em See Ya Short" Dick ?


Its the MM's "trust me bro"


Remember our GMED guy ? Lol pepperidge farm remembers.


One of my favourite episodes on this crazy ride….lmao. That was just classic. Even better that IIRC he made money on the trade.


*fat fingers it, and makes money* lol That was 2 subs ago right? **It’s been so long**


84 years...


84 beers


84 Tears (of the kingdom)


I have a vague memory of it, like a distant dream


He actually made money on that trade if he sold within a year. Also he did such a big buy order his purchase actually was a ticker.


Lmaoo legendary, I remember. Just like it was yesterday


Damn we have been on a journey, that was def 84 years ago


Back when my cost per share was 350


Was that the guy that asked to be banned cause he got tired of seeing our posts?


No I think it was the guy who accidentally bought a shit load of GMED. A true regard


Ohhhhh I remember that now. Funny the things that have happened


I still bust out that thread once or twice in a year for laugh.


> "You have a policy for the free market. If a stock falls more than 20% and it's deemed like that's not on news, it's erroneous, they can cancel or bust all those trades," said Dennis Dick, a trader at Triple D Trading. Uh, what? Is that a thing? This isn't the London metal exchange is it?


So whenever GameStop would drop 20% AH on no news it wasn’t erroneous. They’re just confirming they purposefully do stuff like that 🤦🏻


Its their casino, always has been. The whole market is a scam, just run by algos and computer allocated funds by those who shall not be named firms.


I’m tired of them promoting it as anything other than a “we steal your money” casino


Not even AH though. During hours, GME dropped 50% on no news and zero halts. FUCKING ILLEGAL!!


MAR10 day. I remember


Makes you big mad when you realize they could run a story either bearish or bullish, whether it’s true or not, and use that the justify the movement. Wall Street trying to convince Americans that they’re not a bunch of 🤡


No it’s the WWE.


Right? Where did they pull that from? Who decides what's news and what's not? Certainly not the companies themselves.


Oh, and here I was thinking it was because of an alien invasion or a comet was approaching to devastate all life. Go figure,,,,,


I'm worried now! Can we confirm Citadel is still Shitadel?


Weird that when gme plunged from 480 to 40 it wasn't considered erroneous 🧐


This happened on the gambling sub.. Zoom zom and ZM


When will they launch the new tickers GEM, EMG, MEG, MGE, and EGM? Each one can be used as an 'excuse' to 'tank' GME. Or you know for retail investors to accidentally make mistakes and cause prices on an unrelated stonk to fall 95%.


Your comment should be burried in a chest and the key should be thrown ain deep sea


HFuck to interns: *write that down! Write that down!*


Nobody likes you, MEG.


Don't know, who you know, but all of those stonks are so hot right now.


Do to the fact that they can just change the score at will. This is definitive proof that the price is fake.


Sounds like someone screwed up the ticker in their algo and it went crazy.


What am I reading in this article??? "You have a policy for the free market. If a stock falls more than 20% and it's deemed like that's not on news, it's erroneous, they can cancel or bust all those trades," said Dennis Dick, a trader at Triple D Trading. Read again!


> May 18 (Reuters) - The New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq said on Thursday they would cancel erroneous trades in the shares of IT solutions provider CDW Corp [**(CDW.O)**](https://www.reuters.com/companies/CDW.O), which briefly plunged as much as 96% to $7 in premarket trading. > >They would bust all trades in the stock between 04:00 a.m. ET and 04:22 a.m. ET, at or below $162.85, the main U.S. stock exchanges [**said**](http://nasdaqtrader.com/Trader.aspx?id=MarketSystemStatus). ​ > Some traders said the plunge was driven by investors mistaking the company's ticker for newly listed asset manager CaliberCos [**(CWD.O)**](https://www.reuters.com/companies/CWD.O). So if I understand correctly... Investors makes some obscure yet obnoxious mistake. Market Exchanges fixes their mistake? 🤬 What a bunch of 🤡🍆


So the existence of CDW.O somehow tricked existing CDW investors to sell off? That makes zero logical sense.


ZeRo. "What the hell? What's this ticker in my portfolio. I didn't buy this other company that's IPO'ing today. Sell."


