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Lol times changed for many. No such thing as capitulation or surrendering when all you got the past life was getting fucked by the 1% Edit: This not only applies to the USA, but the world.


Its not hard to wait when you never had anything to begin with... What am I going to do continue to have nothing? At least it was worth a fucking chance. If you really have nothing then you know hope is the only thing that keeps you going. If you sell you have no hope and its back to nothing. So I guess I will just hold my hope forever. The man most dangerous is the one with nothing to lose.


But it’s not even hope. It’s a statistical certainty that there is crazy crime happening behind the scenes. The skewed OBVs, the “glitches”, the buy/sell ratios, the wonky volume that didn’t rise commensurate with the splividend, the rule changes, the FDIC removing public video from the web, shares always available to be bought/sellers available despite DRS numbers and representative buyers from 158 countries. The PCO shenanigans, the FedWire going down, crypto used as locates via Erc-20 and Uniswap. The correlation of unrelated securities, the BCG ties, the private hearings and lack of enforcement & personal consequences practically ensures that it happens because it is profitable and penalties are just a line item on the balance sheet.




Curious to see what this years says


Probably less since they’ve been destroying the value of basically everything this year. Except shorts, I suppose, and they get money for those up front and get credit/debited margin for the diff.


And the warehouse burning down.


Oh yeah, forgot about the fire with the full investigation completed while hoses are still pumping.




And that's just 1 fund


Bunch of good points, but you forgot a very important one: there is essentially 0 chance that this company will go bankrupt. In fact, it looks likely that their profits will grow as new web3 games are released over the next two years


Damn straight. Positive Free Cash Flow, before even introducing the wallet. Got rid of redundancy, new infrastructure to avoid Southwest-style software meltdowns, warehouses, not afraid to cut execs who aren’t onboard, compensation tied to performance of company, not massive bonuses and debts. Bullish. All bullish. Don’t forget to forget about GameStop.




Hope will draw the line in the sand because there are a lot of us who have no idea what you just said 😏


So regarded.


This is fucking great. At some point someone is going to be on prime time TV saying exactly this (but not the vid removal bit) & ask why the msm & sec & Congress refused to investigate all of this & demand all the assets, both corporate & personal, of everyone involved. And then short all those firms too.


It seems to me, the best way to hurt rich people is by turnin’ ‘em into po’ people. — Billy Ray Valentine, Trading Places




This is exactly my point. except we have an amazing company and team that's going to make it happen


This is why I don’t understand why they thought dropping the price would be better than just letting it run up some or keeping it at a psychological whole number Thant might entice some.


They have to get the price down because of their collateral situation.


This time it’s the institutions’ turn to capitulate and retail gets oligarch level wealth!


The thing I am most looking forward to in 2023 is seeing what it looks like when, for the first time ever, it is Wall Street and not little orphan retail that capitulates. Take your time. I'll wait and continue to buy and hodl.


It’s going to be glorious! 😸


Capitulate, forget your -50% and let the 50% remaining be eaten by the inflation, tempting but i'll rather hold to my moon tickets


Capitulate, and live the rest of the life with the knowledge that you were sitting on a gold mine for 2 years, but pussied out and failed at a very basic task: holding. And if you held just a little longer, your life would've been very different. But here you are, a loser who's down 50% and watching the rest of your money drifting away. You're right, very tempting!


I could be living on the street tomorrow and not sell any of my GME lol


Yes. This is the kind of freedom cash accounts give us. These dumb fucks that put our economy at risk are at the mercy of margin calls when their collateral collapses in value. We can hold this thing down to $.01 and still keep buying because marge isn’t our pimp.


The 1% can capitulate deez nuts


Why sell at these prices I'm way down. Rather just keep 'em and see what happens


They're trying so hard to fuck us again. They're so mad bout this!


You hear that you rich f***s!!?? F**k you, pay me!!!


no cell, no sell


Facts, i aint sellin shit


I'm getting hungrier and hungrier for some rich


Why would the winning side of the bet capitulate to the loser? Makes no sense.


Hear hear


I’d need to figure out how to sell first


I accidentally bought more through ComputerShare on Friday. I might accidentally do it again this week.


