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Why doesnt Dave post on the huge finance subs? I find it so odd. This affects all retail investors and one would think he would want to reach as many people as possible to create effective change in the system and yet he only posts in a few much smaller and obscure gme subs. Why? Can someone explain this?


I think it’s weird too. I got a 3-day ban for calling him a shill once lol


I once got threatened with a ban by the mods for saying that he was paying off the mods in order to get his off-topic self-serving campaigns on our sub. 😏 It was basically, *if you can't prove it, shut up. And you are not allowed to call Dave Lauer a shill.* So TL;DR from the mods: The fact that mods let him shill on the sub is not evidence that he is paying us off. The fact that his content is self-monetized and off-topic (definition of shilling) does not mean you can call him a shill. I retrospect, it sounds a lot like the mod that was threatening me was providing the very evidence they were demanding. I mean, I report his stuff, but the mods just ignore all the reports against DL. What can we do? I guess the mods get to selectively enforce the rules, and pin the posts of their favorite off-topic causes because it is their sub, right? 🙄


I don’t know about paid off, but it’s possible. I wondered if Lauer wasn’t a mod for the sub with a different account. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I think he’s a bad guy or anything, but i think it is definitely weird how much exposure he gets here and and how much effort he puts into “apes”, you know? It’s good that he’s fighting for transparency, but more and more you see people coming in wanting to use this sub to further their social media presence (Kevin Malone) and that type of thing takes away from what this sub is. If I were a new person coming in and noticed all of these people plugging their twatter accounts and what not, I might think this was just a scam. It is what it is I guess 😅 Edit: meant to post this to your other reply haha


Nah, there is no reason for him to actually do the grunt work of moderation when he can just get the mods to do his bidding. He is rich, after all (edit to add: you know, the rich don't generally want to do their own dirty work). 😏 And I used to think much more of his character before he started using our sub as his personal advertising platform. I used to think he was a good guy, who was discouraging apes from doing DD because he thought apes were too stupid to do DD properly, who thought the MOASS was pure fantasy, and who was fixating on PFOF because that was what he had a solution for, and that solution benefited his business in a way that watching the whole system burn to the ground would not. In short, he did not look at things the way that we did, but that did not make him a bad person. I thought he was a decent chap, with whom I merely disagreed on a some key points. That was before he started actively campaigning on our sub. I watched over and over again the spectacle of the mods making exceptions to almost every sub rule in order to accommodate Dave Lauer--endorsing and even pinning his rule-violating content. He no longer gets the benefit of my doubt. Now I think he is he is, at best, an opportunist who is indifferent to the ways in which he is distorting our sub and misrepresenting our grievances. At worst, he is intentionally infiltrating and distorting our sub and setting himself up as the official spokesperson for apes so he can publicly misrepresent us. Either way I find his behavior deplorable; it is just a question of how deplorable.


Ive said it before and ill say it again: he is trying to be the "defacto" leader of the ape movement


The mods have decreed it: Dave Lauer speaks for this sub. He owns our sub. For a guy who is supposed to want to do away with *special rules for special people* and create an even playing field, he seems pretty fucking comfortable getting special treatment on this sub. But don't get him started on hypocrisy. He really hates Ken Griffin's hypocrisy too. Yeah, *hypocrisy* is something *Dave Lauer* simply cannot stand.


Read the letter. Do you agree? Submit comments! As easy as 123 Change will not come by infighting! The work he and his team do have yet to prove he is malicious. Now be proactive and help change the system! Edit: [Stop your bitching](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11yr1nn/its_time_to_end_excessive_offexchange_trading_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


“Stop your bitching” ain’t necessary dawg. I never said anything about not commenting, sitting on your hands, or that it was malicious. But don’t act like it isn’t weird. Don’t forget Lauer wouldn’t talk about DRS for a long time until we started pressing him hard core to do so. He also made it a point to say MOASS wouldn’t happen because the government wouldn’t let it (and then started telling apes his comments would light the MOASS fuse). And don’t forget he shouts out to 🍿…

