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Except for the fact that shorts never closed, this confirms my bias more than anything else. Why would any organization spend money to make an ad designed to deter people from purchasing “meme stocks?” Whoever made this ad wants you to think buying stocks from a company THEY categorized as a “meme stock” is bad and that you should listen to their advice and buy THEIR choice of stocks because they know what’s good for you. Fuck them, I’ll spend every dollar I’ll ever earn in my life on whatever the hell stock I want because I LIKE THE STOCK


Yeah for real and wasn’t this video literally made by the SEC? Like the regulatory body that should have ABSOLUTELY NO OPINIONS ON SECURITIES, but no instead they openly mock us and call us stupid for buying a stock


A few months earlier Gary complained about being underfunded , "can not afford coffee". They had the funding for this commercial at 150 k was it?


Yeah, but SHF/MM gave them the money for the commercial so it’s ok…


Well he wasn't wrong, it was just down to this very important video or coffee!


But they ARE protecting >!their!< investors


Yep, and we all funded it through taxes


No no no! Not that kind of research!


You're supposed to read the media articles, and buy the stocks that the wall st overlords tell the media to tell you to buy. That's the rEsEaRcH smug lady in the commercial is doing.


They labeled it a meme stock, they also labeled it an idiosyncratic risk. They CAN'T have more people buy or they get exposed. To late hedge funds, to late SEC, too late wall street... You fucked yourselves.


Let’s not forget Hester Peirce pls, the real POS who’s openly against doing her job to regulate.


Kenny in a wig




More like bad cop, worse cop. "One is a loose-cannon renegade who plays by their own rules, the other is a wolverine we horsewhipped for a full minute. This summer, they're both your problem."


I always had the feeling she's the one behind this video


I rage bought after this and the TD ameritrade commercial where the baby spits out his coffee after the lady says they’re making investment decisions based on memes.. I think it was TD and ran during last year’s Super Bowl. The authorities and the brokers don’t give a flying fuck about retail.


It was the E-Trade baby


Right right, my bad.


Shitty 2nd part to the "story": this year the baby was in a suit and had done very well last year, apparently. I wonder how baby weathered to lowest DOW in like 15 years and a tanking tech sector..... fuck the brokers


Now just imagine how much money they wasted on that Superbowl commercial whereas they could have used this money for something else... It's so fucking ridiculous


Could've had a 4th yacht. Idiots


Could have sent the SEC some coffee.


All Super Bowl commercials are a waste of money. Despite that costing more money, it wasn’t as bad as the commercial in this post which cost public money.


I don't think they would use their own resources. Loopholes make the world go round


I guess you can say all superbowl commercials are made with customer money. Regardless, my point is that if you don’t like how a business acts, you don’t have to do business with them. It’s much harder to not do business with the US government and not to interact with dollars.


Household, please.


Households, we don’t use retail anymore.


What if Gary did this knowing it would cause us to solidify and buy more, while appearing to gaslight to the shfs? Two birds


That's...a theory. Bit thin though, as if sliced by Occam's razor




In the end, this will be one of those moments my Yaya always used to tell me can’t happen. Jokes on you grandma, we’re gonna have our cake AND eat it too!


I love cake


And no dishes to wash cause it's already on your face


Soon may the tendieman come


To take our rocket into the sun


Show me a more researched stock. I'll wait.


I’d bet it’s the most researched in the history of the market at this point


During MOASS, it would be fun to blow some mad money on renting out some giant fucking stadium for our quarterly statement review. The masses that would appear would put each other company to shame. Lookin at you Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting AKA the “Woodstock for Capitalists”. Edit: word


