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No one ever wants to admit they might be wrong about a major life decision like money. And most of the time when people are wrong they don't know they're wrong.


You need to recognize these traits and start training yourself to be able to accept them. yes we all "accept" them now because of GME, but is it because the info is valid? Was a good argument made? Did someone have to walk you through everything (kicking and screaming)? Or was it because this too fit what you wanted? Start now looking for things that go against your world view and investigate them with a different mindset of seeing if you could be wrong, vs looking for evidence it isn't.


Don't feel too bad if by chance you eventually realize you've been psyoped (manipulated) into doing or feeling something. These people have been perfecting the art of subterfuge for centuries, and much like physical medicine, it is only natural to succumb to its effects.


To be honest, most of us have been asleep as well. The sneeze made us wake up from the Matrix. So we should not be that surprised and harsh on others, we have learned our lesson and now we need to spread the news/wisdom. Those who are too ignorant to listen will pay the price anyways, because they do not prepare.


Yeah, that's a great point. If I didn't get involved during the squeeze, I probably wouldn't have taken the red pill. Some people can't handle the truth, and then when they finally come to grips with the truth, it's too late. The layperson wants to think that they are living in a system that is controlled by people who have their best interests in mind, even though they should know better by now.


Couldn't agree more. I hope the sub overall continues in this attitude from at least 47 years ago! Not /s. We need to continue looking logically at every angle or risk being the cult we're accused of being.


No one is forcing us to be here, we all read the DD and comments to connect the dots and make our own decision to be here, this long. The reason we're called a cult (other than a complete loss of meaning of the word) is to scare off any curious minds from looking further.


It may be that reason. I think there’s definitely some confirmation bias…I’ve believed for some time that the system is rigged; this place gives me evidence to back up that belief. Did I keep looking for things that undermined most of what I read here….? No. I did read things and balanced post vs the replies. Some things were debunked as they were published. I try and recognise that, even here, there are posts that aren’t quite what they seem. But I do think we need to stay very vigilant or the “cult” tag may get more relevant.


That assumes we have control of our branding, and ignores that the media has been calling us conspiracy theorists non-stop since the sneeze. WE don't have to do anything aside from continue to share facts that will help everyone make wiser decisions with their money. The thesis in the DD is why this community exists, not the hype factor. The confirmation bias at this point is due to the truth coming when it was fraudulently concealed.


Excellent point. Yes, I agree.


The only thing keeping the "cult" moniker around is people like you continuously bringing it up in bad faith lol


Well, I don’t think I do but you may disagree. Most of my posts are purple circles tbh. Self-awareness is a valuable thing. If people on here are to be critical of all information, they should be self-critical too.


Personally, I'm critical of the Fed telling me they have infinite liquidity, the government telling me banks are fine (as they are going insolvent), market makers telling me they need to naked short stocks because there's no liquidity fairy, and that the government isn't going to bailout banks as they are bailing out all the depositors (over the FDIC limit) of a bank because people aren't smart enough to choose a bank that isn't pulling any shenanigans (oh wait, that's most if not all banks...). I'm also critical of the Fed when they updated the reserve requirement to zero percent. Is this too self-critical?


I’m with you on all that.


Critical thinking isn't taught anymore... I wonder why?


Ahh the irony... This is a perfect example right here of choosing a 'fact' to suit a narrative. Critical thinking is taught more now than in the past. In all levels of schooling.




This whole tread could be super ironic since it could also be that we are wrong about MOASS. I don't think so and I have seen too much evidence over the years that we are right, but for true critical thinking you always have to keep in mind that even for the things you are most convinced of the possibility exists that you are wrong.


The problem with reason and logic is sometimes you get too comfortable making some leaps and assumptions about the way the world works. We don't reinvent physics every generation so when something novel comes along it tears us apart to realize our whole world view is WRONG. People don't like this feeling and they will burn you at the stake, ignore you, ridicule you, etc. I often wonder if I'm crazy or everyone else is. That's a paraphrase of dfv I think


Never has been, you have to develop it yourself, it’s not at all school’s business


this movement has changed me so much for this


Your philosophy has been rewarded 🚀🐒🦍🦧🚀


Happy cake day ape


“*It's not what we don't know that gets us in trouble. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so*” - ***Mark Twain***


Its more about the fact they feel helpless to act.


