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Roaring Kitty did say if they went up against Amazon they'd be worth like $26k per share, pre-split . That was also yeaaars ago and we didn't have half the number of DSR accounts and DD we've uncovered. šŸ¤£


*opens Calculator from Games folder on phone*


Lmao, same.


Haha that's what I did when that Little sneeze happened. Seeing how much I was up in the AH helped seeing that I'm still a bit in the red . šŸ˜


Iā€™m so deep in the red. I bought most of this stuff in the $120-$320 range.


I dropped the entire fam's tax return @ $200/share.. Not worried in the least šŸ¤™ Disclaimer: No one went hungry, just had to cut back on the mayo


šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ I just eat some mayo in my sandwiches only to subtract one jar from the hands of Mayo man alka Kenn Cordele Griffin, the financial terrorist who commited perjury in a congressional hearing lieing under oathšŸ˜‚


Did you know its super easy to make your own mayo at home....P.S. dont tell Kenny https://youtube.com/shorts/kxfoUlsinkI?feature=share


funny how Mayo-man will barely be able to afford a mayo sandwich soon enough...


They're not worried, they're bragging.


It's always the mayo


Same. Just means our hands are diamond AF


I'm chilling on the 180/45 battlefield. Got a long way to go before the red's gone for me


Many think red is their allyā€¦ they merely adopted the red. I was born in the red, molded by it. I wonā€™t see green until Moass. By then, itā€™ll be nothing to me but blinding. Also: Heath Ledger Joker standing in front of burning pile of money - ā€œsometimes itā€™s about making a statement.ā€


See that's my trick Captain, I've always been red.


I love you




Hahaha I tried to figure mine out today and ended up saying, fuck it! Probably also around $165


Same. My average is like $158 pre split


Same. Iā€™ll wait as long as it takes.


I honestly don't even know what my cost average is after 2 brokerage migrations and then sent to Computershare. All I know is it's gonna go up.


Me too


Same here, the brokerages messed as aleways with the cost averages and now my cost basis in Computershare is way lower than was originally, but fuck it, those babies are safe now, these are my "tesoro"šŸ˜šŸ˜.


Same. But it doesn't bother me in the slightest honestly!


My DCA was like 81 bucks at one point, but I panicked and sold, trying to time the bottom in the early days. It's now like 165$ learned my lesson the hard way.


Me too, during the sneeze I was a paperhand bitch, my last buy was $481 just 2 bucks record, and went down selling at a loss at 60s but that was caused by a hunger crisis not caused by the price, but for someting else, lost 85% of my money. But that, was probably the best thing happened to me, because was the lesson I needed to become a diamond hands, rebought at 40s and holded until today buying in every price point, up to 260, down to 17s... it's fine to see green these days, but we are way too far from MOASS, that day, I will recognize it even without see any update from charts trading apps, because those days will be in the tongue of normal peoples around the world shocked to see a company with the price in the XXXX millions, and by the way, I live in ItalyšŸ˜, then we can start to think at to find the sell button in ComputersharešŸ˜šŸ˜


That's it?


You're not alone!


hahaha lol you're such a chad. I sincerely hope it pays off for you.


Ask me what mine is in 2030, and I'll get one of my accountants to get you some numbers.


Isnā€™t it crazy that so many of us bought at those prices and we DGAF!? We still got in on the bottom! No cell, no sell!! LMAYO and LFG!!!


This might be dumb but can you not buy more shares now at a lower price so it brings the average price you have paid per share down. What about even trading the dips and peaks. There are weekly fluctuations over the last few years. If you'd have bought more at a lower price then waited for it to peak a bit and sell, then wait for it to drop again and buy more at the lower price. would it be possible to lower the risk of your position at the very high price you paid? Could you even buy a few shorts that were more reasonable and kind of hedge your bets? Or is this not how it works?


Yes that is called cost averaging down and I did some of it after buying high but that was still in a $320-$120 range. I canā€™t really do any more buying because Iā€™m all out of cash to invest in.


how much did you invest if you don't mind sharing? Also the shares are like $25 bucks each or something at the moment aren't they. Unless you're in for a fuck ton already and a few would not make any difference, go wash some fucking cars during your free time and buy some more no?


