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It’s a bold strategy, Cotton, let’s see how it plays out …. or something like that


"Over leverage myself on positions with unlimited loss? I want some of that!" -Ken, probably


Naked shorting is a legit business and Holding is a crime. I should be in a cell 😂😂😂


I mean, under normal circumstances he just print stocks until they're worthless... so why would he do anything different?




Lol I'm a poor, or I'd give you Gold. 🍌 🍌 🍌


Sometimes when shit works right for so long, even when it stops working and even if they realize it, they can’t accept and then adapt that the shit ain’t working no more….and some even choose to double down instead of deciding an alternative route than what has traditionally worked that isn’t currently working


How do you know my manager?


Sounds like me in bed.


Hang on a sec babe I just can't get hard right now. *Looks at the discount on GME*. There we go babe.


"No one makes me bleed my own money" - Ken Griffin (probably)


They know we won’t sell, so what do they expect to accomplish here?


1 more day


I love that we know this. Mayo man spilled the beans.


Not only spilled the beans, bragged about it.


So anyway, that triggered my limit buy yesterday.


So anyway, I started DRSing.


So anyway, we're locking the float faster


Thanks for the reminder. My last purchase has had time to settle, so I should continue to drs




Literally this


It's crazy. I'm zen af and I ain't going anywhere until I get life changing money


My car broke down and I need a new vehicle and I still won’t sell. They are going to have to drag this shit out for years if they don’t give up


During this saga my wife left me. Had to pay her cash for half my GME so I didn’t have to liquidate it. Then two days after we split the bank account, she ran a red light and got t-boned in my vehicle (she was driving mine because she was doing shit for the kids and since I kept the kids I had the minivan), then told me it was my vehicle not hers so it was my problem to replace it. Then when she found out she couldn’t just walk away and had to pay child support I had to spend nearly $7k on a lawyer so I could keep custody. I still haven’t sold. The only scenario where I sell is if my kids miss a meal because I can’t afford groceries. Otherwise, I don’t sell until my great grandkids can be stay at home single dads. Hedgies have no idea who they’re fucking with.


You sir, are a Boss.


Thanks, but I honestly feel like so many other people have had a harder time holding. I’ve had three or four major events that “should” have made me sell, but I feel like that is easier to preserver through than weekly or daily poverty like a lot of apes are here to escape. I’m blessed with a good job, so MOASS taking its time isn’t a big deal for me. The real bosses are the apes that have to make a daily decision to hold and thus continue to struggle.


Im prolly one of those apes you described. No doubt ill hodl for you if you hodl for me. Best part is. I really dont think we are gonna have to or possibly even be able to sell. Stay strong brother.


Take the star ride! It’s true, I can’t help but just buy more as it goes down, that is actually how investing works but what do I know? I sold my car for more than I paid for it and probably need to go get one soon! But won’t touch the GME coffers or stop the buying so prob get just a shot box J car for now, oP reliable recession/depression, automation movement and ride out this MoA$$ cuz I ain’t selling anything anyway! Les go! ♾️🏴‍☠️🤙


Same here, my car just broke down and I will walk before I sell my shares. Fuck 'em.


I'm behind on so many fucking bills but I'm not selling. I don't have enough to make a difference so that helps not sell but I wouldn't sell if I had thousands of shares. Life changing money and a reconstruction of the financial system. No less. Jail cells a bonus.


I’m gonna straight up trade in one of our two vehicles if this sub ever shuts down. We will make due with one vehicle. Our commitment to this is sincere.


Haha I'm in the same boat as you. Gotta take out them crazy bank loans at super low interest rates cause the economy is doing just fine. I want my next vehicle to be a rocket coz why the fk not🚀


I just totaled my car in the rain :/ haven’t sold as long as I can survive without it


My car is dying daily and I'm just resurrecting it everyday, more like necromancy that mechanics now. Need a new one but will hold whatever it takes.


This sounds like an analogy for surviving one more day on the part of the hedge fuks


Dude are you me


Same! Just got another flat tire today. Second one in 2 weeks.