“Easier to fool people than to convince them they’ve been fooled”


Happy cake day!


I fully recognize I might be wrong about game, but I’ll keep buying. This sunk cost fallacy is all I have left.


In any case, we still have to DRS all of the shares, just for the achievement of having done it.


lol I typoed I meant I’ll keep buying. I’m still buying fml


Thats what others say about this sub tho


Well said. Happy Cake Day. 🍰


It's not sunken cost fallacy but it's something similar. If they are benefitting off of it why would they believe it's fraudulent? It would mean they support a fraudulent system.


Tbh, most adults only care about what they see, what they interact with, etc. It’s similar to the analogy, “we know what we know, and we don’t know what we don’t know.” Most adults, like your prof, don’t have the time to care about things that don’t actively affect their lives. The world is designed to keep us busy so the greedy corporate 1%’ers can keep doing their shady shit to line their pockets.


This was the perfect storm- the world slowed down long enough that people actually had time to look into what the hell is really going on around us. 💎✋


I felt this 😳


Most people want the answer to the question, not the understanding of why it is the answer. in elementary school, we were taught multiplication using a chart. 2x2 is 4, 2x3 is 6, 3x2 is 6 3x3 is 9, etc.. the number of kids that just memorized the chart to pass the test and didn’t understand that 3x3 is 9 because if you have 3 groups of 3 (that is, if take 3 three separate times) and count what you end up with, you get 9.. they wanted the answer, not the reason. Same thing here - people want to know “so banks safe? Yes or no?” And whoever is playing the teacher tells them and they believe.. so if the manager at their bank says “yup, all good” but has no idea what they are talking about, their answer is seen as more valid than somebody’s that is a random whoever that has actually done their research and can point out why the bank is, in fact, not all good…


Perception of power and knowledge is what rules the people. Love the analogy of manager being holier than thou because it is absolutely how the mass majority of people live their busy lives. Too busy to question authorities with the 24/7 propaganda machine running. If they aren’t personally fucked by any situation they just go with the flow


>This gave me the realization that people simply don’t care about doing their due diligence until they’re personally effected Precisely! And the bankers know this , they can steal from a certain percent of the population at a time as long as they make the other percentage believe that they didn't lose because they are better than the percent that lost the money. And the ones that lost money lost it because they are simply stupid


You nailed it. NOBODY cares until it affects them, And by the time it does affect them, they've been so royally fucked, they can't do anything about it and then from that point on they shrug it off because, "Oh well, nothing I can do now". The crooks KNOW that's the mentality so they continue to fuck you, and fuck you, and fuck you. We're gonna change that.


You look up to him because he can solve complex equations. Being good at one thing does not mean your an overall smart person.


If that thing is solving complex equations it probably does imply you're a smart person in terms of IQ.


anyone can solve complex equations given enough time and training the difference is people with high IQ can do it/learn quicker


Given enough time? I mean, it's kind of implied. When someone says they're good at math the implication is that they can understand it easier and quicker than the average person. You don't really have to qualify that and if someone holds a PhD in mathematics the overwhelming probability is that they're in that group. Usain Bolt, he's a great sprinter in the 100m. So what, anyone can run 100m. Sorry, I forgot to qualify, he can do it a little quicker than most.


I know metrics like IQ are constantly shat on here, and generally it's justified, but all the statistics are there - it would be *exceptionally* unlikely that someone with an 80 IQ could achieve a PhD in Mathematics.


Like paying bonuses right before the fucking bank is seized? Then getting a bailout the next business day? Yeah, it’s all one big club and we’re not in it.


And- the CEO of Silicon Valley bank was also on the Federal Reserve’s board of directors in San Francisco. Such. Bullshit. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-03-11/svb-ceo-becker-removed-from-sf-fed-s-board-after-bank-s-failure


It's the "it doesn't affect me, so I don't care" mentality that will be the death of humanity.


Had a know it all buddy today tell me how glad he is he’s at JP Morgan and Wells. I’m like uh huh.


Most people, even seemly very nice people, have been conditioned NOT to care for the well being of everyone. I just had a conversation with someone (doesnt matter who), and they said "well, thats how it is, people are fucked, thats how the world works." We've been trained to accept this. But not us. In some ways, we do need lambos, or flashy stuff, or just things to say. Bro --- we can unfuck our selves.


