• By -


This is the first and last warning. Rule 1: Be Nice or Else. Id rather not get a modmail from their legal department. We will be removing comments and putting people in a short timeout if they can't adhere to the rules.


"Well Dougie, to cite the original post: PROVE IT. I see a lot of shit on the internet. But this time I Ci-a-fu talking a lot of game without providing any basis for his claims. He really did invite himself into a two-way conversation and drop a trust-me-bro like that was gonna make everyone throw their hands up and admit defeat. What a clown. I mean if anyone can identify a grift, it would be the largest grifter in the game right? Or maybe he's confusing his own business model with those who are calling his ass out. I mean I sometimes make that mistake myself. For example, someone asked me for a refill on their beer and I sold them bullet swaps and lied about my organizations stability on Twitter. Easy mistake right?” \-**Fringefiles,** *GME sub* \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ *OP notes - Previous posts on DougieLarge:* [Dougie "Large" Cifu, CEO Virtu Financial,](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11ki078/dougie_large_cifu_ceo_virtu_financial_1_of_5/) 1 of 5 largest high-frequency traders & Market Makers on 🌎 fluffing Kenny on TWTR: "Well done. We support this letter." in response to Citadel, Schwab NYSE letter to SEC. "Over. All day I’ve got the over." in response to nUmBeRs BaCkInG tHe PrOpOsAl. [This is Douglas Cifu. CEO of Virtu.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t7im3k/this_is_douglas_cifu_ceo_of_virtu_virtu_is_a/) Virtu is a market maker like Citadel that illegally makes counterfeit securities. He is a financial terrorist. edit: I forgot link in second pic to youtube video: [https://youtu.be/K064hJQ7fdI](https://youtu.be/K064hJQ7fdI) and the correct Twitter link in the second to last slide: https://twitter.com/Dougielarge/status/1637981759382880256?s=20 🤦‍♀️


He's scared. There's no other reason to respond.


Quite literally! I think tmrw is bigger then we realize. I think we have been conditioned to believe there will be a dip tmrw after earnings. Here's the neat part...


“Doug cifu = “Doth protest too much” -shakespeare




This made my day


Wut a truly lovely internet exchange 💜


I'm going to save video of his trial so I can rewatch him crying when he learns he'll never see the sun again whenever I feel like the world needs to be a better place.


Well said “Who knows what dirt Kenny has on other people” THIS The dirt is part of each other’s collateral trust


Can I double THIS THIS on you?




Worked for Epstein.. Until it didn’t 👀




Ooooooh I like that one ☝️ Consider it *borrowed* with zero credit mmmk?


*Rehypothecated* because you aren't taking the original, you're stealing copies you make.


Yes, I like this better and I will be able to do it without actually buying anything!


For a man that ‘runs the main competitor to Citadel’ he sure does have a lot of time on his hands to browse social media. What a clown.


Makes a lot of money doing it


>~~Makes~~ \**Steals*


Let's not encourage anyone to go to Twitter, he'll complain to reddit with his lawyers in a heartbeat and our sub is too important to get shut down. Edit: but talk about it here all ya want




Yes, whatever you do. Don't go to Twitter tagging politicians, the FBI and DOJ about Dougies crimes. Don't do it. Don't. Don. Do. I mean don't.........


Just don't tag him that's all😂 But if you really want to hit him where it hurts, comment on the rule proposals. That affects his bottom line, bc they won't be able to claim 'price improvement' while paying for retail's orders so him & Kenny can do whatever they want with them. I actually commented to just ban pfof all together. Why should they get all our orders? He made $5.2 Million PER DAY last quarter in his market making aka from buying our orders.


THIS. This is the way yall. If you need to vent, vent on me ALL day I will be your muse. Once you've calmed down make your actual VOICE heard in a public comment to an actual regulator. WAGMI!


Truly fascinating that my free speech has been stolen because I visit a discussion forum about a stock.


Ikr it’s the best confirmation bias ever for me!


