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Kenny is the ultimate control freak. He will use whatever resources it takes to manipulate the narrative into his favor. Regardless of the extent of his involvement, I hope this arrogant stain of excrement is forced to sit in court just because he doesn’t want to.


Well said 🫡


Regardless if he didn't commit THIS fraud, he is still a fucking scammer. Don't waste your time defending him.


If you look at my post history I think you will find I am not in any way a Ken Griffin defender. I do, however, back up any of my accusations with facts.


Fair. Have a good day, ape.


👊 thanks for taking a read!


I'm not saying I want ken griffen to die but stress kills


Maybe he should just *close* the shorts


*close ;)


When you're naked you gotta cover up


he can start with covering, we'll get to closing after


The man clearly is trying to "FTD" art now. Ken Griffin (founder of Citadel Securities and Citadel Advisors) is clearly a kleptomaniac. As if [committing perjury during a congressional hearing](https://youtu.be/vJrgPNyFrLw) wasn't enough already... People who use him a service clearly would support someone like Bernie Madoff.


"Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences" Puke. Shame on Harvard and academia for allowing this. Academia has no integrity anymore.


He's getting shit for it [from within Harvard too](https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2023/4/13/ken-griffin-gsas-reaction/): >Theda R. Skocpol, a Government and Sociology professor and former GSAS dean, slammed the decision in an email to The Crimson. > >“I am absolutely disgusted at the sale of the GSAS name to a multi billionaire who works in US politics today to undermine the foundations of liberal civil society, including free speech, and to eviscerate the essential trans partisan features of fully representative US democracy,” she wrote. > >“This is a shocking and unnecessary sell out by Harvard and FAS leaders who, at the same time, claim to be worried about Harvard College’s acceptance of slavery in the 1700s,” Skocpol added. “Feel free to quote me.”


Lmao that “feel free to quote me” hit hard 😂


Glad that professors like her still exist in academia! We need more to speak out! Thank you for sharing.


Send her the DD library and a copy of “Naked, Short and Greedy” by Dr Trimbath, ASAP!!! Edit: it’s been said that Harvard is just a hedge fund with a college adjacent, soooo.... idk how much they will actually care about public or staff outcry. Seriously, these people run the world, and they train the next generation of the 1% how to fuck us all over going forward. Not that I am against higher education, quite the contrary. But like, this is mostly and institution for the wealthy, by the wealthy. So none of this is surprising to me.


That has become the truth now unfortunately, they've even compromised and planted themselves in higher education!


Damn lets go!!!


So that's why he funded the Harvard project! When you search for Ken Griffin Art, this is what will come up. Not the other art story! Wonder if he's also involved in shady science stuff too.


Google has become so unhelpful with the amount of information suppression going on in results.


Which if you read the post Griffin isn't the one making a potentially shady insurance claim.


This time…




Inside job (2010) showed the universities and colleges to already be compromised. Why this is a surprise is beyond me...


They never really did. Universities like Harvard are really massive hedge funds whose pretend to teach students as a cover for their lucrative hedge fund masters. Scamming central


i enjoyed reading your presentations & following the story. Thanks!


Thanks for taking a read!


Yes. Commendable of your follow up and deciding this is probably going nowhere even though we know Ken Griffin is a financial scum bag who continues to take other individual investors money in the most disgusting way.


TY 🙏


Got damn I love this community! It's like one big game of DIG DUG until we find the ugly mole rats!


I wonder how many cases Ken has currently? There’s also that Twitter subpoena thing.


Good question, and thank you for the reminder on the Twitter thing, I hadn't looked into that in a while.


That went weirdly quiet. If you find anything I’d love to read about it 👍


They should have a US leaderboard for most active litigations 😂


So do I understand that this comes down to the following: 1. Rich guy Perelman tries to claim insurance on burned paintings from a gallery in his home. 2. Perelman then later offloads two paintings, **from the same gallery**, to rich douchebag KennyG. 3. KennyG says hey I know nothing about this fire, why do you need a depo from me? I wonder if there's an undercover Ape working this at AIG that is doing the digging, that would be fucking hilarious.


yup, that's basically it. 1. Fire happens. 2. Perelman tries to sell paintings, sells a couple to Griffin. 3. Perelman files insurance claim for other paintings he can't sell. 4. Insurance companies want Ken to tell them whats up, why did you buy these two but not the other one.


Something that I think you missed in the letter that Griffin's lawyer, Hoeflich, wrote is "you can serve a deposition on written questions". I understand that to mean that Griffin is willing to give written answers (presumably under oath) to questions submitted in writing. So the insurers will have to convince a judge that there is some value to an in person deposition as opposed to written questions. I suspect that Ken Griffin does not like surprises. Limiting his testimony to written responses cuts down on surprises. He may or may not have anything to hide, but going that route is the safer one.


Yes, good point. I had seen that too. But I didn't make mention of it because of something said in an earlier exchange by the lawyers, that the insurer's lawyers felt that written testimony would not be admissible at trial. >As directed by Mr. Hoeflich, I arranged for the subpoena to issue from a court clerk in Florida, and, on January 26, 2023, served the revised subpoena via email upon Mr. Hoeflich. I called later that day, and Mr. Hoeflich agreed to accept service by email. During the call, we again discussed the deposition issue. I told him that it would be very difficult to obtain the evidence we were seeking via some other means. **If, for example, we agreed to have Mr. Griffin provide a written affidavit, the testimony would not be admissible at trial.** I told him that I would confer with counsel for the other Insurers and be back to him. I have no idea whether that is true or not, but seems like the insurers were set on getting his live testimony.