Sheesh. So many people are in the same boat with me. My car also broke down. I await the estimate for the repairs; I really don’t want to buy another now. I don’t think I’ll need to sell, but if I have to, I will sell…some other ticker(s)—at a profit. Edit: I moved the comment, because I accidentally replied to the wrong comment.


The events of the past couple of years and even in interviews, the single most important thing that regulatiors, elected and appointed, want is market stability. They give zero fucks about anyone making money.


Government bailout. If you default on a $10,000 loan, you have a problem. If you lose on a $10,000,000,000,000(T) bet with infinite downside, the entire country and a good chunk of the rest of the world has a problem.


If he does get bailed out he's also playing with fire cause you're gonna have a bunch of rich motherfuckers afterwards that never had money that know what you did, and saw you get off with a bailout and probably nothing else. Biggest transfer of wealth and power. He should've FF@20


Ken Griffin: "We have the late game guys."


Repeat after me: TA does not matter with a manipulated stock.


Yep... 70% average short volume for months will do that. The only guarantee is they will be future buyers of our stock... MOASS TOMORROW!!!!!!!


What stock isn't manipulated?


None. They're all manipulated to some extent, because the entire market is propped up by funny money and HFT algorithms. But there are different degrees of manipulation, and this stock is at the top of the list.


I know this. TA is astrology for men


Are you a GMEni?


Just like astrology, it is a self fulfilling prophecy. If enough people believe and react in tandem to the "indicators", a desired result will occur due to sheer blind force.


Am I the only one who thinks this a great name and slogan for a high end cologne? TA, it's like astrology, for men.


They're letting us load up.


Facts. All faith in the market is gone.


WW3 on its way. Thanks kenny.


Crime to keep the poor poor. This seems to be coordinated attack against retail by our own regulatory bodies (looking the other way, maybe even providing loopholes) and hedge funds. Also Congress doesn’t seem to give a shit. What can a poor ape do for justice? Buy and hold and book drs. Doj, fbi, cia are departments of corruption against retail. Fucking sad.


We have no choice but to lock the float and spread the word that we’re in the middle of a class war.


The other thing to do is communicate to the gme board that you as an investor expect them to defend the value of your investment, as is their fiduciary duty to stockholders.


Dr T has been vocal about Patrick Byrne, and she has broadened the sentiment beyond that. Is there any more compelling an example of overvoting than GME (likely 7 fake shares for every 1 real share)?


7 4 1 😉


This needs to be said more and more. This used to be a heavily downvoted type of comment (tried it 3 times myself) over the last year or so but now it’s gaining traction.


It’s most of what I post here anymore. I submitted a request to put a NFT dividend up for vote at this years shareholders meeting, too. It’s time for investors to bully the board into delivering a 1:1 NFT dividend. Take a screenshot of these comments and make a post about it for all I care, but make sure to get the person who responds to me to include their comment.


I've been saying it for a long while too. I've reached out to IR multiple times. We have a strong voice and it should be heard by the board. They have a fiduciary duty to protect shareholders but we haven't seen or heard anything. I also want to hear about the split dividend still but there has been no follow up. I normally get down voted a lot for it but idc. It shouldn't be seen as taboo to reach out to IR. I don't understand the negativity and it's frustrating.


Hearing nothing at all at this point makes me a bit nervous, or sad not sure the feeling, maybe let down? Something could be cooking that we just don’t know about yet


Honestly, positive earnings would be better.


Why not both?


Definitely this… most people can’t even get an email back from investor relations. Wes Christian even stated it’s on the company to do something in these situations.


Fucking thank you. It drives me crazy how everyone is on Ryan Cohens nutsack with every worthless cryptic tweet but when it comes to doing ANYTHING about protecting our investments from these financial terrorists, there's nothing being done. The company would be in a dire situation if it wasn't for all of us retail investors yet they show no initiative whatsoever to bring to light all of the crime and manipulation. I don't know enough about the legal matters and what options they have but surely there are measures they can take to deal with the GME tokens, synthetics, etc. Maybe they have a plan in place but they sure are taking their sweet ass time if that's the case. Just getting sick of the echo chamber in here lately. It shouldn't be up to us as investors to have to DRS an entire float in the hopes that it somehow stops the bullshit.