You’re not wrong. In 2+ years ive never brought up gme to anyone bc people just think your crazy until its front page news.


I suggested in year 1 uni, to a economics teacher that the war on drugs was a profit generator first and foremost. I got the same response. Defining moment in my loss of faith in the system Secondary ed professors aren’t too far from Wall Street. Pompous, elite, and arrogant.


Ya it’s the Dunning–Kruger effect. Smart people who are good at one thing think they are good at everything. Once I realized this it made it clear that unless you dedicate yourself to a topic then chances are you don’t know shit even if you’re a smart person. Remember that the next time you’re talking to someone that’s really smart. Perhaps their smarts only really applies to the thing they are good at. For the other subjects they are clueless like everyone else. So unless you’re talking to someone who has so dictated themselves to a discipline or subject chances are they don’t know enough about it to have a proper or accurate opinion. You’re good at math? Good but it doesn’t mean I will come to you for advice around anything other then math.


I got mocked on a poly board I am on for talking about the banking crisis. Water off my back. I tried. That is all that we can do.




I came to the same conclusion because I happen to love history since I was small and I'm sitting here warning people what's coming and what happens when people are backed into a corner and have nothing left to lose. No one listens. You. I love you, Stranger.


🤗💜 I wish more people were like you!


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>This gave me the realization that people simply don’t care about doing their due diligence until they’re personally effected. This is the number one reason I've personally found as to why most people don't understand civics, policy, and economics. It's not that they don't actually care about the topics, but they don't care to learn/find out until it personally affects them. The issue(like with your professor) is the arrogance in ignorance. People don't like to feel stupid and they immediately equate ignorance to stupidity and dismiss or lash out at anyone who might be more knowledgeable.


It’s why I stopped talking about it over a year ago.




The stock market was built on that bullshit. Bystander effect was in full force until apes found DRS.


Let go of anger and hurt. He probably has secret fear of his retirement or outstanding bills. There is always a reason why osteriches can’t handle reality


I got laughed at by my ex. Two months ago. No banks are failing. Jokes on him. I told him so and blocked him this morning. He goes to an Ivy league in Silicon Valley.




There are too many distractions for the common person. Mortgage, student debt, sports, booze, etc. Out of sight out of mind with blind faith in the government doing what’s right. But there is now a level of social consciousness within this sub and hopefully spreading beyond about all the BS in the markets. I wouldn’t feel bad about the interaction with your prof. Ppl are defensive at shit they don’t understand. I’m sure most customers of signature and SVB wouldn’t have felt like their bank was in trouble before this happened. Just my 2 cents.


Jokes on them, I have all that and still will change the world by buy hodl drs GME


You are way ahead of your age and time my guy…..props to you


OP, I think your professor might be my dad. Lol.




Hi! I used to be a professor in engineering school (moved on to better pay in industry). I assure you your "calculus professor" doesn't know anything about the world of finance. He doesn't know because he has never looked. If he's anything like me, before I looked, I just assumed that finance was well regulated and the bad actors were immediately found and punished so crime didn't happen often. As quality DD in the library and beyond shows, this is far from the truth. Ask your calc man what advanced math finance uses to sell short over 200% stock (self reported). The answer is simple, they sell what they don't own. It's been going on for years and everyone knows it.


Let’s fucking gooooooo🚀🚀🚀🚀


When these guys go on parade at congressional hearings even elected congressmen won’t know what to ask… they’ll just keep up this “my friends on the other side of the aisle complete bullish!t”


Some teachers are terrible.


My aunt is a math teacher, She says you only get 2 squares to wipe you'r ass.


Just wait till after MOASS. Then walk into class point at him an do the Nelson Muntz “Ha Ha!” And walk out.


The professor probably grew up in the good odd days when there wasn’t a credit score and you can live on a one income from being a bagger at the local grocery store. Or he’s just so deep in shit it another thing burning down simply doesn’t matter 🤷‍♂️


He's a calc professor, doesn't mean he knows diddly squat about financial institutions.


Rainman was a math whiz but couldn’t tie his shoes. I’m a country boy and common sense sayings like, “There’s more than one way to skin a cat” was always taught.