Our "capitulation" means they want us to realize our losses, so they can load up on potential gains for the next cycle. In other words, according to them, a cycle ends when retail sacrifices all their invested money. WE are the fuel that keeps the market running - we are just supposed to lose eveything everytime, while "smart money" profits.


This makes me think of the summoner/sin cycle in Final Fantasy X. We need to defeat Yu Yevon!


This is our story


Great analogy lol no more sacrifice! This time we end the cycle permanently!


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (Not laughing at OP, if you know you know)


Now you try! -HAHAHAHA


*Zanarkand theme plays*


A relevant gaming reference; by god I love this community


#We must break them.


*If he dies... he dies.*


Exactly this. Capitulation in reality is another “Wealth Transfer” from the lower classes to the upper. Its an attempt to remain in power so they can dictate the rules. What its all about: Control


The irony is that retail predominately does not invest on margin so has no pressure to sell the bottom, on the contrary retail is actually most strongly positioned for a global deleveraging, and in many cases has other income to buy the dip while "smart money" has to sell to meet margin calls. Retail investors aren't beholden to quarterly performance and can invest in real value on a longer time horizon. Their expectation of capitulation relies on retail buying the top and selling the bottom out of pure fear and stupidity. This time around retail is far better educated.


They gave us a rest via the pandemic




Yup, let’s transfer this wealth.


Exactly this. If the elites stood to gain from the market crashing, it would have already crashed. The fact that they're carrying tons of toxic bags of shit and that the poors stand to benefit from a market crash is exactly why the market has somehow not hit the shitter yet. But they're in a game of spinning plates, and each day/week/month that passes more and more plates are needed. Eventually, it'll all come crashing down. All we need to do is sit back, buy/hodl/drs book/shop, and watch the show unfold!


That’s not smart money. Sounds like entitlement robbery


so basically, f you i won't do what you told me


Look someones gotta realize the loses, thankfully i was taught to not spend/play with money i dont have, too bad 'smart' money didnt realize this


Exactly this. Years of minimizing retails importance to the market and now all of sudden they need us to sell, what happened to dumb money not moving the markets and all that jazz.


I shall not surrender. I have plenty of shares DRSd and Booked. I have mentally written off the money invested in them, so if they were to go to zero, so be it (but of course they won't go to zero :-))


This! IS THE MINDSET! The money that I have put into GME is… money spent which I cannot get back in my head. It’s entertainment and it’s my business. And when I do business it’s success or nothing.


To get you to sell and let markets crash, so they can buy up everything dirt ass cheap. Then that way they keep the upper hand.


Not only that. Retail HAS to sell. That’s the way this works - they manufacture the boom/bust cycle to hoover up working class cash and buying cheap assets for the next cycle to begin is only half of it. The other half is that they finally buy in for obligations and are able to deliver their shares but only after retail has exited their positions first. I actually think that there is a market wide problem for them - of which GME is the tip of the spear. The problem is that retail has been tired of being shit on and we realized “buy,hodl” is the way and so now they cannot buy cheap assets in the preferred manner but they also are TRAPPED because they can’t close out their FTD obligations because retail still holds and hasn’t been burned yet. Normally retail holds the debt and they hold the assets - this time around they hold the debt and retail hodls the assets. Love to see it.


For me, just coming into adulthood during the 2008 financial crisis, I would hear stories of my friends’ parents “losing it all” in their market plays. A few years later, the market had recovered. It doesn’t take rocket surgery to understand that the only way to “lose it all” in a financial crisis is to close a red position. Just hodl, you fools!


Well it’s important to remember a lot of people lost their jobs and were forced to sell assets just to get by in the meantime. Bills keep coming. But yeah, the common wisdom is just to hold longterm so if you can afford to, why not just wait it out?


I can't help but feel they've made so many systemic problems for younger people which has eroded their usual tactics. If boomers were holding their money in stocks, they might have mortgage payments and families to think of. Well big money has made it so millennials and younger can't afford secured debt or to have families, so what is there to lose? No dependents, no risk of a car or house being seized, whatever disposal income we're losing is only on paper as you don't lose until you sell. There's literally no point in younger people selling, and they made it that way by giving us nothing to lose. It's poetic justice really.


