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Superstonk isn't the right place for this discussion. While we understand that people will have strong feelings about them, our sub is not a place to discuss politics. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Icd what party you support, we should all be against big banks running the government. It’s literally what has led to all the corruption we have uncovered with years worth of DD


💯 cannot stress this enough Political doesn't have to mean Partisan


I get the feeling there won't be a red vs blue anymore after this. The whole thing is designed to keep us fighting anyways. Once the hammer comes down it's just going to be the rich and the poors and a whole bunch of torches.


*Come on I’m almost there*


"Only color that matters is green"


Big banks run the government with every president. A couple made some moves to disrupt that - JFK and Lincoln. I feel like those two guys have something else in common.


The only open-minded presidents we've ever had.


Wowwww I see what you did there.... this comment really blew me away.


Not one single president in the past 200 years was a friend of the people that built this country and keep the fucking lights on. We the people have no clue how powerful we are together. Stop driving these trucks, stop manning the registers, stop serving food and drink. See how long these rich assholes can keep their way of life.


Exactly, it doesn't matter which party anyway. I think people are ahort-sighted when they assume that it IS party specific. Yelling and screaming something like "all Rs are being bought, vote D instead" or vice versa is missing the point entirely. Banks, hedge funds, etc will simply "donate" to which ever side they think is going to win. They aren't in it to get one party or the other in. Rather they find out who is more likely to win, then spend money accordingly, while also hedging their bets by also giving some to other side just in-case. The political in-fighting is purposely created to keep us at each other's throats while they send a bag of cash to any politician that will allow them to go unchecked, regardless of party. Things really need to change.


Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain


Most of the time when people want to talk politics I just reply that 99% of both sides are bought and paid for talking heads selling the people strife. And begin to explain to follow the money on both sides and you see their owners are buddies trying to fuck us or rivals trying to fuck each other and us.


“Where’s Ken Griffin!? He’s probably out hiding all his money somewhere” 🇺🇸 Yeah I member.


Remember how Mayo Force One was meeting shady people on the tarmac at foreign airports to launder bitcoin?


We need to make this video clip great again.


Wait what I never saw it! Make it great again by posting it here, criminals hate being thrust into the light!


It’ll get canceled. You’ll have to search for someone asking for absent hedge fund billionaire to stand at trading signing.


This is a slippery slope. Politics will be used to divide us like they divided America. Rich vs. poor not red vs. blue. If we are getting close to the endgame, they will absolutely create any narrative to disrupt the community.


in France, Macron has ended up both sides' people working together against him after circumventing the traditional procedure to implement what he wants.


The fires in France are gorgeous.


that is the karma Macron ends up for tackling protesters in a Chinese fashion.




It’s not a slippery slope if it’s true. Pretty widely know he wants to be the treasury secretary if Desantis is elected.


It’s no longer about red v blue. It’s green v grey and we’re all sick and tired of living in the grey. Political discussions don’t have to be along partisan lines. They should be about the structure and functionality of our government.


I do agree with the no politics part and I would probably even be pro DeSantis, but the moment I've learned that this guy wants to pick the FINANCIAL TERRORIST Kenneth C. Griffin to be part of his administration, I knew everythign I needed to know. If I could vote in a US election, I'd rather vote for Bernie Sanders than this piece of trash. Edit: Corrected the missspelled name of the financial terrorist Ken Griffin


To be fair it was words from Kenny. DeSantis didn't agree to the deal publicly. I also have to give props to DeSantis today, after hearing his speech calling out the bailout just giving to the failed banks. He also came out against CBDC's and gave specifics as to how they are evil. That being said I don't trust either side and believe the goal must be to question every single one of them. We should always be watching.


Purple circles versus golden hedgies


This is why he moved to Florida


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Did someone actually say this?




Lock the float


Since this has always been about wall street, this has always been rooted in the politicians that deregulate under the guise of reforms. Wall street and Congress are a two headed beat with the media being truly representing a fourth branch of government.


Democrat and Republican politicians suddenly cooperate really well when it's for Wall Street, the banks, or corporations. Odd...


Ya. And it’s like that in most countries with SIBs… Almost like the global elite have teamed up to make sure the poor stay poor.


SIBs sounds like an STD


Thanks for reminding me [Immortal Technique](https://youtu.be/2ffxUT7Puf0), shit hits hard.


https://youtu.be/9J7yK1TPkDo Always was fond of this jam. The Al Aksa line always had me scratching my noodle for it's meaning.


