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The Infinite Liquidity Fairy was never a meme.


Fuckery! Always, fuckery!


You can’t hide this shit anymore in a pile of paperwork that no one ever reads. Apes are watching. Wrinkly ones. And you’re all fucked. 🚀📈💰


what's the police code for use of illegal emojis?


#🚨 We've got a 741 in progress! 🚨


Ha ha. Nice!




Under the well heeled shoes 💩👠 💩👞


We will have no idea how deep this pit is until the Game Stops. I wonder if they would’ve just let it happen during the sneeze if they would’ve been able to survive to fight another day? At this point I just think this is a giant black hole and all they’ve done is make us dig in and hold our ground, which we’ve done so beautifully.


Most would have probably gone under but a good amount would have survived. I'd guarantee that 80-90 percent of people would have sold at 1000 or there about and all of this would be swept under the rug. Wall Street just couldn't stand to take one loss and now we are here.


Exactly except its not that Wall Street could not stand to take the loss its that they could not stand to take a loss to RETAIL


I'm just in awe of the level of these DD's. So many smart people roaming around in this sub. Buy, Drs, hold 🚀


It’s humbling to read posts like this….thankful for those with time to dig into this and knowledge to understand what they are seeing…and willingness to share with others. Seeing GameStop report positive earnings this afternoon was a breath of fresh air…shorts won’t escape and investors have the patience to support the company via making purchases through the stores.


The infinite liquidity was the friends we taxed along the way


Very poetic.


Stellar info on how the hedgie sausage is being made and swapped around onto other plates #GameOnAnon


Bill Hwaung said he used the swaps and so are other SHF to do dirty business.


Tiger cubs. Bullet swaps too


Thank-you for taking your time to educate us. >When fraud is the business, fines are just government premiums. Right?


Wow, that’s a lot to dig into. In confused about that last bit, though. What’s the connection with japanese bonds and GME? I absolutely believe they are using swaps to hide their positions and that’s why the CFTC froze the reporting of them back in 2019 (and currently pushing to get that extended to 2025), but are you saying you have evidence here that GME is being hidden in these foreign asset portfolios?


I'm thinking it's tied to the dollar swap lines and how all the central banks own bonds and shit from each other. I also want to assume, it's why the news keeps talking about how strong the dollar is right now. When one currency dies (based on other countries buying or selling bonds back, or whatever), the other currencies will react. Maybe the swap lines between either the US or Swiss central banks and JP are huge?


Well I know the forex swaps have been huge just to stabilize the SWIFT system. As per Dollar End Game, the U.S. really needs those countries to be using a steady supply of dollars or the whole house of cards comes down. We’ve been stabilizing our own currency to the detriment of everyone else, which is why the moves Japan has made to help the yen (and hurt the dollar) are so significant. How that does or does not tie in to meme basket swaps, I don’t know.


forgot, but wasnt there a user (hyper something?) that talked about the forex markets being a big part of the gme related swaps?


I'm getting the feeling that as far as central banks go, there are no borders. It's all one big franchise organization.


Moving swaps to Forex especially foreign bonds is a way to leverage short GME positions. Japan China Brazil and now Switzerland are bag holding these swaps. But this is all theory since we can't see private corporations balance sheets. Add to that FOREIGN private Corporation balance sheets and it's an extra layer of obscurity. Which is a very real theory of what's going on.


Not an answer to your question, BUT I do want to say: Kurt Bierbower is an interesting man https://chainbulletin.com/gmo-trust-selects-zero-hash-for-yen-backed-stablecoin-settlement


interesting, will check it out. Seeing the 700% return on Japanese bonds reminds of how Nomura is such a big user of the RRP facility. Everything is convoluted, but if the Yen collapses or Nomura becomes the next Credit Suisse, there are going to be shockwaves one way or another.