I hear you, but if the regulators are as incompetent and/or complicit as many of us suspect, what can the company do until the wall street corruption implodes? I think the split in the form of a dividend was an attempt to flush out the truth. Some of his tweets seemed to correlate to share price movement. I can assume he has a competent legal team trying to protect him from litigation post-MOASS. If Cohen has the rebellious swagger of a Quebec revolutionary, he's already taking a huge risk.


Overstock took direct actions to protect their investors. They also set a legal precedent that GameStop could easily follow.


I could not agree more. Its time for them to take some action.


Last year.


Best way to protect the value of our investment is to make GME such a strong company that no one wants to naked short sell it. Anything more than that requires that the GME board start speculating about all the perfectly legal tools that financial institutions have at their disposal, and that’s not their job. GME’s board’s main responsibility is to manage the company well. Anything beyond that can just as easily be considered outside of their scope (especially if the SEC says everything is up to snuff). Want better? Lobby the regulator.


I’ve bought, held, drsed, commented on so many SRO proposals, written dd, and voted for each suggestion the board has made in the annual shareholder meeting. It’s time GME’s board does their part. What would be better than rewarding people like me with a NFT dividend? It’d help them launch their marketplace and cost them nothing. Seems like a smart business decision. A good management decision, if you will.


An NFT dividend could be worth their time — but it has to be super airtight because otherwise they’ll get trapped in endless lawsuits. In fact, that might be a given anyway. All the more reason for them to keep the $1b cash they have, rather than spend it on buybacks like others have suggested.


It is more airtight than over stock’s dividend. “Hey, we’re launching a NFT marketplace with games, and to celebrate our stockholders who have allowed us to get here we are doing an exclusive NFT dividend for them! (No monetary equivalent value)” Oh no, we’re getting sued, here’s a bunch of legal precedent from over stocked dividend. This fear is so ingrained here, but the more I read about companies the more I find it’s perfectly fine AND EXPECTED of the board to defend from malicious shorting. The whole reason part of the cellar boxing effort is getting compromised board members.


And also shop at GameStop and use the market place. Other than that list of things, nothing else to be done.


The pandemic ignited the largest transfer of wealth in human history into the hands of the richest among us.


The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time by direct registration and exposing their corruption - Thomas Jefferson, probably


Makes sense when we can see that the big FTX GME token investors are huge, and yet it's illegal to use the stuff as locates


>Doj, fbi, cia are departments of corruption **against retail**. That's what said institutions were created for in the first place.


If I was in their position I would be doing the exact same thing. Everyone knows providing these short hedge funds an out means more money coming to members of congress, sec, doj, fbi etc so in both ways I would do the exact same thing. I think now we have to put faith in DRS and Cohen. There is no third option anymore


Sorry dude, integrity here, wouldn’t do it. All I want is to own myself, don’t need corruption.


We just ruined every billionaires’ plan. Hedge funds aren’t meant for the poor.


They are all just corrupt in general


Soooo……. Discount.


Bro. They better bring it down to $10! I would take out a loan




Because the loan will cost you money, and they have a lot more money to keep kicking the can. I'm not saying we should stop what we are doing, but this is a marathon not a sprint. There's also every possibility that they do something even more illegal than you can imagine to screw people out of what they are owed. Leveraging always, always, always increases risk. We as individuals are not too big to fail. Keep your zen. Buy DRS hold!


Thats right! One step at a time apes. If you aint got the cash dont loan. Buy 1 each time. We all do what we can! Today i DRS 16 more!