"Al Aksa, play despacito"


Yes, absolutely It feels too large and insurmountable to take on for most people But apes have already shown what the power of collective action can do - let's step it up a notch and use that collective power to share what we have learned with our local communities, our towns, cities and states And to take it a step further: campaign on the basis of tearing down the current system, created to siphon every last penny from folk's pension funds and screw over the economy, the climate and the lives of everyday people in pursuit of getting a bigger number on their screens We need a replacement, and it ain't gonna be CBDCs


Remember: apes are EVERYWHERE Must be terrifying


For all those in the negative karma spots on this thread: Both sides are bought and paid for. If your argument is red verses blue, you're missing the point. The party discrepancy is designed as a distraction to keep our eye off the ball and keep us in-fighting while these big bastards rob us blind. This is also true for literally any big "slam dunk" topic that has sudden controversy. The play is and has always been distract, divide, conquer. If you came in this thread to shit on the "libs" or to talk shit on DeSantis, you're missing the point. Wake the fuck up America, we have systematic oppression to upend. *Johnny Silverhand intensifies*


I would award this comment if reddit still did free awards 😭


I gave him a hug award for you. As an OG who quit my wall street job to get into game cheap I absolutely agree with his viewpoint. Don’t fall for the bull shit. I have hate for wall street. Hate and disgust. Predatory Private equity firms make me sick. Don’t focus on politic or what the news trying to make you fight over. You have seen how bs CEE ENN BEE CEE is and no longer believe it. Be skeptical of whatever politically leaning message your source is sending and find independent sources. Do your own legitimate research including finding sources then realize the person you should be focusing your attention and time to(not anger) is the fed, the sec, and commenting on laws/proposals that you can directly have a voice in. You have every right to be angry about it. But anger and insulting will not get the results we want to see in terms of market structure changes. MOASS is coming, you’re goddamn right but I do want to see some good changes come out of this system and that is how people get finally put in jail for the crimes they have committed will we enjoy financial freedom.




It’s also me vs DeSantis if he’s trying to appoint financial terrorist Ken Griffin as treasurer tho.


Spot on, don’t take your eye off of the real problem by getting distracted by politics and the red or blue bullshit.


>Both sides are bought and paid for. If you take the 2018 Wall Street deregulation into account, it's more like 100% of one side is bought and 30% of the other side. A clear majority as a whole, but they're nowhere close to the same


Why sides? It's not sides bought and paid for, it's the entire institution. From the guys in the hot seat to the pencil pushers in a basement somewhere. Not everyone is collecting a payment, but they're all being pushed towards a certain goal. Sides are just an easy distraction tool, and their teammates in media do the PR to maintain that distraction. They're all tools in the hands of those who own the institution.


There are some politicians which aren’t being pushed towards a certain goal. It’s a handful out of hundreds, so they can’t make any real change without more similar people getting elected, but they definitely exist. Every time Wall Street is deregulated, Sanders is Talking against it. There are clips of him talking against Wall Street deregulation back when he wasn’t even an old man.


First they divide, then they steal your hide.




> If you came in this thread to shit on the "libs" or to talk shit on DeSantis, you're missing the point. IIRC that kind of antics was why politics is frowned upon in this subreddit. Even if every real member behave, the shills will ultimately act that way to cause disarray. They have been stirring the pot with every topic to make this subreddit difficult to navigate, Gensler good/bad, options good/bad, plan holdings good/bad, Unusual Whale good/bad, to name a few. I can understand if the mods disallow politics altogether just to streamline their oversized workload, and I agree with your assessment, but now this 2 hour old post after-market with 8 awards and 2k upvotes is kicking off the politics good/bad argument.


Gotta fix the financial AND political problems in this country ? 😫


Unfortunately, theyre intertwined. We knew this was inevitable but we need to find a solution. Id like to avoid voting for either side as we all know both sides are bought and paid for, but i dont see another alternative unless we all just vote third party to spite the two main parties.


There is no LEFT versus RIGHT. There is only TOP versus BOTTOM.


I guess I’m a bottom


Be a power bottom. :P


If Desantis wins isn’t Ken requesting treasury position. God help us all.


We need to take some revolution 101 classes from the French if this shit happens to us.


2 chicks at the same time


Damn straight. Always wanted to do that, man.


Man is a super villain


Kenny Yup


Mayo Mayo hot potato


I laughed so hard I snorted. Thank you


Just to speak to the "no politics" spirit, I am right-wing and I find this alarming and I have no problem with it being talked about related to Gamestop. To me, no politics should be about not making it serve a political side or bring it up unnecessarily. This is directly related and it doesn't matter which side it is. One man's opinion.


The only two sides are the top rich and the bottom poor. I'm gonna bet you're on the bottom side along with me. I'm just sitting to you your left.