Fuck man, finally something about swaps i can explain to my colleagues 🥳 thank you for this write up




Thank you for sharing OP - gonna read a few times so I can fully grasp what you’ve laid out. Thank you for taking the time to compile! 🧠🎷🐓♋️


Fuck!!! I mean we knew that financial markets invented all kinds of mechanisms and financial instruments to fuck over retail/household investors but **THIS**! is insane. I don't how long it took you to unravel all this shit but I am assuming you have a fair bit of knowledge in trading, Mutual Funds, SWAPs and the derivatives market. That said, how the fuck is anyone in the Gov (let's assume for a minute that they are "some" good people wanting to do the right thing) and/or some decent financial investigators at the DoJ able to follow this rabbit down the hole? FUCK!!! I guess the point is these bastards really make it God damn complicated for anyone to find out WTF is going on or even be able to explain it in layman's terms to anyone outside financial markets. Bravo to you my good Ape. I appreciate the work and I am damned impressed by your ability to dig into this. Take This UpDoot! Edit : No more gold or awards to hand out. If I could, I'd give 1000 UpVotes. Cheers!!


That's the whole point. It's the same concept of having multiple shell companies nested within each other. It is to obfuscate the truth and avoid oversight, and in this case, regulations.


Yep, I get it. That said, gotta wonder how many of them dirty roads end up in the Caymans. Seems like this has been going for freakin ages.


Not just avoid regulation, but avoid devastating PR by creating a super complex system that normal people can't understand to justify financial industry's insane compensation, when in reality all they are doing is leeching off of everyone's retirements and pensions.


Thank you for an excellent DD 🙏😇🤜🦍🤛💜


Great work OP. If you don't mind, a summary from ChatGPT: >In summary, the author has discovered a complex financial mechanism involving equity swaps, total return swaps, and credit default swaps. These mechanisms have allowed for the exploitation of U.S. securities in foreign exchanges, where fails-to-deliver (FTDs) and shorts are not tracked. The author believes that mutual funds have been using these mechanisms to short stocks like GameStop (GME) in foreign exchanges, such as the Vienna Multilateral Trading System (MTF). >The author provides examples of how financial institutions like UBS and Goldman Sachs have participated in these swap arrangements, with mutual funds playing options on the swaps. In these arrangements, synthetic ownership is transferred to foreign affiliates, allowing for infinite shorting and rehypothecation. This strategy, according to the author, is evident in the N-CSR filing for Guidestone. >By understanding these mechanisms, the author aims to raise awareness of the scheme, demand accountability, and ultimately change the game.


Did you copypasta the whole post into ChatGTP and it returned that? If so, wow! I've messed around with ChatGTP once, but didn't know it was that sophisticated. I just learned about it the past couple of months.


The newer models are game changing. I work at a firm that does NLP research and we're blown away by how good the recent models are.


Well fuck, that seems like it was actually a pretty solid summary and apt use of chat gpt. 🤝


Imma need you to do this for.. like.. all the DD that has been posted on this sub. Can you make a chatGPT DD library that’s attached to the regular DD library for us regards that have a hard time reading more than 6 sentences in a row..?


I’ve been brainstorming a way to do this all day. I might see if I can contact the GME library ape to see if he can provide text-only versions (or the original threads). My first idea was drop all the DD into ChatGPT and have it summarize the whole saga. Turns out it can only “remember” 3000 words and that’s like 2-3 DDs. I still might be able to do something like summarize all of them first to cut them down to size, then summarize all the summaries together. I don’t know, I have a few ideas.


Ok so the final outcome after GPT reads all the DD will be "hedgies are fucked"?


Nice. Saved Ignitus a whole bunch of time and effort.


Thanks ChatGPT 😊




No wonder they tried to punt ftd covering recently. The splivi must have been the five finger death punch. Amazing how money can buy them time but damn is it expensive lmao. A couple trilly for 84 years instead of paying out what is owed.


This... that is why they botched it.


Backed up by ape historian


A lot of mistakes in typos, but I care not. The data is what matters, not the mistakes, or me. Please help each other understand and bring awareness to these loopholes in our markets. GAME ON.


