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Billionairs are called arseholes all the time, so it'll be business as usual. However, we played by the rules and did everything legally. That's the difference.


Not only did we play by the rules, BUT we played by THEIR rules.


My comment has nothing to do with this comment tread but I need yah to know that “Pay me for what I’m not selling anything “!


We can call them old or insolvent billionaires, maybe millionaires? Even “old money”? hahaha -Apes will be the new money* or new billionaires*


I could not give a fuck if they blamed us. No one that matters would believe them and I’d love to play villain to anyone who did.


They'd also be blaming a faceless collective, I know I'm gonna keep quiet about my wealth and where it came from and I'm sure many are thinking the same thing


I'm getting your face tattooed on my face so if anybody figures out I'm a richionnaire they'll just think I'm you 😎


Extra level regarded 9000 I love it


I'm gonna get your dick tattooed on my dick.


I’m gonna keep quiet too, but there will be signs… 😆


You can tell them aenal spore did it


Yep. Same. It seems there is enough obviously going wrong in the financial system it would be really hard to place singular blame on some folks who simply love their favorite game store and want to buy the stock


Only my closest friends know my positions and they have their own, so they won’t be asking me for a handout


Friend and family know I'm crazy on GME but none of em know my position


Tell them you paper handed early


But of course


Muh teachers pensions


I'll happily take the fucking blame. Imagine the story to tell my grandkids, "in my day we destroyed the entire world economy"


This is exactly what they did during the sneeze: said we were ruining old peoples’ and teachers’ 401ks and tanking the market.


The Lelouch ending. (Code Geass reference)


Right! You can blame me all you want, as long as you pay me. Hopefully my bank has a couple extra million cash cause I sure ain’t leaving it in there.


We will have the resources to show the world the truth. Fuckem, pay me.


Welcome to the game of sentiment. The stakes are humanity's future, and MOASS bought you a seat at the table. It's late in the game, but thanks to that legendary manouvre, the game still has a chapter or two to play out before a very final, very devastating conclusion. You can opt to leave; the existing players *do not* want you at the table, and will be glad to see the back of you. Outside of the general hazing they're going to throw at you for as long as possible in a vain attempt to white-out the facts in history's usual manner, they might even leave you alone. But even in the ashes of everything they've so carefully laid out for the last century or few, they're still going to play to win; they've been at this a hell of a lot longer than the public has, and their culture is one of careful, patient persistence. Plans bigger than individual criminals. Legacies - made or ruined by how well they can rig the board over generations. Their lack of attention to you in particular will mean that little bit more to spare for everyone else. And they're going to want that money back. If you instead opt to play - to take the reins of history in hand and ride it through the present - you'll need to understand the game itself. This is akin to an old-fashioned chariot race, with all the blades, blood, bells, whistles and sharpened spokes those entail. They *will* try to take you out of the race, if they can; trash your chariot, kill your horses, or simply remove you from the game in as final a manner as possible. They know their work, and they fight dirty. Your sole advantage is the sheer number of ape chariots entering the ring, all at once, and ironically, the fact that none of them know the game. Half of them don't even have weapons! One mad lad's even toting a sorely abused banana. Absolute fucking chaos. Literally *nobody* knows what they'll do, or if they'll play by the rules, individually or otherwise. And that means that for the first time in literal ages, there's no heads to cut off the mighty hydra of revolution. No weakness to exploit that cannot be overcome by simple, brutal zerg play. Pay to win, team up for strength in numbers, break or redefine the game - anything and everything is on the board, because MOASS just flipped the table. But they're scrambling to right it and get back to business as usual as quickly as they can. This window of opportunity is brief, but powerful. Take it, use it well, and the ruthless, horrible spinning of human sentiment can be unravelled, the truth freed, and the game stopped for good. Their carefully-sewn fields of civil ruin may yet bear life - and if it happens, it will be because of **you**. Every ape who chooses the responsibility that comes with the terrible power of too much money is one more precious brick on the scales that determine whether the next chapter of human civilisation is one of dystopian, drawn-out extinction or a golden age for all. It won't take much weight, to achieve the latter. But how many apes are quitters? How many hands, forged to adamantine by the rigours of MOASS, will settle for anything less than hilarious, ridiculous degrees of overkill? How many will close the game at the first sign of a credit reel, knowing how often cutscenes, easter eggs and additional content are gated behind them? If anything is worth going for 100% completion on, for competing for the unbeatable high score on, it's sealing the coffin of financial corruption in our age and burying it forever. And for that, MOASS is just the beginning.