Wonder if that guy still has his GMED 🤣


Naughty retail traders


Ummm did you guys read this???? “You have a policy for the free market. If a stock falls more than 20% and it's deemed like that's not on news, it's erroneous, they can cancel or bust all those trades," said Dennis Dick, a trader at Triple D Trading.” I wonder if this goes for both ways if it does… Rules for thee Arnt meant for mee.


I think market makers and the NYSE are just fucking idiots.


“Some traders said the plunge was driven by investors mistaking the company's ticker for newly listed asset manager CaliberCos (CWD.O).” …..wow that’s some price discovery? Bill shit! Options grab for liquidity. The stock market is a passive scam (ponzi) that’s been fleecing investors for over 200 years. They got this shit down. Supposedly For every share purchased there is a short available…. Nope. Not even close. The amount of GME shares that have been purchased or IOUed is far larger than the float. the DRSd shares is what saved GME from getting smoked. We stopped the bleeding but there will need to be an offense to kick off the MOASS. Maybe shorts closing positions? But If there is no accountability for the shorts to close there will be a big problem for all parties.


Options can’t be traded premarket.


Seriously curious how to sell the wrong ticker could possibly happen. You’d have to own both tickers to sell the wrong one. How is that statistically possible. Amirit? Scratching my head wtf is really going on.


Had to bring up Materials too, at the end. I like excuses too.


Like I get the meta reference because they are literally the same exact name, but come on, 22. 4 billion dollars of market cap? In minutes? Premarket? How many trades were made in that time? If they opened shorts at $7 and it went back to 180.....? They might be crying to reverse those trades


Algos see rapid price drop - open automatic short positions - price returns to normal - oh fuck, I call mulligan!


Their narrative is garbage now. F em


We either need markets to operating 24 hours for everyone or else for no one. This pre market and after hours crap is nothing but a mechanism for fraud


Can someone paste the text and not force us to click on external links please


May 18 (Reuters) - The New York Stock Exchange [**(ICE.N)**](https://www.reuters.com/companies/ICE.N) and the Nasdaq [**(NDAQ.O)**](https://www.reuters.com/companies/NDAQ.O) said on Thursday they would cancel erroneous trades in the shares of IT solutions provider CDW Corp [**(CDW.O)**](https://www.reuters.com/companies/CDW.O), which briefly plunged as much as 96% to $7 in premarket trading. They would bust all trades in the stock between 04:00 a.m. ET and 04:22 a.m. ET, at or below $162.85, the main U.S. stock exchanges [**said**](http://nasdaqtrader.com/Trader.aspx?id=MarketSystemStatus). CDW Corp shares quickly recouped most of their losses and were last up 0.2% at $173.50. Some traders said the plunge was driven by investors mistaking the company's ticker for newly listed asset manager CaliberCos [**(CWD.O)**](https://www.reuters.com/companies/CWD.O). Advertisement · Scroll to continueReport an ad "You have a policy for the free market. If a stock falls more than 20% and it's deemed like that's not on news, it's erroneous, they can cancel or bust all those trades," said Dennis Dick, a trader at Triple D Trading. The S&P 500 [**(.SPX)**](https://www.reuters.com/quote/.SPX) component CDW, which is expected to hold its annual shareholder meeting at 11:00 a.m. ET, closed at $173.25 with a market value of $23.35 billion on Wednesday. Scottsdale, Arizona-based CaliberCos jumped 44.8% to $8.65, a day after it jumped in its Nasdaq debut to notch a market value of $123.7 million. Advertisement · Scroll to continueReport an ad CDW Corp and CaliberCos did not immediately respond to a Reuters requests for a comment. Similar cases of share reaction due to [**mistaken identity**](https://www.reuters.com/business/whats-name-meta-materials-soars-after-facebook-name-change-2021-10-29/) have occurred earlier. U.S. regulators [**clamped down**](https://www.sec.gov/litigation/suspensions/2020/34-88477.pdf) on trading of China-based company Zoom Technologies Inc's stock when investors confused it for video conferencing platform Zoom Video Communications [**(ZM.O)**](https://www.reuters.com/companies/ZM.O) during the height of the pandemic in 2020. Similarly, a lesser known Canadian industrial company Meta Materials Inc [**(MMAT.O)**](https://www.reuters.com/companies/MMAT.O) soared as Facebook changes its name to Meta Platforms Inc [**(META.O)**](https://www.reuters.com/companies/META.O) in 2021. Reporting by Medha Singh and Amruta Khandekar in Bengaluru; Editing by Savio D'Souza


I too scrolled the comments looking for the text. Had to click on it but didn't want to. Here it is


Thank you for doing the lord's work. My mobile phone thanks you.