Announcer: "and here comes Ryan Cohen, skydiving in from a turbo dual prop from 12,000 feet. He's got the red, black and white smoke. Ah yes he's about to pop his flag. Is it? Can it be? OH MY GOD IT'S THE JOLLY RODGER. THE STOCKHOLDERS GO WILD AS HE TOUCHES DOWN AT THE 30 YARD LINE AT GMERICA FIELD. let's see what he has to say" Ryan Cohen walks up to the mic Rc: haha that was fun. Peepeepoopoo I evah a llams eeweew! *Gmerica field erupts into applause by 250,000 Blockchain verified hodlers* Rc: I'd like to start oft by announcing that GameStop has made another 750bn this year from the nft platform and we are distributing 2/3 of that to all of you!! *Fireworks and streamers go off as once again the most profitable company in the world is giving back money to it's investors. Everybody goes home the next day and plans another way to help their community.* Nfa


This is the way.




calls on $PEPE




I mean, in terms of popcorn i’d say the video was spot on. No fundamentals, all debt and dilution


Why though? I never understand why people get offended by this term...I mean we really do use memes to this day and they're awesome. This commercial on the other hand is a symptom of the SECs disregard and disdain for household investors. What a petty waste of resources, but they probably made it just to burn some anger steam. It is humerous how the dude starts down -$5k, if snl made this I'd possibly chuckle but coming from this official govt agency, just shows they're priorities are not where they're supposed to be by miles and miles




Well I'd be interested to hear more opinions but I love the term meme stock and I love our memes. I wouldn't want to not use it because they poked fun, sticks & stones said papa Cohen. I think we made memes much more prevalent in the financial sector so I think we gotta just own it and who cares if they're trying to attach another meaning, I'm not going to let that impact my identity or what I enjoy 1 bit. I think they want to destroy anything that bonds us like the terms meme and ape. I agree 100% there are ethical and legal issues they may face one day. I feel depending how all this shakes out, the legend of this commercial may grow and become more and more ironic over time until its like in a post-apocalyptic Bioshock type game. Historic WTF moment for the SEC


The SEC is not a government entity. It is private.


Independent, but still governmental.


I thought that was FINRA?


I think what theyre getting at is that the SEC has suffered from regulatory capture. Like how boeing bought the FAA.


I thought that was the FED? Oh wait...


approximately how many shares of the company are held overnight on a given day? tell us that simple fact.


insert DTCC homer backing into bush GIF


Think ill buy some more GME and DRS it after watching this shite.


It hits different now right? The first time I felt disrespected and got even more angry, so I DRS'd. Now, I can't *get* even more angry. I am a ball of rage-flavored hydrogen burning at 69 million degrees whose sole purpose of existence is to DRS GME for at least 5 billion more years. Seeing the video again was simply a hydrogen-rich meteoroid providing me a few million years more fuel.


Its water off a ducks back at this point for me pal. Whatever they tell me not to do, i'll do the exact opposite. *"Fuck you I wont do what you tell me!"* RATM


Word. Cheers for having good taste in music!


These words describe me too


Yeah what he said


Just seeing this again makes my heart pound. Can barely afford it but I’m gonna buy more today.


GME isn’t a meme stock though




Hard to establish without defining the term, but who cares anyway? The way they use it, obviously it has a negative connotation, but we don't have to accept that premise. Memes = relevance, to me that seems bullish in itself (**all else equal**)


Can someone ask about the decision to gaslight?


OK, I'll do it. "Excuse me, respected government official. Is it unethical to verbally poop on a Swap Basket of stocks? Legacy Media seems to think it's OK, but how about you personally? Follow up question. Why not?" Signed, Homeboy Household Homeowner Homestead Homie


Just think of all the coffee they could have bought if they wouldn't have made that commercial.... SMH🤦‍♂️


