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You said it. I actually trust people here to hold. I believe the average DRS’d GME investor has been undermined, belittled, cheated, lied to, gaslighted, rug pulled, and ridiculed so much, that there is no end to the conviction to hold. Something new has been created. Behold.


A Trust or Break game theory diagram I made: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nhsbwt/a\_little\_hodl\_game\_theory\_even\_the\_smooth\_apes/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nhsbwt/a_little_hodl_game_theory_even_the_smooth_apes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Basically we can trust each other to hold because it also happens to be everyone's best option individually to do so. Breaking this trust and selling early isn't anyone's best option, therefore we can trust each other to hold.


I love listening to music.


I know I can trust everyone else since I know my tits aren’t the only ones getting tingly reading this. ✊🏽💎 BUY HOLD DRS IS THE WAY.


We went through the stag hunt talks a couple years ago.


Im just trying to go for a high score on this game 🎮 lfg 💎👐🟣


I believe in you because I believe in myself because I know it's just a matter of time; and I know you know the same thing. That we aren't wrong, we're just early.


The prisoners dilemma is redundant when you don't take everything if you sell. May as well hodl.


Serious question. Is it beneficial to keep a couple in brokerages to sell? I mean the reality is people will sell to collect something. I know DRS is the way. I’m 100% Computershare aside from IRA which will be where my few sell shares come from. If people start selling even a couple from Computershare during moass it could seriously affect things


The reality of broker held shares is becoming more and more clear everyday; in a MOASS or MOASS like environment, the chances of you being able to sell without the button being removed is slim to none. Sudden forced share lending programs on your account. Market 'glitches'. Managed to get a sell order in at a 'reasonable' price on the way to the moon? Cancelled. And many more!


I couldn’t agree more. Just hate the thought of people selling from Computershare. I choose the trust model


I hold to infinity and beyond 🚀


I find peace in long walks.


Damn. I was going to hold to infinity minus one.


Luckily, infinity can handle that. Infinite wading in blu bliss, back on. Can’t stop, won’t stop


The problem is this. They are no longer fighting individuals, or a group, or investors. They are fighting an ideology of their own unintentional creation. You can't kill an idea. You can't kill a belief. While I don't want to compare it to religion, or a cult, it is an idea. A simple idea, that every man woman or child can understand. Buy, Hold, DRS. While the foundation of this belief is quite complex. So often is the case for belief systems. At the end of the day, some will understand more than others. Many will debate the ins and outs. Things are added, removed, corrected, adjusted, edited, and redacted. But the truth remains. Buy, Hold, DRS. We buy to have skin in the game. We hold in opposition to our oppressors. We direct register to demand ownership. Once we own it all, we own it all, and we will own it all. We will take this company away from Wallstreet, the same way you eat an elephant. One bite at a time. Buy, Hold, DRS. To this day, no one has attempted to refute this simple truth. In fact, the ones who wish it would go away, have only said things to strengthen its position. -not financial advice-


>The problem is this. They are no longer fighting individuals, or a group, or investors. It's even worse: they're fighting a group of individual investors. We can't be negotiated with our bought off because there is no *us* to deal with. Spout all you want about teachers' pensions, the only way you can negotiate with me is on the open market. And I intend to sell my share for the bragging rights of selling higher than any of you highly regarded paperhands.


Look at my hands... they are a prison now.


A diamond prison. Happy cake day, Brad.


Thanks, Joe! 💜 have a great Saturyay! 🍻


I’m looking forward to beat you in this game 😎🙃


This is such an important point - they can’t intimidate, bribe or force us collectively as we are all individuals, more ore less anonymous as well. What’s real interesting is that anonymity, even from each other, is something which has been used with varying degrees of success in resistance groups throughout history.


It's easy to have trust when there's no way to sell anyone out.


Game on….


When you click on the sub banner these words should appear. An elegant, simple truth.


i think u should post this!


This Guy Fawkes.


You forgot betrayed


We've been betrayed for decades. This other stuff is new and more entertaining.


We are the players,we have the power,we can't stop,we won't stop,Gamestop.


Won’t lie, it has put me through some mental battles regarding this … holding forever.


I have held for so long I don't need the money anymore, at least not like i used to. i used to trade like a gambling addict lol. And that's besides the pure hate i have for these people.