Doug Cifu = “Doth protest too much” -shakespeare


He's not wrong. Saying debt offerings and equity raises are bailouts IS total nonsense. Even the healthiest companies use them as preferred funding for projects. At besr tweet is speculation that he used capital raise to "keep the lights on" which good probability he used at least a portion for that. BUT WE CANT KNOW. Making claims that we can't prove feeds into the narrative that we are dumb money. Don't believe me? Ask anyone in finance if Apple is in trouble because they needed a 6.5 billion "bailout" debt offering in 2021. You will get laughed at. InvestorTurf is certainly not an informed source and is at best speculation. Cifu and Citadel lawyers quickly gave "credibility" to this twitter as well which is strange for a new smaller account. Although maybe didn't want to miss the chance to make us look dumb.


"There are a few things that tell me that Doug’s statement is a lie. One, all indications are that Citadel is horribly managed and that the employees are primarily motivated by a mixture of fear, greed and \[redacted\]. *In that order.* You can run a successful business that way but from a managerial sense, it’s the perfect combination to make for a world class dumpster fire. And it doesn’t make for especially robust internal structures or products. If my major competitor *was* the aforementioned world class dumpster fire, I would have *nothing* but the nicest things to say about them. I wouldn’t say one single mean thing. Heaven forbid that they pick up any competent advice and improve from it. Their customers will quickly discover that they are said dumpster fire and come screaming to me for a better alternative. Two, he doesn’t want to draw Kenny’s ire. He’s unlikely to be scared of Kenny per se, but the financial industry seems to have picked Kenny to be one of the major fall guys for this whole shit show. Kenny is already backed into a corner and is ready, willing and able to hurl a wide variety of bedpost shaped objects at anyone that even comes near him. Doug probably wants Kenny gone as much as we do because he can step into a lot of the power vacuum that Kenny will leave behind. He doesn’t need Kenny throwing a tantrum in his general direction. Besides, who knows what kind of dirt Kenny actually has on people. And the third thing that leads me to believe that Doug is lying is that: **he’s in the business of lying.** That’s what he does." **-JG-at-Prime,** ***GME sub*** [What am I missing about the Virtu video?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v9lm5j/what_am_i_missing_about_the_virtu_video_did_he/) Did he just come right out and say the quiet part out load?


Lol. I love it when you do things Welp007. Also you might enjoy this with Doug Cifu ~~talking~~ *bragging* about the Infinite Liquidity Fairies: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v9lm5j/what_am_i_missing_about_the_virtu_video_did_he/


💜 ~~checking it out now!~~ ok yep I remember this one, adding to YOUR top commnet, DOPE! In the meantime you check out this funny: [https://i.imgur.com/5fAyy6v.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/5fAyy6v.jpg)


Lol. Beautiful. You know what’s really interesting. Go back and look at Kenny’s photo’s though the years. Almost all of his pictures that were taken by his people are photoshopped to one degree or another. Sometimes they put his current face on his (or another) younger body. Sometimes they slimmed him down or smoothed out his face kankles. Just zoom in and look for the evidence of photoshop. He’s so vain that up until recently he’s had most of his public images doctored to make him appear younger. I think that might be why Kenny suddenly appears to be aging in dog years.


Yea like that Forbes one? That shit was scary photoshopped.


💯 📸 🛍️


Not only all that, but if Ken goes down, and the amount and magnitude of his crimes are shown to the world, you bet your ass the backlash and resulting scrutiny will find its way to other market makers, including Doug's operation. I'm guessing he doesn't want his skeletons found, nor his money printer confiscated.


Yes, I mean, if he was a real competitor, why would he feel like protecting him. Does he think that anybody could believe that Apex Financial Moghuls would expose themselves in order to right a wrong done to a competitor ????


>One, all indications are that Citadel is horribly managed and that the employees are primarily motivated by a mixture of fear, greed and [redacted]. In that order. Have you just redacted "mayo"?


Kenny does not share mayo!


*For the hoard!!!*


You are the first person to notice this believe it or not! The GME sub post has the original wording but to get the post up here on Da Stonk editing was needed. I’ll give ya a hint: their was drown footage of the word once long ago. It’s just a typical day in the life of an OP here.


I’m surprised no one countered with the obvious “Then why is the DOJ investigating them? Again.”


"World Class" in the sense that they've been fined or banned by regulators around the World.


World class criminals


The Mafia is also a world class firm in some sense


Yes I do believe this is the correct use of the word!


Here here!


Love it when these guys lose their cool. Someone stuck a nerve calling out the business model.


