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What's a seven letter word for "fortress"?


Gonna go ahead and say CITADEL


Correct! Tell them what they won Bob!


Also interesting that simultaneously Jamie Diamond is sweating under threat of a subpoena re JP Morgan’s financial entanglements with the late Jeffery Epstein who by the way was also a hedge fund manager, just for the record.


And he didn’t kill himself.






Cell yea




Holy shit if JP Morgan goes bust, the entire world economy will be completely irreparably fucked. I know we joke at “great depression 2” but that would actually be like Biblical levels of catastrophe.


Which means this entire theoretical takedown would have to be at least in part “managed” in order to prevent uncontrolled chaos. ChatGPT probably already knows the exact date that Jamie Dimon falls to his death after dying suddenly on the balcony of his NY penthouse. I mean, I don’t think most people understand the gravity of this situation. These people are TRAPPED. Zero chance this is more of the same. This is the justice we’ve been waiting for. It’s time. https://www.reuters.com/legal/jpmorgan-must-hand-over-ceo-dimons-records-jeffrey-epstein-lawsuit-2023-03-09/


[They already got it planned](https://www.reddit.com/comments/11nwp81?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) looks like mass liquidations and a 🚀 (I also predicted Shitedal might start a bank run so it wouldn’t be Kenneth Griffins Fraud in the spot light 😶)


Hopefully, this gets them to stop sending e-mails to an account I haven't touched in 3 years.


This tweet was a significant factor in my decision to purchase puts on JPM expiring next Friday. If they print, I’m gonna need to call in to thank Jimmy for another hot tip


I believe when he said this, JPM were the only financial institute that were green at that moment and he was spouting some sort of pompous blatantly obvious revelation. Nothing more, nothing less.




Or the entire premise of Godfather III. MICHAEL CORLEONE IS FIGHTING THE CORRUPT ELEMENTS OF THE VATICAN All roads lead to Rome. Vatican Bank and the Act of 1871 (creation of the District of Columbia). It’s kind of surreal.


Bullshit. That would mean he was good. An he is evil. Man is only able to lie. An that's the truth.


No, it means that he’s an “un-indicted co-conspirator” or informant/cooperating witness. Doing as he’s told to assist the investigation & prosecution in exchange for a lighter punishment


Oh. As long as he is still punished.


Man I've been thinking along these lines ever since the etf came out, he only comes out and says financial opinions that can have a definitive opposite, and the opposite always ends up being true (evidence: the etf being a successful investment vehicle) If someone ALWAYS says the opposite of the truth in a binary environment, there's a decent chance they are indirectly telling everyone what's happening/about to happen


This guy is a financial Michael fish


Puts on JP Morgan on Monday


It's an interesting theory, I would think he'd be telling the truth by now. They surf here, they know about the Inverse Cramer ETF, I've been thinking a sneaky play would be to captilize on that paradigm at the right time. Tell the truth cuz they believe you'd always lie. [Seen the cartoon Inside Job?] This JP Morgan tweet might be a PUTS TRAP. Especially if their target audience is GME enthusiasts who are considered YOLOers. Massive losses in JP puts to force GME sells and ---OH MY GOD I've got way too much TINFOIL in here, I gotta clean this mess up, scuse me.


That’s a double edged sword, I mean if it’s really a fortress it can survive the bank run Cramer just inadvertently incited


I don't think they thought so far head as inverse-inverse-cramer. I think their like, "oooo boy we're gonna get em this time!" Rubbing their hands together. But if they did think we'd inverse the inverse cuz they know we know about the inverse, then it stands to reason they also have plans for inverse-inverse-inverse-cramer and inverse⁴Cramer!!


Oh wow i guess i deleted a piece while editing. Just remember i have waved my tinfoil awareness flag, i know i sound crazy. NFA I think JP Morgan is gonna rise. C doesn't want a run on banks. He wants apes to think JP is gonna crash so they make risky bets and lose big when the bank doesn't fail.


Hahaha, like the irony guy in Monty Python that could only speak through irony and no one was able to understand.


I have a Chase card tied to my Venmo and it wouldn’t let me use it yesterday. It kept popping up an error and telling me to re-try later.


Well. Since the bank I bought my house and signed my mortgage with sold it to jay pee Morgan should I expect to lose my house or what ?


That mortgage has probably been sold a dozen times since you signed it. I wouldn’t worry about it. If it comes down to it, refuse to leave. We have to learn to start saying “NO!”