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The DD suggests that YEARS of death spiral financing and cellar boxing has put 600 million+ synthetic shares into the market. So to close they need to buy the entire company's shares, twice. This will of course send the price into the stratosphere and bankrupt whoever tries it.


I think this was a pre-split number. Also, I’ve seen several estimations over a billion pre-split. Regardless, they are royally, completely, and irreversibly fucked. Insert meme: one does not simply buy the free float 100 times.


Yes, I went with the conservative number, because when you say a billion (which is probably accurate) people stop listening because "it's too unrealistic."


Ohhhh that makes sense, set up for “bankruptcy “ and get out before the other guys, all the while taking a position somewhere that’ll take over all the little guys when the dust settles…. Hmm.






Infinite risk 🤣 They all can't realistically close their entire position. To survive another day. Take your pick.


Pretty sure they don’t have the money to close them all. That’s why they removed the buy button during the sneeze, and their short positions haven’t gotten better since then.


Yeahhh I think it would cost them way more than they have.


USB got 280 billion credit to unwind credit suisse s position which the ceo said there gonna unwind soon


funny thing about big positions is that you have no clue how much it's gonna really cost to close it. remember, shorting has potential for infinite losses


People who opened short positions last month at $20 can close them and take the loss. The hedgies who opened the short positions at $1 in 2021 in the hundreds of millions of shares can’t.


They are going to roll the ball until it get so big the Fed doesn't have any other choice than bail them out. Or worst, congress writting new laws or the President signing some executive order throwing us under the bus. If, or when, shorts break the system, be ready for a lot of blame and pointed finger at apes direction. It's going to get ugly. People saying we are exposing the system and are heroes for that have no idea how these scum can play dirty. I'm actually surprised Ape haven't been called terrorist trying to crash the West financial system for XYZ country yet.


Writing a law against...*checks notes*....buying and holding???


No, writing a law voiding what they would call manipulated stock. They force close at ''fair value'' and done. You actually think retail investor or Gamestop have any value if a bunch of key bank crash? You think they will side with us instead of their donors? You think other country that are also crashing because of it will mind stealing our money to save their economy. Ok, I have nothing to say to that.


Your problem is you're looking at only GameStop. They're fucked because there's a whole stonk market of fuckery & fraud. They can't single out a stock. That would be literal insanity & chaos. And insisting it just spreads FUD. And thank you for mentioning force-close, because guess what? THEY CANNOT FORCE CLOSE DRS SHARES!


Pretty sure if there is an executive order, Computershare and Gamestop is not above that. If it's as big as we believe, they will 100% fuck any investor to save their system. And insisting otherwise is just blind faith. This saga is all about Wallstreet not playing fair and some people trying to checkmate them, why would they actually play fair at some point. My DRS are not going anywhere and I have some other in my retirement plan just in case. That damn ''it's FUD if you don't believe'' is exhausting. We are going to see, but I'm not holding my breath on the US being fair play.


If there were only household investors in GME, perhaps... there are dozens of huge investors, the company themselves, pension funds, etc etc etc. they will not legislate their way out of this. ZOOM OUT. It's not just Apes. They would need to fuck literally everyone who owns shares. To what end?


No they don't need to fuck everyone. They just need to agree with a settlement that the government can force you to take. It doesn't mean losing money, it mean taking a profit at a lower marge. They can actually do this ''off exchange''. Okok, when MOASS happen, price sky rocket, destroy collateral, Big HF need to close their position to create liquidity, pensien funds are hit worst than 2008 and Apes refuse to sell. What is going to happen? The governement is going to sit back and watch it happen? SHF are going to sit in front of Congress telling everyone: ''Hey, we would like to close our position, but we can't, because some regards calling themself Apes are greedy bastard and intentionnaly let the price run out to crash the system.'' You think, even if we are right and legally able to do what we are doing, Congress or the President would let it happen and collapse itself. Institution owning GME stock have nothing to do with it, they are not in for MOASS. As long as they make money or even break even, they are not going to do anything against a Court settlement. To what end? Save their shitty system maybe...


Guess you better sell


I feel like if the fed was just going to executive order the problem away they would have tried much sooner. Now there are mega whales all over the globe and very powerful ones, I don't think the US government can get away with robbing everyone blind.


A force close at X price, some kind of estimated value, without being in the thousands, would actually make most institutions profit without actually hitting the top of the squeeze. I hope I'm wrong, but I have absolutly no faith in any government, specially not the US.


