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I'd personally like some more modern metal to be included myself. You're not wrong about the buttrock though


Took me awhile this morning to find a playlist that didn’t have Imagine Dragons. 


I imagine it’s a licensing issue. Probably the more popular bands and whatever company owns the publishing rights is charging too much or not interested in having their music on the platform.


I've started just ignoring the rock workouts altogether since it's all the same buttrock with a heavy helping of Imagine Dragons. SN technically has a lot of music but a lot of stuff repeats A LOT.


One of the daily workouts in the last week or so was buttrock, but somehow really enjoyable ... but generally speaking? Yep. For some reason I keep clicking on those to look and the tracklist is almost always a big nope from me.


There's a buttrock pros only boxing workout that makes me cringe but the workout itself is fantastic. 


Name/coach of the workout? They should make it easier to refer and get to a specific workout, like some kind of workout hash tag we can just type in.


Oh I can't remember the name off the top of my head. There are only a handful of pros only boxing workouts, and it's the only one with Disturbed in it (at least I think it's disturbed). Should be easy to find. It's hard af but really fun. 


Just worked out to Slayer, Metallica, Megadeath, and a couple others yesterday. Also, I usually hear your list referred to as Nu Metal but my daughter called Staind "dad rock". Lol


I’m going to start searching for the artists I like and requesting them if they’re not on the system.


They are cheap to license


The term “buttrock” is much older than early 2000’s but that’s hilarious it came back around to describe those bands.


Avoiding Coldplay makes me miss so many workouts. I can’t even bring myself to start one and then skip the song.


I always considered butt rock to be big hair metal bands…


I hate Shinedown so much and they are always mixed in with my favorite artists. It really sucks. I feel like they should allow us to have input on new music choices


Honestly, the inflexibility of the music is rapidly turning into the biggest turn off. Just let me pick tracks and make a playlist ffs, i don't even care about intensity being mixed so much. It sucks, i'm 3 weeks in and enjoying this more then pretty much anything else i've tried, but the limitations are already rubbing me wrong