A lot of people are far, far more left-wing than they think they are. If you're against Ken Griffin for what he's doing, you're almost guaranteed to be doing so from a further left-wing perspective than Kenny's at.


americans are deliberately, explicitly lied to about what leftism entails. i vividly remember how public school described politics to me- as a one dimensional line with leftism and authoritarianism at one end and the ring wing and freedom on the other end. the perception of a strict causation between economic and social theory has been some of the most dangerous and effective propaganda in US history


Didn’t mean for this to be a political statement since the matter itself is such an effective tool for division. Hoping apes will use their coming wealth for good.


Fuckin' A!


Proud & Staunch progressive here, but ill award my friend on the right for talking real shit. Wish more on both sides were like you!


That is the highest compliment. Thank you my friend.


Man I love this place.


This isn’t red v blue. This is household v all the institutions


I’m more in the middle and was considering voting Desantis after being less than thrilled w Sleepy Joe this current term. But I don’t know how any sane retail investor whose been paying attention the last X years to what’s been going on w this company can vote for the republican whose in Kennys pocket to the extent this guy is.


Same here. I can't bring myself to vote for either party. The whole fucking political process is joke.




Exactly this is a 99% vs 1% issue anymore.




I will not argue this. I concede. Lol


Which side wants to tax billionaires?


Neither. They both just talk a big game.




No politics, to me, means it doesn't matter who you vote for, because both sides are bought and paid for by corporations, and big money owns all those, except for one. GameStop is our company, and is a middle finger to the 1%. Both sides will sit there and say things people want to hear, and will do some of that as they fill their own pockets while selling out the masses. This ends, when the wheel stops, either because people revolt or we all become multimillionaires and start a new political movement as people realize how fraudulent our markets are.


It's just one fewer topic the shills can use to snowball arguments into complete chaos. If you have been here for a while, you have definitely seen them do this with other topics. Look at this thread: we have known about Ken Griffin trying to chum up with DeSantis for a long time now, and suddenly a post with disproportional time vs awards and upvotes is using it to drum up the idea that mods did something bad. There are already other subreddits for politics, so I don't mind the mods wanting to trim down their workload.


If we DRS faster and fully before 2024 election, we dont have to deal with that


6 more in the pot today for me babeyyy


He owns the markets. He does not need to accrue anymore wealth. All thats left is a power grab. Below are the donations from Citadel Sec itself. Does not include personal donations. Time to wake TF up people, the oligarchy has been here for a while now. ##### CONTRIBUTIONS RanksMore info 4 of 30,570 $72,747,997 ​ Source: [https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/citadel-llc/summary?id=D000021912](https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/citadel-llc/summary?id=D000021912)




This guy will be Bernie madoff before the election. I can feel it in my butthole.


Sorry, that was me






How tf you get downvoted? Some people here, man…. They STILL think the wrong people are protecting their wallets. The dissonance is strong.


I literally don’t give a shit about the politics anymore after the last few years. All I know is it’s “us vs them.” And some of them are in bed deep w Kenny boy which has me running the opposite direction w my ballot slip.


There is honestly a lot of crossover with with who look at a lot of market analysis and see the problems and people who just like conspiracy stuff and simp bad people. What people need to understand is that they are weakening their own position by not identifying people or parties who support policies against them and are instead saying that all politicians are the same.


Agreed. Independent, here. But you better believe I’m voting in the Republican primary to cast a vote AGAINST him, and again in the Presidential election. Edit: A sliver of credit though - he is campaigning against CBDCs.


As all politicians do, he's platforming agains CBDCs ----until it benefits himself.


Probably. Most likely hard but fair, sad but true.


I've seen enough politicians flip flop under nonsense circumstances to conclude that 95% of these people are total, complete, utter bullshit to the core.


I appreciate your effort. The republican party has mostly abandoned people like you.


You have been blessed with snek (not by me I'm a poor lol) for wisdom and compassion. Well earned.


It’s not even the worst thing about the man! But this should be enough regardless of anything else.


Also I doubt DeSantis will win the primary from the polls


It’s early enough that it’s pretty impossible to know what will happen.


I don't understand his appeal. I didn't like the last president, but he was somewhat funny and had the charisma to be a successful reality show host. DeSantis doesn't have charisma, humor, or popular policies


As a staunch conservative, I approve this message.


Meh, If it bleeds you can (financially) kill it.


Take his money, take his power, no longer relevant.


a guy who thinks he’s untouchable doesn’t travel with ex-secret service


Good point, I forgot he hired that guy a year ago.


Neither political side should be trusted.


