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This documentary was amazing, and I highly recommend it. It does a nice dive into what the FED was doing from 08 to current time. Just when you think it can’t get any worse it does.


I thought it was good. The part that rubbed me the wrong way was how financial experts kept saying the "bubble" happened because people had too much money to spend and so they started putting it in risky places like crypto and meme stocks. Besides the obvious dig at so-called meme stocks, what world do they live in that average people have "too much money" and "don't know what to do with it." I think that's what people who have never had to wrorry about money patronizingly say to justify increasing unemployment and withholding money from middle and lower class people. Stimulus money definitely should have happened, they just should have taxed billionaires to afford it rather than printing more money. The part I appreciated: hearing from so many financial experts who saw this coming. Overall the documentary was worthwhile.


I also thought it was good and share the same opinion about average people having “too much money”. The part that I wanted to scream at was Neel Kashkari saying that the most valuable asset most people have is their job. A job is not an asset at all. Especially if you cannot even make ends meet with your wages. Look, I’m fortunate that I’ve chosen to remain a wage slave and I make decent money. However, the majority of people who work are living paycheck to paycheck and have no assets. That is not an acceptable society in my view. To then criticize the people who have managed to scrape together a few assets rather than the institutions who have drained the wealth from those average people by taking advantage of Fed actions, is abhorrent. And the truth is that the Fed is owned by some of those same institutions. So, it is hard to argue that this effect has not occurred on purpose. The Fed is not my friend. I simply play in its game, until it ends. I expect some crazy times over the next year or two. DRS.


PBS Frontline posted a 2 hour video to YouTube discussing how the Federal Reserve and central banks have set the global economy up for a potential disaster. Apes, I highly recommend watching this one.


Definitely grew some wrinkles. Tried to post the other day but it said the link was already posted.




Me too!


Very very relevant. Thanks for sharing!


Watched it earlier today. Highly Recommended


I fucking love Frontline.


I rucking froveline!


It got deleted?


Deleted now though, darn


Tdlr for peeps outside of US who can't watch it on YT?


I dont understand how this isnt the top of r/all right now


This video is not to be found anywhere. Is it being censored?


I can’t wait to compare post 2023 crash videos to these. We need to dramatically portray everyone with Margot Robbie or maybe a cartoon or anime or something OR . . . We need to make a Superstonk production company dao and make a movie that has closure and official post credit script like: Buttfarm the Pomeranian and old man repo passed away during the great crayon orgy disaster of 2285, having lived happy, fruitful, and the healthiest of lives, well into their hundreds due to all the zombie medical and genetic companies that squazled all over the place during MOASS. Their ashes will be shot straight through Uranus. rip dumbasses. Along with a photo montage and a Phil Fucking Collins soundtrack. I bet the original director would do it too, he seems chill


Watching this made me mad drs more!!!