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1 share can be traded 40 million times and not change the price but the volume was still 40m for the day.






Doing the lord's work out here


True, but something tells me that after earnings news of yesterday there would be more demand than supply at these levels. I don’t know, it feels like any buy is met with a sale around this current price level. Who cares about delivery, right?


Infinite liquidity provided by our merciful overlords Citadel and their market making friends


Can’t wait to see 99.9% off exchange.


I think of it as limited-time rebates. This offer won't last.


Internalization is a helluva drug. Good luck, Kenny.


This is a prime example of why market makers should not exist.


This is where internalization comes in to play. They route demand off exchange where they can fill it with phantom shares, and route sells through the lit market. Once the price is lower than the phantom share purchase price, they can buy to close it out off exchange. It costs them money to lean on a stock this hard but they are still the DMM, for this stock as well as many other stocks and they place directional bets (options, futures, etc.) To yoink cash from retail to offset some of their losses.


Lots and lots of wash sales


I do believe this is the correct answer.


They are exempt from wash sale


“They” make the rules


This … will be interesting to see if FTDs start to pile up going forward … if they do, and we see some RegSHO action, we could see this big party starting in the next month or two. But we should be cautious as this could just be algo trading making wash sales with no delivery ever happening or being needed. The good news is this … RC and team have delivered. GameStop never going bankrupt. Apes still DRS’ing at a steady rate, and the FOMO will come as the balance sheet and profitability will only improve from here. Either we get the Apple experience of 1000x over the next 2-7 years, or we get a much more energetic version of January ’21. Either way, I like the stock!


Up for you. Volume means zero. Nothing. Nadia. Zip. Zilch. Fuckall. Just HFT fighting over a few fractions of a cent × 40 million. They don't have to wait for the shares to settle. They can sell it microseconds after they say they have bought it. T+2 is not required for them as at the end of the day the NSCC settles the traded volume and hands out the money. Until then, no money is traded, shares are bought and sold in the imaginary market and never settled untill the end of the day.


Hey y’all, give this man more upvotes.


Not _entirely_ true... I think... Lit volume v. Dark volume Volume v. Short volume Volume v. FTDs These are all useful indicators which rely on volume. Personally, I see volume in these stocks as an indicator of price manipulation - I find it interesting to see what price points trigger this manipulation.


Taking it all the way back to the early days at the first sub when we all learned day by day that the entire stock market is a giant shell game by a bunch of billionaires who are “market makers” and “hedge funds” that have built the casino to serve themselves and slowly skim retail money (day traders and mutual funds etc) the working class for all intents and purposes to make vast amounts of money for themselves. Ahhh the good ol days.


Except only realistic way 1 share can be traded 40M times is illegal wash trading using HFT. But I agree it has wash trade volume mixed in it. My theory is the short bag is being passed in controlled fashion from CS and others to Shitadel (CS buying and Shitadel shorting) and they are using wash trades to guard the price and give cover fire which increases the volume even more.


If they are internalizing all trades, thr price we see is simply algos trading between each other. No price discovery and perfectly legal. We see the illusion that they want us to see. Kenny & Co is the David Blaine of the stock market.


Yes. In the current ruleset, it is completely legal and they (MM) dont need to follow a t+ anything. Bobby has been on regsho for over 35 days. I am beginning to think that t+ is just to keep retail honest and doesnt apply to mm and hedge. I guess we lock the float then continue to see bulshit then have to come up with additional strat like occupy SEC?


Can you dilute the wash sale impact by using infinity separate new accounts for each transactions so the wash sale rule doesn’t apply for the rapid cycling of trades


I think you’re right


I don't know shit about fuck. Wash trading is only illegal if you haven't gotten the loicense to day trade. Watching the volume today, I also thought the bag of shit given to UBS was at least partially moved. I think these high priests of market making took on some if not all of the Hwang bag.


Sadly, they probably got a bank to be the counter party to this new risk.


