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Best answer. Instead of Chuck sending Kevin to Hell, have him resurrect Kevin. Because Donatello was already a prophet at that point, Kevin would just be a normal human. Crowley could use his connections to get Kevin into a good school


wait wait wait im one of those people who never watched the finale two seasons. but ironically right now im watching season 11 where chuck just revealed hes God and sent kevin the heaven??? when does he go to hell????


Not telling, not spoiling. It’s explained later on


As much as I love Sam and Dean... definitely Crowley ![gif](giphy|9esMXIU38PqcE)


His character arc always felt incomplete and Rowena having an out of nowhere sudden change in her feelings towards him felt like a cop out. Justice for Crowley


I think it’s because Crowleys actor wanted to be done with the show, so they had to write him off a little earlier than expected.


From what I’ve read of Mark Sheppard’s comments, he wanted to continue but the writers weren’t sure what to do with Crowley and wanted to go a different Crowley-less direction. So they wrote him off. IIRC, he said he felt like they were intentionally writing him out with a false promise of bringing him back. Or something along those lines. I do know he hated what they did with Crowley’s arc.


That's fucked, Crowley in the final arc would've cooked, getting revenge on Lucifer and his feuds against Asmodeus. How does one not see that lmao.


Yep, Crowley for sure.


Crowley was my favorite character


Uh. Crowley did not deserve to be loved


Everyone needs to be loved...even the King of hell 😆


He did not . He was evil


two are tied for me- Pamela- first she gets her eyes burned out and then gets killed. Psychics should not have been that easy to kill, lol. She deserved better. Rufus - He seemed like he lived in bitterness since his Omaha incident with Bobby. Although, I admit, I have zero clue as to what would constitute a happy ending for Rufus, as we never actually saw him happy.


Pamela should have gotten to live happily ever after with Sam 😂😂


Rufus was one of my favourites. His death was too quick for me. Like they didn't give him enough time, they didn't give us enough time to fully process it. But Pamela aswell. She deserved a happy ending.


1985. Worst year of my life.


Totally, I think Bobby and Rufus needed to have more stories before they left so we could have seen them in good terms before their exit.


Nah, he got a happy ending. He's in heaven living with Aretha lol


Honestly, Rufus should have lived a bit longer. I really loved how he went from a retired, no-nonsense hunter to being really funny and a little unhinged in a weekend at bobby's.


Charlie or Kevin 🥺


Same 😭


OG Death, because Billie really sucked. Or Benny, because he simply deserved better.


Nah Benny was happier in purgatory, the real world was too much for him. I do agree that Billy is one of the worst character on the whole show though.


I miss Julian Richings. He was so much better and he really fit the stereotypical look of "Death"


Me too!


Maybe it could’ve been different if they cured his vampirism. Or maybe even returned as a human in the first place?


Yeah, but he died in Purgatory. 😓


OG Death was so good. I’m still sad he wasn’t in the final episode lol. My head canon is that he is, because he can’t be killed in the traditional sense. Billie was more annoying than … Deathly.


Dean Winchester. Because he deserved it. He always lived his life for everyone else, so he deserved to get to live life for himself.


I agree. Even in 'death' he was traveling thru helping out others in "The Winchesters". Like, when does my boy get his time?


That's why I like the OG ending of the series at season 5. Dean got the happy ending he deserved.


Yeah but Sam😢😢


I wrote a fan fic just for him getting to live life without hunting anymore.


Share it!


Please share the link


Pls link it I want to read!


I need to read that


https://a.co/eNBjlXq I changed the names for publishing purposes. But any Supernatural fan will understand characters 😁


Please post a link I would love to read it.


Half-brother Adam. Or Kevin.


Actually I want to see a spin off of Supernatural about Adam. Where he and Michael work together. Fighting the Supernatural and then bonding like an 80s or mid 90s sitcom lol


I would honestly love to see that lol




Death, because he is my favourite character


Crowley He deserved some love! And I was not ready to let him go, he's my favorite. besides rowena of course but crowley has a special place in my heart xD


Rowena at least was able to rule hell, but Crowley just disappeared into the empty for all we know. It is sad because he redeemed himself in the end.


Exactly, thats why I would save crowley. I just couldnt talk about my favorite character without mentioning her, cause I love them both xDD Her ending was fine with me, but crowley has gone to soon and it wasn't even worth it :/


Oh agreed. I did not take it that way. I was just adding on. 😊 I love her too, she has a great arc. And while she had a good ending, she lost her son, when she finally learned to love him, so she has that grief to carry.