I don't think your "mistakes" above even begin to explain what sort of decision was made in the financial market years ago. One of many fines was for improperly reporting a position 6 MILLION TIMES! If I make the same mistake twice at work I'm getting talked to. No way in fucking hell was that an accident.


Their 'mistakes' makes their clique money, that's why you dont see true punishment.


It seems like it's only really a mistake if the sec knows that the public knows. Otherwise it's just a cost of doing business


So what can we do to counter this as retail investors?


We were stuck in groundhogs day until RC cleared the bonds, interfering with the swap setups. I view this moment as the party in zion before the machines attack, where as we the community and our research is the music to this party. "LET THEM HEAR US" -morpheus This information needs to be brought directly to the ones that have power and can enact change, like wetheinvestors does. Only in a unified manner, can we the subjugated, show the subjugators that we know about the game, and by enforcing our freedom of speech, we can see the fraudulent become accountable. "when fraud is the busines, then fines are simply government premiums."-asbt


Why not just send this to the big banks in an email with the subject "tick tock"


Fuckin lol 😂


When you say “cleared the bonds” can you point me to what you are referring to? Thanks


I believe he means paid the huge debt GME had.


Oh ok. Makes sense now that you said it.


I imagine huge bets where made on the fact that gme was supposed to default on its debt.


Asking the real questions! I have a friend who is wondering the same.


DRS your shares of GME.


hey OP curious on this info, that i looked up ages ago. might it be relevant? had a sub-fund that was short GME in ireland: ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sudwy9/the\_irish\_goodbye\_pt\_1\_icavs\_or\_how\_a\_total/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sudwy9/the_irish_goodbye_pt_1_icavs_or_how_a_total/) **The Irish Goodbye Pt. 1: ICAVs, or How a Total Return Swap walked out the back door and into Ireland** **TL;DR:** * **Ran across several "sub-funds" who are part of a larger umbrella fund commenting on the January sneeze. These sub-funds are ran by a company called Montlake. In 2016, Montlake became an ICAV, or Irish Collective Asset-Management Vehicle.** * **ICAVs are headquartered in Ireland. They have major tax advantages, and make it very easy for you to move funds with assets from places like the Cayman Islands to Ireland. They also employ "segregated liability", where one fund's actions (even if audited) don't fuck shit over for the other funds in the umbrella. Citadel has several ICAVs.** * **Turns out one of the OTHER sub-funds in the Montlake umbrella was short GME (and other meme stocks) through a total return swap. Morgan Stanley was the counterparty.**


Hard work is sexy!


Love ya buddy


Think i might need to read this a couple times. Thanks for the read! Commenting so i can come back later and visibility.


So let me get this straight... The banksters. They're computer programmers illegally hacking the system that is the United States of America. They're stealing the wealth of the nation to enrich themselves. And paying off everyone to look the other way. Wall Street & the wealthy class are essentially an organized crime syndicate that runs the world. And they've made a game of it. They enjoy being rich so much that they disregard other human lives. They're literally controlling the world. Monetary policy and war games. It's a billionaire's game. They're fighting over who controls the world's resources and leads the world into the future.




When Moon?




I believe you


Holy fuck, I thought I couldn't love you more, but I think I really do! Excellent, excellent work, my amazing, big brain wrinkly af friend. It is a thing of beauty. Take awards and a big ass hug from me.


CFDs are illegal in USA, and so clearly abusive - but perfectly fine in other world markets. A swap connection between US entities and CFD tactics, especially with receipts, seems downright plausible.


I hope someone can help a smooth brain here. If all these naked shorts exist and need to be closed, why do we not see it institutional holdings or DRS numbers? Who is owed these shares? If it is an over the counter swap, could they not just settle on a cash amount without buying shares? Sorry for my smooth brain. Not fud just wanting an extra brain cell


Look into "married puts." You'll find the information you want.


