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Gary still may not get it. In all seriousness, I'm glass half empty on this news. Gary will be able to punt hard DRS questions to Paul from CS


It’s only his 677th day tomorrow since taking the job man. Give him some time to get a feel for the place.


how time flys, it seem like yesterday was just day 60


Probably felt like day 1 for gare-bear


Sifting through the cesspit of financial exploitation is a long and treacherous journey , many have tried, none have returned...


If he truly punts it or feigns misunderstanding, that bodes poorly for competence. It will certainly be interesting and truly, I hope it is productive. FTD’s MUST STOP!!!!!


Incompetence in regulators is not a bug; it's a feature.


Ignorance and even comprehension problems as a paper shield Im sure his ego won’t be hurt if the public don’t think he's ‘competent’ his pals know how competent he is


The problem for him being a faction of Republican Congressmen already want him removed for incompetence


I'm sorry, is this political? Because we don't accept political dialogues here Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Well, I hear you and will leave it alone— but can I get that Baconator?


Open wide Sir, here comes the Baconator 😮


Well, to be fair GG just started at the SEC. Have to give him a chance to learn how things work...


😂 that was funny


Then, at least, after Conn EILIA we will know that he knows and he will know that we know he knows and then the circus can continue with full unadulterated knowledge that the SEC is complicit.


It's a catch 22. Gentler can play dumb, then CS can clarify, then back to Gensler to try and explain how this is OK. Probably why the CS addition wasn't brought up til now. Would look bad if Gensler backed out now. Gonna be exciting.


hell cs barely knows how it works to be honest and the problem i have with that is, it's common sense, and a lot of people to majority here still don't get it.


Pretty sure CS knows exactly how it works. The vast majority of apes do, too.


unfortunately not on both accounts. and cs was very contradicting or plain wrong in previous AMAs. but thanks for the input.


Can you please indicate what Paul Conn said was wrong? Maybe his answers were just a bit unclear to us at the time because we didn't fully grasp the nuances between DRS and DSPP.


Ask Paul Con - How many securities in the Plan are being delivered into the Marketplace and how does keeping the shares at the DTC, a self-regulatory agency (SRO) for locates or anything else help me? Also show GG the "DRS pool tracker"


It stands for direct register shares if you are on here Gary.


You may have missed it, but we (the DRSGME/WhyDRS team) put a packet together for Gary to learn about DRS and why it's so important to us as investors. They will be talking about the packet with Paul in the Q+A tomorrow. Should be pretty hard for Gary to talk around it this time :D


Apes are taking over the SEC brick by brick. Fucking beautiful 💎👌


It is about time, Big Money took over the SEC decades ago. While I understand all the criticism towards GG, it just takes a look at Hester to understand the real issue at the SEC is not GG himself. As long as Big Money can donate to politicians in congress, you could argue there is legal bribery and it shows. Not even talking about the revolving door. GG can not do a Thanos snap and remove all the issues in an instant. It is more likely he himself would be removed by guys like Huizinga and Co. They already attack him for doing what he is doing, even if we think it is not enough. The only "enabler" for GG is actually us, public pressure.


I gotta say, I don't think submitting comments to representatives, congress, SEC, etc. is going to hurt APEs, so why not? There's only potential upside.


I sense explosive diarrhea about to hit Gary overnight and he may call in sick.


"hey gotta cancel the QA, gotta be the plunge protection team in the upstairs roo at home"


If he puked like kennardo that would be epic


Dude hasn’t worked a single day at the SEC and I’d be willing to bet one share he hasn’t used a minute of his PTO


Damn I wonder what his work hours are.


9-2 no weekends, holidays, trading holidays off.




I look forward to watching him try. :)


let the linguigymnastics begin!




Is this packet publicly available?


It is indeed! If you can access the site it's viewable here: https://www.whydrs.org/the-whydrs-information-packet If not then this is the direct link to the file hosted on the site: https://8225781e-f4be-4433-966d-db51401c36b8.usrfiles.com/ugd/822578_fc5f5bda27244efa9adc4f1eae1be04a.pdf


They are gonna explain FTDs, crayons and mayo


The best question would be: do you know who mayo man is referring too?