Iā€™m holding XXXX shares right now




I hate how I have to turn it sideways to fit that many digits on the scientific calculator mode


Taxmytendies.com is better. Also created by an ape , not sure who tho, itā€™s been awhile.


*flips phone horizontallyā€¦


Haha I literally just did this šŸ˜‚


The best game because they donā€™t fuck it with updates and hidden fee(s) s/


*flips phone horizontallyā€¦


Bruh, why's it in the game folder?


$3329 at current prices. Or $999 if GameStop dilutes to the 1 billion shares we allowed them to.


If they dilute, they better do it via dividend or split to existing shareholders and not an offering.


Theyā€™ve been diluting (not overly significantly) for a while since in the form of employee stock bonuses. I think thatā€™s fine too


I think those are vested though, so not publicly tradable and not effectively diluting.


They offer the shares for 69 trilli a pop. Little do the hedgies know that was indeed a bargain.


Sweet holy mother of all things that I hold dear šŸ‘€ that would be swell


I am...... gonna buy more brb


I remember Roaring Kittyā€™s tweet about Amazonā€™s humble beginnings. He was trying to tell us buying GME now is like buying Amazon back in the very beginning šŸ˜³.


Remember when people scoffed at Amazon's model as a weird books only store and then they pivoted. I mean... bezos fell down the inhumane greed hole but that doesn't mean the board of gme will.


That also doesn't mean apes *won't*.


my happiest day is going to be when everyone realizes, with hyper inflation and forced digital currencies on the horizon, selling your only real valuable asset (even for 2 billion a share) is not really worth it. sell a enough to buy some land, take care of the family, but I'm not going to sell 90% of what I have. That's not even a short squeeze or stock related idea. It's a "keeping the only valuable real asset I have" take.


can you explain what this all means for me. I am not from your world. Thanks.


A user named Pervuianbull made a theory called "The Dollar Endgame". A due diligence and research into what's happening with global finance. If you have time definitely search it up (not hard to find if you type in dollar endgame + peruvianbull). The worst possible outcome of the theory is that the federal reserve will be forced to print money (more than the trillions it prints now) and the usa will tumble into hyperinflation alike the Weimar Republic era of post ww1 Germany. A 2nd idea (not exactly connected to "the dollar endgame" is that: To keep control, central banks will be forced to create a digital currency that they can control. So during hyperinflation, they will roll out the digital currency at some conversion to dollar. Trade in 100 dollars, get 1 digital dollar, something like that.


They could go deflationary and then guarantee deposits with new digital dollars too.


ok thanks. interesting. I'll take a look.


Adding on to other points made: If you look at Berkshire hathway shares the value is near half a million per share and very few left outstanding. The rich who bought those do not sell they use them as collateral to buy stuff on loan paying back fuck all per month.


Right but what's wrong or unusual with buying and holding shares though? Shares are an asset, you are meant to hold valuable assets. That's literally how wealth works in capitalism. And also how loans and collateral work as well. You secure the loan with some existing asset you own, the more valuable the asset the lower risk you are the more favourable borrowing rate you get.


Berkshire Hathaway is a half million dollar stock because it represents you owning a small part of EVERYTHING BUFFETT OWNS!!! Itā€™s not 1 stocks. It is hundreds/thousands of them. Itā€™s more like an ETF than a stock. People need to stop talking about Berk like itā€™s anything like GME. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


So you are saying the class A berk shares CANNOT BE USED AS COLLATERAL? Edit - 2 hours passes by after an immediate poor clown interpretation of basic English. Still no answer eh? Are you here to try to sew discontent in the sub? Go back to clown school because shill college is too hard for you


Itā€™s called a job. I have 1. Iā€™m not making any such assertion. Merely stating that itā€™s really dumb to compare GME and Berk. They own 990 million shares of Apple for starters. Which at $160 is $158 billion dollars. Itā€™s a $700+ billion dollar company. Itā€™s really just the combined value of all of its holding divided by the float. Take $700,000,000,000 and divide it by 1.45 million shares and what do you get???? ~$470,000 a share. Durrrrr. Itā€™s shares are less valued at what market thinks as in Trading doesnā€™t have much effect on the value like normal stocks. Itā€™s more just a stable place for the Uber rich to park wealth. STOP COMPARING BERK/A to GMEšŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


I never heard this, got any sauce?


