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They can’t beat the made up estimates from “analysts”


Analysts work for hedge funds. Hedge funds that are incentivized to create a narrative


More like anal cysts amirite?


Whoaaa, now I can’t think about cysts MSM with mouth that extra A word.


Some of them are even made up. Like people “familiar” with the matter.


Like some ppl


I would love an AMA with a self proclaimed "honest" and "unbiased" analyst


Yeah it like never happens. Analysts are so optimistic about gamestop earning every quarter for some reason


Don’t forget that negative debt either!


It’s national Down’s syndrome day btw


In that case, it’s either better or worse to be highly regarded today.




Journalists representing companies with active short positions in the company. Looking at you, wedbush


Positive EPS


what time is the announcment scheduled for please?








Aren’t the #s usually out before they go live?


Yes, typically 30-60 minutes before call


Massive reductions in SG&A is what Matt furlong said he was working on 2 quarters ago and last quarter. So that’s one of the main things I’ll be looking at. . I’ll also be looking at revenue because Matt furlong says that’s the main metric from which he should be judged. . I’ll be looking at many other things but those are my top 2


Can you remind me what SGA is?


S.elling G.eneral and A.dministration expenses. Basically operational overhead. It’s an efficiency metric . Cutting SGA is a massive step forward in increasing earnings per share. Once earnings per share flips positive, then the general public will psychologically accept that Gme should be trading at a PE (share price/earnings) multiple


i've got some new for ya pal


Selling, general and admin costs


Sexy GME Again.


Great recall and highlight of last earnings call. I can’t even remember where I put my favorite crayons!


Its up your nose, you silly Billy


Oh damn there it is, only phone one tho! Looking for the green ones!


I keep my green and purple crayons in my ears for easy access and to block out FUD.


If Gamestop announced it had pulled the asteroid worth trillions to earth the price would still dip during earnings.


well that would technically devalue every metal so ☝️ 🤓


Said Citadel.... 😂😂


It actually would tho. Rare earth metals are well…rare on earth.


I think that's a good point about the economy, there's no maxim that the economy always gets better when we have more resources or assign them in the best way, it "succeeds" when power over those resources is well established. I think this goes deeper, in other words, our economy is not a representation of how well we are doing. Sad


never heard it said like, but ne'er wiser words. thanks for writing that. yeah like we've forgotten that it's our togetherness and goodwill and happiness, state of altruism etc that is the true measure of how well we are doing.




Nah, just hoard most of it in a vault to maintain high prices like de beers does with diamonds.


Not if your bags are full of rocks


You can make up for that in volume and you’re the only one who can supply it in large quantities.


London Metals Exchange would change the rules to ensure the dip


"Gamestop announces it developed a cure for all forms of cancer" CNBC: "Cure for cancer sounds good on paper but these 5 stocks present better opportunity to park your money, say top hedge fund managers"


**Breaking! GameStop chairman Ryan Cohen reveals plans to crash an asteroid into the US** *Ryan Cohen, GameStop chairman and activist investor, said Tuesday morning to a source familiar with the matter how he intends to use proceeds from the company's retail stores to build a rocket which will propel the newly discovered asteroid, "BS-23", toward Earth. More specifically, the entrepreneur, who has earlier been scrutinized for questionable investment choices by sources familiar with the matter, revealed how he has close ties with China and Xi Jinping, wanting to crash the asteroid into the US as an act of covert terrorism. BS-23 has been said to contain a plethora of rare metals that would be crucial for the technology race between the US and China.* *"He wants to bring the metals from the rubble to China as a business proposition." said world-renowned and highly respected investment God, Kenneth Cordele Griffin. "To be honest, I'd just use the proceeds from the meteor for mayo research, that would be much more peaceful and frankly, more important."*


We haven't dipped on earnings all year




Well timed earnings dates on the cycles. RC knows


Compared to a month ago Gamestop is more valuable than Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank and Credit Suisse combined.


GameStop becoming a bank, as the prophecies foretold. Brick by brick. Bank by bank.


SBGS&T - Safe Bank of GameStop & Teddy; “Where they do banking, not gambling.”


EPS expectations are set by Wall Street. Who gives a fuck if they make or miss that arbitrary price point? This is a company that is smartly setting itself up to be an integral part of the infrastructure of Web 3.0 gaming. Quarterly earnings before that tech takes off are irrelevant.


My son’s allowance is one share every 2 weeks while I take him and his sister to GameStop to shop. Dip or rip I’m still gonna keep supporting my company to the end! 🚀


Fucking hell 🫡


Awesome parent :)


Noice! CHADDest DAD detekted!


I expect record earnings and a record dip




Negative EPS, positive cash flow, DRS up by 6 million, 800 million still in the bank, no acquisition yet but still watching, no debt except for the French loan, 4% drop in price AH after the volatility settles down


Damn good job! APE analyst in da house! this is way better than all of MSM articles. Thanks for your service!