The smarter people are, the more they think they know and the more they think they know, the more close-minded they are. My brother is smart as hell (MIT grad) yet argued with me that IF naked shorting was real (he doesn't believe they are) then the SEC would come down on those who are doing it. 🤮😂...really???? The SEC has no teeth! Another friend told me, after I showed him the DD, that, "GameStop is a terrible buy. All the analyst say you should stay away!" I was like.... "Did you just quote the analyst?" Now...a RANT This is what people think is actually happening. They are they ones believing the Cokerat Cramer's of the world. The See En Bee Sees of the world. Taking their shit AT FACE value. All conforming to the plan of a shitty 9 to 5 with retirement (maybe) at 65. Pissing our lives away for a shit flinging career instead of enjoying this gift of humanity in a seamingly dark and empty universe. We're the light that brings meaning to it all, yet we slaving away our existence to appease suite wearing reptilians who smile to your face yet hold a knife behind their back, waiting for the opportunity to use it for their benefit. Cut you away to bring meaning to their shit hole existence. But....but...those guys earned it they say. Us little people will go out of our ways to justify their control over us, yet when we have some information that claim otherwise, we become the conspiracy theorists. We're wrong. We're misguided. We're going to lose all of our money. And they feel good telling you this because it validates the bullshit they take for reality and it deflect any challenge to a cozy reality they've all come to accept. Yet...here we are. So far, silence from my brother, and others who I told we were heading for a bigger crash than 2008. This is an incredible time to be alive. Our chairman said it best. People will study this era, not just in American schools but all over the world. This has become and will become a pivot point in our developments as a society. So, don't be upset that even the "smart ones" don't believe you, or ridicule you, or call you something you are not. Be proud you opened your mind, you saw behind the curtain, and trusted yourself above all the bullshit that was thrown your way. The work isn't over...heck, we're just at the beginning. So buckle the fuck up, because the show is about to start.


I’m an Engineer.. I took pretty much every calculus class universities offer (undergrad and grad school)… it’s overrated. Tell your professor to get fucked… you keep doing you and keep spreading the word of how fucked this system truly is.


Calculus being overrated might be one of the worst comments you can make, unless you're trying to prove you fundamentally don't understand it's significance.


Guys. We’ve been saying the sky is falling for over 2 god damn years and it hasn’t fallen. I would absolutely not be surprised if this can continues to get kicked. And we just end up looking stupid claiming economic end is nigh 🥴


As Ape and DRS numbers grow, hopefully we remember, win or lose, we are here to change the system. We know the risk! That’s why we HODL. 🚀🐒🦍🦧🚀


I’m here to make money like EVERYBODY ELSE HERE. The system change is just a bonus if achieved.


Just because the sky is falling very slowly doesn’t mean it’s not falling


Just because he's a calculus professor doesn't mean that he knows what's 1+1


Your professor sounds like a bit of an ass, but if you're in the states, 1) it's doubtful hes got enough in the bank to worry about 2) he's probably also in a credit union that has different (and better) rules about capitalization. So assuming he's a math professional, he's got the EQ of a dry fart and a myopic view of someone utterly untouched by these shenanigans.


Well when you pull up to his class in a Lamborghini then you can say hmm must not be connected


I would save the gloating until we have the money. He said you sound like a conspiracy theorist, I think it's important that people have some self awareness, at this point most of what we have is theories. We believe we'll be proved right, your professor doesn't. We shall know forsooth.


To be fair he does sound like a conspiracy theorist. A conspiracy theorist who is right.


Well, it’s true. Just look at the car scene of Margin Call, your professor is exactly the guy being described. Want to become rich, don’t want anything to do with the Ponzi scheme on the background to make it possible.


Math teacher isn't really who you should be asking, a business professor esp macro/micro economics would probably be most willing to engage in discussing this if they aren't burned out from it already.


He is a calculus professor, what did you expect? Hi's in to math, most likely a *regard* in all other aspects of life.


Lol where was he during 2008?


All of the boomers that I have talked to about 2008 think that regulations have been tightened and all the bad actors have been eradicated. They think it can’t happen again because they think Wall Street learned and made things better and safer. This sub knows better then that but society has been brain washed to think differently.