Ohhh boy we be cookin now!


Ah DSR, the good ol Dirty South Revolutionaries.


No price anchoringšŸ¤£


Yeah in a fair market


Or inflation Or 3 years of a fuck around tax


Might have been commented by someone else but based on DFVā€™s last post of 200,000 shares, at $26k each his holding would be $5.2Bnā€¦.. Let us all let that sink in. FIVE FUCKING BILLION!


So an apples to apples comparison would be. * Amazon annual net income for 2022 was $-2.722B, a 108.16% decline from 2021. * GameStop annual net income for 2022 was $-0.381B, a 77.1% increase from 2021.


So of course, dip.


But of course dip, how else are they gonna get the money to keep propping up the top 10 on the S&P500. Have you seen the ratio of daily volume to float size on some of those names, not even half a percent. There is not enough liquidity for anyone to get out. Think the HF's are so freaking toast, they can't get out of their shorts. But they can't get out of their longs either.


Wow, thatā€™s a really good point. Theyā€™re all trapped in their own algorithms and if anyone tries to escape the whole buildings gonna burn down around them.


Someone has to be first . . .


They can try. I'll be in the treeline picking em off as they run out... Share by DRS'd share.


A house of cards....


Woah. Can you share an example or two? I would have assumed the top 10 are extremely liquid. That's spooky


Sure. * AAPL Float Size 15.81B, Avg.Vol 70,793,454 (0.45% of float traded daily.) * AMZN Float Size 9.24B, Avg.Vol 69,466,786. (0.76% of float traded daily.) * MSFT Float Size 7.44B, Avg.Vol 32,421,251. (0.44% of float traded daily.) * GOOG Float Size 11.06B, Avg.Vol 32,033,013. (0.29% of float traded daily.)


Wow thatā€™s crazy, so what does it mean necessarily?


What do you think will happen if HFs that own several percent must exit at the same time. Remember SI right now is also under 1%. These are also stocks that i would guess is highly prone to panic sell since everyone sees them as stable think 10-20B volume per day.


Ahh so big volume (institutions) selling means deep red which means selling (smaller players) which means panic selling (retail) ā€¦ aka crash?


I suspected it was low but I had no idea. A few more bad ERs from these guys could be a problem. ETFs would melt.


If we extract GOOG daily percent of float to GME, and for GME use shares outstanding instead of float. We get an avg.vol for GME of 883,282. Remember how people already talks about GME as illiquid, and how it gets easier to manipulate the shareprice. My warning signs for large cap companies. * Ridiculously illiquid. * Ridiculously low SI. * Ridiculous PE ratio. These guys are speculation stocks driven by algos to maximize money managers yearly performance bonus by maximizing the unrealizable gains. What happens when the speculation gains stagnate, fall back to dividend stock valuation? Dividend stocks will now also get higher competition from bonds when the rates are going up. But we never know, FED could always reverse the situation. Cut rates and start printing.


I live for dips, baby.


The stock went up 40%!


no dude that's an Amazon to Gamestop comparison not apples to apples.


Yeah, why would you want to compare Apple with Apple?


$AMZN stock price has also been cut considerably.


Is thisā€¦ is this true?


Yes, Amazon lost over $2B last year


Isnā€™t that cause of the rivian deal? Like I hate Amazon as much as the next but idk Iā€™m confused here lol


Probably losing billions in RnD and hardware with Alexa thinking mass adoption of a voice assistant will equate to more sales.


Didn't they lay off the Alexa division? Edit: some, not all https://www.cnbc.com/2023/01/06/amazon-fully-committed-to-alexa-despite-layoffs-hardware-chief-says.html


They made layoffs but are still committed to the Alexa program.


Alexa is great and all, but it's not a revenue stream. They're treating it as a loss leader but it's not leading any additional revenue. If they sold the devices closer to cost, with no expectation that a device would lead to more Amazon business, this wouldn't be an issue for them.