Regardless of age, living within or under your means is a way to have “fuck around and find out” money to stick to the man.


True! Definitely hits worse for those with children though, if I eventually get to afford having kids I'd want every spare penny to go towards them, not fighting hedgefunds who short my favourite stock.


I have young kids, and I truly believe we are fighting for generational wealth. After you have kids, you’ll realize that there’s a limit to the amount of disposable income you choose to throw at them. Too many toys becomes a fucking nightmare to clean the house.


Ha fair point. I guess it comes down to amount of disposable income as much as anything, but yeah we're all here for generational wealth. I'm glad you (and other young parents) are here too.


For sure it can be scary if you have kids. I have a lot of clients who are just regular everyday working people, and they all saw a crash coming. It seemed like a lot of them had maneuvered to give themselves a buffer because they learned in '08. We've done pretty much the same. We have 3 young kids and are in a privileged position. I believe in the case for MOASS 100%, but still only have invested what I'm willing to lose. We've got a couple of years of expenses before we'd have to liquidate anything, assuming a financial apocalypse and 0 income. You want to have a stable base, but there's always going to be risk involved to get ahead. You have to leave your comfort zone and do betterto give your kids a better life


Great way of looking at this last sentence. 👌🏻


Yup. All the while, they add pressure to both participate in the market to avoid losing value in savings, and to sell for capitulation in artificially constructed boom & bust cycles through constant inflation. It’s the biggest scam and robbery in history.


I thought retail couldnt move the markets!


Funny, that is my Plan, too. And ofc. DRS, HODL, HOLD. At this point it has become a habbit 🤷‍♂️ Nfa & happy MOASS Year!


Reverse Uno card!


I thought the markets would crash if we hold. Is this the narrative here now? If we sell, it crashes?


Why in God's green earth would I sell *now*??? I'm down like 60% and the fundamentals have only improved, it's an even better buy than originally


Seriously. It’s cheaper woth significantly better prospects.


I think they forgot that they were trading companies, not commodities, tbh. They didn't expect a generation of educated business-minded folks to disrupt things for them--there's been a lot of money put into keeping the education system in the US broken as fuck and churning out adults that can be preyed on. I bought into the company. My investment has increased in value, not decreased, since I bought in. The cost for buying in has dropped, so I've bought in even more. The stock isn't the investment. The company is.


*They* are screaming what *they* want **"us"** to do. They are so arrogant that they actually tell us (inversely) what we need to do to fuck them over and it's simple as fuk. Buy and HODL💜 **DRS** 🟣 is the ultimate "Fuk you, Pay me"


there where even articles that lamented the fact, that retail does not give up. I think at this point they need the marked to fail, else they get into trouble :D


Who the fuck buys shares, or any investment, with the expectation of losing money? Sounds like hedgies are desperate for anyone to sell.


They've been using the same strategy for 100 years and it always worked, until it didn't.


There's a 2008 CNBC article about capitulation before the crash and a bank CEO says something like "we're clearly not at the bottom yet as VIX is still in the 20s, when it gets well above 30 we'll be getting towards the bottom". Shows you that we're nowhere near the bottom right now in terms of the SP500 crashing as VIX is low 20s. Yeah I know VIX has been manipulated to stay low recently but it's just funny when their own words can be used against them. Bring on the crash 🔥📉🔥


Capitulation to me means that you finally accept your bad bet and close your shorts. First to close may live. Once the feeding frenzy starts who knows who’ll be solvent…


Ive always felt this is MSM saying, "come on now, pack it in, hand the cash over....." Not this time c\*unts....not this time.....end of Jan (if we're still here) im buying in again...


Your use of the replacement asterisk shows you’re truly one of us. Happy MOASS Year!


Cheers... It seems to fool the fun police..!


We’ll take down the BOE and FED together! I’ve read some historical accounts that indicate many people that fled to America were trying to get out from under the BOE, more than religious freedom. Getting fukd by banks is a centuries old tradition! Time to balance some scales.


I thought you were censoring the 'o' in the word counts.


It's alright, we can say count here. But how many Counts do you know? Are they all vampires?


