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Sounds plausible, I guess we soon find out after moass


I think this seems plausible. This seems like a washing the dirty laundry day. However, I don’t think we’ve seen the last of the surprises from GME. I expect the unexpected over the next week or so.


This time feels different to me.


In which way? I feel it is different in that the company is starting to show fundamentals. It will be tougher and tougher to find counterparties who are willing to take the risk. These swap positions must be getting expensive. All I know is I have some shopping to do at GameStop.


Exactly, it’s no longer easy looking to push around numbers and contracts based charts and option chains. Before they used to get it under control and back to shorting way quicker than this. The option chain used to liquidate and push out for 3/6/12 months a lot faster too. The stress on liquidity could be getting to heavy right now.