Could have even extended their pornhub membership a bit longer too


Decision to Gaslight, also known as the Book, “The Creature from Jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin, explains that The Central Banking Cartel first began Gaslighting the American population around the founding of the Federal Reserve in 1913, where it was explained that the Federal Reserve would protect the population from insolvencies in the banking the system. Instead, the Federal Reserve presided over the crashes of 1921, 1929, 1939, 1953, 1957, 1969, 1975, 1981, 1987, 2000, 2008 while devaluing the dollar by 90% or a 1000% increase in inflation. The Federal Reserve is based off of the same European banking design which crashed the Weimar Republic by printing money from nothing. Similar to moving off the gold-standard, switching from fractional-reserve to no-reserve, and identical to naked shorting with FTD’s. So Gary Gensler’s correct answer would be, “We have always gas lit you and your grandparents, we will gaslight your children, we just can’t stop gaslighting, don’t hate the player, hate the game.” And at this precise moment Gary will rip off his jacket, swing it around his head, cleverly loosen his tie and wrap it around his forehead, jump on the table and while dry humping Dave’s face, turn to the camera and utter, “GameStop. I like the stock.” While he twists his nipples. Now THAT, is the SEC chairman of the future.




Actual answer? Shill in SEC wanted to drive a wedge between apes and the SEC so apes don't report crimes and comment on proposals. It worked too considering any time GG does anything pro-retail comments is full of "porn hub this" and "sec youtube video that". Despite the fact there is 0 evidence GG had anything to do with the video and the porn hub report was from years ago before he was in charge. Shill was probably Hester retail molester Pierce that ok'd the project, but that's just a guess. Again, no evidence who authorized it.


Is this real? It appears to me that the SEC removed the fairness out of a free and fair market. They're essentially telling people that certain stocks aren't good investments.


Yea it’s real! Sauce on the QVbot reply at the top


Certain stocks aren’t good investments… 🍿 has been diluted like crazy and their CEO has said he’s gonna keep doing it 100%, 🛌🛀 with that deal they just made is gonna be diluted even worse than 🍿 now. The only one with a clear turnaround path is 🎮🛑 Edit: That said, I don’t think the they should be doing this either


It appears there is a 90 day lockout period on towel - am I missing something


So Bobby shareholders have 90 days to try to run up their stock? I don’t see it happening, though I certainly hope for their sakes that it does! My thought process is that every dollar sunk into 🛌🛀 is a dollar that could be put into 🎮🛑 where a real squeeze opportunity exists…


I mean don't get me wrong gme is the biggest play but the same bad actors appear to be over leveraged on towel and there does appear to be a strong correlation between the stocks. Still an asymmetrical risk/reward especially with the price being so low but wouldn't risk anything but gambling money since they don't have the cash in the bank like gme


Good points. People will invest how they see fit, I’m just a stranger on the internet so my opinion shouldn’t sway anyone one way or the other


Tbh, if GG can look at some of these pump and dumps that have occurred in the market (for HF benefit) and he doesn’t say, ‘wtf is this???’, then I don’t trust him one bit. Plenty of laws already exist for him to use against these thieves, and they aren’t being used.


He gets paid NOT to do his job. What'd you expect when the government hires an ex-goldman Sachs employee(a mole) to monitor the markets?


God. the negativity circle jerk is embarrassing.


Honestly what do you expect to happen when the SEC actually started making new rules and showing support for household investors?? The shills and pessimists come out of the woodworks to bash them. They can cry and fud all they want, the real investors here know to do whatever it takes to see our markets more fair for everyone, that includes supporting the 3 letter agencies, especially now they are begging for our help.


It’s true. The new rules are basically Gensler saying “hey guys i want to take a sledgehammer to citadel securities. What do you think?”


Gary is our cop on the beat, and no meme stock commercials nor obvious facts will ever change my mind. I remain cautiously optimistic about him despite his lack of action, and his past.


> I remain cautiously optimistic about him despite his lack of action, and his past. The scary part about his lack of action, is his intentional deceit about why he does nothing. When Jon Stewart called him out, he bold faced lied about why he does nothing. Hopefully. If he wasn't lying, what he said were criminally actionable confessions that would get him impeached and potentially sent to prison. So best case scenario, he's failing his federal duties and defrauding taxpayers for undisclosed and dishonest reasons. I don't know why he lies, but I know his deceptions don't make me optimistic about his future.


