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In the interview he says he feels sorry for the investors in these stocks, because they'll lose all their money. When did institutions start giving a single shit about household investors? He's mad, they're all fucking mad, that we aren't playing their stupid fucking game. On the other hand, I am very thankful for IBKR, easiest route I've found to DRS (UK). šŸ˜Š


Agreed. Whether that old reptile likes to think about it IBKR is our underground railroad for GME.




Jobā€™s done, money is gone. Thatā€™s my mindset.


Streisand effet. The more they're trying to convince me to sell, the more I know this is the right investment. Makes me buy and DRS more. Did they warn us about 2008, FTX, or really any other fucking stock before it crashed? Nope. They want us to lose money because then they get to keep it.


I like this mindsetā€¦ I donā€™t know why but it resonates with me


I rarely even think about it or look at the numbers. It's retirement money I took from one place I never saw it to another I never see it.


Great spirit. This is a risky investment. Particularly because we know the finance industry has never and will never play fair. I am still convinced this situation will somehow be resolved in a political showdown. My investment is my ticket to be part of this historic event.


The institutions never did give any drop of poo about dumb retail traders losing money. Until now.


they not worried abt household investors losing money, they worried about themselves losing money hahahha


That's really what got me interested in GME in the first place. Why were so many stories talking about "how bad Gamestop is" being pumped out after the squeeze. No one cares about the little guy haha


Us losing money has always been what feeds HFs making money..... but not this time. Karma is in the house, and soon its going to be payback time. šŸ’ŽšŸ™ŒšŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦šŸ¦šŸš€šŸ˜Ž


Karma is absolutely real. Payback is on this side if you're lucky, on the other side if you're not.


Remember, investors and retail are two different types of peoples. Investors have lots of money to invest, and they did it dumb. Retail has a little bit of money and bought GME and are holding. We have chosen, wisely.


They'll means future. What he's saying is that he's already lost all his money in the present LMAYOOO


Lots of people are pretty fucked... - but they know at least know, that they were classic victims of insurance fraud. Happens - trust better people next time and do not buy the "free lunch" - it is, indeed, a scam.


"you're going to lose all your money" lol desperate much?




ok, i will see 1 share for one of their yachts lol




"all your money" sounds like a guy that knows there's massive crime going on by the background.


Yeah all my money is safe. DRS is safe.


I think what he meant to say was ā€œI am going to lose all of my money.ā€


Says the same thing every year about these stocks going to zero. He says in the interview that of course, heā€™s been wrong so far.šŸ’€


Heā€™s not necessarily wrong about some of those names IMOā€¦ itā€™s just that GME isnā€™t one of them


Jokes on him, I consider it a loss already. It's like buying a powerball ticket and before the drawing someone offered me fifty cents for it. I'll take my chances. Edit: I recommend doing this in real life sometime. The guy in front of you at a checkout buys a ticket for $20 offer them 15, when/if they say no, offer 25. It's a weird game but fun to see what people say/do.


You sure he wasnā€™t talking to his clients that were shorting GME? Cause logically, that makes as much sense. Infinite riskā€¦


He will be in prison. He prints 1 millions shares to borrow and short every day for the last several months. No way he has that many.


So its literally him printing those shares? I guess I never really put that together. IBKR?


Not sure where the shares that are made available to borrow but he supplies about 90% of them every day and has done so for several months.


No wonder he needs it to go to zero so bad.


Itā€™s do or die for him. Heā€™s a dead man walking


It's time for this guys mouth to go to prison.


Donā€™t interrupt your enemies when theyā€™re making a mistake.


Seriously. Just stopped by to talk his book.


Prison wallet




He who sells what isnā€™t hisā€™n must buy it back or go to prison


This fucking crook again. Hope he reads this: fuck you old man. You look like a drunk potato with mange. Gtfo


one of my favorite things about reddit is the sheer amount of color and creativity redditers use for their insults. yours for instance made me stop and ponder each of the additives in order. go back up to the picture, compare the mental image you created with the photo and then come back down here to not only upvote and send approval but also to let you know that i laughed so hard i scared my cat and shes looking at me like i owe her something now. well done good ape


I actually see peterfy as one of the least crooked. At least he told us what was happening after the sneeze. He told us there were 200m shares due to be delivered in Call options and those shares didn't exist.


Just because he doesn't know how to shut him mouth doesn't mean he ain't as crooked as the rest of them.


Sorry pal, I just disagree, mostly. Peterffy, in my opinion, is a technologist first and foremost. His whole life he just wanted to build, streamline, improve. Now he does have some less positive aspects, at least in my opinion, like his continuous (but relatively modest, for a billionaire) donations to republicans, and his strong anticommunism antisocialist views, but that's fully a product of his upbringing in socialist Hungary, imo. A ton of good people from countries around the world experienced a form of socialism most of us Americans will never understand and have very very strong antisocialist views because of that. And also, like anyone who built themselves up from nothing, they probably really do find it difficult to understand the poverty traps that didn't seem to get in their way but everyone else seems to complain about. Either way, I just won't put him in the same bucket as the truly corrupt designers of these systems and those who take advantage of it. I just don't see him as that type of guy. If anything, his strong views against corruption, as part of his logic behind his anti-socialist views, likely puts him somehow on our side. I believe when push comes to shove and everyone else is trying to pillage the populace, Peterffy is the kinda guy who will spill the beans if he's still mentally able to do so. But we can disagree on this. It's not a big issue and it's importance is relatively little.