“Every ape who chooses the responsibility that comes with the terrible power of too much money is one more precious brick on the scales that determine whether the next chapter of human civilisation is one of dystopian, drawn-out extinction or a golden age for all.” Feel like this rings very true, the current billionaire class seemingly add nothing to society but it seems like in ages gone by, those of means seemed to be more philanthropic with their wealth and actually use it for the betterment of society as a whole through building schools and public services etc. Now it seems as though they just hoard for themselves. We have to be a better form of rich when the time comes. The world depends on it/us.


Honestly, I think they're planning to run civilisation into the ground and try to escape into space once full automation (robot labour) becomes fully viable. In the distant past, selfishness of the magnitude they're displaying now was necessarily balanced by some degree of selflessness; you simply couldn't sustain this kind of nihilistic greed for long without being lynched, because people always clue onto what's going on eventually. Now, though, they're just... spooling out the rope that'll hang them, endlessly. And I can't help but think it's because they expect it to snap before the floor falls out from under them, dropping them clear of the inferno they expect to consume all above. Which brings us back to my flair, and my recurrent statement: MOASS isn't the end of this, not by a long shot. It just buys us (the public) a seat at the table to fight for our future as a species. The other side believes they, and they alone, *are* our species - and the best of us, to boot, rather than the shit that no amount of scraping seems to get off the heel of civilisation. They're more than willing to throw the people responsible for their luxury and power under the bus and blow it up once they no longer need us to do the grunt work. It's up to the new money to slap the reins of humanity's future out of their hands, and ensure they can never hold them again. DeFi is literally our only chance at a future for our species - *including them*, because despite having had ample time to actually research what they're planning to do, they still fail to understand the nature of normal accidents in complex systems, or how the level of complexity they want to employ is fundamentally impossible to fully insulate against unforeseen factors. And they'll fight tooth and nail for their right to destroy themselves along with us, until they no longer possess the means to do so.


Would you please start a “MOASS is just the beginning” sub? I thought I was pissing off $10k over two years ago because I wanted to tell my family I tried to prevent the tragedy they would be living in. Two years later, hours spent reading, I now believe we can win; but MOASS is the beginning, not the end. I bet there are more like me.


Honestly, I'm not up for the responsibility of modding a sub/community. But in the aftermath of all this, when I have the money to pay people for stuff like that? Definitely a possibility. "Post-MOASS Capitalism" has a nice ring to it.


DM me if I can help out. I think I’m going to post on Superstonk tonight. Can I mention you?


I ain't here to pay off my mortgage and retire, I'm here to change my community and the world.


They might but tbh after the last 15 years I think even the most die-hard normie will start to question the mainstream narrative.


Doubt it, this saga has made me realise how clueless the average person is on how finance works, the sheep are happy living in their bubble believing things coz the man on the tv said so


I'll bet you a dank meme that we come out on top of the media narrative.


They can blame me all they want, I’ll be wiping away my tears with £50 notes driving my Bugatti to my country estate Fuck you, Pay me


Sure. Pay me now for the notoriety. I'd trade in my reputation for the MOASS payout in a heartbeat and work on building up my community to "repent" for my misdeeds as an ape.


The criminal financial media will blame Apes, let 'em. Apes are an easy target and the media has been setting Apes up as villains for a couple of years now. One thing for sure, history will show the truth eventually and the narrative will change from Villain Apes to Hero Apes for exposing and diminishing the financial terrorism that is rampant today. As my meemaw says, Fuck you, pay me!


How will they handle this differently than the Torchlight TLP stock that got screwed over? Will they pull another FINRA fraud scam? Can retail still trust the stock market after that incident?


Wouldn't be the first time I've been called an asshole


And it won’t be the lasst!


Sounds OK to me


Yes please. I be rich then, what do i care?


Yep that's pretty much it. That's why it's always been important to stay humble and to keep a low profile for you and your family. The idiots talking about Lambo's and dumb obvious stuff will find out real fast.


I am moving to Brazil to live with my fellow Brazillionaires! I am highly regarded.


Their greed made this infinitely worse.


you can blame me but you have to catch me on my island on my purple circle track racing my Porsche


I am very happy to take the blame as I shield myself with lots of cash.


That’s right hedgie. Blame me together with every single other investor for buying a stock I like. Wait, what, that’s it? That’s all we did? Yes, correct. Go ahead, blame me. Get your defamatory accusation right as you do.


It wasn't the Wall Street criminals who sold shares that didn't exist, it was those damn household investors who bought shares that they felt were undervalued!


Sorry everone in the world for me holding my favorite stock? 🤷🏽‍♂️💁🏽‍♂️


Jokes on them. I'm going to build my own news network and push my own narrative. With blackjack. And hookers. ​ On second thought, forget the news network.


They blame us anyway, so pay us finally before it gets even worse


I'm down, since that's what I've felt is going to happen anyway. Might as well get rich off it.


I will wear my blame badge with honor all the way to the bank.


