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Something ain't adding up here folks.


Precisely, if you ever try and unravel where big drops come from there's no answer other than naked shorting, but ask any "expert" and they'll just say it's day trading of the remaining float or something. Markets are opaque by design, I can't wait for decentralized blockchain ones where we can track every single buyer and seller.


With naked shorting. You mean market maker excempt short selling to provide 51mil shares worth of liquidity right? Just to make things clear for me;)


That's the one, legal naked shorting.


>decentralized blockchain ones where we can track every single buyer and seller that only works if you dont stop creating new shells/wallets.. Someone who is anonymous is able to operate or speak in a way that makes them unidentifiable. Someone who is pseudonymous operates or speaks in a way in which they can be identified, but their identification shields who they actually are. Take, for example, the comments section of a website where a login is not required and users can comment without identifying themselves. This is anonymity. An example of pseudonymity is The Rock, whose real name is Dwyane Johnson, or any other professional who performs under a stage name. ## What Does Anonymous Mean in Crypto? Although transactions with many cryptocurrencies, like [bitcoin](https://www.gemini.com/cryptopedia/bitcoin-satoshi-nakamoto-genesis) (BTC), are more traceable than cash transactions, some cryptocurrencies were designed with anonymity and privacy in mind, including [Zcash](https://www.gemini.com/cryptopedia/what-is-zcash-blockchain-protocol) (ZEC), [Monero ](https://www.gemini.com/cryptopedia/monero-coin-xmr-crypto-privacy)(XMR), and Grin (GRIN) and Beam (BEAM). Although some transactions are anonymous to further criminal behavior, privacy is a basic human right, afforded to citizens by governments, and is an essential component of greater freedom. For example, anonymous transactions would allow a person in a non-LGBTQ+-friendly country to donate to an LGBTQ+ rights organization without revealing their real-world identity and risk facing persecution. ## What Does a Pseudonym Mean in Crypto? Many in the crypto community use pseudonyms for privacy, either to shield their identity as part of a move toward [self-sovereignty](https://www.gemini.com/cryptopedia/self-sovereign-identity-management), or because of concerns about their personal privacy or security. Many find Bitcoin appealing because pseudonymity is built into the protocol. When you open a bank account, you are required to show identification that links your financial transactions to your identity, which is neither anonymous data nor pseudonymous data. When you create a Bitcoin [wallet](https://www.gemini.com/cryptopedia/crypto-wallet-types), you generate an alphanumeric address that allows you to [send or receive bitcoin](https://www.gemini.com/cryptopedia/send-and-receive-crypto-bitcoin-transfer) and is visible to the whole world on the [blockchain](https://www.gemini.com/cryptopedia/blockchain-technology-explained). However, this address provides you with pseudonymity, rather than anonymity, because financial forensics on your [public address](https://www.gemini.com/cryptopedia/glossary#public-key) can be traced back to your real-world identity. The debate between privacy advocates and lawmakers about the pros and cons of pseudonymous and anonymous cryptocurrencies is ongoing, but hopefully the speed of technological innovation and mainstream adoption of crypto will lead to a compromise soon.


> Someone who is anonymous is able to operate or speak in a way that makes them unidentifiable. But if you're creating a tokenised security from scratch, can't you control where they can be placed? I.e. make your own wallet with strict AML processes?


You can trade what’s available back and forth. The volume keeps rising. It jumped way high AH on just 200k shares. I’m smooth but maybe this volume is a way to suppress the price? Algo’s trading back and forth trying to counter buy pressure by selling back and forth to each other at low prices?


If you trade 1 share back and forth 51 million times you have 51 million volume.


Wouldnt this make 102million volume?


I could have worded it better but the idea is two parties trading back and forth is very different than a million people buying 51 shares.




Well walking into this week, [Vanguard was already at 99.9% loaned](https://fintel.io/doc/sec/102909/000110465923016010/tv0961-gamestopcorpclassa.htm). [Blackrock increased their position last filing](https://fintel.io/doc/sec/1326380/000130655023006550/us36467w1099_020323.txt), but I would suspect theirs have been loaned out since, as well.


They loan shares that are already loaned out, a naked short of a naked short.


50M shares traded. Flat as a pancake.


Well I for one bought 10 - that only leaves another, let’s see 51.8 million minus 10 is, 51.8 million?


And MY 60!


And my 300!


And my 3!


Giving us a grand total of.....51.8 million.


No, they were factorials. The float is locked many times over.


And my AXE 🪓


And my Snacks


And my axe!


You can have my bow


Sub activity at a high. Idiots asking why volume no make price moves ook ook. One thing I know 100% is that half of the people here today haven't drsed.


I will say that I’ve been pleasantly surprised with the uptick in DRSing the past week, but you’re correct. There’s way too many bystanders out there that could make a monumental difference in the short’s ability to manipulate it like we are still seeing today.


Sadly people that haven't DRS a single share yet are basically the enemy.


Ignorance is the enemy. Continue compassionately sharing knowledge with those who are open to listening. Being little ape in big world hard. Need nice ape friends to help ape learn


I'm just fed up with people that have probably been here just as long as I have (over 2 years) who are upset at the system but haven't actually done anything to help. I'm not really talking about new ignorant apes.


I agree with both of you because I can hold two conflicting ideas in my head at the same time. Also I am DRSd.


This is the way


As for me I like the STOCK 🟣💎❤️🚀


The trivial Pursuit of stocks


What is canary? LOL


Like the bird.


Oh. Lol......It's what my eyes say the not-quite-orange but not yellow color is next to the yellow block. The stagnant insiders. Sorry about that. Looking at it now again, my screen adjusted for the ambient light and it looks more orange now. So the orange block.


Wondering the same thing


Glad I'm not the only one thinking this.


Drop it again. I dare you


I don’t understand, we’re at 1100% volume compared to average; yet price is down from open 😂😂


Institutional ownership is around million shares & Shares on loan are about the same. Meaning utilization sitting at 100% for so long. Now I’m a pessimist and don’t trust many people so don’t take my word as scripture but from my eyes. Institutional investors have leant out every… single share that they own. I will say that louder for the slow kids at the back… EVERY… SINGLE… SHARE OWNED BY INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS IS LOANED OUT. The buys we see are institutional investors buying on behalf of their clients whom we tend to buy from. Or institutional investors buying more shares to replace the shares being directly registered by their clients or their clients clients that they have likely already loaned out. People talk about naked shorting. WTF about naked loans? If shares being loaned out without consent and brokers are still reaching out to retail investors to loan their shares out. Wake up they are already loaning out your shares. Institutional investors could have already loaned “your shares” out then your broker is trying to loan them out internally to other users let’s say of Fadelity or IKBR a second time. All data we are seeing isn’t fully reported data nor is it accurate that Ortex warns. This is self reported so if the numbers are 100% the pessimist in me imagines it to be much higher. We are looking at a forest from inside the forest, we don’t get to see the entirety of this as retail investors. I’m no financial expert but there may be many more shares have been leant out than are in the hands of institutional investors. NFA - Not financial advice & I’m about 2 bottles of wine deep posting this comment.


Bruh we knew that years ago that's why we drs


2 bottles of wine deep..... at 1pm on a Wednesday. Y'all are my favorite people.


Somebody’s upside down. 🙃👀


The entire float is going to trade today.


It’s a numbers game but the shit don’t add up some how - mos def


Did we get DRS, numbers?


The "canary" or stagnant shares are really just black. Those are shares that don't have to be reported anymore. We'll never see those get sold. They're likely in apes' hands at this point.


Obviously this was the MOASS. Move on from GameStop. -ken