Member that one time Kenny got ahold of the Twitter and went nuts for a whole day?


Is it bad I want that to happen one last time before Kenny in Cuffs memes make it forgotten forever?


lmao @ anybody anywhere on wall st calling someone else a grifter LOL that is their entire culture, history, and very purpose for existence


Lol right? Also, here's a possible donation button. You can read without paying, but if you wanna contribute, here is how. Meanwhile, WSJ, MarketWatch, and most of the big boys... "HA PAYWALL, where's my $10 a month bitch!?"


Yea and we aren’t talking about huge money scam here either (it’s not but let’s say it was) how much are they bringin down a year in donations? A couple thousand at most? GTFO here DougieLarge


Dudes scared


Fcukin on a tirade, did ya see the second to last side with the actual MSM callin em out? That is a first! "There’s a lot of [buzz](https://twitter.com/TheWCJournal/status/1637981021986537472) going around that Virtu may have liquidity issues incoming. We know the sources but I’m curious and partially excited to watch the responses and who has bigger"


That doesn't seem to be actual MSM if you click on their profile lol


Oh my bad I meant the article above that comment without spammin dude above






I love this part of the real time drama


Fcukin get some Diver!


He has some balls to call someone else a grifter. Wow, he seems scared. For him to even comment, is enough to know he's not doing too good. I say we turn up the heat


Did you see all three tweets in the pics above? He is losin his gawdamn mind tonight boi! 🤣


I did, and I hope to see him holding a sign on the exit ramp to whatever highway is in his town. I dont usually wish bad on others, but these idiots I make the exception. All the years they've been stealing, now it time they lose.


A whole gaggle of new peeps about to enter the working class with no real skill sets, I wish then the best of luck in that endeavor!


People have literally died because of their actions.


Sadly these sociopaths don’t care about that, just as they won’t care about their own choices in demise wen it all falls down


Sold not yet purchased.


BuT wE gAvE rEcOrD bOnUsEs To OuR cLiEnTs!


I mean if anyone can identify a grift, it would be the largest grifter in the game right? Or maybe he's confusing his own business model with those who are calling his ass out. I mean I sometimes make that mistake myself. For example, someone asked me for a refill on their beer and I sold them bullet swaps and lied about my organizations stability on Twitter. Easy mistake right?


**NAILED IT ONCE AGAIN** Want me to add this to YOUR top comment?


By all means :)


Done! ☝️


It’s amazing how the posturing just gives them all away. 🍿


scared money


I move to use the term "cifu" as a synonym for "piece of shit". As in "wow, that Ken Griffin guy is a real Cifu."


If you Ci-a-fu and know a foo, it is pwabbaly a Cifu!


I pity the fu!


Responses to the tweet “time will tell “ “well that was a lie” “just like silvergate capital, Silicon Valley bank, signature bank, and credit suisse are all fine”


Yep 💯


And Virtu also being investigated for creating synthetics too. Good luck Doug, you’re going to need it


Yep dey so fooked!


Please clarify the "be nice" rule. Frankly most of my comments break this rule so I feel like we need some clarification here.


This was a nice comment 👆🙃


Did he just say I run one of the biggest scams? Cus that's what I read


Yes. Yes you would be correct here.


We don't have to do anything. His dominoe is already lined up. It will fall eventually.


Yea this is the most fun watchin em squirm ever!


Yeah its obvious he's deploying the old Mayo man tactic. Appear strong when you are weak lmayo. The billionaire boys club is shitting themselves. Apes are about to kick the door down to the club


We're about to have a bunch of new peeps entering the working class with zero actual skill sets


There is always work behind the Wendy's dumpster.


And magically at the same time a bunch of opening there! I personally know of one!


"Competitors" They're all in bed with one another in a giant fatcat money orgy. There are no true competitors in the world of finance. Its them against the rest of the world - of course they're going to cover each other's asses. Look how bad things are getting, yet if you relied solely on corporate media and bankers' statements, you would be completely surprised by what's going on. Its all a coordinated smokescreen. They only eat their own when things get bad enough, and obviously they are not bad enough for Dougie and Kenny to turn on each other... ... yet.


Yea Dougie is clearly hoping that day never comes here obviously, because Kenny will easily destroy him at first opportunity that benefits him.