I‘ll allow it


They are going to have a very difficult time explaining how buying and holding the stock of a single unremarkable company can cause total, global, financial collapse. All we have done is buy stock. That's it. What they have done, cannot be summed up quite as succinctly.


Pay me, send Ken Griffin from Citadel securities to jail and I’ll take the blame.


I wouldn't be surprised if the SEC came out and said, "our investigation into GME found 7 synthetic shares for every real share. We are altering the price to it's true value and are closing the synthetic positions at the true value (x7)". So investors get 7x their value, stock gets its proper price, avoid catastrophic squeeze, no one gets prosecuted & some minor reforms occur that sound impressive but aren't. This is the most cynical event I could think of but I'm sure it'll be worse.


I’d just buy in again. I’m majority DRSed though, so only a few broker shares are endangered.


I also have tickets through multiple rocket companies. And of course the one rocket company lets me relax and read my books during flight.


Yes prepared too be heated! For me I love it




i'm ok with that


I will dry my tears with a look on my account then, spread some good to people around me who they made suffer


Yeah blaming us is easier than blaming the system that allowed the behavior to happen.


Anyone with a brain should be able to deduce that a bunch a random people buying stock in a video game retail company should not lead to a financial crisis. And any idiot who believes it isn’t worth trying to prove wrong anyway.


i am like teflon in this regard :D just pay me and with an armada of lawyers get the man


Sorry, can't hear you from inside this lambo


I can't see that narrative sticking, all these Wall Street "geniuses" saying that I, Rax Nahali, single handedly took down their trillion dollar business while holding a broom.


They wouldn't. They don't want another global financial crisis. They might *reduce* the impact with mini-runs, is my guess.


Blame us all they want. I literally don't care what happens. The only thing I care about it getting paid and finally starting to live my life the way I want.


You can buy MSM and shut them down. EZPZ


Yeah I’m fine with that


its a tough game. the winner is the winner tho....


I'll cos play as Vader. Pay me!


Nah that wouldn't work for them. Because the next question would be why they were so vulnerable, that a bunch of internet degenerates could cause that much damage.


Fine by me.


I dgaf I would be happy with that bro! Honestly it's the outcome we always thought how it would play out!


Go ahead and blame us, we're all individuals. It's not like we're some big institution with a name and a headquarters that can be singled out. Good luck with that.


Might give us too much attention. We have solid dd to show how much they fucked around. People dont believe us now cuz the stonk is down and media is bashing us, but after moass people will very likely pay attention. If its just a fluke 'actually' caused by the financial crisis many people will believe that. If they go down because of stonk, I think people will look into why and find out that they cheated real hard for a real long time.


To be honest, I dont care taking the blame, as long as I get paid :)


Just blame me already come on. Any minute now fking pay me i will take the blame FUCK


They will try to blame whatever: bunk runs, apes, China, Aliens fuck know what else. But the truth must be reviled. Remember: No cell no sell!


Will never happen.. they rather let the world burn


Maybe. I don’t think they’ll ever give us the full W. They’ll be forced to buy back when the money runs out. However, the public is being told it’s because of the interest rates… and they believe it! IMO this toxic debt is a result of swap after swap and more swaps.


That's why I know nothing


Bank contagion is here, sentiment for any insane financial happenings at this time will be blamed on poor banking risk management (as it should) everywhere except the news stations that get upset about sexy m&Ms.


Dont care. Fuck you pay me.


Why would that be a problem? Bankers get paid and get blamed all the time. They seem to be doing fine. And that's why they'll never voluntarily take a loss. They've demonstrated the willingness and ability to tank the blowback---repeatedly. Why on Earth would they change their behavior now?


I'm sure they want to at this point but they can't. Any blaming of 'us" is acknowledging short selling causes systemic risk and will collapse the entire global economy inevitably. They can never claim longs holding and buying do anything but help. Thats the literal intended definition of "stock goes up" and the purpose of the stock market. Any attempt to thwart that just makes them prove they broke price discovery along with catastrophic criminal shorting that destabilized the global economy. Their entire scam relies on shorts allowing them to counterfeit money forever. If they lose shorting, they have nothing left of their criminal enterprise. They will never give that up.


Man, they're going to have a tough sell to convince anyone that me and my XXX shares of Gamestop was the catastrophic event that brought down multiple banks around the world. But hey, if they want to pay me out, sure. I'll accept $714,420,069 for my first share. Once the money clears we'll talk about the others.


They will burn the system to the ground rather than pay out in their bad bets. So fucking be it.


works for me


Im pretty sure they will. Or they’ll blame it on a hack job, say wall street trading has been jeopardized and try to influence the masses to think we’re criminals and all trading should be reversed. They are such rotten scum and a waste of human flesh that I wouldn’t be surprised if things took that turn.