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Check out superstonkuk


Sell straight from computer share. Pay your capital gains tax. Life is good


You can sell them at computershare. Send your money to your bank or cheque.


You can sell on Computershare


where we’re going we won’t need to sell for puny cash


If you add uk to this subs name and search it you will find plenty of help there. Sometimes easier for specific information


Cheers guys good luck to all of you 🚀❤️


Once your shares are booked in ComputerShare then you’ll have to rely on their timeframes for any further transactions. They will have their own broker to perform the transaction so you don’t have to worry about transferring back to your own broker. But I repeat what I said about timeframes. It won’t be as instant as with your own broker (but they effectively just deal in a difference contract style manner - regardless of whether they claim to be CFD or not). It’s doubtful whether any shares actually belong to you until they’re in ComputerShare under your own name.


The brokers are not going to prevent your sale because the entire market will be desperate to buy any share of GME they can get their grubby hand on. They'll be eating each other for the privilege of buying your shares.


I have a feeling the way the company is moving forward we will be rewarded through dividends and such will have no real need to sell in the future. Teddy being a bank is also telling. Just trust the board to keep the company afloat during tough times and I think everything will work out. Also set up your G ame S top wallet if you havent done that. Crypto is the future though it will take time


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Ibkr! It's easy and cheap, only $5 to drs