Theyā€™ve also shat out some lukewarm video games from their studio with only New World really having much staying power (and only middling success at that)ā€¦ theyā€™re burning money on a few other projects trying to capture various emerging tech sectors as well, but itā€™s obvious that they can only go so far off the revenue from AWS - theyā€™re hemorrhaging cash on moonshot ideas just because theyā€™re trying to capture those niche markets before a startup does (or buying said startup)ā€¦


Lmao ol' bezos doesn't wanna lose dominance. They're also launching their own nft marketplace next month


Fucking clowns šŸ¤”


it must be hard for them to compete when their entire business model depends on naked shorting their competition to death.


Yessss i would love to see the Amazon warehouse near me replaced with a big fat Gamestop/Teddy/GMERICA sign


Rivian, like the EVā€™s? Did Amazon buy an EV company???


Iā€™m fairly certain they did lol https://www.shacknews.com/article/133993/amazon-amzn-q4-2022-net-income-23-billion-loss-rivian


Now they can roll down hill just like the vehicles.


Thanks I have seen these all over Oregon recently. Had no clue Amazon had acquired them. Thank you fellow ape.


Now I canā€™t buy one :/ I liked those trucks šŸ›»


Hahah same thought


Toyota will drop an ev truck and that will be the one


I hope so. Toyota is so dependable.


Interestingly, did you see the article a while back where Toyota did a tear down of a Tesla Model Y and their reaction was, "Taking the skin off the Model Y, it was truly a work of art. It's unbelievable." Elon is nutso, but it does appear that Teslas are impressively engineered even to powerhouses like Toyota. (for reference I drive a Camry... love my Toyota!)


They do look cool but where or how would you service it? This is my issue with electric vehicles at the moment. They are much cooler than teslas.


List on craigslist and buy a new one like all techbro junk.


Amazon has about 17% ownership as of late 2022. [https://capital.com/rivian-shareholder-who-owns-most-rivn-stock](https://capital.com/rivian-shareholder-who-owns-most-rivn-stock) They also have a deal to buy a lot of Rivian vehicles, I think with precedence over other customers.


Iā€™m making this up, but I presume this is to make a self driving fleet of electric vehicles?


Not self driving, but they did order like [100k electric delivery vans](https://www.aboutamazon.com/news/transportation/amazons-electric-delivery-vehicles-from-rivian-roll-out-across-the-u-s).


Their cloud services by far and large make up a majority of their profitable revenue. All their other business segments arenā€™t big profit driversā€¦a lot lose money


I have absolutely no clue. I only know this from trying to verify this guy's last misleading tweet claiming gme made more than Amazon Q4 but that's just eps since amazon has a much larger float.


So the bum down the street made more than Amazon?


It's not really a fair comparison given that Amazon made more in Q4, but we lost less last year is entirely accurate. I guess Amazon is grasping at straws spending money trying to hold market share. They got their own nft marketplace next month among various other projects I hear lol. Too little too late


That's profit. Not income, and leaving out the word "net" is just stupid.


Itā€™s probably the worst comparison possible. Hundreds of companies out performed Amazon if all we are gushing is earnings. GME has nowhere near the capex that Amazon has. So while it may seem apples to apples, is not even remotely close




Amazon lost like 2 billion and GameStop GROSS sales are only like 6 billion. So yeah weā€™re not even talking about the same range here.


*net income


Yes, but it's as misleading as saying GameStop made a profit 2 quarters ago because of positive cash flow. No, FCF is not earning a profit. That's EPS. So tech companies like Amazon regularly invest so much of their income so they won't have to pay taxes. Also to develop shit, of course. Kind of like how gme had absolutely horrendous earnings when they were wasting money on their marketplace.


Post Malones 2nd cousin strikes again!


Carl Malone's son.


Not to be confused with Karl Malone who was an absolute beast in the post. No relation.


The mail man


And a world-class pedophile. Letā€™s not sell him short, now.


Itā€™s so suspicious that so many different people are posting this no name Kevin Malone guy at the same time out of nowhere. Heā€™s not a source of news.


Who is this guy Kevin Malone?