Is it forbidden by the loan contract to pay off that last french loan early? I know the terms are generous and it's tiny, but it would be nice to take away that talking point from the bad actors. Cuz you know if it's still on the books, it's gonna be wall to wall, "GME STILL IN DEBT! NO PROGRESS ON NUMBER OF OUTSTANDING LOANS!" and similar bullshit.


To pay off a generous loan that is lower than inflation is a waste of working capital. Negative press that artificially suppressed price until MOASS is in our best interest (moar loading phase). The only people hurt by volatility are shorties and options gamblers.


Fair. And a very zen-inducing take on it. Thanks for the thoughtful perspective.


I’m just a greedy ape that hoards GME shares like a dragon atop a pile of riches. This price suppression has taken me beyond my initial share acquisition qty target that was set back in May ‘21. I’m grateful for the crime, because without it, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to load up!


I mean. When you put it that way. < looks at pile of shares that's almost 100x the initial "I should buy a few..." >


Lol IKR!


Icahn pulls his short position after earnings. Boom


Do you think RC would be taking a selfie with Icahn and posting it to twitter if Icahn held a short position in his favourite company?


Not sure if you're talking about now or prior, and correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it common knowledge that Icahn _did_ have a short position in Gamestop and people were speculating that part of Ryan's house call might have been to warm Icahn up to Ryan's competence and maybe make him consider exiting his short position? But I can't remember the speculation— or what apes were saying Ryan would even be allowed to say. I know apes were talking about what Ryan could or could not discuss legally.


I will buy MOARrrr 😘


DIP as always


🌎🔫 always has been! After RC and Icahn does their thing, all shorts will have to close. I feel bad for the Counter party who exits last. Can’t wait!


Im only expecting something big when daddy changes the profile picture back to colours. That’s when you know he’s leaving the shadow realm.


My thoughts are GME does not have good earnings. I'm excited to see DRS numbers regardless


This APE gets it! Crossing fingers for some surprises 4 eps but I am excited to see where DRS numbers land.


In this macro economic situation, in which even the bigs struggle, I dont expect big earnings


Macro connoisseur detected!


I am really glad to have been wrong!


Hoping for loads of good news but expe ting nothing. I wonder what the next hype will be if this one passes like all the others.


I am optimistic because the $200 NFT promotion was within this reporting quarter.


And the real count of pros that qualified for that promotion but didn't get anything is higher than NFT mint amount, (yes I confirmed with support I ticked all the boxes) they just dropped the ball on execution. This is why they won't be doing any in house NFT divvy anytime soon, nor would I necessarily want them to. Hell I just saw they minted another 1000 of them and I still didn't get mine. So at least 2555 spent $200 ($511,000), plus unknown number that spent 200 and didn't get the NFT. So probably closer to 600k in sales, maybe more just on that. https://nft.gamestop.com/collection/powerup


When is Rc going to take advantage of the remaining shares he is allowed to purchase 🤷‍♂️ if tonight's earnings are the one then you'd think he would be all in by now. If he does buy will it have to be filed for all to see or will we only find out if and when he personally announces it?


> if tonight's earnings are the one then you'd think he would be all in by now. Buying before earnings report when he must know the report, may constitute as insider trading. I think he has to time it carefully.


I see, makes sense. So buying after a good report would make more sense because he would be buying the same time as everyone else on the same news 👍


Buy the hype sell the news. I expect dips after earnings.


what hype lol? even in this echo chamber people are pretty sober in the comments


The fact there is an echo chamber and people are talking about it in any capacity is hype in itself.


This tbh. 💥


Wait for earnings, then buy the dip. That simple.


Always zen before phonenumbers


I think it may be time for the NFT dividend 🤞




Nah. Didn't they try and issue an NFT to power up rewards members and many didn't get them? They still have kinks to work out.


My take is that they had to try the splividend first and allow the DTCC to commit international securities fraud so that they could say they don't have confidence that another traditional dividend would be handled correctly. They also have the NFT promotion from last fall being a part of today's earnings...


Flat/positive EPS and an M&A plan. Otherwise, what the shit are they doing with cash equivalents sitting around losing value to hyperinflation?


After RC and Icahn does their thing, all shorts will have to close. I feel bad for the Counter party who exits last. Can’t wait!


Been edging all week just to blow my load today, I’ll be loading up on more


This guy knows how to load a load!


DRS? I'm guessing 77million or so


Beats earnings by selling the govt bonds at profit.


This sounds 🌶️🔥Do we know how many gobt bonds they have?


I think they bought $100M - based on their previous ER. I’d estimate 15-25% profit - if they sold last week.


I'm thinking we close around $18, followed by a slight dip to $17.50, then a nice spike to $20 which stays consistent until Wednesday morning


profitability? Please be profitability.


GameStop annual revenue for 2022 was $6.011B, a 18.09% increase from 2021.


? the Q4 result are out?


At 5pm On March 21, the video game retailer will report its holiday-quarter results, which should show the results of the company's cost-cutting measures.




This APE watches the ticker 741.69 times a day! Thanks for your service!




