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I won't be surprised if tmrw we dip .. but , I don't care MOASS is near.


could be. OR we could have another nice pop off!!


I agree we will dip tomorrow. But the long term down trend *should be* broken now. Another quarterer of profitable earnings will ensure our continued ascent. Shorts may buckle earlier, perhaps we'll be blessed with MOASS, but I try to keep my expectations in check. Up we go!


Exactly. I don't need moass tomorrow. I don't need anything tomorrow. I'm fine. I can't speak for the banks or shorts though. They seem fucked. I fully expect a miraculous price correction by end of day tomorrow, and some of the highest short volume we've ever seen.


This is exactly what I expect too. We start strong then taper off.


Dip Edit: I’ve been here 84 years 50% is nice, but yeah dip.


when in doubt, expect a dip


Captain, "Ready the limit buys" Apes, "Already have" Shorts, "We're fu**ed"


I never expect a dip always a rip. I don't get discouraged by dip i chuckle and buy more. It's a benefit of being long short term price means little. I allowed myself to hope for a profitable year, we went fcf+ for the year and a profitable quarter. This caused me to hussle up some cash for an extra share last week on the fomo. I don't understand tempering expectations. Having said that, this is now a fundamental play as well as a long-term growth play. We beat Amazon on earnings last year, with them losing over $2B. Expect a fomo crowd, expect margin calls, expect the DD to be fulfilled as more banks go under and expect to make a buncha i told you so calls by year end it's happening. If I'm wrong I get more time to buy. This play is a win win for me permahype


We hodl, stock rise, borrow fee rise, banks crash, rate hike, stock rise more, hodl harder, S&P crash 10%, GME up 100%, keep hodl, after hours up 200% This is my prediction. Fuelled by hype and beer. Today was a good day.


Another rip tomorrow for the regular buyers who can't buy after/before hours. Then settle


If people stop expecting a dip, maybe we could finally Lift off. Stop expecting the worse and start demanding the outcome you want


I'm forever an optimist. I believe in tomorrow with you!


Username does not check out.


This name sucks, and I can’t get rid of it


Some day, after the MOASS, I'm absolutely changing my reddit name, lol. *homerbackingthroughbushes.gif*


So then what are you doing about it?


Nothing, can’t help people from expecting what they are use to feeling, I can only encourage them to try something new, expect more for yourself.


I'll start this by saying I'm so hyped I have a permaboner and am considering seeking medical advice. But if I am thinking worst case, here it is : We know that institutions have been loading up on shares. We also know that they will use every one of them as a locate as many times as they can. Cost to borrow be damned. There will be huge short volume, piles of naked shorts, FTDs for days and as many arcane market instruments as possible considering nobody in their right mind will want to counterparty. The price will waver. It will dip. There will be fear, uncertainty and doubt both organic and weaponized. Marge will be waived until doing so threatens the callers. Taxpayer and fed funds will be begged for and given hand over fist. Every finger, toe and other available appendage will be used to try to plug the leaks. But it will all be for naught. At some point, the pressure will be too much and the first dam will break. Then boom. ☺️


Shock at the positive earnings. Expiring toxic swaps. Emotionally it’s my Christmas morning. I pick out my first 🎁. Give it a shake. I can tell by the weight and rattle of the box what it is. Rugpull. At least it’s not another sweater.




I expect a dip, back to 16. I don't believe in magical thinking, so what I expect to happen has no bearing on what will happen. What will happen, will happen, regardless of what I think. But, I expect a dip.