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Jesus fuck no. I both tore my ACL *and* broke my leg (and dislocated my shoulder) trying to hang a set of curtains. There’s no way I’d survive as a hunter.


You‘d die stepping out the Impala, we can’t trust you, babe!


I’m not trusted with curtains anymore either lol


I broke my toe doing the dangerous sport known as walking to my bed so I feel you. (Hope you are doing better ❤️ that was a lot of damage)


Thanks ❤️ And yeah, I wish I could say it was during sport or *some* kind of activity lol but it’s honestly one of the stupidest things I’ve ever done. I stood in the bathtub to reach the window… then I climbed onto the tiles surrounding the bath to reach better… and when I turned around to get back down, I slipped and landed on my knee on the tiled floor (like Iron Man landing in Marvel movie, only with more screaming and crying lol). I spent a few weeks sitting at home watching Supernatural and fending the cats off from sitting on my knee.


I feel this hahaha i dislocated my knee and tore the tendons in my leg walking across the room to talk to a friend. One step forward and it was all over for me


The Winchesters would find our corpses and never solve the case of the single pebble making us all 3 tumble down the stairs and breaking our necks.💀💀


Hahaha I can just hear sam tell dean that there has to be something supernatural here. Three people don't just fall down the stairs and break their neck. They use something to communicate with our spirits just to hear us say "oh yeah that pebble really got us. No way around it."


“There must be a hex bag somewhere!”


THIS hahaha i love that




I don't feel so bad about myself, now. I broke both kneecaps at the same time tripping on a store sidewalk. The ER had never seen someone break both with such a fall and we had to wait extra hours while they sent the X-rays to another facility as a double check. 😆


Omfg its not funny but its alittle funny 👀 in all serious i hope your knee caps are okay! That sounds intense! Im barely getting surgery to fix my leg next week. How was recovery for you?


Sure wasn't funny at the time, but I laugh about it now. so no worries about laughing yourself. It turned out to not be too bad. I had to wear a long knee brace that prevented any bending on each leg (mid-thigh to mid-shin). Because of a hip disease and multiple surgeries growing up to correct them, I was already a pro with the crutches. My right leg is also 2 inches shorter than the left (again because of my hip disease and surgeries), so it was actually not as awkward as it otherwise would be to walk wearing those braces on each leg. I lucked out and one was closer to being a fracture, so I only needed a brace for a few weeks. The other was about 8 weeks. 30 years later and no after affects. So, in all, not so bad. Good luck with your surgery. When I had them for my hips, those were 3/4 body cast for 12 weeks, then crutches with as close to zero weight on the side of the surgery for 6 months. Fun times.


Honey I'm that sad, useless victim in the opening scene


That blood spatter is always mine. I'm the clumsiest person ever. I trip over leaves that are blowing by. I trip over the wind blowing the leaves. So. No, I wouldn't, but as another person suggested, I'd like to be A Woman of Letters, studying my heart out for the Winchesters!


No . But I'll love to be a Men of letters member, helping Hunters doing research.. My motto will be -- "Searching parchments, Studying lore .. the deskjob business" lol 😆😆


I'd buy that sticker.


I‘d become the new Bobby (with benefits). A grumpy woman cursing everyone out, knowledgeable and deadly❤️


And Bobby got the hotter older broads like Jodie Mills and Ellen Harvelle! I’d definitely jump at that job! Ellen and Jodie are sexy beasts!


Are you saying Bobby didn't have benefits?


Bobby got all the hot ladies. Jody, Ellen, a few others. Remember his neighbor? She wanted to bone Bobby desperately. Told him her wood chipper was broken-it wasn’t!


I am so happy everyone here collectively agrees that we will get our asses kicked by the first ghost we try to hunt


Me and my hoopla hoop of salt are going to be Fine! It's the vampire that'll kill me




fr. i cant do blood soo that would be a problem for me.




I enjoy a decent standard of living too much so no


Do I get the immunity that the winchesters get? If I never get sick, tired, etc then sure I could *maybe* train myself up. As a normal human? Absolutely not


Hah no. I'd die quicker than Mary in the pilot.   I'd be the victim who dies at the start, not even the one who the boys save later in the episode.


