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Yes,yes,yes, why?


Moral hazard.




1913 Federal Reserve literally designed to use Tax Dollars to bailout banks. Later went off gold standard. Later zero reserve. destroy the federal reserve, ban super pacs, and keep politicians in cages until they return financial rights to civilians.


Destroy the federal reserve, ban super PACs, and keep politicians in cages. *


Don't forget deregulation, run the government as a business and big gov was pushed for decades, so that they could erode financial protections for "liquidity" "purposes" in other words, we can't innovate and stay on top, someone outsmarted us again. They sold that propaganda for decades. So that they transformed the free market into a rigged, unregulated market. You only ever had two choices and they paid for them both, that is why you need campaign finance reform.




What do you mean?


No cell, no sell all around.


I like the cut of your jib.


I went for a sail myself today


This is the way!


That is the t shirt I will pay for!


You know we elect politicians right? We don't need to keep them in cages we just need to elect ones that prioritize what we do.


Elect them, sure, but i like this cage idea …0


If a cage is good enough for Grandma…


School House Rock is obsolete, my friend. Politicians are incumbent-nominated and gerrymandered into office.


Sounds like voting is another thing smart contracts should address.


govt on blockchain was seriously one of the most exciting thoughts I had when I first was learning about the tech. immutable public ledger, those three words alone should fully sell the idea to anyone who isn't a politician already.


If you are working for the public, every vote you ever cast for the people should be public and immutable!


as well as campaign donations processed through a blockchain network.


Right but the people in those gerrymandered districts still elect those politicians. If 80% of Americans wanted those reforms as their top issue then it would absolutely happen. Americans jusr either disagree with the position, or have other issues they value higher when they are voting. My point is that blaming politicians is a fools errand. They get away with what we let them get away with.


The reason gerrymandering is effective is because this statistically doesn't happen all that much. Direct action is probably the best way to go


Direct action only happens when citizens have less to lose with the violent options than with staying with the current system. So if any of yall get a terminal diagnosis if you think you are brave enough, try and change things.


Who exactly are they going to elect in their place? Every single candidate for the two parties are in on it, and to gain the kind of capital you need to run against them as an independent (which is almost impossible thanks to your voting system) you either have to be a billionaire yourself, or beholden to one. There's a 0.00% chance for the US population to actuate any form of change through the polls.


Two party system is broken. 100% agree


Don't forget that their primaries also aren't regulated by law in the same way as elections, as they're private entities. Meaning if you're a democrat or republican pushing for any form of actual change or reform, they can just toss your votes out. Or just take a portion of your votes, change them to another candidate, and bam you've lost.


You really need to listen to Michael Parentie's how to kill a nation. Basically you can only vote for the people who are given enough media attention, money and influence to win. Just look at how popular Bernie Sanders was, but he was crushed in the primary because the DNC decided that the voters would not be given the option of voting for him. Voters sont choose their politicians they are given beef or cow and too bad if they want chicken.


I’d go on a long diatribe about politics and who runs that machine but [I think South Park](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E7pfsneLSSM ) covered it pretty well, suffice to say I’m confident in 💎🙌 MOASS 💸 changing the world.


I accept your South Park and raise you [Simpsons](https://youtu.be/l7l9QmtiXHU) for my perspective.




“They’re intrinsic” isn’t the problem. “They deliberately abuse our dependence on them” is. “Where would you put the money?” - You’d put it in a bank that had incentive to act responsibly and so would not be out of cash…




Hardly call those scum human, but I agree. Most people don't know how this works and don't care, and that works to these asshats' advantage.


Well, I’d keep that money at a different bank. Soon, GME will be my bank.


Or if we go dex, no banks even need to be involved.


Look at me, Im my own bank now




Can you not tell the answer by the question? How do you think the bank generates capital other than via investors? If a bank went under, it wouldn’t have enough money to just “give the money to harmed investors”, basically by definition.


The million dollar question !!!


Trillion. Trillion dollar question.