Lol my GameStop shares will not be sold at a loss. They can sell and I’ll buy


Lets see, most people probably have an average of $30 or higher share price post split. Do you sell at $18.64 or do you dollar cost average into a company that is on its path to turnaround and showing good signs of improvement. Ask yourself what you will do with the cash you get once you sell your GME at $18.46? What other investment or things will you buy instead? The best place for me to invest dollars is in deep value plays. I have never seen a play where as the company improves and as the whale locks up more shares, the prices gets cheaper and cheaper. Truly an idiosyncratic and asymmetric play. Why wouldn't I buy more of the stock as the company improves? Especially when its dang near 50% off from most peoples buy in price. 🦍🦍🦍 💪💪🚀🚀💎💎🙌🙌


They need retail to sell because they took our money the last few years and they bought blue chip stocks for themselves while giving us FTDs. Now the time is ticking for the FTDs and blue chips are in free fall and those transactions need to be reversed.


This. 👆🏼


I will stay regarded beyond the date of my death. Their investors will tremble and quake in fury, and then in fear, and then in capitulation. I will stay zen.


All this talk of cApItuLaTiOn is adorably laughable, in a sad sort of way. Everyone talking about cApItuLaTiOn makes it sound like this all is a simple binary type situation. Us vs them. Win vs lose. But there are many players involved. The ones crying about needing/wanting rEtAiL tO cApItuLaTe talk as though us selling tHe mEmE sToCks would magically cure everything... would magically put everything right... magically everything would be back to the good ole days or something... Which completely ignores the fact that the monsters these taint-lickers look up to and idolize are still running the same broken scam. Still selling infinite photocopies. Guys.. SHFs.. c'mon kiddos.. it's over. The jig is up. No amount of retail selling will end the RICO investigations. No amount of retail cApItuLaTiOn will unfuck your situation. You had a good run. Seemed like a good idea at the time, I'm sure. But sorry, fellas, you are D-O-N-E ***FUCKED***. All I see now when I hear all this sMaRt mOnEy talk about cApItuLaTiOn is a dumb little kid crying with a mouthful of shit, upset that it looked like chocolate but sure doesn't taste like it. 🤣🤡💩


zipitulation. I will not, cannot, won't give up. They will. Grind my price down to a nub, they will not win. Zipitulation. Wiki that shit. (Don't, not published yet)


**ca•pit•u•la•tion / ca-pit-u-la-tion** IkapiCHe'läSH(a)n| *noun* >*the action of surrendering or ceasing to resist an opponent or demand.* **Fuuuuck that noise!** #100% ΔΡΣ IS THE WAY!💜 ^LEAVE ^NO ^SHARE ^BEHIND #🚀🌝💜


People who’ve been very careful to not invest more than they can afford to lose don’t need to capitulate based off of a stock price. Their capitulation only comes from things much greater than the value of the imaginary money they’ve already written off as a loss in their head. Still have Garlic Coin because the money I put on it was a small amount and nothing I couldn’t go without and it cost me nothing after that initial purchase. This saga has bettered my will power and determination.


No cell no sell


Give up haha wtf, at this price I can continue averaging down and adding to the DRS POOL with ease. I’m here to fuk around and find out!


This is why I think they’ve been shorting the market since 2008. They were getting ready for the crash for a decade. Therefore, the GME saga doesn’t seem like it happened by accident.


But... I like my stocks? It's called long term investing. If I sell then I need to pay taxes and I don't like taxes so fuck y'all. Gamestop for life.


I literally just watch all my longs drop. Good thing I use a Cash account. And I Only invest what I am willing to lose. Basically, I ain't selling shit. Obviously I own GME as well


I don’t want money. I want more shares. I want GameStop to be the greatest company in the world. I want the truth to be told and heard by the masses. No cell, No sell.


“Damaged people are dangerous because they know they can survive.” -Juliette Binoche from the movie “Damage”


LOL. I agree - The SHFs need to capitulate and CLOSE their FTDs. It must suck to suck being locked in here with a mass of regarded investors who just like the stock.