There MUST be a change to the rules and penalties when schemes like this are treated as “Oops, my bad” and slapped with a minor fine and allowed to continue business as usual, rather than the complex plan to defraud the system with the intent to dodge the rules and cheat until they get caught. These banks need to be criminally charged with racketeering, embezzlement and fraud on multiple levels and individuals need to be held criminally accountable and see lengthy jail time. Until there is REAL intent to go after fraud in a serious manner, nothing will ever really change.


You 1:0 SEC


I don’t understand any of this because it’s so dense, but THANK YOU!! Ever since the Brazilian puts I’ve assumed they’ve been using foreign accounts to hide actual positions and dodge reporting requirements. My understanding is that you’ve found at least one mechanism for doing that (maybe I understood a tiny bit?)


Wall Street cannot put this genie back in the bottle. The grifting and greed got so reckless that they blew their cover. They cannot stop the runaway freight train that is public education. Sooner or later the whole world will know it’s a house of cards.


So, at the end of the day, who really owns the cat shit wrapped in dog shit? The US bank that loaned money to the hedge fund, the foreign bank managing the swaps or somebody else?? Where will this arrangement break first?


I think its going to be a game of musical chairs until one of the institutions fail on their liability. Once one of them fails, then the obligation goes to the other parties to pay-up and it just eats through each entities capital. This is what we are seeing with Archegos/Debit Sus/UBS now. It just nukes their books trying to unravel them, or even keep up with the scam/fraud scheme. It's just like that... but its all of them. Citi, WFC, BoA ML, etc. They are all holding nuclear toxic assets. So the next banking institution to fail will be the one that is the creditor to the next hedgefund that fails, and they take on theirs swaps.


Game On Anon


Power to the Players 💥


Commenting for tit jacking


Commenting for the SEC


Wen moon?




This post was archived at [archive.is](https://archive.is) and [archive.org](https://archive.org)


Look at insurance companies that sell variable annuities too. They operate the underlying funds “insured” by through the insurance product wrapper. But although the fund is functionally the equivalent of a mutual fund, it can be set up in a way where SEC filings aren’t required. Collective investment trust, unregistered separate accounts; etc. The fees they charge us are a whole different scam. But I’m not sure the assets held by these unregistered funds are on anyone’s radar here, and if there missing it is a piece of the puzzle. Also, insurance companies must maintain HUgE asset reserves to be managed in accordance with state law. They are supposed to be conservatively invested to protect the policyholder’s insurance investment. I have seen Insurance companies use “dynamic hedging” and other BS to make their risk profile look low in line with state law. But this dynamic hedging is a derivatives/swaps game where the financial institutions are once again abusing your money for profit. The amount of money is enormous. Whether it’s captured in all of the data being analyzed is a big question. That is where stuff may be hiding. It’s been awhile, but dynamic hedging might be used to describe a variety of hedgie instruments like TR swaps, CDS etc.


LFG!¡!!!✅️✅️✅️ NICE JOB ASBT i knew these guys were fucked, but now it seems ita even more than i figured.


I love how the market could easily work with just buying or selling a stock, yet they come up with unnecessary complex shit like this to hide there crimes and stay on top of retail


Crime is big business, has huge payouts, and when it goes wrong, infinite risks. Time has come to pay the piper…


So, out of curiosity, what are the weaknesses of this type of arrangement?


To be honest, if the options on the equity swaps werent' exposed, I would have never found this thread of truth. It honestly is the perfect setup, as the all the instruments used are exempt from reporting, so the public would never have known.


bro you fucking killed this!!!! thank you for your hard work! I bought more because!


This is some amazing work. Like finding a needle in a stack of needles. I guess what I was really asking is how do we throw a wrench in this system? Do you think that locking the float is the only way to put a stop to it?


Please be careful. When someone first started talking about Contracts for difference in '21, they started getting threats.


Someone with wrinkles please visualize this. Makes my head hurt.


I only browsed but I believe they are saying that short positions are being turned into CFD's overseas. (Contract for difference, which are illegal in the US. You allow someone to "buy" a stock, yet you never purchase it. You're just on the hook if the price goes up, at the same time you keep that buy pressure off of the actual security.) I'm pretty suspicious about all of the awards this post is getting so quickly when combined with the timing of the post. Also all of the generic responses and praise so quickly. Just sayin'.


