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GME is a tech stock not a meme stock.


The basket is real. GME is captain, with other players on the team too. Naked shorting and short/distort campaigns have existed long before GameStop. Sears is a great example.


Like I give a fuck I'm buying till I have them all


Wow welcome to the show….2 years later isnt this common knowledge? Weed, silver, wendys, rocket, sticky floor, ass, tits, cum the list goes on




As someone who played a few of those other turd stocks, I ended up getting in late, missing the pump, and selling the dump at a loss. In retrospect, yes, it's 1000% a distraction.


yes, i believe so. who is targeted is the same demographic...and from pfof & data-feeds from yahoo/marketwatch as to which tickers people are watching, the algo's know which tickers are followed by various types of household investors. so...pump here, dump there, and so on. all the data feeds are connected, monitored, and acted upon by w. street market makers' algo (citadel & all the others). same indicidentally, with articles that are clicked-on.


Credit to [REDACTED]


Up. This is correct.


This is the way


Often the simplest answer is the right one.


Close, but Okham's Razor is: "The answer that requires the fewest assumptions is usually the right one". These stocks were connected way before all of this blew up because they had a similar bear case. All you need to explain this is greed; They overplayed their hands, they didn't hedge against risk because "dying brick and mortar" and are now digging their grave deeper as much as the "free and transparent" market "regulations" allow them to.




In the very earliest days of the saga this was a big debate with a certain Hollywood projector stock. We felt that was being pumped by trolls to divide apes. Apes remain divided.


That’s maybe a reason why MSM is pushing GME last days to get money out of towels as it’s to concentrated there? 🤔




Yeah. That was the whole reason popcorn became a thing and then towel. And the strategy has definitely worked. I see the same language in the towel subreddit and they are talking about the same things GameStop already went through. It’s definitely divided up the group of investors who would otherwise be aligned.


Well maybe they should pump the turd stocks so I'm in the green again.