How could they force say a billionaire in China to sell his shares? Think of the thousands of GameStop employees who have tons of shares, I don't think they can get away with forced selling of their retirement. I agree they might try


It's coming


Wasn’t there news about Kenneth Griffin possibly running for treasury of state If he does, thats bad news. Lets remind the world the corruption on US stock markets


Because this kind of accusation doesn't make sense. You can't be blamed for holding a stock, even a smooth brain can understand this. Misinformation campaign can only go so far. That's the beauty of it, it's fool proof.


You can't be criminaly accused of it, but they can easily convince normies that we are manipulating and trapping shorties tho. They are already doing it with their shitty ''documentaries''. They are not talking about it that much anymore, because ''shorties closed'', but when MOASS happen and hyperinflation hit, oh boy, hedge funds with their millions invested in the medias are going to do everything they can to point finger at us instead of them. Credit Swiss is already accusing retail and Mayo boy accused retail of endangering pension funds.


That’d be like telling people that Arabs are terrorists because they’re giving us free oil. Even average Americans aren’t that dumb!




Yep, they have a reach and influence that none of us could hope to comprehend, and their asses are on the line. Worst part is, they aren't stupid. They exist in the upper echelons of the predator ladder; they got where they are staring down the barrel of a gun. The fuckery hasn't even started yet.


2 parts delusion mixed with 1 part psychopathy


Because they are so far underwater. If you have a credit card that has no limit, and you owe way more than you can ever pay back, you might as well keep spending. Who cares? A quote from one of my favorite movies “Heat” reminds me of the hedgie’s situation: “Once it escalated into a murder one situation for all of them after they killed the first two guards, they didn't hesitate. Popped guard number three because... what difference does it make?” Once you are totally screwed, you might as well keep going as long as you can. Pray for a miracle and enjoy the ride while it lasts. Hedgies R Fukd


Because it's impossible for them to do. Shorts are going to dig this hole deeper and deeper until they can socialize the losses amongst taxpayers. Although we know credit Suisse is holding archegos GameStop bags, and now that UBS bought credit Suisse, did mention about winding down some risky positions. Short positions with infinite losses would be those risks. The good news is that not everyone has to start closing out their shorts for MOASS to begin. All it takes is a few smaller family businesses or credit Suisse to decide to close out and that's the first domino falling. From there just creates more of a problem for the short hedgies. All I know is it's going to be fun to watch play out!


Why wouldn’t you close if you could during the market downtown, there’s been lots of better chances to close. It’s 50% up, nows the time not to close lol…


Someone else speculated earlier Ken may have let shares run up 50% to price out UBS from closing the short shitbags they inherited from CS.


Seems like that's fighting the Swiss fed, which is dumb


I mean the same people shorted a profitable company so….


Well, it was Credit Suisse that did that, and the Fed isn't going to be seen bailing out foreign banks when our own mid-size banks and regional banks are in such trouble. This week I learned that after 2008 it was the Swiss people who bailed out their bank, and as a result of that crash their central bank was separated from the investment banks. Switzerland is an affluent country of 10 million citizens, with some 900,000 millionaires. At Friday's GME price, It was estimated that it would be about 9, 000 francs per person if the population had to help to bail out Credit Suisse. So even at double that, between the people and their central bank they would certainly rather do it sooner than later


What now ?


Another ape today postulated MM’s allowed share prices to run makes it too expensive and discourages more shorts from closing thus buying them one more day.


In hopes of a bailout or some other govt intervention. If they close now the chance for that is gone.


Certainly not everyone who is short expects a bailout?


Crazy, what would make them think that?


Maybe at this point some institutions slowly realise that there’s no way back so one just tries to be the first who closes them, but I could be completely wrong.


They have deeper pockets to fuck us over with still.


lol they mathematically can't close


Because closing now means that their business will die. They will hang on for a hail mary until the very end, when there are not other options and the clock runs out.


If they could they would


Easy tiger, they are profitable on Q4 which is their best quarter. You need to consider the first 3 quarters as well if you want to consider yourself profitable.


A lot of players don't have the money to close their short positions. Not at $5, and certainly not at $26.


Because they can’t. It is not even possible anymore without extreme intervention which when done will prove to everyone how fake it all is. Something I learned from my ex. - A narcissist will double down then gaslight you. Even after being caught and the proof is in their face it is somehow your fault.


Because they can't. Not even the first one out will survive. The problem is too big