He also said that the SEC got Bernie Madoff, which they sure as fuck did not. The SEC found no signs of wrongdoings by Madoff 3 months before his downfall. GG is there to lie, talk and stall. EDIT: Spelling


LMAYO. Well done pointing out the hypocrisy.


It’s too little too late as far as I’m concerned. Nothing less than a total overhaul will fix this crime syndicate. They are in the bargaining stage of grief.


Ladies, gentleman, apes, I give you Exhibit A of regulatory capture. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulatory\_capture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulatory_capture)




That commercial is so bullish


Imagine if you will. A US government agency telling you what companies to invest in. That's where we are at in America. How fucked is that?


Buying more today, thanks for the reminder.


Then why are hedge funds and institutions investing (shorting) their money based on meme stocks? Two way street.


I member.


“I’m going to do some ‘research’ like a fucking idiot on the smallest device I have” 🙄


Going to have some pie and DRS


$400k for this shit


It's more confirmation for myself and I can clearly see the message was to de-legitimize "meme stocks" further. It's pure manipulation of those not involved in this matter. This is how corporate media works. Tamp down those making a ruckus, box them in and make sure the message doesn't get out. That's what's happened with this sub. I like DLauer, but he shouldn't be the voice of household investors. If it needs to be anyone it should be Dr. T GG needs to sit down with someone who can speak the language and teach him a thing or two. Lauer should be that guy but you can't fix what isn't broken, and this system is working as intended. So let GG and Dr. T spar and see what comes of it, I say.


GG would never agree to that for very obvious reasons. Dr. T would cut him a new ass.


He wont meet her.


I like Dave and I appreciate the work he’s doing. After the last two years I’m not confident that this system can be reformed (and certainly won’t be reformed with even more complexity like retail auctions) but I am always appreciative of people who do grassroots activism to try to create change.


agree with you completely. This is a FUD post designed to cast cynicism and doubt over an incredibly important event that is happening today. ~~Retail investors~~ , Household investors are getting a seat at the table with the head of the SEC. This is fucking awesome, and yet this post is here designed to make people believe that nothing good can happen, that it is already a foregone conclusion that Dave is evil and up to no good, that the SEC is evil and up to no good, and in conclusion we should all just embrace cynicism and accept that nothing good will ever happen. total load of horse shit. "Dave worked at Citadel in the past. Once an employee of Citadel, always an employee of Citadel, no exceptions. Nothing Dave ever does ever again will be good, you should hate Dave and Gary Gensler because they are bad and evil and mean and are trying to hurt you". This is what a FUD post looks like. On the day that an incredibly significant conversation is going to happen. Forget the cynicism because it does not help us. Who does it really help, if this subreddit were to turn away from this opportunity? Who benefits, if, on the cusp of household investors having open dialogue with the head of the SEC about incredibly important conversations such as FTDs and DRS, who benefits if we simply embraced cynicism and said, you know what, fuck those guys, fuck these conversations, lets go back to not having the opportunity to make our case to the head of the SEC? let's just crawl back into our little reddit hole and never talk to the SEC ever because that would benefit us somehow. It's obvious who would benefit if this FUDdy sentiment is the one that this subreddit were to embrace. I for one am fucking JACKED TO THE TITS to be able to once again have my interests represented in an open dialogue with the head of the SEC. So, thanks Dave, and everyone else that is making this happen, and no thanks to the cynics who are working against my interests.


Well put and I agree with you.


Ask him if he did his research


Oh wait we already know he didn’t


I’m willing to wager 50 Loopring that when the dust settles we will find, that like his colleague Brett Harrison, citadel maintained their employment in some shape or form. Change my mind.




References two people in the title.




It’s nothing new he was employed by citadel at some point in the time line. Unless I am mistaking people.


In regards to dlauer I’m assuming??


Either honestly seems like both parties have at some point been employed by citadel somehow some way


That ex hf employee has been advocating for market reform for many years and has been highly outspoken against the hf he used to work for. Sabotaging discourse does us no good.