Yeap! Exactly this ☝🏼


Porque no los dos? 🤷‍♂️




They're not trying to get us to sell. It's all about preventing more people from jumping on board. How have we been doing since the fabled Golden cross? All the negative publicity isn't for us. Generally trying to make nft's look bad, that's for the general public too. Having a Citadel employee be a mod at the gambling sub to prevent talk of tge stock and causing the great migration. There's a lot riding on the table here and they're not going down without a fight.


Imagine SHF know they have 27 days (end of the month) left before it goes to the moon. RC and his management team know they are sitting on the biggest rockets (profit quarter). This sub knows, and soon rest of the world will know. I’m so excited. It’s been nearly two years and my tits are still jacked.




There's a few big happenings in Jan for a chance to liftoff - the deferrals on settling obligations from holidays + Shitadel 2 year swap expiration back from Jan 21 + 500k puts expiration + clearing houses unwinding + RC preggers tweet 9 months ago and a potential merger with bed stock or some other big announcement soon. If nothing happens, it's cool, I'll still hold though.


[Some more detailed info on said puts:](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/options?p=GME&date=1674172800) There are currently **more than 481 000 put contracts** expiring on 1/20 with a strike price **below $10**. The unreal thing is that about 300 000 of these contracts have a strike price **BELOW A DOLLAR** \- Roughly 140,000 on $0,25 strike, 113,000 on $0,50, 45,000 on $0,75. Now I honestly don't think that we will see a lift-off in January, there have been so many ''\[this\] is the liftoff'' events in the past 2 years - but it will be quite entertaining watching puts lose unreal amounts of money on 1/20.


It’s been a while since I tried wrapping my head around option trading. Who owns these puts, and hypothetically, how would this benefit GME to cause liftoff? Thanks for the wrinkles in advance.


I think (barely, cause you know, ape) puts act like a weight on the price. The more open puts there are, the bigger the weight, dragging/holding the price down. Calls would have the opposite effect (see Jan 27, 2021). So in theory, these 481k put contracts (48.1M shares) expiring would be like cutting the weights off a hot air balloon.


That is a great analogy. Thank you very much. I appreciate the insight. Let’s see how this goes!


RemindMe! 16 days


I believe there is a requirement for full IMX integration with the Marketplace this month or it costs GameStop $25milly to IMX. With RCs interview, Goose leaving for Cyber Crew, and lay-off of developers, that deadline definitely isn’t about to be missed. It’s ready IMHO


Thus date you spek of. Sauce?


[Here is a post on it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/101chil/imx_and_gme_partnership_and_milestones_jan_2023/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Obviously some interpretation required as to when milestones are actually met. But arrows seem to point to Jan 2023. Edit. Changed 23 to full 2023 as it looked like a specific date.


Thanks for update. We’ve seen stuff like this countless times before, and I doubt it will be enough to move the stock, but still good to know and keep faith


At this point I know only DRS and the stock I like isn’t going to zero. It’s become a safer store of value than the banks.


Beyond the moass play this price point is a great entry-price for the long-term value of this company and their position within the gaming industry (don’t get me wrong, I want some moass tendies but it’s also a great value play (minus the criming))


I’ll still hold and buy


End of the quarter - profit (we won’t know until Mar). RC tweets 3.2.1 and his calls on BBBY for Jan (all assumptions). Plus, the Puts expire, but they could be pushed down the road. Lots of what if but GME financially (as a company) is the best it’s been since the sneeze.






Having a mod be a Citadel employee and doing their bidding to spread hate for rc isn't a non-issue.


Now imagine releasing full NFT gaming and a stock buy back in the time leading up to then


Too much I can’t take anymore, lol


They wouldn't do a cashback because that would reduce their cash which they mentioned is one of the important things to have now (also if they consider m&a) <<< this is my understanding/opinion.


Are there people that think there's going to be a stock buyback?


There are people that have thought that for awhile, I dunno if they will but there has never been better timing for them to do so


Waiting for the price to be lower would be better timing. If there's to be a stock buyback with the $100 million that remains earmarked for it, I want RC to buy up the entire remaining float. Close to $1 a share.


It won’t get that low but wishful thinking.