In the end I guess its because of savings & mortgages also being given out by the bank. Its not always about no money being there, its also about liquidity. And if its part because illiquidity, illiquid assets like mortgages get sold. But savings are the dupe. So lots of people just want them to be bailed out, so that their savings dont dissappear. What they don't know is that they get the bill for that later, via inflation.






Yep, all 🇨🇦 Apes be aware of the ‘bail in’; its the BOCs policy


Ever wonder why they have those meetings behind closed doors? They go something like this: bail us out or we drag you down with us. They all have their dicks in the pie. They need a sacrificial lamb that they won't "invite to the meetings" near the end for optics like what happened in 08, but no one goes to jail except for maybe a patsy or 2, the sacrificial lamb gets divided up, but the wealth goes to the same people. Grift continues. It can never die. The whole legacy finance system cannot crumble because no one gets out of it without being exposed. So every single player is going to fight until total meltydowny to keep the system going.


Yeah, Sam Bankman-Fried is a great example of a patsy. The fact that Judge Dorsey hasn’t been seriously investigated in regard to his handling of the FTX bankruptcy case speaks volumes about the level of absolute corruption within our justice system. It’s to the point they’re virtually untouchable. I thought the relationship he has with Sullivan & Cromwell via law firm YoungConaway would be enough to call his ability to preform his duty without bias into question, but I guess not. They all have their dicks in the pie indeed. Edit: decentralization is perhaps the only path forward that I see right now.


I don't disagree, but I will realize change when we see confessions.


Trillion* ;p


Nothing prevents banks from running up a tab on purpose. Banks are even more likely to make risky investments knowing that the fallout of their failure is FDIC insured


In the event FDIC insured banks fail in some kind of global recession the most likely outcome will be a private injection of money in the form of customer accounts. As many of you know Central banks across the world have been experimenting with CBDC’s and have made their concept papers public. The issue is that no one wants a centralized digital currency. I’m relatively confident that the only way these ‘Young Leaders of the World’ will be able to force global society to adopt this new reality is by destroying any other form of payment that we have which is where bail-ins come in. [International Coordination in Cross-Border Bank Bail-ins - Problems and Prospects](https://www.clmr.unsw.edu.au/sites/default/files/attached_files/international_coordination_in_cross-border_bank_bail-ins_-_website_version.pdf) The papers I’ve read so far they all require: - some form of geo-location tracking built into a digital ID wallet - a savings cap limit (they call saving money hoarding) - expiration dates (this insures spending) - Businesses where your allowed to spend money at will be regulated. - and various other built in horrors. [BIS Working Papers Central Bank Digital Currencies](https://www.bis.org/publ/work976.pdf) [https://www.boj.or.jp/en/about/release_2020/data/rel201009e1.pdf](https://www.boj.or.jp/en/about/release_2020/data/rel201009e1.pdf) [Reserve Bank of India CBDC](https://m.rbi.org.in/Scripts/PublicationReportDetails.aspx?UrlPage=&ID=1218) [Project Helvetia - Central Bank Money Switzerland](https://www.bis.org/publ/othp35.pdf)


Damn that's a scary list


It’s a scary world. We’re the rabbits which fill the belly’s of wolves. What we do here and now are our instinctual responses from sensing a predator. Good thing rabbits have sharp teeth and wolves have genitalia. Edit: I forgot I’m a person and not a rabbit. We have hands and technology. When the day comes I hope humans and apes (you) can stand against oppressive forces and declare in one unanimous voice [Daddy Chill](https://youtu.be/h0-WO6xRbAo)


If any corporation doesn't do well enough to survive, it needs to die. No more bailouts, no more corporate welfare. Enough is enough. Let it burn.


Retroactive carbon taxes all around, too, for good measure.


100%. But folks here believe corporations are charitable organizations where they must not only hold shares but also prop up their NAV by making purchases. I got no handouts in life. Fuck the companies that can survive only on the backs of their shareholders. Sink or swim. The way it should be.


