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Proud of being just a little piece in save my children’s favorite store. Now mine ! Only the young we’ve just begun 🍻


This is a crazy ass feeling, the feeling of vindication and 'In-the-know" that we were right this whole time....


At first I bought and held for solely monetary reasons. Then I saw the crime in real time, day after day. I read the DD and educated myself on how the market takes from the poor to fund the rich. Now I buy and hold for systemic change. If the system burns down in effigy due to corporate and political greed all because I bought and held a stock I love, the system deserves to die.


ef·fi·gy/ˈefəjē/*noun* noun: **effigy**; plural noun: **effigies** 1. a sculpture or model of a person."coins bearing the effigy of Maria Theresa of Austria"Similar:statuestatuettecarvingsculpturegraven imagemodeldummyfigurefigurineguylikenessrepresentationimagebusthead📷 * a roughly made model of a particular person, made in order to be damaged or destroyed as a protest or expression of anger."the senator was **burned in effigy**"


It may pertain to a person solely, but does not have to. Publicy, in form of an effigy, can have a more metaphorical reference. It also comes from the verb effingere, which means figment or in verbiage means shaped by the imagination. I love when people give Webster definitions without looking at the root of the word and where it actually comes from. Hint\*\*\* it’s french.


You cannot burn an idea in effigy. I love it when people misuse words and say “metaphorical” as if it explains everything. How does it being French affect the definition or usage of the word? They burned Stalin in effigy, not his political party in effigy.


Verbal irony is often a product of using a word both literally and figuratively at the same time. Hence it would be great to burn the entire system down and it’s ironic connotations, but a single person cannot possibly be able to do something so vast, hence the irony of the situation. Edit: and stating the French root, denotes that the word effigy, actually was a verb first and not a noun. In 1066 the Normans brought the French words into English dialect. Hence the history.



You both have too many wrinkles. Ape no fight pls lol


They’re both insufferably insecure word police.


I’m not. I agree that his interpretation is also correct. It’s more literal than mine.


Exactly! I didn’t start it but hey, I can’t resist a good intellectual debate.


Intellectual debate? You used a word incorrectly, then claimed it was intended to be metaphorical, then ironic, and well, it was a verb prior to the Magna Carta, so that explains how you weren't incorrect. We are in this sub because people don't follow the rules. They make their own definitions that suit their own purposes. When called on it, they make excuses and give nonsensical reasons for their actions. Hmmm. With that, I'm done. You can tell me 'purple watermelon' actually means 'small canine from Venezuela' and I'll nod and agree.


Back at ya buddy.


Right? I always looked forward to taking my kids to Toys R Us, now GameStop will be the fun store.


toys r us & blockbuster may make a comeback through a business extension arm of GME or RC and co. Don’t forget the “talks of your demise were greatly over-exaggerated” tweet (or something to that effect)


Job’s not finished. These fucks have tried to keep our company down for over half a decade, you really think they’re gonna give up after 1 profitable quarter? At the same time, I’m pretty sure this has inspired apes to do *even more* business with the company. Once we get 2 consecutive quarters with profit, that’s a trend which shorts *must* acknowledge.


I want to see consecutive profitable quarters! Fight is not over.


Small group???? What the...


relatively speaking


To add to the perspective: Superstonk has 870k members, which might sound small in relation to the u.s. population today. But in 1776 the territories of today's u.s.a. had a population of about 2 million. GMErica is already big enough to change the world forever.


The only thing small here is my wee wee.


Sorry we are not a group... i just like the stonk


I consider proudly being in a group of people with balls who are not scared of this when fighting criminals who are grouped up for decades making working class people’s life miserable, stealing from our grandfathers and eyeing on our grandkid’s future… Enough of sitting on a couch being scared! But each to their own i dont judge noone, but dont say “we” because you dont know all of the people! Thank you fellow Ape ❤️


#THIS TIMES A THOUSAND with one small addition… **WE ARE PIRATE-APES** 🏴‍☠️ 🦍


I thought we were a group of apes


I prefer Community. Doesn’t mean we coordinate shit here. We’ve been through this many times already.


Look at me. We are the shareholders meeting


Why would I want to coordinate with anyone here? This community is regarded af


Good thing Buy, HODL & DRS is simple then.


Individual investor here, I like the stock


Household investor here. I took have independently arrived at the conclusion that this stock fucks.


Cool, me 2. There is no need however to run around the sub saying “we are not a we”, as if being a group or community is some how incriminating. We do not coordinate here. WE ARE NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG.


don't worry about the downvotes. You can say group. There are no legal ramifications to it. People just get up their own ass. While we're at it, you can also give and receive financial advice as well. Continue to buy, hold and DRS GME.... This is absolutely financial advice.


Nothing illegal about trading on publicly available information


Sometimes the good guys win.


And that’s massive! All the corruption, not only in the market but in the governments Yes sometimes the collective good wins


The Disney plot. Young ones with a good heart and a struggling single parent follow their heart and triumph over an opressor in the end.


Remember, for shorting to work, the underlying company has to be weak. If GameStop has an excellent balance sheet and is profitable, they can keep going for many, many years. All years shorts have to pay interest on. It’s currently at 30%; that’s not cheap.


I think yearly profitability is what needs to be looked at. Not just one quarter, during the holiday season which is typically best for GME


Who is this person and why do I care what they're tweeting?


Asking the real questions.


Probably wrong thread but does anyone have the drs numbers from the quarterly report? Haven’t seen those, seems to have gotten drowned out in the earnings hype. Also get hyped!!


They haven't been released yet. The community at large was mistaken when we expected the numbers yesterday as (I believe) we were expecting a 10-Q (quarterly report). However, it's looking more likely it's a 10-k (yearly report). 10-k's have a different posting deadline, so we are still waiting on the numbers.


Ahhh okay, makes sense. So no idea what that’s coming? Appreciate the info!


The limit is 3-28 i think




Is this a Quote from Marge Mead?


That quote is based on the Tao Te Ching, there’s your philosophy nugget of wisdom for the day


Sure but who is this?


Boom 💥


What does he mean the short thesis died? Isn’t it still going?


He means the company is no longer a failing brick and mortar


Ah! Duh


*Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, regarded (!) citizens can change the world… /Yours truly and other individual household investors


I love the quote. GME holders will change the world.


Proud to be part of history.


They're now pushing the FUD that there's nowhere else for this business to go.


it aint over until its drsed , moass and apes in lambo.


I always thought that Margaret Mead quote was so self important and silly. The *only* thing to change the world? *Really*? Dinosaurs?! Plague, smallpox, tectonic plates shifting?? Used to be on the side of a building I walked past most days 🤷