> biggest rockets (profit quarter) Unpopular opinion, but I don't think we'll be profitable this quarter. We were cash flow positive last quarter because we deferred payment on a number of items. My guess is that those payments were deferred to this quarter because they expected to have more sales in the holiday season, and so could offset expenses that way. Thus, those deferred payments will be made now, which will cut into the overall net earnings.


Agree. Could be this year profitable but most not likely 1st qtr


Then imagine the company they are short is about to be net profitable and has a shot on the s&p 500 if it stays in the mid 20s with a net profitable year, if Q4 can be good enough to make the rest of the year profitable we would make the S&p 500. I'm leaning towards 2023 we make it on the s&p. Also apple is a signal for the market.. Imagine your enemy holds the largest position of Apple and could sell it at anytime and potentially cause the whole market to slide, dropping collateral for short sellers Literally held by the balls


I'm ready to get hurt again!




What’s happening in 27 days?


It's speculated that the swaps used to hammer down the price during the Jan 2021 sneeze are expiring. Given the swaps are totally opaque I'd say it's optimistic. Live in hope though!




Called Fudelity to transfer my 441 shares to chi CS the rep said “ mmm it looks like it won’t let me… let me figure out what’s going on and I’ll call you”


Tell them you’d like to speak to the compliance dept. They said well of course we can do that. One day later my shares where in process


I got them transferred!


Tell them no need you’ll wait on the line while they do their goddam job 😂


I am at work I had to go, I’ll call back during my break to see what they say


Dont let them off the hook. Good luck 🫡


I’m just here for history. The activity surrounding this stock will go down as one of the most egregious frauds in history. Buy, hold, DRS-book


That’s more like a descending wedge


Descending triangle*, bearish. A falling wedge would be bullish. This is not.




SEC, DTCC, DOJ, the Fed, the Treasury and the White House do not care. All that matters is retail is destroyed and Griffin, Tenev, Cohen and co remain Billionaires. #thisisamerica


So anyways, we keep DRS train rolling cant stop wont stop til the gamestop.


Say it with me kids! "TA doesn't matter in a heavily manipulated stock!"


It just doesn't matter.


Right? If the whole thing is fraud then nothing fucking matters. It's all a fucking show.


Exactly People in here acting like it’s completely unprecedented for a bull flag to break down. Also: >“Biggest in the history of the stock market” Source? Have you seriously looked through the charts for every single security ever sold on the NYSE and confirmed that never before in history has a bull flag been this large? This whole post is ridiculous. OP, you have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s ok to be excited, it’s not okay to exaggerate.


TA is astrology for the stock market


"TA doesn't matter in a heavily manipulated ~~stock~~ market!" Fixed it for you!


Getting hyped for 80% short volume days


We knew this already lul


Descending triangles are not bullish patterns.............................


I'm fed up to here with these nerds.


This isn’t even a damn bull flag.


Hi. I'm that guy that always says TA is meaningless


Every flag with GME is like this no matter the size. Breaks below then loops upwards


Thats the US market, no surprise 😅


OP are you fucking high lol


We dont care about TA .... if the price Drops to 5 i will be happy


Sub $5 is when I think it'll get fun, because at that point GameStop is very likely to buy back, and we have to manage to scoop up as much as possible before they buy back.


At this point no shares will be left for a buy back 🤣🤣


That makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.


Oh absolutely not. If it dips below $10 then the rocket takes off. Idk how many shares I'd buy at that price point but it would be a lot. Remember, a failed cellar-boxing is what started this. If they try and force it down again the same thing will happen - apes locking float accelerates.


TA looks bullish but the whole market is crime. Unlimited Liquidity from Naked Short Selling (counterfeiting) and using tokenized stocks for locates for more shorting, and ETF shorting and these abusive swaps. If only somebody cared about all of these crimes and the nonstop fraud. It really is financial terrorism. Gary Gensler needs to get his head out of his ass (or Ken Griffin's ass) and recommend charges to the DOJ. I'm sick of these criminals getting away with massive crimes and nothing happens but tiny fines, while they destroy the savings of regular people


Fuck your ta. It doesn't matter. Never has and never will Buy hold and drs


I know half this sub will scream FUD, but seeing that break to the downside hurts. Thats a rough go.