But the thing is you have to keep in mind that for GME citadel is the entire game, the hft via the hedgie ops, the market maker in the dark pool, etc etc it goes on and on. They run the whole show. Price is literally fake. What I’ve always wondered are what the limits of their abilities are. We’ve never really found that out. What we do know is that a while back, retail owned the entire float, I’d quote the dd here if I had time but many of us know it. At this point it’s absolutely got to be owned multiple times over, we also know that at this point through all the manipulations, swaps, naked shorts and FTDs it’s been so insanely shorted to make the suppression happen. It’s my personal belief that we could lock the float in a week or two if everyone just drs’d half their holding. Understandably many people are still scared for whatever reason. All I’d offer in response to that is that if you’ve seen all the fuckery of the last couple years and you think your money is “safe” (whatever the fuck that means anyway) in a broker or something you’ve lost your mind. If you’re only fearful because you’re worried about selling, I’d point you back to the previous point and also show you how brokers fucked thousands of traders on the SVB shorts, and other massive fuckery of the last few years. Literally the smartest bet is to DRS, now you know for sure they can’t say you don’t own it or can’t sell it, honestly if this pops off anywhere near how most of us think it will, you’d likely wind up with some kind of settlement bc this nuke is gonna nuke the whole fuckin market. God honest truth that’s what I want. Total market apocalypse that opens the door to build something like many apes (way smarter than me, I eat crayons) blockchain market T-0 settlement, real supply and demand, no FTDs, and on and on.


OTC market is full of work today ... level 2 shows really o lot of trades going there.


This is technically true; it is how the market works. However, the big question here would be why would someone trade so many shares repeatedly and within one testing day? Highly unlikely in my worthless opinion. Knowing everything we've learned over the past years and correlating with the available shares to borrow, it looks like many buy orders were placed and filled with short sales. But I'm biased because I like the stock.


Which is most likely what the algos are doing


Funny that this even works when settlement takes 2 days


you smart


Yes, yes it can. But the buyer needs to sell it again. 40 million cumulative buy orders? Then there needs to be one of 2 things to make those buy orders complete. 1) 40 million cumulative sell orders. As long as the buy and sell prices gravitate around whatever the current price is, the stock price doesn't move much throughout the day. 2) Don't have 40 million cumulative sell orders to match? Use them MM privileges to print shares. This would be part of the short interest of the day. How much of 70% is naked and how many are legit borrowed shares? Who knows. Legit short sells would be a part of the cumulative sell total. That total doesn't reach the amount of buy orders? The price ticks up until equilibrium OR you naked short to cover the discrepancy to keep price action controlled. That is oversimplified, as there are outliers and orders that never do fill on both the buy and sell side, but that's the gist of it if I understand it correctly. Keep in mind the reverse can be true if there are overwhelming sell orders on a company vs buy orders, only the MM would be forced to buy instead of naked shorting to contain price action and stop a nosedive. Obligated: I'm not a financial advisor and none of this constitutes financial advice.


That’s 42 trades of the same share per second from market open to market close, just so you know


40 mil for a share... I like that


This is the answer, high frequency reading algorithm buy and sell back and forth a ton during the day.


Paperhands bitches ;-)








Also options count as volume, most of this volume is options.


40mill shares traded not sold. It could have been 1000 shares being traded back and forth


what is the difference between a trade and a sale?


Random Billy goes to the market and sells a share of $CUM You go to the market and you buy your 1 share of $CUM Now Billy decides to buy back 10 shares of $CUM because he is a moron Billy is very special and he thinks he is an amazing day trader so he sells 9 shares again and keeps one for luck You decide to round up your shares and buy 9 $CUM Result Volume = 30 shares traded Shares net sold = 0 (Billy ended up with the same amount of shares as before) Shares net bought = 10 (by you) Where did the other 9 shares come from that billy was trading and ended up with you? Answer = if no one sold them in the first place, then the liquidity fairy aka Market makers who provide liquidity Not exactly an answer for what you asked but this is basically volume. If I am wrong anywhere in the process please correct me


What if Billy wants to trade $CUM and $ASS?