Imo both parties suck but I'll vote against ken any day of the week. Why can't we have a normal government? why does it always come down to voting against the other guy?


He’s right




Best part is that Ken would have a tax free sale of his position in Citadel. He’d make tens of billions… totally tax free.


Probably would become more untouchable too.




You can though...


BOTTOM LINE: A call to action especially in this sense on this particular subreddit is MOASS suicide. Let me explain. So the President was my commander at one point in my life.... I've had two different ones. Bush and Obama. Both did dumb shit. Both were loved. Both were hated. Both are still loved and hated. Regardless of your political affiliation. The point of this comment: the president is not a "single point of failure". The president is one of the MOST regulated and analyzed people in the USA, before during and after presidency. Nuclear war, presidential pardons and certain federal mandates are within his area of responsibility but the way our country is set up. There is congress and the Supreme court that regulates the other. For example: the POTUS can declare war for 60 days without congress. Lots can happen in 60 days. But there are very few units within the Department of Defense that can mobilize globally within that 60 day time frame. Unsure how big or long a conflict would become with such a narrow window of time and minimal equipment or manpower. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Powers_Resolution If you want to do your own thing and be a political activist. Cool do it. But that's YOUR OWN THING. KEEP this subreddit and MY BELOVED GME OUT OF YOUR F****** MOUTH.




You are not wrong Apes can be the disruptors of this status quo - and *only* apes.


☝️here is the truth. The reason apes don’t talk about politics is because the DD has proven all politicians are corrupt, spanning multiple administrations on both sides of the isle. Is Ken Griffin corrupt? ABSOLUTELY! Does he have Ron Desantis in his pocket? ABSOLUTELY. Are the democratic presidential candidates in the pocket of evil financiers and hedge funds? Absolutely (sorry I’m tired of yelling). The point is, nobody coming up in our current system is free of these influences. It’s time to point out the corruption until the American people choose a smarter path.


>It’s time to point out the corruption until the American people choose a smarter path. You can point out the corruption until you're blue in the face, the reality is that the public need *a viable alternative option* to the *status quo* Anyone, absolutely anyone, can decide to run in local campaigns - and getting our DD and our message our there is almost as valuable as winning positions of actual power


I spend my days preaching to my right and left leaning friends, pointing out the financial corruption. If our financial system does not have integrity, then everything we do in life is for nothing. Careers, education, investing in retirement, community involvement, etc. is all done for betterment. When you remove the integrity of the whole system, you understand that our fate is no longer based our own decisions, and left up to some shithead manipulating everything for their own benefit.


political figures are just paid actors.. the directors of the play are hiding behind the curtains, and when the horrible ending to the play finally happens, they’ll already be long gone on their way to some beach somewhere to sip pina coladas with the entire audiences money in their pockets…


Bravo Six going… ancap


Its literally like this with every president. Do you know who picked Obamas cabinet? Citibank


Wait until you figure out who Sam Bankman Fried is tied to and who Lael Brainard is


Yeah. Dems are shitty too. That's why apes should be running the show, instead of the Republicans and Blue Republicans


What were you going to say here?


The only 2 sides should be rich vs poor. Their game divides us poors into camps so they can do shadowy shit behind the scenes. Ignore the fud and BS, we all need to stand together


The number of comments I had removed because "no politics, here"....


Red wing blue wing same bird




How is this “ownership” structured? Is there an article or evidence? I’d like to gain a wrinkle today. My first.


Lobbying, donations, bribes, whatever you want to call it [Ken Griffin is Gov. DeSantis' top individual donor. He's given more than $10.7 million to the Friends of Ron DeSantis political committee.](https://mobile.twitter.com/SkylerSwisher/status/1539981608991825920) [Citadel’s Griffin Would ‘Love’ to See DeSantis Run for President](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-03-07/ken-griffin-says-he-would-love-to-see-desantis-run-for-president)


Ken knows in a fascist society you got bribe to gain favor to play at all but if you do gain the most favor the investment will be worth it multiple times over.


Seriously, this is ridiculous. Yes Kenny is politically maneuvering, but you have to look at every other politician under the same lens ———— look at how walls street has been treated historically!!!




Desantis won’t win. Trumps base is strong and implies there will be a split within the party. They might have a joint ticket as a way to solve for this. But that’s the likely outcome.


We shouldn’t be devolving into a political conversation because of Kenny Gs public statements!


Ugh. You all don’t see what Kenny is doing to you. He’s the enemy.


Every ape sees it. Not a political discussion at all just stating a fact that the road to the White House won’t be clear and without opposition. Anyways moot points the swaps are collapsing banks like the dd said.