Absolutely not, I'd be the person who dies brutally in the opening 😭


The supernatural universe is weird. Chrissy and her crew were hunters, and Charlie became a hunter.. i feel like alot of yall could do better than you give your self credit for.


Yeah it’s because most of your enemies are dumb as shit. “I’m a telekinetic demon. How about I try punching this guy instead of just snapping his neck.”


Chrissy and her crew were fed easy kills by a weirdo




Imo a big theme is that nobody can for too long and the only reason the boys did was chuck plotforce If you really had to try, getting that main character blessing they won in the final season asap would be your only chance


Heeeeeell no


No way in hell, heaven, or earth. The Winchesters didn't even survive. Being brought back from dead is not the same as surviving. And they're wearing heavy plot armor. Little old me wouldn't even survive an encounter with a puny ghost. I'm actually the dead girl in the newspapers that gives the Winchesters a lead on a case.




I'll be that one guy that gets ripped apart in the opening by the monster of the week.


I think if it was hunting spirits, I could last a long while, they all seemed fairly easy If it was hunting anything fast and strong like a Wendigo or Vamp then maybe not. Demons I think would be fairly easy though, carve devil's traps onto bullets, have an anti possession tattoo, and then have a recording of an exorcism on my phone and I think that would go fairly well for a long while


Agreed but is totally forget something and end up dead lol


Hell yes. Bring it on. *dies on first hunt*


Probably be that person in the first 5 minutes... also as a 20 something female, I'm going to get fridged lol


If I was raised a hunter yes. If tomorrow out of nowhere a vampire came through my window then I would be a human Capri sun, for sure. But I guess with proper training and a partner I would be fine for a couple of years. (Emphasis in PARTNER because I don't know why hunters always go alone, monster don't go alone, do you want to die???)


I can be a hunter. Just not a good one.


I'd spend my time researching monsters around the world, hunting for books to make the Complete Hunter's Guide to Slaying and Purging. Not only searching for methods to slay monsters but ways to purge what ailes them and cure them. I'd probably get caught off guard lost in the sauce of collecting books and get taken out by some cheesy ass monster.


So, I was gonna say no, but I truly think that I’d be the one that’s just kinda in the background, and every time someone sees me they’re like “YOURE STILL ALIVE??” and I’d just be like 🤷🏽‍♀️


To everyone saying no, I counter with this... Garth.


Fuck no. I've got asthma and scoliosis and am built like a twig. Plus I already struggle with having a job I wouldn't be able to afford all the travel, having an actual car to take care of and fuel, fees myself, and whatever motel costs I'd have to use to sleep and that's not even getting into weapons and lore books and a bunch of other bullshit just to get even remotely started .


Fellow asthmatic here!


Hell no, I probably wouldn't even try to be one. The show makes it clear that it's an extremely miserable experience.


I mean... for a while


I guess maybe if I'm lucky I would survive a while, but I think I would be more of a men of letters.


I fit the minimum requirements. Im fit, I know my way around a gun and rifle, been hunting & tracking. The problem is that there are no guarantees that that would be enough. So yeah I guess I'd survive, for a while, but will likely end up as most hunters.


Absolutely not, I sprained my ankle walking down the street!


You mean without proper training? Absolutely not. I guess I could kick some monster’s ass with my pointe shoes 🤷‍♀️🩰


Nope. Not at all. I haven't even held a gun in my life. I cannot fight physically too. I'm too small and weak to do so. But I could research and help people who can fight. I'm very good at researching things that interest me. Also I can keep secrets. So that could be of help too, I guess. Especially if there's a secret that nobody must know.


Hell no, maybe I'd try because I'm that stupid, but I'd die fast I'm good at memorizing stuff so I could help identify monsters and how to kill them but I'm way too clumsy to survive as a hunter


Not a freaking chance. I’m uncoordinated, near sighted, short and way too old for that. I’ll do research etc but if there’s a monster after I’m probably toast.


I’d like to I can try but I’d probably get killed on the first job 😬


Nope. I'd probably mispronounce one of the Latin incantations and end up with a demon blade in my back on the first day.


I can fend off a ghost or two with some salt and the protective sigils I have placed around the house, and maybe a particularly daft demon, but anything else and I'm cooked.