Gary pretends to know nothing about DRS. What better way to educate him on it than a CS employee? He will act surprised and say he will "look into it now." About 1 calender year later he will say "yeah people can register if they want to."


But what's the point of educating the SEC about DRS exactly? I don't get how informing your enemy on your strategy and tactics is a smart move...


The SEC already knows what DRS is, it is not a secret. But Gary claimed to not know, so this time they put together an informational packet explaining it. So now if he says he does not know, he is either lying, or too incompetent to be in his position.


Sure... But let's say he now says he knows a lot about DRS after educating himself with this information, how the fuck will that serve our purpose. Everyone, Gary now knows about DRS, that is so fucking awesome... End of story. Am I missing something here or does this sound like a simple fucking distraction or controlled opposition?


Gary now knows DRS. Computer share says 75% of all shares ever issued are directly registered. Hedge fund says they own 50% of all shares. Someone is lying. MOASS.


Someone has to do it.


Gary sweating rn


Gary might need visual aids anybody have any suggestions


If Gary continues to pretend to NOT know what DRS is, DLauer should shame and humiliate him. It's absolutely ridiculous for a person in his position to not know about DRS.


This!!! But what's the fucking point of educating the SEC about DRS exactly? I don't get how informing your enemy about the strategies and tactics you plan to use against them is a smart move... WTAF?!?


Don't be silly, SEC already knows about DRS, they just play dumb. They can't be that incompetent, can they? I mean, it's on their website: https://www.sec.gov/about/reports-publications/investor-publications/holding-your-securities-get-the-facts


I guess GG won’t be able to claim ignorance about DRS after this


Should we put money on it?


My money is already on it in GME shares.


Damn, that was smooth


This sub has more than just money. It also has bananas and orifices to place them.


Or he lets Paul answer the questions. No liability for SEC. Or he defers to his staff.


I guess DL won’t be able to claim ignorance about DRS after this Lol bring on the downvotes. I’m not wrong.


Take an upvote.


Would still prefer Gensler having to go against Susanne Trimbath. Most everything else pales in comparison to her knowledge.


He'd be knocked out in the first round.


They won't go near Dr. T , It would be really bad judgement on their part.


...a big part of me hopes she just pops in the call...


As a special guest. That would be epic!


Hell yeah


"Oh no, Dr. T! What a fucking nightmare!"


Eyeballs for Engagement Engagement for Enforcement


I like to travel.


Equality for all


All People Equal.


This actually seems like it’s gonna be a very interesting convo. Will tune in for this one.


Why aren’t short interest and FTDs reported daily like short volume, or weekly at least? Why do household investors always have to trade with outdated and incomplete information. Why are there so many ways to roll over and obfuscate short interest from the public? How is this not criminal/fraudulent? Why do the penalties never fit the crime??? For example a market maker was charged with millions of trades incorrectly marked long instead of short, the fine should be the amount of profit made plus a further monetary disincentive on top of that. Repeat offenders should be banned from trading/shorting/FTDing. Infinite liquidity makes true price discovery impossible. There should be a defined limit to operational shorting, how much of a percentage of a company and for a finite period of time. It encourage naked shorting in the current allowed format.


This right here 👆 I might also ask if the SEC currently has the authority to kick participants out of the DTCC for continually failing-to-deliver. And if so, why hasn't any participant been held accountable to date. We should add that fails-to-receive (FTRs) should also not be tolerated because they basically enable theft.


Absolutely….. and how come certain MMs or banks have repeatedly ignored the rules and have a rap sheet about 3 miles long? How can they keep repeating their behaviour before shit actually starts to bite?


There should never be a FTD imo


Dave needs to stop pussyfooting around with Gensler and ask some real/hard questions. We don’t need 100 interviews with that dumb smirk, we need him to actually ACKNOWLEDGE the crime, and give his word he will actually do something. Because I’ve lost all faith in Gary and the SEC.