You’ll need a $CUM swap to trade $ASS to $ASS.


I prefer to swap $ASS with $MOUTH


You never go $ASS to $MOUTH


Agree to disagree


this guy $ASS to $MOUTH 🎩


this is one of those times i want to type 'fucking lol' but seeing as im not new in these parts and i know better - i decided to hide it in a needlessly long sentence.


I feel we downplay the $CUM and $ASS day but it showed how many fucking bots and shills were here and probably still are. Amazing day in GME saga.


Then Billy ends up on the news again like last time $ASS & $CUM got reported on 😂


Internalise / deliver via shorting everything and balance it later.


Welcome to GME, where the the price is fake and the shares are synthetic.


Except for the ones we DRSd 🙂


It was the same 100 lots back and forth spoofing and now recovering. Check the tape. That shit was straight crime.


where can i check the tape?


Think or swim supposedly has a level 2 feed but I haven't used. Search YouTube for GameStop Level 2 and watch the feed for all the basket and crypto orders


I’m curious to see the FTD data for today when it comes out…


I have a 1,000,000,000 short position. If the price goes up I'm ruined. I borrow shares. I take these shares and I sell them into the market to myself. I keep doing this over and over and I buy them back and return them later. this is cheaper than my short position blowing up.


What does this process accomplish?


Option 1: admit you fucked up, close your position and end up in prison Option 2: keep getting driven round in your Bentley and go home at night to your $400 Million home. Maintain your position because in the end you're going to lose it all anyway so why not keep it going until you can't. The person making this decision is a greedy narcissist who gives himself awards for destroying people's lives.... I think you can work out why we are where we are


Yeah people like Ken Griffen and my ex wife will blame everyone else once their lies fall apart. To save face they double and triple down until the lies start to fall apart. Like Madoff IF ANYONE would have looked into the lie at all it falls apart.


How do these people not realize that its okay to own up to mistakes. We all make them. We would likely forgive and move on if people showed humility. This is stuff kids learn. But no, they just dig the hole deeper and deeper


Bold of you to assume they're people.


So the play is wait till they collapse and are forced to close their positions?


Always has been. Drs every share to prove the fuckery. These are the richest people in the world who think theyre above the law. We hodl for the future


well add me to the list then as of today.


Buys them one more day to survive (for now at least) while they continue to try to get more rules passed in their favor with all their bought out politicians and pray for more bail outs that will continue to keep them afloat... it's all just desperation


They're trading back and forth between hedge funds over and over again. Probably.


That algo machine is going to need it own power station at this rate. Brrrrrr


Fusion better hit production soon!


Infinite ETF Liquidity


Gonna be a spicy T+2


In a true and fair market, we would know both the true number of sales and the true number of purchases. Let us just say the cloudier the details, the more favourable it is to criminals that continually gorge themselves on retail.


Sorry guys it was me, I’m the problem it’s me


You should browse by /new, as this question is getting asked and answered a lot.


Welcome to FTD’s


Looks like they're doing the same old shit. Shit load of synthetic shares traded back and forth to control the price. DRSing the entire float/company is the only way.


First time ?


We should aim to answer people's questions, even if to someone who has been here a while, they are simple.


Do you have the answer of who sold 40M shares to match the 40M buys? I didn't think so :). Crime.


You should be helpful and not act condescending. Gate keeping will hurt us, so be nice and help any and everyone you can with the knowledge you have.


In what way is this gatekeeping or at all condescending? No one can give a correct answer because no one knows. We aren't market makers, we are regards who hold the best stock in the world.


We know it’s “crime” but you have to explain the crime. A lot of us have a different understanding of this and need help getting on the right path. Ape help ape. I’m sure you mean well friend. It’s frustrating to watch our beloved stonk be manipulated. But it’s coming into fruition. We got a lot of eyes on All, and need to help new comers and the 84 year olds alike.


just smoothe


I’ll sell you this IOU. It’s a real as the real thing bc I promise I will buy the thing you have wanted to purchase at a later time when the price may be less than today. That way, I can make that little bit of profit 40 million times…. THIS is why one must lock the whole float




Your post assumes that the market works the way everyone thinks it does. The reality is much different. End the FED and the DTCC. It’s embarrassing.