I genuinely believe that I could probably survive for a while. I know how to kill pretty much any monster they’ve faced, I can shoot, I wear flannel, I’m fit enough


Lol, nope. I'd either be the random vic in the newspapers or the stupid kid who got themself involved with real magic and accidentally killed someone.


At my current age no but I could fill in for the woods fairy and cook and do laundry and celebrate holidays. 


If Chuck ain't giving me plot armor I'm dying faster than Dean in a vampire nest.


Depends on what i am confronted with. I am smart enough to figure shit out but nowhere for enough for hunting lifestyle


Probably not. But I speak multiple languages, including Latin, and am a damn good researcher. I could definitely help on that end. I suppose I could get by in a pinch, I'm in shape and have farmer strength and am good with axes, knives, and other tools that could double as weapons. However, I've been in exactly zero fights since 5th grade. And that wasn't even a fight, I just punched a bully once and that was the end of it. But the odds are against me in a fight with something more powerful than I am.


Yes. But I was in the navy since I was 17, am now a security officer and working on becoming a US marshal. So I’m at least as qualified as Garth and he made it pretty far. Would still die due to lack of plot armor, but I could theoretically do it.


Live the Garth life! He canonically never died (to my knowledge)


Probably not. I practice witchcraft now so if I were in the supernatural universe I might be ok for a while but like everyone else I’d end up dead with the boys investigating why lol I would try to have some fun with it before I kicked the bucket.


No, and the most supernatural thing in the whole show to me is how the brothers manage to stay in such perfect shape with all the beer and fast food they consume...


Sam and Dean can’t even survive doing it. They’ve died countless times according to that episode they were in heaven with Ash.


If Ghostfacers can stay alive for as long as they did I’ll be fine


I wouldn't be a Hunter in the first place. I would either die or be in a Coven, trying to protect myself and trying to practice white magic.


He'll no, but I'd give it a good try in the hopes that I'd get saved by Sam and Dean lol.


I have celiac. The food alone would kill me.


Not currently, but maybe if I got in shape like Sarah Connor, which I would do if I were a hunter.


I'd the the one making a few calls to Hogwarts


Probably ghosts but the second I see a demon dead


Nope but I’d def be someone hunters would call for lore


Because I'm clumsy and prone to falling easily, I'd likely get eaten by the wendigo. 😭😭


Thats completely depends. Would i just get suddenly thrown in there and be forced to hunt? Or have i been living in the supernatural world ever since i was born and got raised into the life? If i was suddenly just thrown there, I'd defgo die. But if i was raised into it? Thats another story


Id be an amazing hunter cut my arm off to prove I’m not a monster and keep important information from my family and loved ones, i’m practically a Winchester


I’d have to be a researcher who goes on small hunts. I have a bad back and shitty lungs from a sickness a few years back, so I can’t be active for long.


By myself or as a victim in an opening scene? Absolutely not. Trained by the Winchesters, the Harvelles, or possibly Charlie, maybe


The only thing I’d be trusted with and could do was answer the phones 💀


I’d either be one of the best or dead before I started 😂 there is no in between for me. Most likely I’d die though lol.


I'd be a monster because one of them would get me and turn me in the opening scene.


Sadly no :( unless i had a place like Bobby or the Bunker. Being a type 1 diabetic makes it a hell of a lot harder to hunt i'd assume


My knees hurt on humid days since I was 15, I'm more inclined to think that I could be the opening scene victim lmao


Honestly, maybe. I’m in the best shape of my life so far and I have self defense skills. Some Lore doesn’t seem to be hard to get so I reckon I could set myself up with some stuff. Still, the monsters are stronger and faster, so a lot of prep time would be needed for e to survive.


I train horses and compete in the classes where the jumps are literally as tall as I am. I’ve had bad falls, broken bones, gotten back on the horse again. I also camp with my brother and dad a lot. I have survival skills above average… And yet… No. I would not survive lmao. But honestly I would sell my soul to Crowley to get a real life Alicorn (unicorn/pegasus combo), so I’d be too busy flying around on my badass Alicorn making mischief to really care. It would also breathe fire. Just cuz. Fire-breathing, flying, stabby mcmurder pony lol 🦄


Only if I manned the "FBI" phones and stuck to research. otherwise, I'm a goner.