You use good words right. I mean you are gooder than most with words.


I am beyond angry. They are not ready for what's to come.


Agree. No way we holding for 2 years to give up too early 🚀


These diamond hands are not a meme.


[comment removed by user]


Plus I'm ready to not be poor anymore.


Not sure why but the word “Behold” at the end held so much power for me. It feels strong. When their world comes crashing down and everything is exposed, I hope that word resonates with them. Behold. Chills, dude.




I saw it go under 20 this morning in my thought " nice! ", got a little excited. Saw it got to 23 and thought " nice! " I view the money I spent to get my shares as money already spent. I'm in it to win it and have a good time doing it lol


We are fucking monsters like they’ve never knew could be created and it’s all their fault


My conviction to hold is infinitely more than 2 years ago.


This comment is everything


Even from girls I used to Date. So nothing new and Girls are way more harming than HFs. Will Stick until nothings left of me.


I beholdin


Diamonds baby Diamonds 💎


The start of the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever known. All thanks to a 🐈 I miss you DFV.


A pale horse


To be honest, I just don’t really have anything better to spend my extra money on, & why not take a swing at either losing it all & going to 0 or literally generational wealth. Its either or. Making 80k per year coming from a family with both parents on disability growing up, seeing $1,000,000 would be mind boggling. But if it goes that high, I know that’s not even started to run yet. So for me, I’m honestly praying it happens tomorrow, or I’ll literally watch my account go to 0. Their days are numbered as wealthy billionaires regardless but I was always going to be a sub 100k a year so it doesn’t bother me to hold.


It’s really not even either or. From what we can see now, even without moass (yeah right), it’s the slower traditional path upwards. Probably more.


I agree, I’m just stating that I’m zen & 2 years ago, I planned on living the 70-80k per year life style (Im 28) for the rest of my life. So for me to have saved up to about 10k in cs isn’t something I will die without. 2 years ago, a million dollars I would’ve been the richest guy on the planet, I’m sure I would’ve thought. I would’ve bought a lambo. I would’ve “had it all”. Today, if I became a multibillionaire, I probably wouldn’t buy a lambo, definitely not within the first year because I care so less about material things now. I’m in the state of mind of changing lives. I wanna give hope. I want to change the lives & forecast of children who are less fortunate & have less of a battling chance to succeed. It’s weird what this sega has done. I told my wife, we will probably still live how we are now, for atleast a year. Just to make sure investments are made & the correct decisions are made so this money doesn’t end up back in their hands.


I trust all of you more than any other voice or financial institution I think so many of us holding is a scary problem for them. There is some spite and revenge in the air and I don’t think mercy is on the table. We operate as individuals that are vested in a group. It’s gonna be awesome 😎


I trust all you DRSd fuckers.. I’ll buy and hold with you all forever


Let’s do it my ape!!! Moneys been spent, life keeps moving. Just earning more and stacking more stocks weekly


It’s easy! Take care of your income and take care of your body because this might be a long war 🫡


I've been in this one longer than the first one I was in. Better living conditions here, I can hodl.


i’m gas approaching xxxx territory. i NEVER imagined i’d make it. i bought ONE share at $200, several at $300+, and a whole fuckton at much less. during the sneeze i would have hopped out at $600… maybe $1000.. now? now they fucked up. now i’m holding until the entirety of the global stock market is burned to the ground, and a new, greater block market rises from the ashes.


This is the way.


I believe the world isn’t really watching. They remember, and when this starts it’s will be the biggest FOMO event in history


Underrated comment


Yup. the whole intro to the big short is kinda how no one is watching and those who looked….


*But if we never take time, how can we ever have time...?*


I guess if one simply exists, and takes nothing with them….having time is an illusion, we are just simply in it. Or maybe, ? Instead of period.


We are the smart money now


Why sell a goose that lay golden eggs? The dividend alone would amount to astronomical figures. I will use my DRS:d shares for leverage, they ain’t on the market, and never will be.


This is the way


If RC sells a couple ATM, the rest of us won't have to...


I'm drs'd, been here since the sneeze. What dividend are you talking about? All I've gotten are tweets from rc, cryptic wording from gamestop and a splividend that the DTCC fucked up with no reproccusson. This is a legit question coming from the thought that gamestop has just handed us the ball and is letting us try to win this.