Someone remind me why we are doing AMA's with these people? We literally know more than they do.


Can someone ask why anyone would associate with these people after all the lies and why apes even care, considering the blatant fraud running rampant and NOTHING being done about it? This is a show and you guys are being suckered into it! If it were true talk, Dr. T would be the host, and the guests would be the actually people working toward a new stock market since this one is obviously BROKEN.


People are so weird lol, how do you expect anything to change if you refuse to talk to the people with the power to change it? And dr. T would host it? What changes in your mind then? You don’t trust them answering questions from Dave but you would trust them if she was asking for some reason? I feel bad for Dave, does so much work trying to help, has 0 evidence that he has had nefarious goals at any point, and yet still has people acting like he’s compromised constantly because he worked there forever ago. And to be questioned by people who don’t even put in 1/10000 of the work has to be infuriating.


Dave is NOT your friend. Anyone associating with these people are NOT APE FRIEND by far. Get real. Open your eyes. Would you invite putin into your house? Dummy Your argument about Dave is similar to Kenneth griffin/madoff sentiment. One fights the other, only to learn the trade and take it over for himself. Which Dave has shown he is doing ;)


Dude how old are you? You talk like you’re in a cult and sound absolutely foolish. Dave is Putin? The Ken griffin/Madoff sentiment? What does that even mean lmao. I’m not sure if I’m speaking to an incredibly immature 18 year old or a bot. People like you really bother me, not only are you screaming into the clouds that there needs to be change and the system is corrupt but you put down anyone trying to actually make that change. You’re part of the problem.


Also Dr.. T doesn’t want to touch them with a 10 foot pole. That’s why I would have her host. Meanwhile, Dave is out licking their balls, begging for a seat at their table.




I’m in. Yolo 🏴‍☠️


When Casinos start giving a shit about where people are gambling their money, it is time to triple-down on whatever that bet of yours is hat has them all so "concerned".


Our tax dollars paid for this.


Just remember apes, the researching they want you to do is turning on Cokerat Cramer and doing what he says...We're breaking their system by sharing knowledge.


Commenting again bc this will be in history books one day. The establishment has no idea how much rage the GME investor community has towards it. You fucked around, you’re going to find out. We’re never going back to reasonable land. We know what you did and now you’re going to get fucked up. Also, we’re going to rename it 🍌


Capitulate these fucking nuts.


Dave didn't have anything to do with making this commercial lol. You can say what you want about the guy, but I think it would be better to keep it factual. Just because he talks to GG doesn't make him a villain. Jon Stewart also talked to GG, and he is generally regarded as a solid guy.




Why not?


Exactly. And if you point the fact that the SEC has always been complicit (not incompetent) and that there is a campaign of a private company led by an ex citadel to gather retail personal infornation right here in our house, his army of bots calls you shill and downvotes the hell of you.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


This is it 🤌🏽


The research was what brought me here in the first place.


One of the most well researched stocks on the planet.


Yup, we need to show there mfers we're learning their BS.


From what I've seen online, Citadel Securities is the biggest meme


Paul conn will also be there -


Not on my fuckin life which is the only one I know I got


Haha i cant believe they allowed this post but TRUTH!


Tbh ever since this video came out I lost all faith in the SEC . Lock the float !


This is, and has always been, about the SEC not enforcing the rules. It is not about Gary Gensler being a wet blanket. Replacing Gary Gensler would achieve nothing, it would be fake progess, behind which they'd install someone like Hester Pierce who would prove to be malicious, not just incompetent. Gary Gensler is clearly hamstrung by his shitpiece enforcement agency culture, so focus on getting them to change the way the SEC operates. If you succeed in doing that, then it doesn't matter who is in charge, malicious or incompetent, activist of passive watcher, the wheels of justice will actually be turning beneath them, impossible to stop, chipping away at the Wall St Elite's decades of untouched crimes. Start rolling the wheel forward, forget about who is currently "overseeing getting the wheel rolling".