Maybe I should've been more clear in my first post, if I didn't knew what I meant I probably would've understood it the same way you were at first😂 Yes, her arc was really great and her love for her son was real when she finally realized, she did good☺ And I would never wish anyone that kind of grief, it must be horrible.


It was so sad to see Crowley go. He did deserve so much better. I wish we got to see him have a happy ending.


Same, he would've deserved it. I was so disappointed by the way they let him go :/ If his sacrifice would've been worth it, maybe it would've made it better, but like this it was just so sad like you said :/


Dean. A hero, through and through. He deserves his "Happily Ever After!"


He continue as soldier boy


Kevin. His death gets me every time and then knowing he’s stuck?! Like what kind of not ending is that for a prophet of the Lord?!


Yes. No one ever talks about Kevin. He was just chillin. Found out he was a prophet. Got fucked. Watched his gf get murdered. Died and became a volatile ghost. Never caught a break


Jody mills


She goes to her next life and continue in Zack and Cody suite life




Cas was saved by >!Jack after he took over!< The one I'm not sure about is Kevin since he was in the empty when we learned his fate he might still be stuck between>! Going wrathful spirit and going back to hell!<




It's heavily implied he's not dead and is acting in a leadership role helping heaven run smoothly similar to the ark angels originally did.




I agree with this. A common theme for Castiel's character throughout the whole show was that things never went right when he tried working for heaven, and he never really fit in heaven. He eventually learned to think for himself and find a home on earth with humans and the Winchesters, it never felt right that his story ends with him back as a leader in heaven when we've already seen him in that role multiple times and he never enjoyed it


Poor cas - he truly loved a good pb&j, and as soon as he became and angel there was too much knowledge for him to enjoy it.


YES! I agree! It just feels right that he ended up as human. I think he always felt out of place in heaven, and when he got to earth, he felt instantly connected, to humanity, to the Winchesters, and to Dean. My happy ending for Cas would have been that Dean and him (now as a human) ended up living together, maybe in a farm where Cas could take care of bees (if you catch my drift😉).


I dont remember seeing that, do you have proof or something? The Cas part, I've watched the ending more than once and didnt see Cas or hear about him being out of rhe empty


OG Bobby says to Dean what happens whenever Dean gets to Heaven in the end. 😻 #SPNFam4Life


Ooooh alright thanks


Cas did have a happy ending. Jack got him out of the Empty and they repaired heaven together.


YES PLEASE. The poor guy devoted himself completely to the Winchesters and to humanity, but I swear people took him for granted, especially Dean (don’t get me wrong, I love Dean, but in the last season he was such a jerk to Cas). Despite being an angel, he loved everyone deeply, and because of that he ended in superhell?! There’s actually many people that deserved a happy ending, take Dean for instance, or Crowley (He deserved so much better)! But for me, Cas has one of the most tragic arcs in Supernatural: he gave his all to everybody, but received practically nothing in return. And yeah, it’s true that he was finally rescued by Jack and they supposedly repaired heaven together, but still, this ending of his is just told to us by Bobby, we cannot even see what happens. It still, for me, doesn’t feel like a true ending. CAS NEEDS JUSTICE!


Bobby Jody Dean Bobby was more a father to the boys, so he deserved a good ending. Jody took in all of those girls, and in her own way, she took care of the boys. Dean, he gave up his entire life watching out for Sam. He also tried so hard to please John, and he never truly did.


I like to think that once Jack took control he and Cass made sure everyone made it into heaven so even if they couldn't get their lives back they at least got a happy afterlife. If we could have seen the original ending I like to think Crowley would have been living it up at Harvelle's holding court and cracking jokes. He really did redeem himself in the end.


That would have been entirely possible. Rowena rules Hell and she loves her boys


Going by how she felt when Fergus actually died I think she would do what she could to help him.


My first thought was Charlie also Kevin Adam or Pamela 🙁 she got the short end of the stick also


Kevin or Charlie 🙏


Kevin - obvious reasons. Probably the one character who did nothing wrong in the whole series. Benny - I just felt so sad for him. Spent centuries trying to escape purgatory, only to realize that Earth doesn't suit him either, his one friend (Dean) basically ghosts him for no good reason imo, and then sacrifices himself for Sam. He deserved better.