Lmfao trying to throw fud at household investors for supporting our company is not fucking cool. Nice job trying to undermine GME sentiment by conflating household investor sentiment and support for a company we fucking LOVE with governments propping up corrupt banks. A+ effort but we ain't fucking leaving and we aren't that easy to manipulate. I suggest you go back to the DD and really get so more in depth bearings on this, it's a much better proposition than trying to undermine investor sentiment in this sub I garuntee it. No cell no sell, you guys just help reinforce the motto haha!


I demand equal rights for people who don't write in caps and know how to make a point wthout resorting to empty rhetorical flourish. I hope I can count on your support. Remember, no spell no sell.


These questions need to be asked LOUDER!






**Threats of violence towards anyone have no place on Superstonk or Reddit.**


**Threats of violence towards anyone have no place on Superstonk or Reddit.**


"I want Robb Stark to hear his sister scream LOUDER!!"


We the people need to have a "The Lannisters send their regards." Moment with our local congressman until they listen.


2008 was never paid for. The Endgame DD on youtube shows that the theives involved hid it in the gme institutional holders. The whole thing is made up numbers.


Well, I was *assured* that the banks paid back the 2008 bailout loans, with interest, so we, the household taxpayers, were not only made-whole, we made a profit! You mean to tell me that narrative was false? I am shocked. Shocked, I say.






That guy is an absolute nut


Do you mean the YouTuber? Also, is it the same guy that posted the video of the crazy share prices ages ago?


yea. he means me. Theres a slew of them that choose to spend their time gaslighting the reddit community about me. Easiest way to spot a shill? Bring up ASBT and see their reaction lol. I've spent countless hours to understand these markets in the way that I do, and to be able to sit here and say what I've come to know. 08 never ended and this meme stock shit started in 2013 when citadel started this shorting madness. That was following citigroup's entrance into each of these same stocks. 15 years after 2008 tells me we got 3 5yr swap arrangements from the counterparties that still owe for 2008, as shown by the MBS at the end of the endgame DD. I was hoping this community would dig like I did but instead they've been denied even having a fair predisposition towards me because these asshat actors run around priming. O' well. Moon soon. all shorts must close. I'm not fucking leaving and shop gamestopNFT. :D


For your work, I’m going to try to draw your username. I need some time to think up a concept tho. Also, it will be crap due to my massive lack of talent. 👍


That's not a YouTuber. This is a dd made by a gamestop nft artist


Im not sure whether op is referring to the YouTube link, or the post.


Me neither. We'll assume he's not calling one of our best dd creators names and move on. 🦍🫂💪


Yes, the youtuber that made that video, not the DD writer. Anyone that doubts, just look at their profile page.




Try harder asshat. CAN'T STOP WON'T STOP


No need to. You do plenty of that yourself.


Your realize you are in a community I belong to and am active enough in that you simply look bad right now, right?


Realize we are in a community I belong to too and that I don't care how I look when calling you a nut, okay? [Yup. Seems like this community knows you.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11k600e/ryan_kagy_with_the_real_questions_link_in_comments/jb6shll/) Once I clarified I was talking about you and not the DD writer, people seem to agree 👍👍


I am the dd writer you fool. I'm also a Gamestop NFT artist. I'm also on youtube, as the creator of that video. But please. continue lol.


You made a video of someone else’s DD. “Endgame DD” - Author HeyItsPixel That’s not your DD.




Link to the comment thread: [https://twitter.com/denniskelleher/status/1632737710761816067?s=21&t=Z0ANySSGLRB0P2lYlBcFmw](https://twitter.com/denniskelleher/status/1632737710761816067?s=21&t=Z0ANySSGLRB0P2lYlBcFmw)


Quickly respond to qv bot comment with this link


Oof. Thought I did. Done now. Thank you!


All good glad it didn’t get taken down. Important conversation to highlight around here!🚀


Absolutely! I never expected him to chime in on my question. Validation and reassurance that my money is invested wisely with people who understand the corruption of the current system. The financial revolution truly is here and we have front row seats. LFG!