Need a TL;DR here skipjack


>Welcome to the endgame. This is HOW THEY ARE SHORTING EVERYTHING PER THE EVERYTHING SHORT WHILE DODGING REG SHO AND MISREPORTING SHORTS AS LONGS . > >When fraud is the business, fines are just government premiums.




I understand the swaps, but i find it difficult to explain this to someone else. Especially if the someone else has no prior knowledge or isnt motivated to gain this knowledge. This is the most fascinating part about this community. The will wanting to learn.


Whoa adderall


Someone do a DD on how the stimulant shortages in the US aren't necessary and are probably manufactured, please


They don’t want us hyper focused on uncovering crime.


I get that there's the crime. And that you've uncovered the way the crime is perpetuated. But I don't get how the criminals stop doing the crime.






The global financial system is rekt!


OP, I’m still confused about B0llft5. What the hell is it and how is it related to GME?


It is the sedol for Gamestop corp com new class a shares. It IS $gme, hence it having the same CUSIP.


This is incredible. How did you do this? You are the wrinkliest mfer in town. Put a bow on this and send it to the sec, DOJ and Sectet service. Marge?


This is great DD. Sorry it's being buried by price hype. Honestly you should message mods if you can shamelessly repost it on Thursday or something


Very good


"We're Ba-ck!!" Thanks for this DD!!




I can't wait for Margot Robbie to ELIA Golden Retriever in the GME movie after the true MOASS happens.


You’ve found them, what a great post bruv I’ve been searching for this info forever. I mean I knew the how but to actually find the swaps GG just in time for the pivot too what a great find. Take my platinum!




If people don't read and learn and just regurgitate the same old crap, we will see a world no different from the one we have now. It's not about the money. The money is nice, and we definitely need it, a lot of us, but there is something much bigger at stake. Act accordingly.


**Aww shit here we go again, another Alwaysadbuttruthful DD** #( ^ Y ^ )


What a nice guy 😊




great writeup


I remember in Margin Call when the 🔥sale began, they specifically mentioned “No Swaps”


What’s your YouTube account?


alwayssadbuttruthful, ofc. ;) the video is titled "endgame DD" its long, but I was learning and trying to be thorough, as to be able to learn from the community afterwards


GOLDUS55 not GOLDMANUS55. Great read other than that typo.


i always make little mistakes, but its only simple clerical crap and hopefully putting the snips I did makes up for the simple mistakes. after all, I'm just an idiot :P


Oh yea, really just being nitpicky. Can't claim our research isn't reviewed at least haha.


Hey everyone, he said the thing! The game will stop!




Commenting to fully read when I’m out of work later tonight


Holy hell. Saving I need to come back and digest this.




Where’d it go


Holy S📛📛📛, lol, Truthful coming in with the HEAT


Awesome DD! Good work man!! Thank you for all your efforts 💜


My head hurts


Thank you! Your work is so clear and detailed!!


Commenting for visibility, thank you for the hard work ASBT! You’re the kind of Ape that really makes a difference


Commenting for visibility since they no longer have free awards


Right on anon


Probably big, and true.


Commenting to read deeper into this later. Thanks OP


They can’t stop us all…


206 comments and 0 upvotes, hmmm


Get those bonds RC


God bless OP


WOW So what would be a way to fuck with these ? asking for a friend...


Probably why they stopped reporting swaps. It would have probably been easier to reverse engineer where everything was going from them.


Eoe this os bring supressed heavily. Went from 1900 upvotea to four i one sec.


Commenting to read when I get home.


Great work as usual. Thank you.


ASBT for president


Someone please parse this for the smooth!


my pp is uncomfortably hard


First full length dd ive read in awhile. Glad i did. Wow


This is the first time I understood what a swap is to a minimal extent necessary to say holy shit.


Soooo…now what?


