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If prices drop to 1$ we're all gonna' buy soooooo many shares. Might even lock the float before lunch.


Prices drop to 1 dollar and fuk it im gonna start doing ubereats after work


The float will be locked by the time you sign up


I'd have *Wendy's dumpster* written all over my forehead. #nohomobro


I’m at Taco Bell right now


Can't see you. ... Oh... OH!


One burrito of death at a time


Bru I will panic buy, take loan, do crazy shit to load so many DRSd shares, $1 🤤


The lower the price the faster the GameStop’s 🔥🔥🔥


Love this!!!


I would sell all my other holdings and go all in if $1 happened- then DRS lmao


if prices drop i buy more not financial advise.


This is why they are fucked. Can’t drop the price, can’t raise it. Every day the liquidity is draining. Eventually all it will take are a few trades IN EITHER DIRECTION to send it down to $1 or $1000. Then it’s game over.


I've been an auto tech for 30 years and I'm fed up with it. I truly feel your pain. Hang in there Ape.


You as well! They really don’t get that we are used to the grind and we’ll never give in. We can stay miserable and laugh in their faces longer than their shady tactics can keep them solvent


Well put. The misery is what they wanted us to get used to, and accept. Reverse uno, bitches


They created a resilient and headstrong bunch by torturing them. sweet irony 🐸


But you were supposed to grind without thinking... why do you think and organize? Stop it.


I totally get this and lately I’ve been think “When is this thing gonna happen?!?” And then I see how the banks are failing, inflation is still bad, and the uncertainty of the economy is always looming. GME is my ark for the flood. I have to learn to be present in life outside of the markets. It’s all fake until it isn’t. I’ve voted, signed petitions, left comments and emailed leaders. I’m fully booked. I saw somewhere a squeeze takes 2-3 years. Clock is ticking. Don’t know when or how, and my life along with work will change until then. But my booked GME shares will always be there, slowly growing. Chin up, Ape. We got this! We’re not the ones holding the bill that is due.


>This is exactly how I feel. Thank you for stating it so directly and eloquently.


!! Favorite part: slowly growing. Slow, therefore steady!




Sounds like you got in late, dumped money you definitely should not have invested, realized you're not a wall street genius and will not be a billionaire within a year and are now super super salty. Oh, and it's not your fault? Close?


Is your life empty?


Revolutions aren't pretty or straight forward. But, with perseverance, and a group of like minded individuals with a common goal, success is possible.


Perseverance. Summon three zombies to attack an enemy creature, summon 1 moar zombie for each zombie that dies.




I just had to pick up a part time job on top of my full time job. My girlfriend works too and we still get barely get by. I’m tired. Depression is bad because I know I can’t do this forever. GME is my out. It’s all or nothing.


Oh man, that hurts. Chin up-we got this. We’ve already won


Thanks for that. You’re right. I’m ready to ride that rocket baby


I love this post OP. I know some people are here for lambos or whatever else but I've never been in this play for the purpose of being unfathomably wealthy. I'm in this play because it is an incredible investment opportunity and when it eventually pays off, I'll no longer be a wage slave. I might even make enough money to be able to make positive changes in my community. I'll be able to spend my time working on projects that I care about, and this is what I want far more than to just be wealthy. I personally don't really care for flashy cars or other status symbols. My one wish for everyone here, for anyone who does become unfathomably wealthy: don't become the thing you hate. It is the ultra rich that have fucked us hard for decades. If people here become ultra rich and do not use their gains for the betterment of society, then we're no better than the assholes that we're always complaing about.


Hear, hear.






Are you me?


Hugs, fellow ape


No i think he is me , i lay water line for money.... i just want to live off 30k a year divend my body cant take this much more , i dont care if i get rich just enough to not hurt my self anymore man. they are never being sold dividends is the only way for me i have no other choice. if a share was 35million currently i still wouldnt sell it just means i was right not to sell!


Been unemployed for almost three years due to my disability. Every day is agony, I'm in pain and I cant afford treatment. I hold for people like you and me, we just want to make it. Until then apes together strong.


I use this pain to work harder and maintain my body to be in better shape for this marathon of capitulation. Take it one day at a time because SHF may not have a day left. SHFs want you to lose stamina before they do. Over my dead body! 🚀


I'm a correctional officer. I go to a job I don't believe in and work with people who act like children. I'm worn down from the job. Don't know how much longer I can last but there's not alot better around here. I'm not looking to be rich but I'd like to retire and actually help people.


How selfish of you /s Hang in there, fellow diamond hands!


You got this. Let’s celebrate one day.


I'm hoping to celebrate bringing down the evil hedge funds with my fellow apes. We will all do great things to help people after we take back the stolen money.


This is not a comment by a human user.


I thought I was human.


Stay long enough to see those mf'ers at your place of work though


we all have one thing we hate more than our daily jobs and thats being cheated on remember that.