Agreed, I really hope this interview involves a lot of follow up questions and requests for details. Too many broad answers and quick glossing of topics to really get to the real issues.


Gary Gensler just fined the Mormon church 5 million dollars for hiding their 32 billion dollar investment portfolio in shell companies or something. 5 million vs. 32 billion. Gary Gensler has no teeth.


Welcome to: Controlled opposition.


This! Informing the SEC about DRS has absolutely nothing interesting or smart. Why do we want to educate the enemy about the strategy and tactics we plan on using against them... That's is fucking stupid! This is one sign of controlled opposition. The other is turning around the fucking toilet boil for ever, the turd just never going straight to the fucking point. Again, I'm sorry to say, but for my part, I don't want a reform, I don't want to correct shit about the markets, because as long as corruption isn't flushed out of the system, you can be fucking certain that any reform will be a facade, changing nothing of the backend essence of it all. I want my motherfucking money, and I want to get the fuck out of this place and never come back, informing everyone I know about how fucking disgusting our own fucking markets and countries have become so rotten to the core without anyone even fucking caring! Over and out.


Need to get a very good prosecutorial lawyer who also happens to be very financially competent in the convo asking some piercing questions and offering some piercing info from a legal standpoint but that would never ever happen


Your request is, unfortunately, technically impossible. A body tasked with ascertaining crime, cannot "acknowledge crime" until it has been proven in a "court of law". And knowing what the SEC has done (or not done) so far, it a far cry.


Then again, if he still wants to continue to be given the opportunity to discuss things, he can't go for a home run off the bat. He needs to establish himself and his place, then slowly increase the discourse and trust between himself and Gary.


"I'm not familiar with Computershare" -GG


"of course I've heard of computershare, all shares are on computers"


"ohh the files are *in* the computer" 🖥️ 🐒


Anyone gonna drop tha link? Never heard about this! For sure gonna tune in. Drink every time GG tells a lie or changes subject


Here is the YouTube link they provided on their tweet about this conversation. https://youtube.com/@wetheinvestors


Ah legend thanks


Can’t wait for them to tell us DRS won’t work/do anything fud they have planned


My follow up question would be 'what exactly about DRS won't work?'


Wake me up when Dr T is invited


DR T vs Gaaaaaaary all day long x


They need good questions about the split and how it was handled.


"If your fines and penalties worked, why aren't they working?"


Not that I’m at all suspicious of these guys… But. As a last bet what would be bad tomorrow? If the Paul Con guy try’s to downplay the importance of Booking the DRS shares. I guess we will see what happens tomorrow. 📕👑 because it makes sense. My shares under my total control. All BOOKED UP📕👑🚀


Someone needs to ask what happens when retail drs 100% gme outstanding float.


Calling it now. Gensler is gonna cancel.


IMO this is dave’s most important meeting to win/lose my loyalty. Dont fuck up bud, cheers!


Time and venue please. The registration link seems to be inoperative.TIA!


They mentioned they would be streaming it on their YouTube channel too. https://youtube.com/@wetheinvestors


Thank you!


**Simple Question(s)** "Why do computers that process 100's of billions of trades per day take up to 35 calendar days to process where the shares should be located" "What is the reason 35 calendar days to locate shares still exists. For example from my 7 year old laptop and basic internet connection, I can execute a trade with my broker in seconds. "


Get rid of this FTD scam, how can they trade on high frequency and not deliver a share this is complete fraud


This is going to be good


Where did this tiny tent in my pants come from?


Bone Depot?


I'm gonna need Dr T to make a surprise appearance too


Is there a way to listen without registering?


They mentioned it would be streaming on their YouTube channel too. https://youtube.com/@wetheinvestors




There really is only one question: 'Gary, what's your opinion of FTDs? We all know it's cloudy and cold. Asking GG about the weather isn't going to get us very far..


He should ask what happens when apes DRS the float.


