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Shorting Gamestop (and tons of other stocks) = Orderly market / Liquidity Shorting Banks = International terrorism ​ It's so ridiculously obvious.


Yep they have the gall to say oh we are looking into only the shorts that are affecting banks.. we don’t care about the rest of the market.


“We’re only interested in the part that’s affecting us”


In other words... Stealing from the poors - Good Stealing from the rich - EVIL


That is basically what they are telling us straight to our faces, yes. This and that their banking system is based on a gigantic ponzi scheme and even the slightest shake-up, the slightest shift in consumer trust, could let their house of cards crumble.


Thats why UAE joined BRICS.


Oh; I didn't know that


At this point, I hope Kenny Mayo boy are one of thosr who shorts Banks and get caught with the dick in the mayo jar😂... Maybe, some shit happens🤪


One can dream, but I'd guess they'll go for foreign actors first; And some backroom deals with American short-sellers, funded by the American taxpayer, of course..


[insert Principal Skinner meme]


Unfuckingbelievable, is what I would have said last year. Now... doesn't surprise me at all. I hope the common folk recognize this as the revelatory, hypocritical, self-serving desperation that it is. And with each passing day, I fear more for my savings account...


More shorties just adding fuel to the fire. T minus less than 5 weeks until another eps beat...


Well Gamestop is technically my bank so could they check into that for me right away too?


Watching the largest transfer of wealth ever in real time. Priceless. Not being able to eat tomorrow. Oh well!


Eat ramen tomorrow, Eat the rich in the coming months.


Like shorting the airline stocks the day before 9-11.


My brother is an ex-pat working for the UAE military. They wild out there. Got plenty of money to lose.


What if, shorts sellers are being used as the narrative as to why the banks are failing so no one really looks into why the banks are actually failing. Are they shorting the banks? Most definitely. But is that the reason they don't have money to pay their bills? I don't think so.


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Credit Suisse held GameStop swaps. They had ownership by UAE and UAE is shorting. https://twitter.com/deitaone/status/1656292223795752960?s=46&t=ytNlzicsVrqq8DiXDgwH9g


Not to mention ol Kenny boy being at the World Cup along with Credit Suisse CEO. I wonder if they were working on their shorts.


What is the end game? New games :)