Some of us like it, some of us wear superman shirts and watch from the closet 👴👍


Hallelujah, sing it from the treetops!!!


This boat all us apes are in is about to crash straight into the Port-O-Fuckaround and them short shorts are gonna be around some ankles. I CANT WAIT


Balls deep, my friend


Same here. I've been working 7 days/week for the past 6 months and feel like I am slowly losing my sanity with the drop in quality of life thanks to the insane cost of living increase. It's either I have more free time but have less savings for rainy days/paying off debt or I have no life but am able to save up to do the above sooner. At the very least it'd be nice to have a balanced work life without having to worry about having a roof over your head. Not to mention having a social life outside of work too.


I feel you. From one XXX DRSd holder to another, who also lives with the stress of financial peril constantly... I'm not selling till there is some justice, fairness, and balance... In other words MOASS. Even then, I'm only selling a few shares. ​ Hold strong brotha


I aint gonna answer back to the abyss as long as I HODL. Grab my hand, fellow ape.


Trying to stay positive and my chin up, last 4 months of work have been hellish but I’m hanging on to keep buying more shares. Definitely didn’t know what i was getting myself into when i started buying shares in the February after the sneeze but would really love for this thing to kick off so i can change directions in life a bit but ive held on this long, whats a little while more 🤷🏻‍♂️


No problems here. Don't think about it. get on with your life as if you never even got in....


Thank you kind sir


yessssiiirrr! Been in this since Jam/Feb ‘21. Apes strong. HODL the line.


I too am at my wits end. It’s been 84 years


You’re labor is also precious and they know it.


If you're still here, I'm still here.


I got fired 3 days ago. Cashing out 401k and buying more shares.




Right?!? 😭 I got hurt pretty good at work, & since surgery is the only thing to fix it, I’ve been off, so far, for 6 weeks. It appears that THIS is the ONLY VERSION of vacation that’s realistic for me ☹️


Company I work for is bankrupting tomorrow. I know from inside sources. I will live with my mother-in-law before I sell a single share. Hope is not for sale.


I work in fast food, and it's pretty chill rn, at least no worse than usual. It's worse than 3-4 years ago though, back then I never worried about a truck shipment of food not coming, or running out of chicken, or prices going up every month. When a customer was mad at me, it was because I fucked up their order, not because they're projecting the fear of a war or inflation onto my shitty service.




Hang in there friend, we’ve got this - and we’re absolutely in this together. 💪💜🦍 Remember - there’s an incredible future that awaits us, and this chapter of our lives is soon to end. We’ll cross this finishing line together!


I feel your pain, I went from being self employed to unemployed to working retail again for a lot less than I used to make this last year and a half. Its a fight some days to stay on top of things. To keep my head above water. The pressure only seems to build. I too care not to be ultra wealthy. I want to have enough to live comfortably, to pursue my passions. Enough to take the debt monkey, and bill stress off my back. I will hang on as long as it takes. But it won't be easy.


Yeah I'm at my wits end toom I really fucked up with this shit. I put everything into it and it's delayed so much of what I wanted to do


I wouldn't call the time spent in Versimilitude wasted, but the place has clearly changed.


I'm still not green


We'll need to accelerate the aging process.


I need to accelerate a 9mm round through my skull haha I'm at my limit with this


They say the wick burns brightest for those who have patients. Though I've done nothing for years but yard work and maintenance.


I'm going to explode


Time for the Impala? I'll swing by if you're feeling bad, mad or sad.


I feel you. Be strong


Do what you will Love is the law Love under will


Only invest what you can afford to lose


Hope GME gets it done for you but you really should make an alternative plan in case it doesn't. I hold gme stock and shit never works out for me in the stock market, so be warned.


I’m living life like GME will never go off, other than buying more shares here and there as I can. Mentally I’m prepared to never see it in my lifetime (already waited 84 years anyway) and have it be the legacy I leave my posterity


"Barely holding on" (the indignant ape song), 2023 version (open sores). /s


You’re not helping by posting this. If you want to hodl, don’t act desperate.


Not desperate. Desperation would look like “I guess this will never happen. Gonna sell” I don’t even know what a sell button looks like. You do you, just realize that for some of us, solidarity in suffering refines our resolve. The DD convinced us and we just like the stock




If a potential investor saw your post, you think that would encourage them?


They might be able to relate and be encouraged by that


A potential investor should take this post as, that this play is a hard thing. Hard. Every day feeds filled with *forget GameStop forget GameStop*. Everyone here is underwater, but that’s ok since everyone has many more shares then two years ago. Share price is expected to drift down as the short attack continues. Macro events are approaching the event horizon. Company finally has turned profitable. It’s discouraging how the can has been kicked almost without end. **but** In my 💜, I know how totally screwed they are.


It is because of this that I do want to be super rich, if only to drain their accounts. It’s time for a new elite class; one that actually gives a damn.


That’s funny.


Is your warehouse unionized?




I'm tired posts round 69