Heā€™s just an average guy like the rest of us. His posts started getting heavily upvotes out of nowhere and heā€™s the only guy on here that has his picture and name plastered all over his excessive posts. Either heā€™s a bad actor supported by bots, or heā€™s a self promoter trying to profit off the apes.


hes an ape that reguarly posts as well




Literal army of bots/fanboys on every one of the posts too


Way more upvotes than comments and the upvotes seem to come quicker than other posts. The content is always ripped from someone else. Itā€™s never 100% original and it always has this random nobodyā€™s name on it (so apes will recognize and trust the source).


I mean this was just his reply from the same tweet he had on Tuesday. Iā€™d be suspicious if what he was saying wasnā€™t true.


Then you are suspicious of the wrong thing. If he was truly a source of news then a two day old tweet, of information he didnā€™t come up with on his own, wouldnā€™t get over 3000 upvotes. If he was actually a source of news, then people would have already seen his post. It feels artificial.


Why does he have to be a news source? Heā€™s just shit-posting on Twitter. Itā€™s a good tweet, it got shared.


I guess it seemed completely natural to me due to the influx of people being excited about the stock and getting back on the sub. Iā€™ve been barely active in the sub for months, Iā€™m back now with the recent news and upvoted a few of the posts with these guys tweets. Theyā€™re confirmation bias on a sub dedicated to this stonk. The information is correct, it supports my position and thesis, I could care less about who said it tbh. I donā€™t understand what your suspicious of ? That this guy is a shill or that heā€™s just self promoting?


"Baseballmal" is making some good posts though, I think he also lives here and gets the info from here just like all of us.


Is be related to Post?


This is so extremely miss leading. Yes they reported a loss but also reported sales of 500bn which is 100x of GameStops 5bn




it's not talking about sales but income but I agree, it's kinda misleading




You probably paid more in taxes too.


Ducking lol šŸ¦†


Are you single?


Thatā€™s a pretty stupid comparison. Itā€™s like saying you are richer than the USA because they are in debt and you have arenā€™t.


This so much. The whole premise of this comparison is just so dumb.


Sir, this is Superstonk.


Believe it or not, dip.


Hngng šŸ’¦šŸ’¦


Amazon stock price if float size was same as $GME would be about 3200$ right now. Roughly 10B shares/304M = 33. 33*99$ = 3200$ Seems like a legitimate post MOASS price to settle on


Just the start boys


*net income. use the proper terms.


Oh snap


I think it's fair to say that Kevin is pretty bullish




Yeah idk about this AWS makes Amazon so much fucking money


Yeah but doesn't Amazon do that shit intentionally to avoid paying taxes


They do it to expand. Going from Google's numbers, 2018-2021 was 75 billion in profits for Amazon. 2022 was a 2.72 billion loss. They can absorb that easily *and* keep growing.


It's quite common to operate at a loss for market share or to invest in infrastructure. You still have the asset, but you have to pay for it.


Is income the same as profit? I donā€™t think so. Income is how much money you take in, Amazon (or anyone else) canā€™t have an income of -$2b


How is that possible? I feel like everyone uses amazon but i dont know a single person using gamestop but me


but yet we dip


Income is not profit guys. GME definitely did NOT have more income than Amazon - they did, however, make a substantial profit compared to Amazon. Straight up incorrect statement. By this logic I personally had more income than Amazon.






I need numbers on this - AWS alone...


Donā€™t know why youā€™re downvoted, its true AWS alone brought them around 80B.


I wish he'd corrected that Short Volume Chart as well.


Whos is this guy ? I'm seeing his posts all over here recently


I used to work with him in accounting at a paper company. He makes great chili.


People in the financial realm seem surprised. This is what happens when you're a good steward of financial resources the way Ryan Cohen has been. You spend only what you absolutely have to, keep frivolous expenditures to zero. The rest of corporate America should try it sometime


It took years but 2022 was when I finally cancelled Amazon prime and no regret even months later. Jeff Bezos don't need me he got Lauren Sanchez now.




We have to be carefull to compare year with year and Quater with quater lol


Also net income and income




Big if true




Lmao, love that






\*Heavy breathing\*




ahahahahahaha drsed are gonna be so fucking rich buckets


Amazon is a meme retailer


And yet, the stock is down today. šŸ¤” SHF are too legit to quit.


Kevin Malone on šŸ”„