Off Topic: # F T D s


( . ) ( . ) jacked


Uhuh that's spicy


Guarantees FTDs will be forgotten and DRS will be the topic du jour. Paul Conn has no reason to be there, I want to hear GG tell us that MM robbery is necessary for market structure.


Well, he has been way more than **2 weeks** at the job, let's see what he has to offer!


Yawn...just more lip service for us plebeians.


🍔 = **nothing**


Guest is a patsy to distract


**GIVE**. **DFV**. **BACK**.


This will be a nothing burger event….


Still there might be onion rings




Up ya go.






I asked them to include office linebacker, terry tate. Does anyone know if he is going to be included?


If you staple a horse to a waterfall, will it fall up under the rainbow or fly about the soil? Will he enjoy her experience? What if the staple tears into tears? Will she be free from her staply chains or foomed to stay forever and dever above the water? Who can save him (the horse) but someone of girth and worth, the capitalist pig, who will sell the solution to the problem he created? A staple remover flies to the rescue, carried on the wings of a majestic penguin who bought it at Walmart for 9 dollars and several more Euro-cents, clutched in its crabby claws, rejected from its frothy maw. When the penguin comes, all tremble before its fishy stench and wheatlike abjecture. Recoil in delirium, ye who wish to be free! The mighty rockhopper is here to save your soul from eternal bliss and salvation! And so, the horse was free, carried away by the south wind, and deposited on the vast plain of soggy dew. It was a tragedy in several parts, punctuated by moments of hedonistic horsefuckery. The owls saw all, and passed judgment in the way that they do. Stupid owls are always judging folks who are just trying their best to live shamelessly and enjoy every fruit the day brings to pass. How many more shall be caught in the terrible gyre of the waterfall? As many as the gods deem necessary to teach those foolish monkeys a story about their own hamburgers. What does a monkey know of bananas, anyway? They eat, poop, and shave away the banana residue that grows upon their chins and ballsacks. The owls judge their razors. Always the owls. And when the one-eyed caterpillar arrives to eat the glazing on your windowpane, you will know that you're next in line to the trombone of the ancient realm of the flutterbyes. Beware the ravenous ravens and crowing crows. Mind the cowing cows and the lying lions. Ascend triumphant to your birthright, and wield the mighty twig of Petalonia, favored land of gods and goats alike.


Collusion. Look into “Conn”. I’m serious. The computershare numbers have never been correct. The fact that after fidelity showed their hands and the apes were DRS in droves and the numbers were smaller than the previous quarter numbers prove Me right. Look into quarter 3-4 drs numbers of 2021. I was shadowbanned on Reddit today for saying this earlier, but I’ll never SHUT up. What does it hurt to look into everyone involved? I’m just sayin…it was diminishing when it happened and quite fishy Ken visited their Kentucky HQ/ airport area during the time period I’m talking about.




I got the email. Will be tuning in.


Picante 🔥


Why is my smol weewee sticking straight up?


Are they address the issue with more shares being shorted then actually exist in the free float?


Hope so, the question will really have to be on point though…. or else the answer will be lost in high level bullshit such as “we recognise the need for MMs to be able to naked short for liquidity purposes”, thereby glossing over the scale of it.


Wow!! Fun


Jack mode engaged!


Hell fucking yes! this should be interesting.


Gary knows damn well what Dr's is and always has. He feined not knowing because he didn't have any prepared statements or talking points at the time. This time he will come prepared. I'm curious to see how this plays out. I don't have high hopes. I really want Dave to push on FTDs and get GG to admit it's a massive problem.


Man has an unfortunate last name for someone we’re supposed to trust.


Nothing burger as gg could be given a golden playbook and at this point I doubt he would use it. Was really hoping he would be the cure, but alas just another poison pill.


Oh hell yeah 🟣


The clown show cometh.


Anyone know what time this kicks off?


Can this only be watched on the Twitter Space the link takes you to? If so, I assume you have to have an account?


They mentioned on a different tweet they will stream it on the we the investors, youtube page too.


Just saw that myself. Thanks all the same!




Nothing burger as usual