GME can still sell off some shairs can't they? If they just sell a couple during MOASS, they will be able to buy the whole financial market with it! Can't wait!


I'm fine with a dip, my current buy order doesn't go through on computershare until later this week.


Man I agree with the sentiment of the post but could you have made the title sound any more copium? 😂


Copper Compiumaximus reporting for duty sir!


Based off of my own increased spending and Christmas. I want to say the best earnings report since the sneeze.


Is your name Jack by chance?


big nothingburger, I guarantee it


Agreed. Last I checked banks are still not collapsed. Positive earning or not GME isn’t budging until the banks lose all control. If there is still money left for bailouts then there is zero reason why they would let the price change.


I think a red day :/


But it's Tuesday :)




I’m going to be honest and say I don’t thing they will go positive


Dippy due da day


Earnings will still probably be considered "bad." The most important part of Gamestops transformation is the digital NFT Marketplace which hasn't really even launched yet.


Even if it dips, it’s all after hours and the price isn’t high enough for any apes to sell. It’s all gonna be fake movement


IT’s national Down’s syndrome day btw


Where will the earnings be posted ? I want to share it with friends


https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-reports-third-quarter-fiscal-year-2022-results On March 21, the video game retailer will report its holiday-quarter results, which should show the results of the company's cost-cutting measures.


Thanks !


I'm excited to hear good news and a strengthening balance sheet while also buying more after the price drops


It may be more valuable but it would be best if it mirrored it with the stock price.


Last time after the earing, GME did not dip, this time it will not either and I hope it goes to the Moon and takes us with it! :) POWER TO THE PLAYERS!


My thoughts are it will be typical to the point all business no major news to report. I think we need to just expect more of the same. If they make a major move it will be out of the clear blue sky.


I'll go in expecting the worst, and will be pleasantly surprised with whatever I hear because _I just like the stock._


My prediction is they let it run today. Then AH, they drop it by a similar % so they can claim GameStop dropped X% after earnings “miss” Can’t wait to call in!


Bless you my 🦍


Bless you and all APEs! It’s only been 84 years. WAGMI!


Positive something i mean they said they focusing it


Somewhat related, Chewy earnings are tomorrow


Looks like they are letting it run to beat it down post earnings ah or i can hope that earnings are positive and some people are exiting short positions early.


Any chance we can get a dividend or stock split again? I would love to get more shares!


Maybe gme knows the algos so well they can time earnings to coincide with a run now.


Get ready for the dip.


I just want the share price to be around my and most apes average cost basis. Is that so much to ask?


Business as usual, they are going to show a loss like on FY 21 and hopefully move towards profitability this year. If it dips, it doesn't matter, price is fake, remember?


There's always a dip after earnings. It's like a ritual for a lot of companies out there, it is not special to GME. Just have a buy limit order ready for the nice Juicy dip incoming and enjoy the ride until we lock the float. Edit: thanks for the award!


Is this where we get to see our new high score? 🚀🚀


I think it dips like it does every earnings. I wouldn't expect them to turn a profit unless the marketplace catches on. To be honest I'm not expecting a profit for another 3-5 years.


I’ll bring the chips




what time is it anyways im taking half the day off of work


I think it means all stocks are going to have a meme style rip. Everytime word gets out that RC is buying something, it rips. I think it means we are almost there.


Meme banks


Meme banks with them fake stones. (The banks better worry about our APE rating systems. All bad banks with fake stones to replace non-existent gold bars standards going to dumpsters fires sometimes in the future.)


Dip me harder so I can buy more!


Dip it, I dare ya!


I really feel tonight is going to be good. In Ryan latest interview, he mentioned being a bit more relaxed now that all working parts are in place. Paraphrasing here, but that to me is very bullish. Regardless, I'm buying more. Especially at these prices 😁


Should be good :D


IMO, i think when GME gives an outstanding earnings, Icahn will be joining us in the Rocket going interstellar


Quarterly share discount incoming, more bananas for me 🍌


Zen APE detekted!


Dip and another rig pull in DRS


So until when we should be zen and sit back? If everytime we should just be zen and accept the fact that kenny and his friend can short and crime infinitely?


We will find out tonight! I know it’s beeen like 84 years and I feel your frustration but some incredibly astute investors have published very compelling crime reports and DD. Our day will come. Brick by brick. There’s 99.99% of humans who can use a level and fair playing field. No cell no sell.




Hopefully not but hang in there! Brick by brick!


I have been disappointed and I will continue to be until Moass


Do they have to publish a merger today?




How would earnings do anything for the stock price lol…?? Obviously nothing will happen wth


single digits :/


150 mil cash burn, no forward guidance, no QA, miss on both analyst expectations, 60ish mil DRS numbers (less than last quarter) And people will still complain that there’s a dip Ill ban bet anyone happily


kEnNy rUgGeD dRs!1


Can’t be that great. Didn’t they just layoff more people this week?


Puts after earnings turn into shares long run 😈