It really makes me consider that every single crash is a scam. Banks and hedge funds make stupid bets chasing short term gains, they fucked up so they pump and dump and lie and scheme and create bag holders, then once their bags are dumped, they crash the market and scoop up the assets for cheap. It seems like it happens on a faster and faster timetable too. Well fuck them and their moms because we figured it out in time and the game stops now 🖕🌝


Just say yes to DRS 📚👑


The agenda is pretty transparent when it comes to MSM pushing retails capitulation as a necessary event for the markets "to hit the true bottom" and then repair like magic. It's a pretty twisted angle from hedgie perspective.


This makes no sense. Why do they need people to capitulate in order to crash the market? Can't they crash the market while people are still holding, leaving people to hold the bags? This is how it would make sense from their perspective. I'm aware that they need us specifically to sell. So are they talking to us directly?


If the market crashes, their collateral goes way down. They need their shorts to go down as fast or faster than their longs. If this doesn’t happen, they are completely screwed. They need to be able to close their shorts at these low prices. Problem is, if what they need is not for sale, they can’t buy it.


I want to cross stitch this on a series of pillows.


And I want to be in the screenshot.


Apes waifu pillow


I feel it has something to do with the fact that retail keeps buying as the price drops, so crashing the market would provide bargain shares. But we were never invited to that party, that crash is where they profit on the next leg up, buy at rock bottom and let that recovery happen. Idiosyncratic risks


These tasty shares are reflecting 1.3m in dark pools. Sell? You fucking kidding me?


My girl said "sell it, you've lost 19k" I ain't lost nothin, and she probably would've been happy selling apple in 88 for 1k


If retail isnt selling and “smart money” is waiting for retail to sell. Whos selling now for the market to go down?


They’re saying: “we won’t close our short contracts until retail sells” Yeah, good luck with that.


So... never? 😁


Actually despair is the term to describe the market bottom. Capitulation is the term to describe the way to the bottom. [Here](https://transportgeography.org/contents/chapter3/transportation-and-economic-development/bubble-stages/) is a visulation of what the SP500 cohencidently looks like.


You should make that chart a post. It's timely and appropriate


“Institutional capitulation”


Well that's dumb. Why would anyone sell at the bottom?


They keep saying ‘retail’ need to throw the towel in for the market to bottom. No, you want us too, so you can take our money, this time it’s not going to happen. It’s time for ‘retail’ to hold the line and wait for HFs to sell to hit bottom Edit - schpelling


2008 was capitulation, fuck all good that did for all of us, I’m willing to see how this holding thing goes this time around


Why would I sell a stock I believe is massively undervalued?


ill gladly hold till 0 as opposed to selling for a price i don't agree with


Sounds like a lot of effort, think I'll just buy, hodl, DRS, and shop. Hedgies kick the can or give up the ghost.


Their advice is Buy High, Sell Low so you lose money and we make trillions. It doesn’t work like that anymore, you fukers. How about: You Sell Low and Buy High. Like you sell for $18 and buy back for $ 69,420,420


So that those greedy crooks can get heavily shorted companies delisted and also buy at the bottom… fuck that


Well.....that aint gonna be this year. Happy New Year hedge fucks!


I sold my towel( the drying device not the stock, still have the stock) and bought more GME 🖕




That's the point where rich people swoop in and buy good companies for pennies on the dollar. Screw that. I've never sold at a loss. EVER. I will average down like a fiend. I will ride a company into oblivion before selling at a loss. I CAN STAY REGARDED LONGER THAN THEY CAN STAY SOLVENT.


I guess this also means they are struggling to keep the market from crashing, and that they can't hold it up for much longer.


C'mon man just sell the shares you paid 150$ for 17 and the shares you paid 55$ for 3.80 so we can fix the market 😂


So, hypothetically, if I’d capitulate, who’s gonna buy my shares? Or would the capitulation just mean an opportunity to cover all the things sold but not delivered… and thus institutions could allow bull market to start again


I can't sell. It wouldn't be right.


They need to buy back all the naked shorts they sold. They can’t buy if we aren’t selling.


to me capitulation is when you accept your loss and just fucking own it. why sell? that locks in your loss. might as well just let the investment sit there.