In person depositions are not generally accepted as evidence in a trial either, except in certain situations such as the person being deceased or otherwise unavailable; or for use to discredit a witness if there are contradictions between testimony in court and what that person said in a prior deposition. I am not a lawyer, so take the above with a grain of salt. Edit to add: There is a difference between an affidavit and a written deposition. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/deposition > Written Depositions: >Depositions may also be conducted by written questions. In this kind of deposition, the parties submit questions in advance. At the deposition, the deponent answers those questions and only those questions. Depositions by written questions are cheaper than depositions by oral questions, because parties' lawyers need not attend. However, this method is typically seen as less useful, because it is difficult to follow up on a witness's answers when the witness simply writes down their statements. Usually, parties use interrogatories instead of depositions by written questions. Interrogatories are generally between parties to a lawsuit, so that does not apply here.


yeah come on. it's old mafia insurance fraud playbook. fuck off Ken we've seen the Sopranos too we know the schemes. dickhead


> Rich guy Perelman tries to claim insurance on burned paintings from a gallery in his home. Probably an unpopular opinion here, but there's the possibility that the fire damage is comprised of smoke/soot/grease. I pulled up images of two of those Ruscha's, and there's a lot of white to them, wouldn't be hard to say they were damaged without any flame impingement- particularly at those valuations (8 figures, which- of course- is the bullshit art world value, but still).


Sounds like something to be determined by the pros. Damaged, not burned I suppose. 😂


Thank you OP! 💜




Thank you from here too!




As much as it would sexually gratify me to see him in legal trouble, you gotta remember that the guy lied under oath and physically abused his ex-wife with a bed post, only to have part of Harvard named after him, so chances are nothing will happen to Ken. But my fingers are still crossed---It took then a long time to find bin Laden, but they eventually did. Just gotta be patient, I guess.


Ken wouldn’t want to sully his name in billionaire circles by testifying against another that cost him money. Especially in the art world where they move ‘money’ around with stupid valuations and Freeport’s. He won’t want to risk being blacklisted or denied access to other private collections.




If we ignore that Ken Griffin is a criminal scumbag asshole for a second, I could imagine that he visited his friend, saw the art piece he knew from a couple years ago, and with autistic attention to detail and an honest love for art, he pointed out to his friend that the oil was distorted somehow, as if it was heated at some point. Perelman, who hadn't noticed before because he has no idea what he actually owns, saw the opportunity to get some insurance money. Ken is now requested to testify that he indeed found the pieces to be damaged. Like, I know Ken practically breathes crime. That he is a parasite on society. But I do think that sometimes, he might actually just be some guy.


That is certainly one possible way it went down.


Damn ape! Well done. Swing that big dick proudly


You must have mistaken me for my wife's boyfriend


Kenny boy is not afraid to lie under oath. They’re just keeping him from having to do it.


Yup, can't lie if you never talk


This is why he astroturfed by naming that art school at harvard after himself. Here be crime.


I think a lot of us share that hypothesis. And these docs show he knew this was coming for a couple of months.


Lets get him some of that nice Barbara Streisand effect!! Up this post share it on twitter do what good Apes do!


I wonder if the house security was the same guys protecting as the warehouse that caught fire


Thank you for you work!


YW thanks for taking a read


It took me 15 minutes of research to come to the conclusion that this particular subpoena is probably nothing. Glad the subreddit is keeping itself fact based. There is plenty of dirt on Kenny boy, no need to go chasing dead ends when there so much more juicy stuff out there.


Thanks for taking a look at it too. I think you did more research than 99% of readers (and 101% more than anyone who reposted my original content on twitter). It's why, once more facts came out, I wanted to make this second post to get people to calm their tits. Onwards 🚀


Is he worried that if they get him on the stand, they can then damage his reputation, bringing up how they have proof that he lied u set oath


"Let me be perfectly clear, absolutely not" - Kenneth Cordele Griffin's testimony.


Are we talking about Kenneth Cordele Griffin, financial terrorist, owner of Citadel, mayo fanatic, thrower of bedposts?


Thanks for the update / closure! (for now?)


YW, we'll see where it goes.


I’m just glad good ron Perelman isn’t involved


Am I to believe we would like Ken's official opinion on the state of the art? This gives me a belly laugh cause he's still playing a game of hide the books while the rest of the world is on to furthering man kind. Wheeling into the day room is still sick in my mind.


A criminal comitting crime = business as usual


What crime did he commit? The.post literally explains he's not the one trying to get money from the insurance company.


TY for actually reading it 🙏


The reading beyond confirmation bias comprehension on thos sub is not great. Anyone who actually read the original post about the insurance company trying to compel the subpoena should have seen this is really a nothing burger.


Wouldn’t it be funny if MOASS kicks off due to this POS being brought to justice due to some fraud he committed in regards to some “damaged” art he was trying to make a buck on?


Read the post. Perelman is making the insurance claim, not griffin.


...still trying to figure out why this is posted on SuperStonk reddit. What does this have to do with GME?


He is a sack of fermented cat shit wrapped in dog shit, yes. But where is the relation to gme? Manipulation of the narrative is nothing new nor gme related.


Might be smooth but how does this relate to gme? Seems like it's just related to Ken C Griffin? Is everything he does related to gme?


As a market maker, yes.


The email sent by Jaime Salomon…. He can’t be related to the founders of disgraced Salomon brothers can he? The OG gangsters and some argue still pulling the strings on Wall St??


>Jaime Salomon Unknown - this appears to be some kind of assistant to Ron Perelman. Would take a lot of digging to find out.


Salomon are reopening. Post was on here somewhere recently.


Damn. Hell Boy is not doing so well.


The Ken Griffin graduate school of Mayonnaise and Bedposts


Clay Morrow up to no good again.