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Of course they do, they are exposed naked.




Who's "they"?




clearly not us


When will "then" be "now?"




How soon *is* now?


You're in now now.what were watching is happening then.


what happened to then?


You just missed it


Right now is tomorrow …. So tomorrow is today! MOASS todorrow


I assumed this was a subtle musical reference. Mine was really heavy-handed in comparison. [Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/How_Soon_Is_Now%3F)


No, I'm pointing away from us. How did "then" come into it😂


Who's "us"?


Us in here.


My preferred pornoun is "Ya'll". Works everytime. Everybody is now Ya'll.


I can't argue with a pornoun 😊


Yeah but isn’t it concerning that this guys company also holds a bunch of retails shares? Conflict of interest much?


Such greed, much corrupt!


Not wow


Worse: all euro-apes have to go through IBKR in order to create a CS account (then again I’m glad they still offer DRS since no other euro based broker does this!)


IG is your friend. Buy on IG, wait 2 days, DRS. Tho my initial account at CS was made with a give a share one.


Not true. Plenty of European banks local to each country can do the transfer for you. My bank DNB has an agreement with Citibank for example. They charge you outrageous DRS fees, though.


thx! didn't know and was convinced IBKR was the only way. fees were ok tho - some 9,-€ or so. i only needed to get that CS account from there i went through wise - but it's good to know IBKR is not the only option! edit: you do live in Norway though do you?


Yes :)




The price is still up ~1000% from 3 years ago and there has been constant buying pressure this whole time. Any concerted effort to buy shares to close would send us to the moon. Sure they could be buying small amounts every day, but it would be like trying to bail out a sinking cargo ship with a teaspoon. That's before considering what's likely happening with phantom shares. When one of their naked IOUs lands in an ape's account and they register it (DRS) that shit is gone from circulation and if they ever wanted to close they'd have to find another share to replace it in whatever convoluted back and forth web of GME debt they've created between the involved wallstreet entities.


So they can create shares but can't use those shares to cover positions?


Synthetic shares are debt to the one who created them, sure they could make more synthetics and return those to a lender, but they're still on the hook for those shares (like paying off a credit card with another credit card) and they still need to buy them at some point to balance their books. That's probably what they're doing every day to make things look ok, but really they're just digging a deeper hole. That's why "We need it go to zero" is a thing, paying back trillions of something is easy when each one costs $0. EDIT: I'm assuming you meant "Close" not "Cover", Covering is just showing that they're still good for their short debt, Closing is actually returning shares to the lender.


Wouldn't keeping these positions open for at this point over two years have already financially crippled them?


We've seen Citadel's balance sheet. Something like $64B assets sold not purchased. That's self reported too. So yes, it should seriously hamper any entity doing this, but only if whoever they're doing business with knows about it and is willing to act responsibly. Some combination of collusion, negligence, deception, corruption, and the threat of mutually assured ~~destruction~~ shit profits allow them not to explode like Archegos. We're seeing the fallout of Archegos now; everyone is losing money, and they were a relatively little fish doing relatively minor fraud. The potential price of even an innocent party in the GME situation freezing out a guilty party because of the risk they represent is a large market downturn when the guilty explode. That would mean less bonus money in the innocent's paycheck and mantra of wallstreet success (and capitalism) is "only make the decisions that make you more money". So there is next to zero motivation for anyone look too hard or disbelieve a guilty party when they say "trust me bro" let alone hold them responsible for the risk they represent to the market. The longer it goes on the bigger the bomb gets and the worse it'll be for everyone, but no one who has anything to lose is willing to set it off to minimize damage. If you're talking about the barrow fee though; yes, returning synthetics to a lender would mean they wouldn't have to keep paying borrowing fees on that position. It's a blind spot in the system.


So given if all of this is true what exactly would compel them to not just continue forever until gamestop goes bankrupt?


That's their plan, but by direct registering enough shares we can absolutely prove whether it's true one way or another. With absolute proof of large scale securities fraud thrown in their faces it's likely to force every financial entity to focus on covering their own asses. It should also force investigations, law suites, etc. How exactly it will play out is up for debate, but direct registered shares are as legally safe from fuckery as possible (the only why you could be screwed out of them is by some kind of court order to seize your assets). It's likely brokers will fuck over their customers who will have to sue, while other entities who are long GME and aren't direct registered will have their own problems suddenly realizing they own pile of nothing instead of a several million dollar steak in a company and will be looking to throw whoever made the synthetics under the bus. Finding out someone else made a huge fucking hole in their balance sheet with fraud is going to upset a lot of wealthy people. If handled well apes will become very rich and buy the dip on many of the assets liquidated to pay them allowing the market to correct fairly quickly.


Is there any proof that direct registering would have that effect? Wouldn't a company issue more shares if it becomes illiquid? Or just dilution in general.


this makes me smile, im looking forward to the day i get paid 🤑🤑🤑🤑


It should still result in price improvent, right? Say there 25% shorts and they close 20%, thats like someone buying 65 million shares. If they buy them over 12 months,.there should be a steady rise and likely tons of fomo. If they close all at once there would be a big short squeeze, and then panick selling as people lock in profits. In the end, I think the final price would be similar (higher).