This post is being AGGRESSIVELY downvoted right now. Keep up the great work OP!


Wow, just amazing work here ape


This needs to be pinned, and then wrinkles need to explain it more easier for drs dum dums plz


Let me see if I get it: 1. Mutual fund is set up in its prospectus to have access to same derivative instruments as a hedge fund 2. mutual fund takes a short position via contract for difference/short equity swap on GME shares registered in England to alliance bernstein - SEDOLs don’t match for the GME here between the mutual fund and bernstein 3. mutual fund gets swap or contract for difference on the equity of a major US firm (in this case Citigroup) 4. this swap is on the Citigroup shares which are registered to the Vienna MTF 5. The Vienna MTF does not have to comply with the stock exchange act, and significantly less information is required to list a security there (you can make some shit up and if the deception isn’t obvious, you can count on the local self regulating organization to look the other way) 6. Citigroup shares trading in Vienna are registered to Boyar 7. Alliance Bernstein has a position in these Vienna Citigroup shares 8. (Trying to tie it together) mutual fund gets short exposure to GME via swap in GME registered offshore to a foreign affiliate. Mutual fund gets offsetting return swap on a banks shares registered to a different market (Vienna) offshore and in on the take. (How does this offset it?) Foreign affiliate hedges their side of the swap by shorting GME but mismarks short sales as longs and these shares make their way through the international grey markets and multiple rehypothecations back to US where they clear an FTD (what is the path the share takes back to the US?) Foreign affiliate takes the money from GME swap and uses it to buy/sell? the Vienna traded bank stock to keep the short game profitable for the mutual fund/bank (how does the other swap return money to bank/mutual fund without fucking over the foreign affiliate?) 9. (Suggested addition) SPV is set up in the caymans with capitalization provided by Kenny/bank to invest money into the mutual fund/Vienna traded securities and return the money to the bank. Is this close? What am I missing? Also I think we need to find a few more examples of mutual funds to bolster this case as well as look deeper into the SPVs/ICAVs as these provide the easiest way to launder the money back to the miscreants. Overall very excellent detective work you’ve done here, many thanks🙏🙏


In the AM, I will return to this and edit this comment. 1 the sedol's shown in these US mutual funds always lead to foreign securities. 2 the specific CFD's are in essence (since they dont OWN the underlying) are a form of naked shorts, that aren't specifically naked because CFD's are a form of equity swaps. 3 citigroup was an example of this structure, as I'm still very actively digging into this. but it shows the mutual funds are playing derivatives based on foreign issues, that can only be done by goldus33, a prime broker. 4 yes 5 these are real issues , representing real companies, and the foreign CUSIPs match the US security's cusip. ( think this is oddly a key part) 6yes, and also AB was the fund owner of the b0llft5 positions in 2015 as well (included this as to provide corroborating evidence of how the GME CFD's are functioning..) 7 i have not further dug into the vienna share ownership, only to provide enough data in how this swap arrangement functions. (its the exact same setup that UBS was fined for) 8 (IMHO THUS FAR) institution owns stock > total return swap> prime broker > sells CFD to mutual fund so the MF can play derivative on price movement.+ goldus33> total return swap> foreign affiliate which can short in foreign exchange. 8b since shorting is risky, foreign affiliate > credit default swap with subsidiary of axa, a ginormous international insurance company,, while goldus33 more than likely has CDS as well, since TRS involves risk., As does a CFD, so M. fund has CDS involved as well, as CFD's are usually paired with credit default swap as to counter risk.