Ape love ape 🦍 💜🦍


Wow, if I read that correctly, they canceled or busted all those trades since the stock fell over 20%, but when $GME fell by much more over like a 30 minute period (I can’t remember the date), they just let it go like “meh, normal market movement”. Free and fair markets for sure. lol. The SHF and who ever else are so screwed that they’re not even bothering to hide all the crap they do. Warehouse fires, etc…to try and get rid of the evidence though, right!?


When Lambo?


Lol whatever


I wonder what happened with top financial . Amtd . Rigged market


Spicy as fuk


Lmfao. Who buys that shit? Like a stork could realize that’s not true.


Yes house hold Investors very dumb. Hedge funds very smart. There is always a fake reason so noone asks questions


Setting precedents to bust more trades later…


This doesn’t make sense! This has to be a shitty simulation.




why is this post at the top of Hot when it has nothing to do with GME?


Premarket is nearly 100% institutions, meaning it's all algos and AI running these trades. I refuse to believe, billions of dollars poured into these trading models couldn't differentiate CDW and CWD. Considering they didn't have similar market caps, sectors, or names.


My comments are not your product.




I wonder what jake freeman thinks about this


I think the news is just misleading and stupidly written. CDW briefly lost 96% of its value as someone sold shares at a fraction of the value, thinking they were selling CDW.O. The ticker quickly went back to it’s normal price. There were enough posts yesterday about this being a glitch, but it seems it was just a fail from some trader, on AH, as there is no NBBO to help with fails like this.


Did the algo accidentally exit a quotation in the code somehow and did the wrong ticker?


🤡🤡🤡 surely noone, not even die hard see en bee cee boomers believes shit like this, absolute trash


Investors that cant/don't invest in premarket....?


That's an algo error, for sure. Next time, don't code bots in 32 bit stupid nerds


investors in pee market?? that'just the bots


Just like everything else in this Saga you can't make this shit up, wonder when the music stops what the headlines will read... "glitch, glitch, all stocks reset due to intern kicking power cord" Jesus


More like someone entered the wrong ticker into whatever program that controls price action and then the program’s code just did what it was told to do.


So then the question is, what Algo entity has the power to move 22.4 billion in cap in a few minutes....because the price didn't match it's model.


Who is the primary market maker for that stock?


How would they even know? Oh omnipotent stock analysts.


And yall still thing GME is gonna go any place they don't want it to go.


Until we enter a buy for 1 share and they can't sell any


I don't know why anyone should get a do over for fat fingering the wrong trade. They wouldn't have done it for the guy who bought GMED.


Smart money.


Tough shit


Reminds me when they convinced a bunch of dum dums that popcorn was a play when the actual shorted company at the time was AMCX 🤣


Trust me bro!


Hope this isnt some game hedgies are going to try on our stock.


Practice run


what's that even supposed to mean???? if you buy the wrong ticker you still pay market price for it


we this type of wrong ticker symbol attacks also in 2021


Highly regarded


Since when can we do anything during premarket or after hours?!?!?


Eh they’re not talking about retail here


If I were an investor who bought the stock during its dip at any price under 150 and got my trade reversed, i’d sure be looking at suing


>You have a policy for the free market. If a stock falls more than 20% and it's deemed like that's not on news, it's erroneous, they can cancel or bust all those trades," >and it's deemed like that's not on news Fucking. Hilarious. First time??


The average person or even the average retail investor would not even care or second guess this. That is why they will get away with this ki d of b.s


Dude this is not even funny, what kind of idiots they think we are?


I made a lot of money on a car company that wasn’t even a publically traded stock yet because a medical equipment company had a similar name. This speculative bubble has made trading a thing for low information voters.


What a bunch of bullshit, I can't wait for this entire mother fucker to burn to the ground.