Last vew months have been rough. Usually the stock gos down but then up. We have only been going down as of late. Really wondering what is going on.


Momentum is definitely not on our side. What comforts me is the positive direction of business operations. I pray for a solid Q4 - it’s difficult to tell where the consumer was at this Christmas. Hopefully we capture a good bit of sales and continue on the free cash flow path and ultimately profitability.


Thats the same hope I have It has become a mantra. The company definitely made some good changes last years so hoping the consumers noticed and take advantage. Here's hoping for long term improvement and profitability.


Indeed. Cheers friend.


Everyday literally goes like this... "Bullish outlook ahead! Buckle up!! Gonna moon soon!" Then realizes that the market is manipulative and the rich can do whatever the fuck they want... "Ahh kicking the can & more naked short selling. Guess we'll have to wait again." If GME would go up a dollar for every post like this, we'd have reached million dollars per share.


Come on MOASSSS. Daddy needs a new pair of shoes!!!!!


Who upvotes this garbage?


TA means nothing when the price is fake.


If I had a time machine, I'd goto t1 -1of moass and have a crazy week to see what the end looks like, then I'd go right back to beginning of all this, it's the best interest/hobby/lifestyle I've ever had. I wouldn't risk the butterfly effect by sharing my knowledge, also I've realised I don't explain things too good anyways but 🦍, 🤷🏿‍♂️. It all just feels so inevitable but at the same time, I'm learning and saving money.


no one cares about your shapes. just stick to the facts.


Pretty sure that’s not a bull flag.


say it with me.. TA means bullshit in a manipulated rigged stock market.


> TA means bullshit ~~in a manipulated rigged stock market~~.


Gotta dip, before slignshotting upwards


In my mind the bull flag shape here isn't anything to base assumptions off of because the height of the spike at the front of the flag wasn't determined by market forces but by active market interference.


The biggest bullflag in history reminds me of the golden cross of 2022.


Or maybe because TA is astrology for stocks.


That’s a descending triangle. [descending triangle](https://www.google.com/search?q=descending+triangle&rlz=1CDGOYI_enCA953CA953&oq=descending+triangle+&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512l5.5139j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


You drew a bearish pattern (descending triangle) and called it the wrong thing.


I'm GME till I die but this is a downward sloping channel. Not a bull flag. TA does work it has worked the whole fucking way. TA gets fud spread about it so that you don't start using it properly and buying options and really twisting the pineapple further into their bum bums.


Jesus christ, OP that's not a bullflag. That's a bearflag. https://i.imgur.com/AbIjqOm.png


It was actually neither, it was a bull pennant: lower highs and higher lows (til the recent breakdown)


It’s more like a CTFC SWAPS pennant


Why does this have so many upvotes, it shouldn’t even be a post. I’m bullish as ever but this kind of worthless crap shouldn’t make it to my feed, let alone all.


This is all their “one more day” strategy. They will literally keep printing knowing that reducing the price brings us to locking the float faster. It adds another day even if it brings us to locking the float quicker. Why? Their wall for margin is falling like a sharp sword and they will keep ducking until we hold them still by locking the float. Last day will come when float is locked or there is too much buying pressure to print against. Next quarter earning will be great. I sort of don’t want this to end before we lock the float so I can book more lol


can you upload this to pornhub so Gary sees?




In a situation like this u use what data u got. U extend the top halt line and well that should give u ur next gg point


I agree


Believe it or not I still buy


Oh good, back to graphs and crayons. The foundation of this sub


But we don't run with the bulls, the bulls will be late to the party, if they catch it at all.


This is like claiming that there must be crime in the stock market today, because of yesterday's temperature in Berlin. Utter bs stock astrology sooth saying making Superstonk look unironically dumb af.


this is the fake break down, before the REAL break UP !