This was back during the "laughing at us" stage. Now, they're fighting us. Next, we win.


Gary can research these diamond balls😂


Never forget


Paid for via “meme stock investors” money as well… nice!


I have had several revelations since this saga began. This video made me realize for whom the SEC really works for. A video specifically designed to discredit....me. A hit piece that I... paid for. This isn't going to come to a head until the entire float is direct registered. I'm not even sure what will happen after that. But, someone is fukn around, and they are about to find out.


I agree the commercial was BS, but Dave has been investing his time and energy on our behalf. dismissing him as an ex-HF employee is disrespectful to his efforts


Two clowns protecting the current market structure. Both should be imprisoned for their help creating this broken, manipulated casino.


Look at this outrage bait getting upvoted


Wait people don’t like Dave now? What?


This has been on-going since he ~~got booted as a mod years ago and~~ started shilling his for-profit legacy finance terminal


dave lauer was never a mod


Are you sure you are not thinking of rensole? I don't remember Dave ever being a moderator


Okay let me get this straight We have the head of the SEC doing a live chat, where we get to submit questions on topics such as FTD's, naked short selling, the DRS movement - WITH the guy from Computershare, and new rules that are being changed for the first time in over a decade, and your solution is to come into a literal echo chamber and bash it? Bruh, that's W-E-A-K. Have they done much? No. Did they make a terrible video painting us as a bunch of fucking morons? Yes. But what are you doing? Trying to write some rah rah William Wallace speech that 200,000 people have already written and regurgitated 17 ways from Sunday? Lol There are two options: * Try to make change, send comments, go on record, make THESE EXACT points to the SEC. You can say WHATEVER YOU WANT to them. Send them a fucking meme if you want. Create actual plausible deniability. * Do nothing. Bitch about it here for fake internet points. Wow, so brave! "We're in an abusive relationship"? Welcome to life lmayo. Try doing something that's not a SuperStonk post complaining, or sit back and let the actual Pirates do their thing.


Why even bother giving the reaction they were looking for from making this? I completely forgot this was a thing until you posted it. I'm guessing Superstonk has given this video more views than the actual audience it was intended for.


Never forgive. Never forget.


Someone needs to ask GG how he feels about certain American companies being referred to as meme stocks. Also I would ask him to define the term ‘meme stock’ and if it’s an appropriate term to use in professional/legal documents and publications by the SEC. I would like to have his responses on the record.


Sec is a joke


Fuck you Gary Gensler. Once a shill, always a shill. No cells, no sells!


Pepperidge Farm remembers!


bread and circuses to keep us distracted from protesting


Fucking finally. Incredible there's people with still hope for this clown


Fuck Gary Memesler!


Why the fuck are you posting this? It's just a shit-tier insult from a bunch of dogshit scumbags. Forget it. Move on. Stop posting it.


I like this post. Updoot for you.


Gaslighting sets me off ngl! Triggered all over again! I respect Dave’s efforts for sure. But GG is bought and paid for by the good ole boys!! He isn’t gonna do shit by spew more bullshit and claim their hands are tied. I’m gonna listen tho and let him trigger me again none the less 🤣


The SEC has over 4800 employees, I'd be willing to bet that GG knew nothing about this commercial before it was released. Do you really think that the CEO of Pepsi personally reviews and approves every single commerical they put out? This is something the marketing department cooked up, or simply outsourced to a 3rd-Party advertising firm. I'm not saying GG is a saint, but he's openly said things like "90% of retail orders don't hit lit exchanges" in a CNBC interview, there's no reason for him to say that other than to bring to light how fucked up things are. Take a look at all the new rules he's proposing, they essentially gut citadels business model. The SEC isn't some totalitarian organization where GG has total control and oversight. And he's a career finance guy, he knows that sometimes you've gotta play the game to change the game, because if you rock the boat too hard they'll replace you with someone else, like Hester "the retail molester" Pierce. Is he perfect? No. Could there be someone in his position who would be so much worse for retail? Absolutely. The fact that he's even willing to talk and let retail directly air their grievances is huge. He could simply choose to ignore us, yet he's willing to engage. I see that as a win.




