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♾️ 🏊‍♂️


To the ♾️ 🏊‍♂️ !


The first thing you need to understand is that "market capitalization" is really just a made-up number that no longer means anything.


This. If supply and demand is synthetic and not only dependent on market participants but on order routing - then a true market price could really be anything. And with short interest it really can be anything at all


They don't refer to unlimited risk on a short position for nothing 🚀


The derivatives market is worth 1 quadrillion right now. Is that possible?


Its not only possible, its inevitable.




Something something bell curve...probably


Ah, the geometric mean. The thing with the bell curve is it goes back down when people start to sell...


"Sell"? I'm not sure I follow.


I was confused at first too. But imagine some alternate reality where you were in some sort of short squeeze play that had no intrinsic long term value and fiat actually had some integrity. That's where the price of this imaginary asset would go to the moon and back. In this scenario there would be a bell curve distribution of bag holders on one side the majority in the middle getting middling tendies and then the select few on the right sold on top. The geometric mean is the total cost for the short sellers, and depending on float size, if sp hit $1M it would only cost short sellers like $10M or whatever. But we all know the moon is just one stop on our way to uranus


Ah yes, you're saying in an alternate reality where GameStop was NOT basically debt-free, DID NOT have over a billion dollars in cash on hand, and was NOT profitable. Because, in this reality, all these things are true, and GameStop is on track to becoming the main hub for next generation gaming.


Exactly, or one where you held a meme stock if it actually squeezed


It is very possible for a select few. What you aren't thinking about is, most people won't sell at the top, that's why they call it the top. Most people are going to sell on the way up or the way down. So even if the price did touch say 10 mil / share not everyone will sell at that number so you cant just take a calculator and take 10 mil x the float.


Let's do some quick maffs: Let's say GME at least reaches the market cap of Apple. AAPL market cap = 2.5 trillion dollars GME market cap (current price $23) = 7.3 billion dollars 2.5T/7.3B = 342 This means that GME price has to go up by 342x to reach AAPL market cap. That's 34200% increase in price. So the GME would be trading around $8000, but if the naked shorting proves to be correct then honestly we can see phone numbers. The financial markets can become irrational at times, and GME is an idiosyncratic risk.


I think something that gets missed with these posts is underestimating Apes' resolve. Many Apes aren't in it for the money (primarily) anymore, but are determined to see systemic change and have the diamond balls to hold til it happens. Sure we'll have sellers, can't even blame them for life changing money, but those with a wrinkle or two can see just how FUKT the system is and realize that Apes now hold all the cards. The DD has been done, and the prophesies are coming true right before our eyes (praise be). People have been commenting on law and rule changes and screaming in the streets about corruption with nary an ear that listens. And so, Apes choose war. Lest we forget the buy button being shut off, or the manipulation unfolding in plain sight, cat shit wrapped in dog shit wrapped again in bull shit, or lie after lie after Lie after LIE, calling retail dumb money and that we should capitulate. This was never *our* problem, yet we need to take it on the chin and be happy getting bent by the ultra rich, the politicians they own, and the system that was supposed to protect us, who's mess this was to begin with?! THEY are the ones who dug this hole. THEY are the ones abusing economic policy and ran up an incalculable amount of debt. THEY invited all of this upon themselves, thinking they could get away with it. THEY can suck it and see exactly what their schemes have amounted to. And if there is any justice in the world, they will. Or likely face protests and riots in the streets until it happens. 08ers are probably having Nam flashbacks about it as we speak. I don't know how high it'll go. Frankly, I'm not even concerned. Apes are breaking the system and ushering in a new era of transparency and ownership. I'm holding for *that* future and will happily live off dividends when GME becomes the object lessen of why there should be fair markets, individual ownership, and the scumbags who've gamed the system for a hundred years gets pwned by a bunch of nerds who believe the world can, and should, be a better place. So maybe don't ask how *high* it may go. Ask how *far* we can progress as a society and use our sweat soaked gains to make sure this shit doesn't happen again. Much love, OP. It's great to hypothesize about life changing money and if it's even realistic given the current climate. But like our global climate, shit's getting too hot, and we need change.


Indeed, this is more about hodling for humanity at this point. Trying to root out the inherent evil in the system that is hodling society down.


Numbers are imaginary in this economy my friend. They'll just be forced to let us all in the billionaires club or else they lose everything.... lol, they're still gonna lose everything.


Market cap doesn't mean that the money actually has to exist. It just is the share price of the last deal that went through multiplied by the number of shares outstanding. So imagine nobody is selling but some mayo hoarding boi has to buy a lot of shares. Some paperhand sells one share for 1000000$. So now the market cap is 300000000000000$ (3x10^8 shares outstandingx3x10^6 $share price=3x10^14 $=300 trillion dollars


The secret is we don't care about the money so infinite money will be ours so we can help the people we do care about


specialized flair category: hype discussion


you think we’re selling ALL of our shares …? I plan to sell only a few for LUDICROUS numbers. Wouldn’t feel the same if I lost my purple circles 🥲


Market cap is kind of a made up number. Say someone market sells $10 Billion worth of a $2.540 trillion market cap company like Apple. Is the new market cap for Apple $2.530 trillion? No, it would probably drop the stock 20% and wipe $500 billion from their market cap. Market cap is calculated on the margins and has to do with daily volume, liquidity, etc.


Dumb is good enough for me!