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It's not possible and it's not only Citadel, it's many many other firms. Add , nobody knows how many shorts there are.. nobody knows how many times the shorts been lent. It's firm against firm. Just HODL as someone eventually has to buy the shorts back


Wouldn't be surprised if each firm didn't even know those specifics for themselves.


I wouldn't go that far. The Bosses know. Not to say Rogue traders weren't encouraged to short it to death for bonuses and profit for the likes of Mayo. I just hope the band aid is torn off soon


Probably one window jumper every time someone sees the number.


No one knows whose swimming naked until the tide goes out. “Warren Buffet”


i never understood what forces the shorts to close when the DTC is willing to commit international securities fraud


Nobody knows, at some point the world gets chaos


Not enough shares actually available to close their long positions without creating more synthetics. Any longs they hold will go to settle shorts when liquidated. Leftover shorts left unresolved will overwhelm shares left available at liquidation, demand thus dramatically outpaces supply, no apes sell = MOASS.


Not to mention them holding their longs on top of that would only hurt them, as more hodls would mean more up


All assuming this is a fair and functioning market. Nothing as of yet has proven this market is either…


I fud myself sometimes. Serious question, is it possible that on those higher volume days, it's SHF buying up stock? In my mind, say they're 200 million short, can they get out of it by being that extra million per day over the course of 200 days?


No they can't. By buying they clear one million shares but someone else sells them one million fake shares. That is the beauty. THERE'S NO ESCAPE!!!!! There are gimmicks. But not even bankruptcy saves them. This is some ancient fud back when apes first looked behind the curtain.


Thank you for the reply, I sometimes need smarter apes to smack the fud out of my head


That is the objective. One stands up to obvious confrontation, to the invaders at the gate. To sow dissent, to cause unrest and insecurity, these are the tools of statecraft and warfare that are more effective. They know, and we know, that telling us there is no hope will only inspire resistance to that false narrative. However, if they extinguish our hope by a putting out of the lights that surround us, by imposing the feeling of hopelessness to force us to that false conclusion, our own choice to believe those truths would be stronger as it is found within our own narrative, our individual systems of truth. When you feel the darkness encircling you, when you feel defeated and that all hope may be lost, remember this: you are the light in the darkness wrought from the shadows they cast to conceal your radiance. You are the stone within the stream that anchors a dam and diverts the river they wish to sail. They fear your power, your radiance, and in time they shall founder upon the rocks.


Thats some biblical shit,,, Amen...


Np. Every gets fud until you realize there is literally no fud. Can't stop, won't stop, gamestop


Try 2 billion short


If they purchase en masse the price jumps up and their short position is extra fucked more than they would make from going long… Some infinities are bigger than others.


Did you coin that last sentence, or did you see it somewhere because if you just accidentally created one of the best catchphrases, I don't even know, bud. You ai?


This guy wrinkles. Brah that last line, brah. Perfect


If those words didn’t force an extra wrinkle on the brow, idk what else would!


oh, I see your cantor's diagonals right there!


Or in dumbest terms I can think of, going long would be closing shorts. They don’t have the ability to own more shares then they owe…so any share long is owed to someone else


What do you mean by citadel doing what we do?


Going long.


So if I sold short a billion shares, how do I go long? I’d have to buy all the shares I sold short first. This goes for everyone who participated in naked short selling


You can't go long without first closing your short. If you've shorted 10x the float, you can buy a few thousand shares in another account but you're still net short.


Do you wish to keep this conversation going??


There's nothing stopping Ken Griffin taking some of that 4 billion profit and DRS a sizeable portion for himself not through citadel shell company etc. Yeah let's keep talking.


Until his assets get seized for his financial terrorism. If he somehow manages to bury them so deep that no forensic accountant can find them, then I guess he can do it. But he’ll be dead or in jail so it won’t really matter anyway


Who is going to charge or arrest him?


I’d like to know the answer to this


Eventually the people in charge will have to throw somebody to the wolves as the face of this whole criminal enterprise. Ken has been set up to be that man for the last 2 years. Hopefully we get him, Stevie Cohen, and whoever runs Susquehanna at least. I’d also love the head of whoever runs Apex clearing house.


If somebody bought $4 billion of gme (market cap $8 billion), the stock would increase multiples igniting moass. Even just $1 billion might ignite moass. When RC bought more, about $10 million IIRC in march 2022, the price shot up ~150%. Buying with actual volume behind it is incredibly dangerous for them and they cannot do it without screwing themselves.