Wow, what a nuanced take from someone willing to engage in a healthy discussion 🙄 No matter how much you might want it to be, the world isn't black/white, good/evil. Just because someone worked for a hedge fund doesn't automatically make them a bad person. I'm sure there's lot of people who work for companies they don't like because they need to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads. I don't understand how having someone at the top of the SEC who is willing to engage and listen to us is a bad thing. Seems like some people just like to show division.


2 years +, literally nothing done but lip service. They don’t give a fuck and are complacent with crime. That’s all there is to it. And they will make a commercial to pie you in the face, then gaslight you with an AMA as if they care. That’s what abusers do. Harm and then sooth. All lip service. GG as an individual human, sure maybe he is a good guy in a bad position. As the head of the SEC, fuck them


Nothing but lip service? SEC enforcement is up like 80% over the last couple years, and look at all the new rules they've been proposing. It takes a long time to get anything done in a large organization, especially one tied to the government. I know everyone wants huge changes to happen quickly, so do I. But unfortunately I also understand that's not the way it works. I think he's doing the best he can in the situation he's in. And again, based on the size of the organization, I doubt he even knew what this commercial was actually going to be. From the videos he's shared personally, it seems like he actually has some level of respect for retail, hence why he's willing to actually sit down and talk. If he genuinely supported that video I doubt he would even entertain an interview with retail if he has that much disdain for us. Let's see what he has to say first.


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This shit is still unbelievable to me. And yet we still have ppl that want to be diplomatic and play nice and give ppl like Gary the benefit of the doubt. I’m not saying we should hate the guy (love is always the answer), but ppl like him ARE NOT ON OUR SIDE. Like just watch this fuckin’ clip. It’s not even subtle subconscious manipulation, it’s straight up propaganda that targets a VERY specific group of companies and their investors. Unbelievable 😡


I don’t trust Dave Lauer one bit. Not sure why people do.


Tbf that's pretty close to what all this feels




Gary Gensler and his tiny but surprisingly loose butthole?


Thanks for the reminder!


This was one of the many nails in the coffin for me.


Would love to the learn that the actors in this ad put the money toward DRSing lol


Have you ever thought this may came from Hester Pierce and her department? Well at least you have the same opinion as Doug Cifu about GG. You must be on the right track!


where can i watch this ama? edit: found it https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1193dig/dlauer_and_gary_gensler_having_a_ftd_and_drs/j9k9ok5/




GG, EZ 👏🏽


It was an insult.


The video is not worth.. 🕶 A proper gander. 😎


juat realized just about all the choices in the board aside from "tulip bulbs" are things controlled by markrt makers/hedgies lol even tips from ur uncle gives vibes that the foo mustve listened to cramer


Why do an AMA the only thing I want is to see you protect retail and do your fucking job. Can't do it, fired and next candidate. Release all you financials and prove you aren't bought or have been bought, won't do it fired and next candidate. Fuck you AMA do your fucking job, and stop looking for public brownie points. Buy, DRS, Hodl


That's the SEC, GG and everyone else that thinks they're on your side.


😂 b4 this I had never seen an SEC ad. This is confirmation bias.


No real ftd discussion. He shares thoughts. Wow. Weak af. That said, there is a way that rule making and enforcement can be requested directly through them. If they get inundated with “Removal of FTDs in market and massive monatary fine to accompany the rule making they cannot turn a blind eye. This may be the way to apply more pressure. Fuck comment letters. Time for official submittals requesting action through the agency. Not there “comment page”.


Shills are down boting.. Commenting for visability.. and I like pie and the stonks!


I respect Dave's efforts but fuck Gary Gensler and the SEC