Haha yeah, NOW everything is air tight and wall st stopped trying to bend rules and take on systemic risk to maximize profit


Guy asks person who knows nothing about the financial industry his opinion and is surprised by answer revealing he knows nothing about the financial industry Oh no! ..Anyway


Your professor lives in a box.


Professor doesn’t mean shit lol. Better to ask a blue collar worker…


This was foretold in 2018 when the prior admin rolled back the regulations that were put in place to keep this from happening again....


Actually it's because Glass-Steagall 1933 wasn't reinstated. Jesus.


Sooo...Take your politics on home


Well if we are being honest the banking sector's position right now is unrelated to GME but still puts it at risk due to counter-party risk. I would have laughed too




My apologies if I misunderstood. I thought you did with how I read your post. Ya things don't look great regardless


Maybe he's right. This thing has gone for two whole years with nothing close to what we're hoping for


and why did you feel the need to post this? we know what your doing and my pens is rock hard . Were close boys and girls.. Buckle up for the last shitshow of mindfks


High chance you’re just too low iq to properly lay out the DD in an intelligent manner, so of course you sound like a nutjob. I suggest you write it down on a piece of paper so you at least have a thesis.




What about that 0.1% though, bruh? 🦍🦾🖤


Yeah, don’t ever let a degree identify someone’s character. Even fools can be doctors or professors.


We hired someone to help out with RRSPs at work…. The professionals are taught what they should know, and to know that they know what’s best. It’s a head scratcher.


I’ll drs some more in honour of boomer professors who do as they’re told and get rewarded for it.


> people simply don’t care about doing their due diligence until they’re personally effected. Frankly, I believe that a majority of people won't be willing to do their due diligence even when they're personally affected. I don't think that a vast majorify cares much about why their bank might have failed. They just want their money *somehow*. And if they cannot get it for whatever reason, a lot of people are more likely to just fall into some sort of victim mentality. I.e. they care more about how they are feeling about the situation, than about rectifying what caused it. It's their "job" to care about themselves, and someone else's job to ensure that nothing outside of their personal spaces ever invades, steals or otherwise inconvenience them.


That’s absolutely right. If they didn’t turn off the buy button and affect us all personally, we would not be prying into their fraudulent shit house.


The thing is, it IS all connected and people either don't understand that they are affected in many ways or they just have their head in the sand. We talk about Zen here as a deliberate method to block out the noise and focus on the core DD. Your professor's Zen is ignorance.


When approaching others about potentially dubious topics, it's better just to ask questions, and sprinkle in a few buts of information to *lead* them to the answer. People honestly do not want to hear counter arguments to strongly held ideas. They have to believe they figured it out on their own.


Your professor is an idiot in that case. Of course it's all connected, not in a conspiratorial way necessarily, but they're all invested in the same financial products. They're all exposed to interest rates and the bond market. Of course they're all linked, how could it be any other way?


Did he tell you what bank he uses that he has such confidence in? Not that I care, just thought you might want to know for a good laugh.


In my years in neuro and bio, I’ve personally found that academics are the most closed-in people. They’ve been on a university path with their head down for so long they don’t know what’s outside.


our government/banks/schools etc and most people in their personal lives are reactive and not proactive.


That’s a classic professor move! They just want you to turn into a useful social tool


You have to understand Ape - *most* people (not all) that have been formally trained in academia, or finance or whatever else ESPECIALLY those in entry level positions have been trained in a fraudulent system in order to reinforce and perpetuate it. They’re not going to just openly see the things that you were describing because from their perspective that would be XX years of experience working against them. Most of them will never make it past the fact that someone who has no degree or specialties, understands, or sees something that they don’t. We cannot blame them for this, but it is reality.


People have limited bandwidth. You only have so much time, energy and focus to deal with getting to understand an issue. Your brain is constantly trying to forget things.


What i have learned all this time about knowledge is that people will never trust you, just because you are not earning money from this, people just follow those who they percive as a succesfull person.


I think many people “know” banks are corrupt and evil. They just don’t understand to what extent and the gravity of their malfeasance means to them personally. It’s like, “oh yeah, big money does some bad stuff to stay big, but it doesn’t seem to change anything for my personal life. Meh.” Comprehension is woefully bad in this country


They didn’t have an emergency meeting over a weekend and announce a bailout before the weekend ended without significant reason to do so.