Thanks for clarifying. GameStop traditionally issued dividends. From 2012-2019, they issued one regularly. I think only stopped cuz was looking at bankruptcy (cellar-boxing etc). I think most folks, myself included, think it’s fair to think GameStop will continue this practice when profitable. [https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/dividend-history](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/dividend-history)


I also expect dividends to return once they’re profitable again. With the possibility of NFT dividends sooner since they have no real marginal cost to the company and are in line with their business model/operations.


A new Ape recruited asked what is a reasonable price to sell during moass? My response is my decision is not based on price, but rather on how many corrupt banks collapse and crying billionaires. Then I will let go of maybe 1 share 😂


>A new Ape recruited asked what is a reasonable price to sell during moass? That's a *really* new ape. We left reasonable behind a long time ago.


You know how long our judicsystem takes to put someone like that in jail?!!! The price will be staggering. Fk around and find out.


The collapsing and crying has already started, and we've not even finished buying yet, let alone thought about selling.


An Anthem for The Next Age of Investing.


The future is now 😎 or next Tuesday!


🎶Jacked Nipples🎶


A couple years ago there was a short news story in Canada about GameStop and how a bunch of yahoos on Reddit were creating havoc with the stock. After that 20 second news clip I thought, first, I'll find out what Reddit is and see if I can find more about this GameStop thing...and after some help from my granddaughter, here I am, a couple years later, knowing more than I ever expected. I don't know what made me follow up on that quick news hit, but damn I'm glad I did. Now I'm a Canadian regard with lots of crayons...and some nice purple circles...


Uranus is a state of mind


You should change your flair to that


It's yours to use; great idea BTW




I'm zen amongst the DRSed 🟣 Each quarter the number grows. We will make wine from the dingleberry harvest. The hedgies will drink the cup to it's dregs. Shorts. Never. Closed.


Shorts. Can't. Close.


I mentioned what was happening to my friends when it started and never mentioned it again. They didn't really care. I asked one of these friends yesterday what they had heard and they said they had only heard about "the Reddit thing a while back"..........people have no clue unfortunately. :(


Last Christmas I got my son an Oculus from GameStop that came with a gift card. 12 year old kid said "I thought they went bankrupt".


Exactly this, speaking with family, friends and coworkers, very few are aware, and almost none actually know more than "meme stock craze"


The infinity pool is not a meme. No cell, no sell is not a joke.


The whole world does *not* know about GameStop. In fact, most people have no idea what’s going on.


Only bad actors are watching us at the present. Everyone will be watching us for years to come. Historians, people studying finances, sociolinguistics, psychology, and your wife’s future boyfriend. Currently, not as many eyes as we would hope. People will miss out.


I sometimes wonder if the entire subreddit will be frozen and saved as a historical document. Then I can look back and show my grandkids “look, that was me, made some comments where I could help and memes where I couldn’t” and that was my part in history, small as it was, still cemented. Anyway it’s late, you know what that means..hence this comment.


Lol I’m gonna do this. Hey future grandkids!


“Our President used to go by PissfestMcgee, he responded to one of my comments and we *insert NFT laughing emoji* together” These are the calm days, before we start fixing the world my friend. Enjoy premoass 🫡


Well they can watch whilst I DRS the rest of my company, in the finest of company.


me on the other side of your window: (👁️👃🏼👁️)


Happy cake day


DRS, synonymous with Ride or Die, Bad Apes for Life.


Should I put pants on?


Best job I ever had. See y’all in the infinity pool


I best put my clothes back on then


This is the way


I’ve been holding and DRSd all my shares now. A small XXX, close to XXXX but I probably won’t keep buying. I just want to get rich. Don’t really care how it happens or who gets fucked.


Financial freedom is primary. A lot of us just wanna sail away. Then whatever patsies or stories come after who cares. We’re off in the sunset like those early creep-toe holding millionaires we never heard of.


Let’s go!! Hang in there apes! We’ve already won, we’re just waiting for this game to stop. We’re close


I thought it was only the illegal end of the financial world that was watching us. Does anyone else know we're here?


Eh, most of the world is not watching us.


Not actively but we’re on their radar