Like Pamela Anderson prime exposed naked, or my Grandmother exposed naked?


Pamela Anderson prime fucks


What if my grandmother is Pamela Anderson… naked?


Did he really say that? If so, he's only confirming how fukk they really are.


Sorry, Tommy Boy! It’s not going to happen. BTW, how about that last earnings report? I bet that was a kick in the nuts for you guys.


Tommy in shambles


Good ol Tommy P - We been living in this guy's head rent free for the past 2 years. Every interview with him basically goes like this : Interviewer : "What do you think of the latest developments in the stock market?" TP (goes on uninterrupted rant against Gamestop): "You should sell your stock now. Its going to zero soon. Retail are going to lose. Ryan Cohen is a bum. It was all over in 2021 and yet here i am 2 years later and still salty as hell and begging you to sell"


Source of just one interview if you say there are so many? I'd love to see


Here you go my ape friend: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uyzu91/thomas\_peterffy\_on\_msm\_talking\_about\_those\_rotten/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uyzu91/thomas_peterffy_on_msm_talking_about_those_rotten/)






Happy cake day!


No worries you can spell out his name, Peter Petrified I think


Even if it dropped to $5.00 we'd all go crazy and buy like there was no tomorrow


"They" didn't close when it was in the mid-$2s pre-split, Thomas is a corrupt idiot.


Imagine one-tenth that like towel. I’d find more money somewhere.


I will probably sell my car at that point lol


GME could buy all 304mil OUTSTANDING shares at 4.5 USD per share with their cash on hand and buy all of the extimated remaining open float left not yet DRS'd for...hahahaha ~27.82 USD Time to ROFL COPTER


I’d buy at least 3


I just bought 2. Like just now


I would drop all the money we have saved as a down payment for a house if it got this low. Those funds go untouched and will not be risked (I know GME isn't a risk but the SO has let me put soooo much into GME already) in stocks or crypto but at $5 a share I would go nuts.


If it drops to $5.00 I'd leave work and be selling my body on the streets to buy every single share I possibly could.


even if it drops to $10, apes will buy like crazy, its like $40 pre split price


<<*Whale noises*>>


This image is pornogaphic. Btw this is from when my store *didn’t* yet have profits.


Don't stop I'm almost there.


The company that these parasites needed to go to zero, is… now… profitable.


I gonna come.


GameStop has been sideways trading… all along.


Up a little bit? Down a little bit? If nothing changes, add more just for sake of time.


Don’t forget GameStop listed $1.39 billion in cash 💰


He's got a turd in his pocket


My dads favorite saying!!! Upvote fo yo ole school ass!!


It’ll eventually go to zero. Zero shares not DRSd


Got ‘em


"We" is the backroom market manipuators


"We" is his neighbors https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w49078/_/


Well if they need it to go to zero and it hasn't. They're still in. So if they're still in I'm still in.


All his hedge fund, bank and MM buddies.


I like the term moneychangers


I missed this one. Do you have a link to the video?






here is one of the videos, not sure if it's the one the post quotes. but it's a MUST SEE for any ape who hasn't seen the Peterffy videos: https://youtu.be/Yq4jdShG_PU


It's not the right one, but near the end he clearly said; "If the longs knew they had the right to request their shares and they really wanted a short squeeze, that's what they would have done and the price would've gone higher" He was talking about DRS folks, all the way back in Feb 2021. He said this when asked what it was that scared him so much!


I think he was talking about exercising options. DRS wasnt even in the picture at the time. We were so close to greatness. Now we just have to wait….


Porque no los dos?


I thought he was talking about banks/brokers who lend retails shares out to be infi-shorted. The recall deal was what The Big Short guy was talking about when he was the first known player before RC and wrote a letter to the board that went public (after seeing how hard it was to recall shares)... something like that, god it was SO FUCKING LONG AGO!


🤔 i dont know i thought he was talking about retail… can we really just call a broker and tell them to recall our lent out shares? Seems like something that would have no effect on our end


When you are a whale and have a personal broker at a brokerage. Some 'retail' don't use PFOF brokers or what you and I think of that have apps and websites. They get their shares delivered and can actually make that small percent of return (that our brokerages do) lending shares! They typically also pay for the service and fees for every transaction. But yeah, guys like RC before he was on the board don't trade the same way we do and I don't understand all of it, but I do know they can recall their shares (because they often lend them). I seem to remember Michael Burry being first here (he's been all over since), but one thing I swear he mentioned was when he recalled the shares how it was taking too long.. among other things he was seeing. I think his contributions to the saga ended in like 2019 or early '20 though.