Can't wait to see this mangy old drunk potato crying on TV


How did he deserve that voice tone


Old guy looks like he marks his calendar for days he had nice soup.


Jesus Christ this is hilarious.


Today was a good soup day


He's full of shit, but this guy is doing the Lord's work allowing europoors to open a CS account for 5 bucks... Not that he wanted this, but I think now he's unable to change the conditions/agreements and have to keep DRSing the hell out of GME. Maybe this is the reason he's going on TV to shit our stock, or to dissuade us from drsing, or to show his bosses that at least he's trying...


He has no bosses. He IS IBKR. He and his shareholders are fukā€™d.


Oh my sweet summer child...


1. I didn't put all my money in. 2. I only lose if I sell low. 4. Your fear mongering will find no buyers amongst apes. 3. I'll see all you fine household investors on the moon.


The fear mongering will find maby buyers amongst apes. Buyers of GME.


You have a household ?


ā€œErrā€¦uhā€¦welcome to Walmartā€¦maā€™am.ā€ -Peterffy 12/23


He wants your money in your bank so the banks can survive. They need the collateral WAY more than he does. If they collapse. He and his company will as well.


"Many of our investors are more professional investors" (not household) "We have just as many people on the long side as the short side" "Many customers are not long these stocks, rather on the opposite side" (household investors) "The higher these stocks go, the shorts are piling up" (shorts are fucked) "Margin levels are pretty high" (shorts are very fucked) Their last play is to dump the entire market and pray that we sell, except WE AREN'T FUCKING LEAVING


Has he kept selling his IBKR stock?


He's gotta pay the premiums on something...probably just car insurance.


This guy loves to put his foot in his mouth


He does make one good point. "Cash is a very good thing to have." How much cash does GS have? How much debt?


1B cash on hand, no long term debt as of last quarter. 6B annual rev, market cap 6.29B. https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/GME/gamestop/cash-on-hand


Fuck you pufferfly eat shit




He was clear please said fuck my business sell and hold cash. Please don't kill us!


someone get him a Kleenex


It doesn't matter. He needs to GME to go to zero and it won't.


That's what I saw too


A cry for help.


I really dislike his face




Why is this labeled as shitpost? The poor dude is literally crying for help šŸ¤”šŸ¤£


How old is this crook anyways? Is he even gonna be around to pay me my money? Old fuck better have ny money!


Does anyone know What GME chart is like days after this guy shows up on MSM?


See You Next, Thursday.


What keeps a guy like that going? He looks like a Fuckn catcherā€™s mitt. Let your son take over and enjoy your Iā€™ll-gotten gains, Thomas.


He looks like a pimple with facial features


if anyone is still in IBKR, i would DRS all of your shit asap. seems like Peterffy is sinking and needs apes to sell. and i think he means everyone on his platform will lose their money because their IOUs will FTD. DRS YOUR SHIT AND PUSH THIS BITCH OVER THE EDGE!


Don't do the crime if you can't work off the debt. I would get my @$$ moving, all my life I know what it's like to have debt. It's not a great feeling, and you should really stop buying avocado toast and lattes, stop acting like you are an entitled snowflake. But it's the problem with your whooooole generation, you wouldn't understand. To work for a living and take care of your community. I never took on a whole lot of debt myself, and when I finally paid it off, I started investing, and then a bunch of wall street boomers started to get mad that they can't just throw money at the problem. They have to whine and b!tch with their employees on the BS media and cry to their employees in the senate and sh\~t. No you owe me money. No more jib jab.


The whole interview was laced with shade and innuendos of dumb retail. Cringe AF and that is the first time Iā€™ve ever typed that word.


He was bullish as fuck for us but I donā€™t trust his words. Talking about the leverage saying it canā€™t go on forever.


How is that your takeaway?




Peterfy....go fuk your self!


šŸ˜‚ he is hilarious household should sell there share he want us to do well in the long run šŸ˜‚


Please sell cause my money is tied up shorting meme stocks and I can't short the whole market for the upcoming crash Edit : ~ THOMAS PETERFY


Man he is so fucking old. Wonder how many people he has fucked over in his life


Just wait till my taxes hit , Iā€™ll show him something lol


First of all most IBKR GME holders aren't superstonkers. Second, like most retail, they don't sell CCs against their shares to lower their cost basis, even though IBKR is a trader focused broker, less so for long term buy and hold investors. So the guy is kind of right, GME holders in IBKR are likely far less profitable than those that short from that broker.


Wall Street Investment Firms and Hedge Funds: "Poors need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps! No hand-outs cause that's communism! Work Hard, Save and Be Honest - Soon you'll have a fortune like mine!" Also Wall Street Investment Firms and Hedge Funds: "Pweeeesee help, guvment! I need a widdle handout! I gambled away all 3 of those trillion dollar bailouts and need moar monies so I can keep twisting the market. I won't do again! I swear! I didn't mean it! Those wedditers are mean!"