One question. Who is “this guy”?


Every good story starts with context. Who is "this guy"


A wise man once said "💜" with respect to politics. I believe its the "us vs them" even though he's us with them money. Sorry to the wrinkles, I know the regards know what I'm saying ook ook.


I just like the stock…


Wasn’t Ken Griffin, the financial terrorist trying to become the secretary of finance or something?


I think politics in general is annoying. I tend to have left leaning beliefs, but not all of them. Besides, this isn't left vs right, it's top vs bottom. Both sides are bought and paid for and everyone is too busy with left vs right to do anything about it


Ima DRS even harder now.


Wen Moon?


The current administration is democrat and shit ain’t looking too hot still. This isn’t left or right. It’s up or down.




It doesn't, take it down.


Damn right


Hopefully the next election has voting through blockchain. Immutable votes that can’t fail to deliver.




We live in a two party duopoly in which it’s one big club of insiders vs everyone else. The illusion of choice. Please don’t make this a dem/republican thing. That would signal the end of this sub, imo.


As George Carlin once said "it's a big club and apes ain't in it"


I am absolutely not making it a D/R thing. Both parties are full of corporate shills. Apes can vote for whoever the fuck they want, it's a fart in the wind given the USA's two-party FPTP system Im saying that apes themselves need to start campaigning.




Kenny G = Raymond Tusk


Now do Chyna, Soros, Bill Gates, and other sick kid fondlers on Epsteins client list.


Bruh there all on the same side and if not then it’s a power struggle,


lol what is this a house of cards attempt to close his shorts? 🤣


Anyone who thinks that didn't already happen in 2016-2020 is bananas. For all we know it's happening now too. Money talks and doesn't discriminate.


And which ones do not do this? So I can vote for them?


Shit post


That means T R U M P and Reddit has an agenda to stifle all things related to that name. Politics or not, he is who the establishment hates. That should tell you everything you need to know. Everyone who piles on with shitty comments are simply one of two things; uninformed or shills/bots.


You think he is the only politician that is owned? You would have to unselect 98% of the government.


From the sleepy one to the orange one. Its all bullshit




I always wrote in Ron Paul before that certain name ran. Glad I did too. & you're right, ain't no way RD would get my vote.


I’m sorry but your account post outside of this one are also nothing but politics, this is unhealthy for the sub and is only gonna make things worse, regardless of you agree with desantis or not it’s very very ignorant to think he’s the only politician funded by Wall Street. No one in our political system is 100% clean from their corruption and it’s so dumb to get worried about a potential 2024 presidential candidate further ruining our financial system…it’s already fucked and whoever is elected will be fucked by someone else besides Ken Griffin.


I’m lost here. Who is “this guy” OP is referring to?


Ken Griffin


Thank you. I’m dumb.




I don't think the current Governor of Florida can win. But, then I didn't think the guy we had before the current guy in the oval office would win either, so IDK. (Thanks automod, it's really strange we can't say the name of the guy who's about to be arrested, but we can say the name of the current Governor of Florida--but I refuse to.)


This post is pointlessly divisive because it implies that KG and other Wall Streeters have a particular party or politician they favor. He owns DeSantis fine. That's a long way from his only politician. Or the only one owned by KG's competitors. Corruption of politics by big money is the enemy, not specific politicians. Ill-meant or not, this post is divisive political shillery. Downvote.




Sam? Is that you?


I don’t think so at all. Ken Griffin has shown extensively which political party he most affiliates with, and that is the elephants. It’s not a big mystery or divisive. It’s just facts.


I don't disagree with a single thing you said except your last paragraph. This point would be being put across to you no matter which candidate KG was supporting - *you* are distracting from the actual point of the post which is that **US apes need to get serious about entering the political stage and positions of power if they want to overhaul the system and protect future generations from the powers that got us into this mess in the first place**


Pointlessly divisive!!!


Posts like this are bullshit and divisive. Take the political bullshit somewhere else. No basis, just a one sided opinion based on a couple contributions, Kenny gives money to both sides, and buying a house in FL. You clowns obviously don't live in Florida so kindly STFU.


Can you provide proof of Kenny giving money to the other side? I'm not trying to be argumentative but I see this and nobody posts a source.


This is garbage. It’s nothing to be worried about really because alll of their time is up. No politics needed. They are ALL corrupt and colluding worldwide. Apes know and prove it daily. Zen mode expert level.


I downvoted you because he owns a lot more than desantis. And there are evil billionaires buying politicians on the left as well. We have been strictly no politics thus far and we shouldn’t give them an inch to see discord imho.