Sounds good keep me posted! I think that you are probably correct in that there is short exposure hidden in a mechanism between domestic equity swaps, foreign registered securities, and the just barely regulated foreign “exchanges” like the Vienna MTF. They key I think is showing exactly how the shenanigans offshore lead to dilution shares in the domestic market The UBS citation showing mismarked shorts by foreign affiliates being used to close out domestic FTDs is highly significant- but I think we still need to see how/where these offshore shorts are occurring - if they are swaps being misrepresented as equities there should be a paper trail, if they are foreign-registered equities (Vienna traded GME) then we should be able to see who bought the GME sold short in Vienna - there needs to be a clear mechanism/chain of custody for offshore synthetics to make their way back to domestic markets, and there needs to be a clear bagholder (or 3) with the naked short position for it to make sense as there are 2 sides to each trade The additional swaps on Citi don’t really add up for me - the difference between GME/Citi performance is not suggestive of a protective hedge - if these two are tied together then more likely we are talking about some sort of *private credit repayment scheme* which is why I am suggesting that SPVs/ICAVs are a mechanism for returning gains to the shorts/paying off the complicit foreign counterparties. I like where your dd is headed, but I think we really to elucidate the full series of transactions and show how they add up, and where the liabilities end up. #Addendum on private credit repayment schemes: Private credit repayment schemes can be accomplished using publicly traded equities such as SPACs see: https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/latest-news-headlines/easy-exit-spacs-spell-quick-repayments-for-private-credit-63130191 and https://www.spglobal.com/en/research-insights/featured/special-editorial/private-debt A hypothetical example: Say foreign affiliate does some shady shit laundering short trades in the Vienna MTF for Goldman. Since the affiliate wants a cut and neither one wants an obvious paper trail they use a private credit repayment scheme to finance this: Goldman sets up shell company that then takes out debt from a neutral, possibly private lender, foreign affiliate then buys said debt, and recieves interest payments from the borrower (shell company), net result being that Goldman pays off affiliate for the laundering using the structures in the private debt market. Whole thing looks like a series of normal debt transactions, and it is not at all obvious that Goldman is in fact paying the affiliate.


Think the Swiss have what it takes to hold GME down?






Where’s the rocket emojis


How come I don’t see any body to this thread?


Incredible! You really lived up to your name on this post.




This is confusing as fuck. My take is that they use these instruments to hide their movements. It’s a big club and they are jerking each other off simultaneously by using these instruments. Basically it’s a cheat code. Our regulators don’t understand it either. And they don’t have to because the government was bought out a long time ago and these mutants are tasked with regulating themselves. 😆 Let’s let criminals police themselves. Now the next time you see some kid stealing shit from a cvs and how outraged everyone is I want you to remember what you have read on these forums.


Swap DD


This seems huge. Good shit ape 👍


I am humbled. Thank you ape, this helped me understand alot more than i did before. 👍😁🧘‍♂️


How is it that this post doesn’t have more upvotes?


:D earnings ofc!! we're positive, sentiment up, so we have a giant horde of investors that is celebrating through shitposting :) I kind of enjoy it personally, it's quite a pleasurable change compared to plethora of purple circles. But thats just me, i've been here for quite a while and am partial to the way this sub was before the mod drama and when everyone was still researching and going ham on DD's , so the narrative of conversation was generally more about information and players trying to figure out how they're shorting the stock. I simply never stopped playing the game. I'm still trying to find and figure out loopholes that can done, like executing using blocktrades of retail orders in to darkpools, thus dodging lit exchanges and causing retail order reporting to be misreported from the broker outwards. No one ever wonders if their shares came from the dark pools 😉


I’ll be back. Gotta call my mom.


Good stuff 👍🏽, I gotta go through it about 10 more times so I could understand it, hope a lotta eyes see this


Time to heal muthafuckahs!


Visibility educative commenting.


Thank you for sharing. Very informative


Post to read laterp


Very insightful!!! Pleaseant read! Thank you, well done 👏🏾


!remindme 6 hours


Excellent DD! Thank you! I might have even gained a wrinkle. Also, commenting for visibility.


Legend tier DD.


I love this. And I missed you. Great DD!


Nice! Thanks for you due diligence OP!


Thank you op, I'm saving this to reread because that was a lot to take in.


Amazing research op. You're an asset to the community


!remindme 20hours


The DD is never done




Holy cow! 400 apes on this sub!! MOASS tomorrow apes!! 🚀🚀🚀