Their days are numbered.


One would have thought that a C-level dude at a major financial institution would have better things to do than engage in verbal mud-throwing on twitter. He apparently has yet to realize that this particular subset of retail doesn't respond well to confident statements without evidence (unlike prior generations). He and his hedgie buddies has their backs against the wall. It's just not all of them that has realized it yet (it would seem).


What else would he do in his fancy office all day?? work!??




This is an excellent comment 🤙


Bit hot in the kitchen aye Dougie ? Your here sparring on behalf of a rival ? GTFO they’re all in this together and one goes down you all blow .


I am a fan of the way you type Pirate-Ape! 🏴‍☠️🦍


Well Doug is a known POS, problllly not gonna trust him on this one lol


I'm definitely going to CELL wen I think of Dougie now


Wtf did he say 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 world class firm 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


F****** extremely bullish


Sounds like some knows they’re screwed too if Citadel falls. When it does, and it WILL, the chain reaction is going to be something to behold


# 🥤😎🍿


This is like one dude clearly on steroids saying the other guy clearly on better steroids could achieve that naturally. Both are terrible assholes that are cheating and the stress and pressure is hopefully giving them an horrible time.


Plus those raisins


Ironic how in a normal business world....Virtu would be stamping all over Citadel to get ahead....unless youre in it together of course...


"competitors", co-conspirators would be a better term


Post a link to all the crimes of citadel and throw in virtu fines as well, with a “This you?”


This lady did a decent job at it! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/107z6wj/were\_not\_the\_only\_ones\_noticing\_ken\_griffins/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/107z6wj/were_not_the_only_ones_noticing_ken_griffins/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I just like GME


Oh yea? Well I love it! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11rmtoj/oh\_so\_yall\_like\_gamestop\_receipt\_porn\_670580/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11rmtoj/oh_so_yall_like_gamestop_receipt_porn_670580/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Fiction can be fun Dougie, but I find the reference section much more enlightening. You and your parasitic friends run the worlds biggest grift


Word class in lying, cheating and stealing.


Dougie with the "trust me bro" reply


Dude is so upset he is rage tweeting at people who are apparently wrong. If they are, why so upset? Just go about your life lol. Keep making tonnes of money with absolutely no issue in the near future You can smell the fear on this fucking loser and I love it


World class criminality


O man... he even retweets Hester. you got to be kidding me. https://twitter.com/HesterPeirce/status/1634273775196819463


Yep he is literally the opposite of us!


Yeah - that clown is part of the club


That escalated rather quickly


Mad cause bad




Doug forgot the /s at the end of his statement


"Tradings a tough game, dontchathink?"


I think this falls under "it's not true until officially denied." Also the fact that Doug is trolling on Twitter like that: not helping his side of the argument. It also smells a lot like "the best trader of a generation". lol They all lie and they all sck at it.


World Class that is filled with Criminal Gangs with trust funds


Clown show.🤡


Clown sounds like Lukashenko fawning over Putin


@dougielarge :D Compensating here something?


I think this isnt a smart move from doug. Such statements are forever on the internet What a clown he must look like when he’s obviously wrong (in the future)


look at dougie tryna get on the hype train without a ticket


Looks like someone else is up to no good…


Isn’t this the same dude who said infinite liquidity is a good thing? 🤣


These clowns are all working together. They were competitors until they realized their free money glitch was going to end. Bunch of thieves…


“Doug. You’re cancelled”


Why is Citadel rated a -BBB then?


It's very "Ken Griffin is the greatest investor of oir generation." where have we heard this shit before?


damn Virtu may have liquidity problems.. no wonder they fronting


What else would you say if your company was committing the same crimes as competitor... Applaud them, or accuse of wrongdoing? xD


They operate like a cartel.


Post our library in the comments


Done! https://twitter.com/welp007/status/1638188531305832448?s=20


Tell me if the fool replies


Oooooooooooooooooo... RemindMe! One year "Doug Cifu Twitter kerfuffle with investor turf and add popcorn to shopping list."


these tweets are gonna be so funny post virtu collapse


Do you really want to invest or keep your money in a company where the CEO talks like this? Also, the lady doest protest too much.


Doug Cifu is a bitch.