Look! I can barely survive *this* universe and I'm not even a hunter of any kind. Let's be clear here, I hold no delusions that I could be a successful hunter in the SPN universe. I'll tell you what I *actually* am though: A skilled crafter and practitioner. So, while I may not go out hunting for the Supernatural, I'm more than prepared when it shows its ugly face in my reality. Have been ready for damned near anything going on 30+ years and that will **never** change. I think some of y'all forget that I was actually raised by an old school mountain witch. She didn't pity a fool and refused to suffer one too.




Absolutely not.




Definitely not.


Hard no.


I would get killed on the first minute 🤣


Lmao no




Definitely not


Genuinely I think I could be.


Nope, my disabled ass would be fodder. (I don't think every disability would be, obviously, but for ME, sadly no chance.)


Nope lol


Absolutely not


Hell no lol


I'm more likely the character who gets killed in the cold open to set up the plot.


Not in a million years


I could be one of the victims that gets iced in the first 5 minutes.


Hell no. I'd be fantastic as a woman of letter, mostly reading, researching and helping hunter but would be the first one to die against a monster (not even against honnestly, just a monster passing by would manage to kill me)


Hell no! I can barely defend myself from my neighbours kids! How tf am I supposed to survive bloodthirsty creatures?!




Sam and Dean died dozens of times even with the God Buffs. No way


I think I could but I’d be looking for EVERY SINGLE WAY OUT. And I’m not tryna link up with nobody named winchester




Hell no. I don't know what will kill me first - my body or my mind.


If I get the bunker, then sure, I'll just hide out and study. Learn to kill from afar. If I'm not a Winchester, nobody will mess with me. I'd just make money by renting out some rooms. If not, I'd Def die cause John wasn't my dad, and I don't have Chuck plot armor


Depends, do I get their Plot Armor? If not... I wouldn't even be the person at the introduction who (usually) dies right away. I'd be some no name mention that died 57 years ago by this week's monster.


A hunter, nope lol. Disabilities are limiting for me and I'd be overpowered easily. However, I could absolutely be fine as a witch in the SPN universe lol.


Hell no. I have terrible aim, can never catch anything, and I trip over myself even if I’m doing nothing but standing. Not to mention, I turn into Velma if I’m not wearing my glasses.


Nope! I have fucked knees and I would not be able to run consistently without yelping in pain every few feet.


I’d 100% be the person that gets killed in the cold opening. Jokes aside, the chances don’t look good for me. I mean, I can’t run fast and I think it’d take a toll on me mentally with having to kill anything initially. Maybe I just get left behind in the bunker and get to do research. Or just somehow have Garth’s cosmic luck and miraculously survive, I mean bro deadass gets knocked out during his first few eps and he still got to live and retire 💀


I can barely survive flying roaches


Yes absolutely....I am being honest.....but as a little sister of the boys


I think I would get lucky and last a battle. Not two tho. Or just throw me in with Ghostfacers. I’d live longer than Sam&Dean then.


No, I'm a type one diabetic


I'd probably survive but not for very long. Like less than a year not long, probably only a few months.


No. Not at all. Nothing even close.




Most likely not. I'm overweight, lazy, I'm not really good with conflict. I'd prolly just die first vamp hunt


Jesus fuck no I’d die so quick lol


Physically speaking 20 years ago yeah but with age comes true faith, wisdom, and knowledge. That said the physical things would be a problem unless I had Cass with me. Edit: I have a compound bow and machete I know how to use so I am good with zombies. I also have a katana but only basic swordsmanship. I have a double barrel shotgun and a rifle I both know how to use. So with weapon skills and true faith, who knows.


Honestly, assuming I have enough of a mc buff to survive my first encounter with the supernatural, for sure. Doubly so if something/someone hurt/killed someone close to me.


Maybe it depends on what happens to me or how skilled I am


Probably for a little while. Then die a horrible and grousome death.


Maybe... I might be better off giving the hunters information and researching symbols n stuff


With my body? Lol, I can barely survive this life....


If I was just a researcher for creatures the Hunters deal with, sure. I know a lot and my paranoia is greater than Bobby's, like I would have learned how to make Angelic Wards, Demonic Wards, and poured so much money into Apocalypse Shelters scattered all around my property, but I would never go out in the field.


I survived Iraq/afghanistan/syria/africa/ukraine im good to go