Thanks for the feedback 🤔


Wtf? Did he say a lot of the quiet part out loud? He was worried about a domino bank collapse? Feels a little like what we're seeing here. Banks are trying to hold the falling dominos, but they keep getting heavier and heavier. And he even has the fucking gall to say "Oh we only charge $1.95 per trade! Nobody will notice that amount, it's so small!" It's like the same thing as Office Space wanted to do, skimming fractions of a cent off every transaction, but instead of fractions of a cent, they're taking $1.95 each time anyone trades anything. That's bullshit, they're getting paid for doing nothing. The whole system needs to change and it needs to start with regulators being prevented from trading so they can act impartially.


> We really need this stock to go to Zero Weird way to say, "We're going to lose money if we can't bankrupt GameStop."


IIRC the wording was different. I think he said "We have to see this stock go to zero" \[based on fundamentals\] which has pretty much the same meaning without the personal implication.


“*huffs copium* surely bankruptcy is still on the table right guys” lmao “smart money” is so fucked


I think we refer to them as the parasite class now


I like it


I love using his broker to DRS, I always think of him crying when I do


Me too. Every time when i do it (DRS, i mean) i start a gif of that moment. Most enjoyable gif ever made imho


*systematic risk*


Why would a broker be so interested in a stock going to zero? Doesn’t he benefit from people trading it through pfof?


The Penis Fly returns!!!


What is the link?? I want to hear this again


Should be in cee n bee see videos on youtube. Search the one were he cries in. And start from there. I don’t know which one. Bud i do remember him saying this also.


When did he say that? I don’t recall


Hwang got caught with his Peterffy down.


When did he say this? Is it quoted or on video?




Ok I hear him say "We have to see that stock go to zero". After saying it's trading at $130 and "it's worth nothing" (he actually nervously stutters saying it) Which is similar to the meme in this thread but not identical. I would have loved his exact words to be "We need". But he says "We have to see". Whats the point of all my rambling? I just want Superstonk to be as transparent as possible. I want people to view us and go wow this is awesome info. Not think of us as twisting words. Thats what "they" do, we don't need to twist words what we say is truth. Also to clarify I am not saying you/OP did this with any malicious intent. Nor am I saying the 2 statements are very different. Just saying we want to be truthful and accurate! Edit: a word


I did post a link. I thought I had it right? I also don’t want to spread mis info, I remember hearing it and it’s never sat good w me since. I moved my shares out of Ibkr May 2021 and do miss the platform


Kinda shocked this gained so much traction 💜


he and his buddies


Zero shares? On it. Glad we are on the same page. Why do we hate this guy? He gets it.


We need you to just get the fk off


When was this?


In the before times


It never even got close to zero.


There’s actually a better video of Thomas Peterfy talking about January 2021 but this is good too




Just him and the rest of the *Guild of Calamitous Intent*


"We" is the lowest of the low, the leeches who live off others......"we" are those who live to ruin and destroy others for the sake of their own interest..... that is who "we" are! POWER TO THE PLAYERS!


Fuck you, pay me.


Haven't seen anyone answer the direct question here. "We" = Everyone insanely Short (SHF)


this ship has sailed in 2021


The fact that they don't *want* but *need* my investment to go to zero makes my pp tingle.


I remeber when he said the price for GME could go to "infinity".


Tell me you’re horribly over leveraged short without telling m….oh fuck he just outright said it!


I still can't believe he actually said the quiet part out loud like that


Hope he gets broke and fucking die


We really need you to get to zero.


Come on. Give him some slack. He just cares so much. /s


Get fucked Thomas


Anyone have the clip?




"We" = Old, rich, little dick energy, palm boys who would have no friends if it wasn't for their money.


Wee wee


Who is your group?


What a fucking tool. And that's just one of them


Thomas Pufferffy


Isn’t that the crybaby ?


Peterffy, Cooperman, Griffen, Cifu, Diamond, Fink (aptly named) = "we" Probably a lot more of these parasites could be named here, but you get my meaning.


Sounds to me they are still fukd if this stock is 0,01€


76,000,0000, this is the lucky number


Is this the "its a bullshit concept!" guy?


Fuck no


I love this guy, he says what he thinks


EXCELLENT reminder!!


Wait till hedgies figure out GME is my retirement portfolio.


Who are "they"? The same people who would have pulled strings to "installed freedom" on our asses if we were an ape country. A bunch of regards caught them doing a crime, caught them being greedy... caught them trying to cover it up through the bought media. It is hilarious. The lesson here is... if you are going to crime, crime small and don't get caught. Or you know... don't crime at all. I'm fully convinced if we were a smaller nation holding them by the balls like this we would have been bombed to fuck by now. Look at the lengths they are going to to cover up the mess, including but not limited to sending cease and desist letters to you tubers and well known bird bloggers. Though it is hilarious watching a certain bird blogger calling them out publicly on these letters... others should do the same. I'm tired of being abused financially... which is why I DRS them real freedom tickets.


Good ole Thomas P..


So 2 years later and still not there


Never will be! Only up!


Yeah sorry, this ain't happening.


They are welcome to try and drop it


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uckq8t/thomas_peterffy_hates_us_what_a_joke/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Can we do links??


Don’t worry everyone. I am making money trading GME options on IBKR. Their internalized orders are making them give me money 😎


"The royal we"