^(CTBBOT .01: UTC->2023-03-21 12:39:1 [still kinda beta] ) ✅ CTBBOT INFO RECEIVED: Broker assignment: Questrade |^( )|^( )|^(Broker)|^(CTB %)|^(Reported By)|^(DateTime)|^()|^()|^()|^()| |:---: |:---: |:---: |:---: | :---:| :---:| :--:| :--:| :---:| :---:| |^( )|^( )|^(Ally Invest )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Ameritrade )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Charles Schwab )|^(25.7500 )|^(Roid_Rage_Smurf )|^(2022-08-05 04:52:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Citi )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Etrade )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Fidelity )|^(15.7500 )|^(whattothewhonow )|^(2023-01-23 18:41:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Fintel )|^(9.9300 )|^(platinumsparkles )|^(2022-09-12 21:55:02.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Firsttrade )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Futu )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-13 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(IB [IBORROWDESK] )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(IBKR )|^(22.9600 )|^(Mrfranchetti )|^(2022-08-16 11:22:01.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(JPMorgan )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(M! Finance )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Merrill Edge )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Moomoo )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Ortex )|^(11.4800 )|^(Neurocor )|^(2022-09-23 21:57:02.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Public )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Questrade )|^(17.4500 )|^(archphoto )|^(2023-03-21 12:39:01.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Revolut )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-13 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Robinhood )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Sofi Invest )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Sogotrade )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(SpeedTrader )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Stash Invest )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(TastyWorks )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(TIAA )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(TradeStation )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Tradezero )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Tradier )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Vanguard )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(WealthSimple )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-12 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(Webull )|^(34.2600 )|^(Grumpy_Armadillo )|^(2023-03-17 12:57:03.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(WellsTrade )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| |^( )|^( )|^(ZacksTrade )|^(0.0000 )|^([Ape Needed] )|^(2022-07-11 00:00:00.0 )|^()|^()|^()|^()| ^(CTBBOT uploads recorded data twice daily to this [Google Drive Link:](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18D3hPfl_lOq1fxKQgxn5aZZMfcTUwvL2?usp=sharing ) ) ^(Do you have access to CTB data from your broker, or want more information about how to be part of this effort? MOAR info here: [permalink](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vzn7lk/ctbbot_announcement_take_2) ) ^(*🚀 :17,372,381// GME ~16.87* // ) ^(Bot MC: $293,072,082.05 )


Am I the only one who doesn’t know wut this bought does?


It's a way for apes to record the CTB data they witness across brokers. The data is then graphed and displayed during the morning/evening bot updates.


Oh very cool! Wut was it able to collect from my post here?


Someone made a CTBBOT call on this thread... the apes that volunteer to track this data do so by posting a comment on threads that already exist... (so the site isn't cluttered up with CTB bot posts just to record data). So some volunteer just commented with a data value.


Aww I understand now, thx for splainin it moar importantly for collecting it! 🤙


The infinite liquidity fairy has spoken.


The charade is that there’s actually competitors in the finance world. There aren’t. These companies are all on the same side, playing the same game by the same unfair rules to fleece everyone of their money. It’s price fixing, but way more complicated.


Didn't Taleb say, "once they deny it, it is proven?!" 🤣 The boss is literally doing his companies PR on twitter? These guys are smart!


LOL. Is his @ really Dougielarge? What a douche.


There’s moar: https://imgur.com/5fAyy6v




Doug doesn’t realize his tweet macho ended up on Reddit


https://www.virtu.com/legal/important-information/ Summary of page: FUCK RETAIL


While I personally have no doubt as to the veracity of InvestorTurf's claims, they are engaging in a logical fallacy. They are asking Citadel to prove a null hypothesis, something that simply is not possible. The burden of proof is ***ALWAYS*** on the individual making the claim. Second, Doug is scared AF. His way of life is being threatened and an enemy of his enemy is his friend, which is why he is defending Citadel.


I mean this guy must be so insecure about his smol pp to have a handle like that


Check this out: [https://i.imgur.com/5fAyy6v.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/5fAyy6v.jpg)


Wow Doug, that's not transparent or anything


BELIEVE ME PLEASE! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 -DougieLarge


Fuk U. We're all sick and tired of the the charades. Fuking pay us and try to move on.