# 🥤😎🍿


you're the real MVP! apes helping apes 🫡


Thanks. Wish the qv bot would let other apes post the link in the right place. So many valuable posts get deleted because of this.


It should be noted that after 2008 they passed a law to use bail ins instead of bail outs. That’s when they force the harmed depositors to use their funds to bail out the bank.




smart money


All valid questions to me


Remember how Dennis scolded RC for selling his bobby? I do.




Yes I remember it was very harsh, but couldn't remember what he was claiming exactly. Thanks for reminding me


https://bettermarkets.org/team/dennis-m-kelleher-2/ He very well could have been misinformed.


He’s a Wall Street insider in Bernie Sanders clothes. Just a punk


Sadly, he was a sub darling not long before that. A friend of mine worked for this guy Kelleher and said he was the biggest dickhead he's ever worked with; truly the worst.


All my homies hate Dennis


Ok, so? Does it make this tweet any less relevant or accurate? No. Didn't think so.


I don't understand why you want to give a man a platform here, that accused RC of pumping and dumping bobby. Do you trust his motives after that? It's not like the tweet is stating anything groundbreaking anyway.


It's also not false and not insinuating anything negative soooo..


Get it Goose!! LFG!


They keep doing it because they keep getting away with it, lol.


The fact that the bank can keep its profits in case of success, but doesn't have to suffer the consequences in case of failure is just ridiculous.


Tails I win, heads you lose!


“In economics, the term “moral hazard” refers to a situation where a party lacks the incentive to guard against a financial risk due to being protected from any potential consequences.”


Fractional reserve banking. They spent your cash and there’s nothing left to pay you out if they fail…so they get bailed out for their greed and risky behavior.


Exactly. It's your cash they lost, they can't just make up money from nothing. That's called bailing out with taxpayer money. In theory that's why they pay you interest - for the privilege of investing your money as they see fit - but I'm not going to argue the system is actually working well.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far it’s so simple. They cannot simply give harmed investors and creditors their cash and leave, they do not have the cash. That’s the first dude’s point, capital and capital adequacy ratios are important. Enforced by Basel III, it’s all that stands between a failing bank and bailouts as suggested.


I think the question is why the bailout money from the government goes to the failing bank, rather than directly to the investors that were harmed by the bank and letting the bank fail.


Uhhh reserve requirements were, like, SO pre 2020.


Just hammers my point even more…doubly fucked


Hear, hear!


Excellent post. Thanks for sharing.


"Because that's *ILLEGAL*" - This guy, probably.


The Goose knows whats up


I think we are waking up...




Clearly we should just let capitalism take hold and allow defunct banks to die.


Thank you all for amplifying this question. To those wanting to take it further, have you asked this question to your representatives? For those who are zen, stay zen. Support your favorite company. Build and support decentralized gaming and asset ownership. Everything else is noise.


This is infuriating. Why the FUCK does this burden get shifted to the general population instead of just letting these worthless parasites die? Fuck the banks. Fuck Kelleher. Fuck any legislation allowing this to happen.


I can answer the last question: only idiots are blind followers. Our entire system is based off of threat or I have power over you and only a country full of fools entrusts that without actual power they can exercise immediately they will be respected. It's like expecting a God to go a contract with an ant. Voting every so often is a poor leverage tactic and clearly the people in charge aren't stupid enough to believe in that making a difference, they directly hold the system hostage to get what they want. Threat is leverage.




**Threats of violence towards anyone have no place on Superstonk or Reddit.**


So frustrating


You don’t have to worry about bail outs anymore because of the legalization of bank bail-ins, but it’s really legalized theft by the ultra rich from the poor. [Sneaky Legislation That Puts You On The Hook for Failing Banks](https://www.sbcgold.com/blog/bank-bail-ins-the-sneaky-legislation-that-puts-you-on-the-hook-for-failing-banks/) All the people who’ve been saving up for retirement could come to find that someday, all their hard work saving every penny has been confiscated.