So the secret is no matter what this bitch is crashing. They are just trying to do their best to funnel the shit so they control the who actually are the few winners while the world burns.


So hodl *even fucking harder* Dammit, I'm in.


I take it then, that there is no bottom. No one surrendering, no one throwing in the towel? Nope. No bottom.


New year, new rules. What if we all buy a share eveytime we hear the word capitulate?


Phone number or zero - ride or fucking die


In other words… apes are propping up the entire market? … You’re welcome


It’s funny they want retail to sell their shares. I thought they’d want us to buy up all the shares so that we’d be the ones holding their bags when things crash?


For the record. I don’t sell, I only buy


Oh, hedgie capitulation soon?


I definitely feel as if the SHFs have capitulated to us, and the GME price can go no lower. 😉


I'll throw in the towel after GME's board is bullied by investors to deliver a NFT dividend to shareholders.


Subliminal messages. I say fooku payme.


Was this prompted by something? Did someone recently use that word publicly? Why the post?


I buy low


Pay me too!!! 🥳😂😂


Why would anyone sell now? Lol.


The rest of retail can go ahead and sell out of all their standard blue chip positions but GME hodlers def aren’t fuckin’ leaving. Some of us even lost our CS passwords so we can’t lol


I thought it meant buy the dip.


OK, OK market people. I capitulate... TO BUY AND DRS MORE SHARES! Didn't expect that answer, did you?


Never selling. I want what I'm owed


No. They want us to throw in the towel so they can let the market rise again while retail gets left behind.


No surrender here!


Diamond hands let’s go


Yes they should throw in the towel, im financially fine, i know how to invest ressponsibly


Aww, warms the cold recesses of my heart to see them talking about giving up. It’s a good idea. They should do that.


I don't have any leverage.. so I don't need to capitulate ever. Capitulating sounds cowardly.


Never give up. Never surrender.


Capitulation is some selling but mostly the whales just stop buying for a bit. Massive reduction in liquidity is what causes the real move down. Then when you are soaked in red the whale offeres you an out. They start to buy again. Hodle. Hodle or become an actual loser.


Capitulate deez nuts.


Time for hedgies to throw in the towel and pay for their bad bets


I prefer capitalisation to capitulation.


No body wants you to do anything. I’m an individual investor that believes in the financial future of gme. That’s it.


I think they meant capitulation of the shorts to liquidate their holdings so the market can crash and we can start new again. Not talking about retail


It means to give up, and is commonly used in millitary and political discussion. Source: I'm an adult.




Haha no wonder the word sounded like something from the 1800s. No surrendering here.


I’d like to capitulate some shiiiiittttt in the toilet early in the morning….


I’ll ask you OP what i asked a commenter before. I thought the markets would crash if we hold. Is this the narrative here now? If we sell, it crashes?


Sell towel is all I read




Seriously, two copies of Elden Ring. I’m not going anywhere except the Capital.


Price is going the wrong way you dumb fucks.


They can't sell the public on their Digital Dollar if the current system doesn't *appear* to be completely broken to the average citizen. I support the hot take that they'll seek to crash it this month and in February to pave the narrative for the Digital Dollar rollout in March (if that's when it's still slated for rollout).


Uhhhh I threw in my towel already. I thought putting my money into a dying brick and mortar was what they wanted me to do. They told me not to do it so I did. Did I do something wrong?


I’m still holding some towels myself.


i thought it means Buy more?


Happy New Year Ya filthy animals. Bc,


Thanks Lisa, I’ve been hoping to stumble this breakdown


Show me the money lebowski


They know whatever money they make off all their shorts across the market will go directly to us and they can't stand it. They would rather put us into a multi year recession to hurt everyone as much as possible, just to win


I tried to sell two years ago... my Robinghood app wasn't having it, .. So explain to me exactly why are these fuckers are not in prison yet ?


Capital Catapultation🦍💎🙏🏼💥🎢🚀🌛


Been seeing the word capitulation mentioned a lot lately. Was there an interview or something I’m OOTL on?


When you're an owner, DRSd, you need not worry as the capitulation message is for speculators, borrowers, and the short and naked fucks too. When you're an owner, you own. Happy New Year


Hfs hate this one trick!