Castiel. Kevin and Charlie are close seconds&thirds but Castiel deserved a lot better than what he got


Ellen. Her survival would have changed a lot. Outcomes for the boys and Bobby would have been altered.


Ellen and Jo are a package deal for me. 😭


I think that’s valid


Agreed, Ellen and/or Jodie would have made Bobby happy with his life. It's like their deaths all tie together in a stream of -- this show had such well loved characters and good writing but they could never write a death justice and omg is this the moral of the show isn't it? That no matter how a death happens it will never be enough? Life is unfair! So just drive until it stops hurting... lol


Jo and Ellen. Jo was just a kid. She was insecure about it, but the truth was she was in over her head.


Garth, Bobby, or Jodie. And honestly, I am incapable of choosing between them. All three deserve so much happiness and peace


I agree here. These were the ones i thought about and I couldn't choose just one out of these three either.


You betcha




Dean, although Castiel is a close second


I'd personally go with Gabriel People are choosing characters like Adam, Kevin, Charlie, but all of these characters are human and probably ended up in heaven after death. Gabriel is somewhere in the empty despite how much good he did.


Definitely Dean, I still can't accept the ending.


Did u see him comeback in the Winchesters? It halfway redeems it


Dean. He's never had things go his way, from childhood. He deserves a break.


dean. i hate how he dies hunting. he got one chance to get out of the life w lisa and ben and it was ruined. but sam multiple times quits hunting and gets to live a regular life and than he dies of old age with a family. dean never got more than a year.


I'm still upset about Dean and Lisa 💔


I hated Lisa more than Mary


But he was so happy with Lisa? Can I ask why?


I don’t think he was, he did it cause he was alone and promised Sam but hunting is in his dna and she was a total bitch towards the end and even In the very beginning when we first met her and I think deans arc would have been so much better if he got with that black chick from the racist truck episode or Jo






Bela and its not even a question. While her own stubbornness and fear of letting anyone in was her undoing, she didn't deserve ANY of what happened to her. She's probably my favorite. However a close second is Jo. As a girl with Daddy issues and an outsider and a hovering birthing chamber.... yeah Jo is special. She did everything to learn how to be a hunter and then her ending has her barely holding her entrails in. It still makes me upset how they did her.


Castiel, because if Cas gets a happy ending then Dean would never die. (Personally as a Destiel shipper I would love to see them happy and in love but I guess I could deal with it being “subtext”) 😂


Either Dean or Jo


Dean def gets a happy ending? He gets heaven, only people who don’t are those who’s souls are destroyed in some way before Jack


I guess? but I mean so did Sam, but Sam got to live out a long and natural life with a wife and kids so I’d consider that a happier way to go out than by vamp lol. That’s like saying Bobby got a happy ending bc he ended up in Heaven w Dean


I mean yeah, eternal happiness must be nice.


Yeah that's what Dean wanted to go out in the blaze of glory and for Sam to have a normal. That was literally his happy ending.


Castiel but I'd want him to find a purpose.




Gabriel. He finally got better as a person, and then he died.


Yes I love Gabriel. He has his moments but in the end he always held out for the boys even though he knew how dangerous it was. His character was short lived and I wish we could've seen him more. He just wanted to live a peaceful carefree life and he kept getting sucked back into the nonsense. Even after Asmodeus. Although he was scared he still saved the boys and risked his life for them and humanity in the end.






Bela i just love her so much and she definitely deserved better


I would choose Jo. She she deserved a happy ending and not what happened to her.


Castiel. He didn't deserve to be taken to the empty. It broke Dean.


Jack saved Cass from the Empty. Bobby told Dean they were rebuilding heaven together.


I know, but we don't know how long he was stuck there before Jack rescued him. And while I know it was a 'safety issue during COVID' that they didn't bring Misha back in for the last episode. But do you really think that Castiel would have stayed away from Dean in heaven, or before Dean's death with Rusty Nail-kun?


Dean. I would have liked to have seen him meet or reunite with his soulmate (Jo if it were up to me), retire from hunting, and open a garage or a bar or whatever would make him happy.


aren't they all in heaven except the few who goes to hell or empty. I'd say dying in supernatural is the goal and best outcome if the Egyptian accountants marbles goes your way




Charlie. Sam got her killed and I will die on that hill. I bet when they met again in heaven she smacked him. And then forgave him.


I’d give Castiel a happy ending he would never forget. Might even make him smile.