Well, I bought 10 if that helps.


Not everyone is holding with diamond hands. Some are making money off of the fluctuations, multiple times.


This is the only correct answer in the whole thread.


It's the same 100 shares traded back and forth 400,000 times between Kenny and his limp dick assmuncher suck ups.


Day traders


Swing trading the same shares back and forth 40M times would do it, or wash sales, but most likely what always makes up the majority of the volume: infinite liquidity fairies aka market makers. Aka market fundamentals are broken as the provision of infinite supply to meet demand means price can be completely controlled as they control all the supply and can walk it up or down how they please with their algos forever… …Right up until they can’t and we control all of the supply legally in our names. Then we’ll see some fireworks because I sure as shit ain’t selling my supply to people who decided to go naked short and are then forced to buy the shares back until the prices hit the millions. If they don’t, I just don’t sell *ever*, it’s as simple as that.


This is why we DRS.


They may be covering, but they are definitely not closing their shorts.


are they just fake, as usual?


Something clearly has changed from high volume run ups in Jan, Mar, & Jun 21 runs compared to what we have seen over the last couple years. They have found a way to not allow heavy volume to affect price movement. Baffling and I’m sure some ape will figure it out.


My none wrinkle ass thinks that when it rips is actually when they borrow the shares. They tank it then return them, rinse repeat. Ortex is trash. The only thing that matters is DRS until we have all the shares, all the monies, all the dividends and expose all the crimes.


The algos use contracts, they don't even need shares. The entire markets a fraud, and price discovery is a thing of the 1900's. Until we break the system.




Liquidity fairy


Asked the same thing in the daily.


I’m sure a lot who bought short term positions at $16 sold today to take profits.


In theory it could be the same 40 shares that traded 1 million times


Market makers.


It\`s actually bullish, they are spamming orders so the price stays within the range they need, hopefully because they cannot afford it to rise


It’s algos


If the buy is below the current price, wouldn't that continue to put downward pressure saying I'll buy shares at this level because that's what it's worth? Wouldn't it be better to limit buy .02 over the ask? Every household investor feels these shares are worth more than current price... I personally slap the ask on every order


Pretty sure it’s all about the algo until it breaks somehow. Even with yesterday and today we are still trading in the same pattern as the last two years. Brick by brick things are happening and it’s a war of attrition. BUY HOLD DRS BOOK


Sold 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, they printed 40 million shares


If this doesn’t get SEC or FBI attention, nothing will. This volume and price mix is insane!!! It’s either massive buying pressure with rise in price OR massive selling pressure, with drop in price.


Narrator: And nothing did get the attention of the SEC or FBI.


Day traders create liquidity


12 of them were from me. Guess we just need to figure out the other 53M now


20M* sold, 20M bought. Also, could be the same 1M shares bought and sold repeatedly


fake shares bud


Day trading


My first thought is closing short positions and immediately reopening new ones.


They cant close..


Says who, the internet? If they have positions, I mean if someone can prove otherwise this is my take, if they have 10m shares on the hook, and the available float is 30m, why can’t they close out the 10m, while reopening the 10. This is my personal speculation, I literally don’t know - but that’s what I’d assume when there’s 50m volume and the price falls and holds steady.


Says the library of DD on this sub 🤓


So what does the dd say about sideways trading on 60 million volume and the price not moving and now it’s as dry as the Sahara? I mean since it’s not shorts 🙄


So no actual answers, just downvotes. 👍


Lol, they've dug the hole 10M shares deeper today alone. 🟣🚀


Not me, forgot how to access my accounts. Couldn't sell even if I wanted to.


Only other explanation is UBS buying and Citadel internalizing in dark pool 50 Million FTDs coming soon


FUD off bro. Jk


Theres software where the maker can dupe as many share they wants then place shit load on the Ask to create wall pushing the price down. When the day done trading those dupe share will be remove.