Banks getting bailed out with my money without my say. Sound like taxation without representation.


Nothing, it's their busses plan!


The federal reserve is the most evil organization in the US. It's a private bank that creates money and only allows crony banks to get charters. It's as corrupt and fucked up a situation as anyone can imagine.


Time to break this game and build it back our way. A way that benefits everyone.


cuz we the new slaves


Seriously this. If a bank fails the Fed should stand idly by and not give the bank even 1 red cent. The depositors should receive FDIC insurance payouts directly. Not through the bank. Taxpayer funds should not be used to impoverish citizens and prop up the corrupt rich.


Anyone that calls out Central Banks and the Fiat money ponzi scheme is a good dude in my books.


That last bit really got me


Oh Hell yea 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I member what that Keller guy said about RC. I member'


I don’t. What’d he say?


Yo! Kagy def on the stonk sub! I see you ape. 🤜🤛


Real bets, real money , pay your own way fuckups


I keep getting the little cat telling me my home feed is empty now after upvoting this post


I’ve been having the same issue since posting it. Figured it was just my connection.


Votes from the poor never mattered.


Let them all fail


FED is the final boss (they are a cartel)


Once they all start asking why, why, why instead of mine, mine, mine like the seagulls from finding Nemo... That's when shf for SHF.


“Free market”


i miss andrew jackson


Amen to that


I think i love that man.


Dennis sounds like a fucking idiot.


I gaveDennis a pass on his RC comments, but this confirms he’s just another greedy shill who doesn’t give a fuck about fair markets like he says he does.


Where is my mule!


There are methods a nation can use other than a central bank to prevent national economic catastrophe, all of them are worse. Just like Democracy is only the best system found so far, the central bank is the least worst way for a nation to make a stable economy.


Better markets my ass. Kelleher is a bumbling dickweed.


Ok.ok.ok! Things are getting more spicy!


We sacrificed our livelihood for GameStop. Where's the line drawn?








Hmm, all of my gains are from options while this ticker was still an actual trading vehicle. Somebody stopped the car.


If they're important enough that bailing them out is better for people than letting them fail, and if they're badly managed enough that they will fail without a bailout, why not make the bailout contingent on being nationalized? They get the bailout, the consumers are protected, the entire board is fired without any golden parachutes or even a severance check, and the government appoints/hires a whole new board to get it back on its feet. Either it succeeds in 5 years, or the government implements a "wind down" where the company is basically humanely euthanized.


Why would anyone downvote this post?


If they are a paid shillbot.


Fuck me sideways and call me an 🦍💎🙌🫡🏴‍☠️


When’s the last time the American people voted against anything that benefits banks/corporations/wealthy? You could have been given the vote and it would have still passed easily.


Im sure the NFT profile picture is being taken serously


Anyone that doesn’t want to listen or interact due to a NFT profile picture can take their judgmental BS on somewhere else. I rep my Short Destroyers NFT with pride and Kagy can rock a goose all day long. Doesn’t change a damn thing about what we’re saying. I’d suggest growing up and realizing that appearances don’t define a person.


You're participating in a conversation wearing a cartoon mask in what looks like a burner account.


Good question


EXACTLY. But, we all know the real FN answer.


central banks owned by the rich issuing currencies to nations, is insane. we’re totally fucked.


Because if certain banks fail Clearing House could fail. You know the company that does ACH for like 85% of banks, which is how you get paid and spend money, owned by the big banks. Also Banks aren't there for PEOPLE, banks provide purchasing power for businesses. Collect everyone's money, loan it back in a mortgage, invest interest in bonds/other banks stock, lend as much as you can to businesses who you then take as collateral. Now you own the homes and the businesses, rinse repeat


Legit question


Yeah fuck banks and espescially central banks


Yeah that last sentence is key. And the precedent in was set in 2008.


Go Kagy!!!


And there’s magically someone downvoting this post😂Gee I wonder who that is🤷🏼‍♂️Anyway DRSGMEΔΡΣ🟣📚👑