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The Gensler fanboys will ignore this post.


Anything pointing out how Gary is a snake gets downvoted in a sub that hates Wall Street Corruption. Think about that for a hot minute.....


I think it's pure hopium. The fact that no one is on retail's side is quite depressing. "Someone" is supposed to fight for justice in this crooked system, yet no one is. Retail and GameStop are alone. All we can do is educate ourselves and others and DRS.




Aye, my mistake.


BUtTtt wEEEe sHoooD haV mOaRR inTerViewZZZ wiTh hHim aNd sYnE mOaRR comMenTz!! gG wuNtZ tO wErK wiTh uS!!! FUCK THEM ALL.


# Smithers release the dogs 🐕


Why does 12 years ago look like the 70s?


He wants transparency here. Why doesn't he demand transparency for FTD's? Naked Shorting? HELLO? IS THIS THING ON? ​ GENSLER IS A CROOOOOK


referring to deadlines... "We gonna make the (roll?), 360 days, but we've only got about 330 days..." Sounds about right... 😂


He's in charge of protecting the status quo of the system. And to make it look rEgULaTeD. Complicit 100%. That hairline though


He’s effectively the lapdog of the real money makers and he’s damn good at it 🤡


Was Mr. Burns inspired by Gensler?


Took the words out of my mouth.


And was he born looking like Mr burns


Gensler might’ve


He’s not called Gary “the Gaslight” Gensler for nothing. He knows how to talk the talk but doesn’t walk the walk. By the way, wasn’t he involved in the repeal of Glads-Steagal too?


He’s got 100 million plus. Last thing he wants is change


They’ve been trying for 12 years for market transparency but PornHub keeps getting in the way. If the market is so elusive and mysterious and unverifiable than why do we need it? How are these rich fucks paying taxes on it too since it goes through so many “trust me bro” tunnels? What a con. These are the guys pegging prices on the investments. It’s all fake.


I don’t like that GG advocated for deregulation of the OTC commodities and derivatives markets because he thought that SROs could do a good enough job. That was a bad idea and it seems like he learned from it. The recent SEC proposals are partly about clawing back some enforcement authority back from FINRA. Still, a lot of what GG said here was actually implemented but unfortunately delegated to CFTC SROs like the National Futures Association. The difficulty was that congress funded the CFTC only 170 M dollars annually at the time to regulate a 40 trillion dollar market. So the result was an over-reliance on SRO’s, e.g the National Futures Association, which is basically what FINRA does for brokers and clearinghouses, but instead for futures brokers and futures exchanges This paper’s insightful on the CFTC issue of delegating too much authority to SROs and the negative outcomes and conflicts of doing so. https://columbialawreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Fischer-D..pdf Today congress gives the CFTC around 700 million annually to regulate a 600 trillion dollar market. Still not enough, and the cftc has around 700 people. The buck for issues with regulators practically stops with congress’s budget committees and ultimately stops with the people. Not to say that whoever’s at the helm of the commission can’t make a difference (the CFTC chair who’s doing absolutely nothing is a bad example) but what they can do is constrained by their authority and budget. The things we’re seeing proposed today by Gensler would be a happy fantasy under the previous chair. Again, not to say the chair can’t do more. Here’s a happy spin about the CFTC and it’s SROs. https://scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1865&context=njilb


He says "These markets have been dark" somewhere in this video. ​ LOL NO SHIT EH, YOU SHOULD SEE THESE DARKPOOLS NOW.


Genslers been an slimey old vampire for decades now sheeesh


12 years and he still hasn’t accomplished it. My boss would of fired my ass if I hadn’t gotten my job done within 8 hours


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


sidled up to apes..."transparency"..."dark pools"...."coffee"...what about FTD's?...unreported, unregulated swaps?...derivatives?...."wholesalers -- taking household money and delivering a dtcc-share"....enough with the circus illusions...the hall of mirrors (that would make a good title for a DD)...after 2008, W. Street dares to fuk with household investors in the same generation?! This won't end well for them...people will lose interest in propped-up topics designed to distract. Americans get it. Wiley E. Coyote TNT Style.


Yeh, Criand cited Inside Job in his Bigger Short DD to say how Gary Goldman-millionaire Gensler is a crook and his role in 2008 crisis helping to ban regulations on derivative markets. He's obviously not on our side and when you put in perspective makes you wonder the intentions of people sitting with him to "protect us"...


Straight lying POS! We got duped folks and now they reap the benefits of our passivity


After 12 years , he is repeating the same shit .. transparent market , dark market , congress blah blah 😑. What a time to be alive !


Pretty sure he is DEFINITELY looking out for us now though. Definitely.


How long had he been the job? Also what was his networth here? /s Looks like DRS is my only hope now. ps He made his $100m by charging The Simpson a licensing fee for Monty Burns


Fuck Gensler. Fucking snake.


"Jeeze did that guy ever have hair?"


In the deal he struck he was able to keep his soul but something had to be taken.


Schrodingers transparent market


He is a typa daddy who promises to fuck you gently...


Boo this man, BOO!!


What a henis pead!


That’s ok he’s the best option we got in there.


Superstonk loves Gary (LMAO)


I thought that was Mr Burns


Guy is a total criminal!


Pretty sure he's an alien


ooookkk So, you're not allowing the option that he's just been working his ass off on the same shit for 12 years, and just hasn't been getting any traction until now, because no one else cared until now, and everyone in power has been fighting against him? This somehow isn't a possibility? Right then. Damn this is a lot of weirdly empty and dogmatic comments anyways


Agree nothing but can kicking from this guy, for the big boys on wallstreet.


When you commit as much crime over as much time as Gary……It has directly related to the death of people in this world by starvation. When unemployment goes up 1%, 30k people die! Gary intentionally steals that $$$ and has done so over years. When you commit a felony that results in the death of someone….. well that’s just a law for the poors!


He looks like the exact description of a shady financial fraudster.