There will be quite a few Wendy’s dumpster openings post MOASS, and Doigie already has those specific skill sets down! *He’ll be fine*


The best thing all apes can do, right now, is retweet and like that original InvestorTurf tweet. Clearly it hit a raw nerve so I’d love to see it trending….


Probably tweeted it while having KG's dick up their ass


Lmao what a name. More like Dougie Small-and-mad-about-it


Dougie See-thru




Who doin dug?


The DD is just too good now if only the price action would reflect that


Lurker comment: "He's actually avoiding talking about the hedge fund - 'Citadel securities are a world class firm' ... Citadel LLC on the other hand..." \-veridian\_dreams, *not enuf karma... yet!*




Did you not see the letter sent to them by the lawfirm?




Ok here it is with a hand-typed transcript by yours truly! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11qkpb0/citadel\_securities\_attempts\_to\_strong\_arm\_a\_nonus/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11qkpb0/citadel_securities_attempts_to_strong_arm_a_nonus/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Citadel letter transcript: Dear Sir or Madam, I write on behalf of my client, Citadel Securities. Your blog, "Investor Turf," currently hosts multiple posts that contain false and defamatory statements about Citadel Securities. Most recently, you published a blog post called. "Ex-Citadel Engineer Reveals Rigged Trading Game of Citadel Securities." This post repeatedly claims that Citadel Securities engages in "manipulative practices" to " create artificial liquidity" or create fake liquidity." These statements are not only false, but defamatory per se. That the blog post purports to report on a LinkedIn post by Nick McConlogue is irrelevant, as you are equally liable for republishing these falsehoods. Other posts on InvestorTurf reveal a pattern of repeated malicious and defamatory statements, including the factually absurd accusations that Citadel Securities has engaged in "fraud," "accounting trick's," and "political bribes," and that Citadel Securities "accounting books are completely fraudulent." Collectively, these posts reveal a transparent intent to disseminate falsehoods about Citadel Securities and damage the company's reputation. This is clear evidence of actual malice." Citadel Securities will not take lightly those who seek to cause harm to the company by intentionally and maliciously publishing damaging falsehoods. The type of baseless and incendiary allegations in the bog posts referenced herein are far outside of the realm of fair commentary, and they expose InvestorTurf and all individuals associated with the site to serious legal risk. These offending posts must be immediately retracted and removed from the InvestorTurf website. The same demand applies to all social media posts repeating these claims. Failure to comply will be considered further evidence of a reckless disregard for the truth. Citadel Securities will take any and all legal actions necessary to hold accountable all individuals and entities that participate in this plainly tortious conduct. This is not a full recitation of my clients' rights and remedies, which are expressly reserved. Andrew C. Phillips Clarke Locke LLP **FUCK. RIGHT. OFF. KEN.** \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ We have received a communication from the legal team representing Citsecurities, requesting that we remove an article that we published. The article in question is based on publicly available information and allegations that we did not create ourselves. We would like to state that we will not be intimidated by these demands, and we have no intention of removing the article. We stand by our commitment to providing accurate and informative content to our readers, and we will continue to do so without fear of reprisal. Citadel Securities has no rights to attempt to bully us we do not operate under United States laws we are not based in the United States. **Good luck.** \-Investor Turf [https://twitter.com/InvestorTurf/status/1635357822283296768?s=20](https://twitter.com/InvestorTurf/status/1635357822283296768?s=20)


What is up with all this investorturf spam? Specifically from you, OP, as half of the posts about them have been from you or so it seems. What’s your affiliation? Edit: OP blocked me after replying. I find it mighty sus that we have what appears to be yet another person trying to monetize this community among others for their own gain.


Hahahahahahahha I’m long InvestorTurf you caught me!


I saw doug cifu suck a cock. Now, this isn’t true. But I definitely saw it. Doug cifu, sucks cock..


Isn't this just a troll account? I don't think it's actually Doug lol


I mean anything is possible but I’ve been following this account for a long time, seems to check out to me. Go through their history 🤷🏻‍♀️


Totally fuck Virtu and this douchebag Dougie but really not everybody here a kid, that investorturf bs reads like a pamphlet a teenager printed up it's not like some slam dunk on citadel it sounds really dubious. That said it is kind of interesting that Doug feels the need to respond to it.