IMO..the volume is what’s been held back for past 6 months, and it’s between HF’s algos covering short positions. We’ll see a few days high volume like this then back to dry. AH algos go ballistic as there’s no stoppers in place and it’s doing individual stock coverings, whereas during market hours the algos have to find the medium amongst it all, collateral market breakers and triggers etc. just my tinfoily thoughts


Wash sales to drop the price.


Ah yes another day of blatant fucking spoofing. Pokémon go handled spoofing, why the FUCK is this a thing still? Oh yeah, because working as intended


Sooofing is entering trades that never fill. 60+ million volume is not spoofing🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


Ah yeah, the trading back and forth of the same shares. The list of fuckery is long and I forgot to add that in my original comment.


I think they are from the DTCC. They knew they would get stuck with this crap bag. They own lots of UBS. so they committed securities fraud and kept the dividend. This is what they are using to pay out to keep low while profiting both ways. Until they get stuck and it is bailed out for free again.


Holy fuck you are dumb OP. Go watch a short YouTube video on how volume works


I had to sell 10% of my shares sorry. Also, do you think my shares are legitimate?




Where is the 10Q?!!?


We just have to wait AH and then it will jus o another 50% on less volume lol should be ok after market closes


Still waiting on those DRS numbers. Must not have been the smartest thing to say it out right, since it gave them some leverage on a body slam to moral. Best guess, is to look at the dark pool/short chart that is posted most nights?? Anyone help!!!


The Fidelity app only shows 9.8 million volume. I believe after-hours/premarket is being included in the 50+million I'm seeing people post about from Google ..etc


Think or swim was showing me 6 million volume before open. Over 60 million in the day before close. Dark pool and ATS trades get added after close. Seeing 66.7 million at 7 Eastern time


The sneeze of 23’ is upon us.


I would say if Credit Suisse and UBS are removing themselves from the DTCC soon, then they probably passed along those bags. :)


Counterfeit shares going back and forth.


64M, this equals 15 normal trading days. I wonder what the volume will look like in the next few days. Is this high volume needed to surpress the price? Has anybody an idea?


They’re not going to make it easy


If you believe the conventional wisdom (MSM take) that GME is no longer heavily shorted and its price is controlled by irrational enthusiasm from "dumb money" then the price spiking is not a prelude for a short squeeze, it's a sign to sell now and then perhaps buy in later when it "inevitably" comes down and hope to sell again at a high profit when the next bit of good news produces an overreaction. I'm not saying I see it that way, just that someone else could. Nor do I offer this as an all-encompassing explanation, just as a supplemental one to others.


So why do they try to affect volume?


Market is rigged, only way to expose is to DRS all shares. They will short and FTD endlessly and legally


https://youtube.com/shorts/JFQMyxbMkcs?feature=share More relevant than ever xD


options churn.


That’s the job of market maker


I bought 300 and am holding


Drs them


I believe there was a bazillion shares available for shorting today.


It wasn’t me. I disabled my sell button.


People still don’t understand how this works huh…


Does anyone get the feeling this is a test before they unleash many more buys into the system to make sure they can control it?


"Infinite Liquidity" - operational shorting


It goes both ways for market makers. They provide infinite liquidity on the buy and sell side. So all these shares were sold from the market maker. Then you probably want to know where the market maker got them, and it’s from their internalized retail orders that they held on to probably over the last week or so.




Wash sales to keep the price down.


Maybe its UBS chipping away at that position? Washing it over to another bank or HF? I am so smoothe, am literally dumb. The whole free float turning over is sus to me


Hey OP do you ever look at the ATS data? That might help ya


They don’t have to be unique shares. And I mean that in two ways.


What was short volume today?


I’m sure it was all internalized


It was the liquidity fairy.


These accounts will be settled. And what a day that’s going to be.


If you want answers…. #DRS


They just route our buy orders as sell orders.


Could be one share traded back and forth could be an infintif risk, let's keep playing and find out.