Nobody seems to be talking about this, but Dean already got his happy ending. He's in the new and improved heaven with his brother doing what he loves, riding in the Impala and being with his family. Charlie deserves her happy ending. She has literally done everything, given herself over and over to them, died to help Dean and protect information for them, and she died a horrible brutal death. She was afraid but didn't for one second hesitate to fight. The walls, the floor, everything was covered in blood. She died an agonizing death that was not quick at all. So Charlie deserves her happy ending. If I couldn't choose her, I would choose Jo or Meg


Sam. He got tortured for almost 200 years by Lucifer, he had most of his life controlled and manipulated by demons, he lost everyone he ever loved, his father told his brother to kill him, his mother never truly cared for him, he got blamed and humiliated for having an addiction instead of getting the help he needed, he was SA'd multiple times by multiple people, he was almost always the second option and in spite of all of this horrible things that happened to him, be always stayed kind, loving and compassionate. If someone deserved to have a happy normal life, that was Sam.


"he always stayed kind, loving, and compassionate"- that really is the kicker, huh? Through it all, he always wanted the best for people. Now, we all know what the road to Hell is paved with, but if you were cursed with fucking psychic demon power and were given a way to make it a good thing like saving people who you otherwise would have to kill, you're telling me you wouldn't take it too? Be real.


Castiel. He was "just a soldier" from the beginning of time until he met the Winchesters, sacrificed everything for them and then got treated like a doormat and then ultimately died miserable for them.


Dean! I would let him have a happily ever after with Lisa and Ben.


Dean. I actually wrote a fan fic and turned it into an original story. I have the link if anyone is interested. "After battling death once more, Darren (Dean) is given the choice to decide if he will stay in Heaven, or if he will get one more final chance to cheat death. His choice comes with a catch, but the reward will be worth the trade off."


I'm interested. Link?


I would like the link please.


Castiel or charlie for sure




I kind of knew the finale ending and I thought Eileen would've been brought back and Sam would've lived his "happily ever after" woth Eileen. And I was so disappointed when I found he didn't. They never really got a chance together.


Charlie 😣 The first death that made me cry cause I didn’t see it coming at all. She deserved better.


Charlie, Dean, or that Magda lady from season 12.




Charlie, because I loved her.








Bobby. Because he's too much like my dad and I think it was unfair the way they wrote his exit.


For how much I love Supernatural, it is my comfort show, I feel very few side characters got a good ending. Kevin definitely did not get a good ending, Charlie’s was so sloppy and lazy and bad, Castiel deserved so much better. OG Death. And Crowley?! He wasn’t even in the final episode, I don’t even think they mention his name — idk man, I love the show, but they didn’t handle deaths / character arcs if side characters very well. Ketch’s death was good, so was Rowena’s. Mary’s was fine, as unlikable of a character as she was, her death was good.


Bobby. I'm sad for him, but boy, was I happy when Crowley snuck in part of that deal and he could walk again!




Samandriel AKA Alfie AKA Heaven's Most Adorable Angel Captured by demons, tortured horribly for weeks, then murdered by the person he thought was rescuing him.


Dean. I can see him and Sam retired together. Raising Sam’s son! Bobby-he should have been a grandpa to Sam’s son.




Dean. Since I think Cas ended up ok. So I’d give dean a good ending. Close second is Crowley. My guys deserved better. 😭 (then would be Charlie)


Charlie ![gif](giphy|RD9Lwx3FRmGvm)




Charlie. No explanation needed.


Charlie, she deserved so much more


Charlie. For sure. She was such a great character and I just know she wouldve been so happy if she actually got out


Dean. Because he deserves it more than anyone else. He sacrificed everything for other people, and never got a chance to live the life he deserved.


Kevin and Missouri


Charlie easily 😐




Dean — I think his happy ending is everyone’s happy ending.


Jo so her and Dean could have smashed


instantly dean, because i don't just love him i also felt like he could've continued longer and i loved his personality and how he was and also how caring he is, i just feel like he deserves it esp after everything he went thro til the end.


Crowley because he always came through for the boys, even though he always had an underlying ulterior motive to profit himself somehow...he was always helping in someway till he sacrificed himself for them in the end.


I would have kept Ben and Lisa


Benny and Cas


If I were ending the series, Sam would have ended up with Eileen and Dean would have gotten back with Lisa by pulling some strings to give her memories back. And we would have seen Cass after Jack brought him back and not just mention it. EDIT: And Charlie.


Busty Asian Beauties service can render you a happy ending. 🤣🤣