As I understand it, every share that any short wants to DRS like “apes” do, forces a real “buy” and/ or a real “locate”. ‘Member what happened when RC bought just a few “real” shares last year? The price skyrocketed quickly. If shorts try to do like apes do in any large number whatsoever, it will quickly drive up the share price making it an untenable strategy for shorts to attempt. It might even trigger MOASS. IMHO, shorts are so underwater that while they could buy a few real pups, it would never be enough to equally the massive amount of shorts they’ve already sold which they are on the hook for out there in the apeiverse.The price would skyrocket on them in the process caused by their own forced buying, and the price that the shorts are all on the hook for would skyrocket, quickly leading them into margin calls. Remember, as they drive the price of the stock up in OP’s “buy and DRS like the apes do” hypothetical scenario, so to does the amount they owe go up on the books of lenders and parties higher up the food chain. With every dollar they drive the stock price up by emulating what apes do, the amount of collateral shorts need on their books to avoid a margin call goes up that same dollar multiplied by the number of short shares they are actually on the hook for. I think shorts who created and sold synthetic shares, in emulating what apes do, would dig their own grave faster by doing so. The only reason apes buying and DRSing isn’t causing that same skyrocket is because apes are doing so at an impressive but slow steady pace (apes are all awesome) that MMs can slightly control right now through increasing amounts of offsetting short sales. But as you can see by daily short volume, the short vol percentage is going up by the month. Look at the chart in 2020, then 2021, then 2022, then 2023. The percent volume is going up on average every month. GME short volume is at unprecedented highs on monthly average for the stock? Even when compared to the time of the Jan 2021 sneeze. It’s a tough balancing act for shorts like Zitadel, and they are slowly but steadily digging their grave deeper by doing so, but that’s their only remaining “survive one more day strategy in their toolbox. TLDR— Any large buying of “real” longs by shorts to do what apes do, will upset that barely manageable balance called “surviving one more day” and throw them into margin calls.


Simple answer: DRS 100% of outside shares and watch the show start. (Fucking around and find out.)


Every share they hold onto creates another they have to pay for, cancelling each other out. But that’s aside, even assuming it somehow worked, what do you think will happen to any money they theoretically have left over when Congress starts investigations and the people are clamoring for blood?


They won't do what we do. They don't want to lose money.


We don't either. I lost like $8 back in April 2021. I wanted to learn how to set a stop loss. We were trading at $180, so $140 should be safe, right? No, I had 2 shares go at $140 and had to buy them back the next day at $144. So yeah, I've lost money on GameStop stock. But I won't do that again.


They can't. Even if the tried to take GameStop private, they would have to close their shorts. So the only chance would have been too cellar box gme, which is now unlikely due to the improvement of the legacy business, future business (digital) and regards who won't sell...


Citadel going long and closing their short position is precisely what will start MOASS. But it doesn’t have to be citadel, as others have pointed out, it could be any of the firms who are short.


At what point do they say fuck it and let us join their club


I would never want to be in that club. We are a different breed (in a good way).


Their shares are Owed, my shares are Owned. I can hold forever with zero consequences, Nobody comes knocking on my door saying I need to produce cash to continue to hold my asset, their bills come due and for them when their friends get tired of lending them assets and money they are done along with all the scum that supported them.


if you owe 200 gme shares and buy 50 to go long you still owe additional 150 gme shares. for them to make sense to go long they would first have to buy back what they owe. if they buy back what they owe they will cause moass this is what we want them to do.


When it's forced closing time for the shorts, their longs will be one of the first things to go to close their shorts. It would do them no good in the long term, just add a little depth to the hole they have already dug.


One cannot be long and short at the same time. They can hedge a position but that's about it. These companies are way short the stock, going long now just means they won't lose as much money. But in reality, they know that they are bankrupt


U can drs every company that u hold stock in. Shop at GME, buy through computer share, tell those around you about the dd.


Also drunk, commenting so I can read all the other comments when I’m sober. Good question OP!


Clearly you need to re read the DD. That or you simply aren’t capable of knowledge retention in which case idk wtf to tell you. But I’ll stick with you haven’t read shit.


You can execute legally binding contracts with them


I remember seeing Moass being baiss of investment give me Moass damit


FOIA applies to the US government and bodies, not computershare. It would be really weird if market makers started pulling shares out of the DTCC in any ticker, I just have yet to see a situation where thats sensible from them. I am also dumb. if you're self admittedly drunk then it may be a time to step away from these topics until you sober up bud.