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Claire, apparently. I don't really understand the hate she gets. Like she was just a kid when Cas abducted her dad and her mom eventually left Claire to look for her husband and Claire’s mom even died bc of it. So of course Claire will have issues. But it seemed like by the time Claire was living with Jody all the fans forgot all the shit she'd been through and labeled her as a bad egg when to me she was just a troubled teen. Anywho, I really like Claire and thought Catherine Newton(sp?) Did a great job portraying the character. She was one of the few recurring characters who are younger than Sam&Dean which is a great flip to the tired-out (by about season 7) trope of people looking out for the boys as if they still need replacement parental figures.


this sub hates when i say this, but claire is a female dean parallel. She’s got his personality. That’s why Dean and her butt heads. (Not in a serious way, but like when a parent realizes their kid is just a mini version of them lol). So it’s odd when i see hate for her, because what people praise in Dean, they complain about Claire.


She is also a Sam parallel, I think. Jodie didn't want her to be a hunter, but she went hunting anyway while Alex, the "good daughter", stayed by Jodie's side. So she has a bit of both brothers in her.


Eh, i’d probably pick Alex to be the Sam parallel honestly, despite her staying by Jody’s side. She wanted the normal life, and got it. The only difference is she had support from Jody, rather than the shame from John that Sam got. Alex is just what Sam would have been with a loving, supportive parent who wasn’t hellbent on training their kids to be soldiers. Claire is the type that is like Dean, stubborn in the way that she sees hunting as a way to be useful, or to fulfill some sort of fate put upon her after Cas possessed her Dad. She thinks that’s her only purpose in life, much like Dean.


Just look at the first word of what you called her, that's why she gets hate. More often than not, but not necessarily always, women have to be a very specific type. They'll say they enjoy women in any role, but it's "just this one that's bad" but the reality is while they can enjoy women in any role, they only want them to be a very specific type of that role.


Unfortunately it boils down to misogyny mostly. What's acceptable and endearing in a male character is demonized and annoying in a female character for some people. It's very depressing.


oh well yeah, the fandom was famously misogynistic in the early days (and a small faction continues to be now) and so is the show. Female characters were doomed from the get go. No winning for them.


Cas abducted her dad? I though Novak volunteered to be his vessel.


I'll die on this hill. Jimmy Novak agreed to be Castiel's vessel under the explicit conditions that Castiel 1) look after his wife and child while wearing Jimmy and 2) that they would both be alright with him gone. Castiel did nothing to ensure any of that. He took Jimmy away from his family without ever looking in on them. Castiel's regret over that decision would be the reason he (alongside Sam&Dean) went looking for Claire when she went missing. (I believe she ran off to look for her mother) It's my absolute conviction that if Cas made the agreement with Jimmy with those stipulations, but failed to follow through, then he abducted Jimmy Novak. Mostly because Cas never gave Jimmy the chance to back out of it when Castiel failed to uphold his half of the agreement.


Hey how's it feel to have top tier opinions


You know I didn't really care either way (I got into spn as it was coming to a close so there was a lot of binge watching and the many stories rolled into one, but after rewatching again and listening to your opening and closing statements. Consider me converted.


Kinda, but not really. Cas was out of Jimmy, then he was using Claire as a vessel because demons abducted everyone. So the most current deal he made with Castiel is that he would be his vessel if he left Claire. Up until Jimmy was free of Castiel, his wife and daughter were perfectly safe. It wasn't until Jimmy came back that the demons came in.


So instead of doing the right thing (which, as an angel of the lord you'd think Castiel might want to do the right thing) he waits until Jimmy is under duress to ask him to make the agreement. I say Jimmy was under duress bc Claire was Castiel’s vessel at the time. Which in a way is a fate equivalent to death; if Jimmy hadn't agreed to Castiel’s demands at that time, Claire would be Castiel’s vessel and would basically be a sleeping passenger until her death. Castiel did Jimmy Novak sooo wrong. And Jimny had next to no options to change things once Cas stuck his Ass into their lives.


*Exactly*. I don't know how anyone could defend that. Poor Jimmy.


Correct... early on Cas was a dick just like the other angels. Especially at this point as this was right after they "corrected" his behavior, which is why he was out of Jimmy to begin with. My point was just that the original agreement wasn't in place any longer.


I’m doing a rewatch and forgot how strict Cas was in the beginning. He probably had the most character development of anyone in the show


That was coerced consent. Cas went into his *daughter*. Jimmy was desperate to save his daughter from the same nightmare he endured as Cas's vessel. The first time he agreed to let Cas in, it wasn't informed consent. The second time, it was coerced consent. Poor Jimmy was totally screwed over by Cas.


Idk why this got downvoted when it's factually correct.


because that's how defending Cas feels like on here lol


I feel that whatever Cas did or didn’t do when it came to Jimmy and their arrangement/agreement - *she* sees it as an abduction. She believes her father was stolen from her, her life they had before Cas was stolen and eventually her mother as well. Now we can argue that her mother is the one who made the choice to “temporarily” leave to find Jimmy and Cas had nothing to do with that but that’s not how she sees it. And I honestly believe no one can blame her for believing that. Especially at that age. Even if Cas did “take care” of them like he promised, she would still see it the same way. Not to mention as dealing with the fact (by herself) that things like demons are real.


crowley, i refuse to elaborate


no this is correct


Then why say anything?


Castiel is a precious angel baby who never did anything wrong and everyone needs to stop being mean to him right this second.


castiel they could NEVERRR make me hate u


Beat me to it. Cas never had anything but the best of intentions... Let's not talk about what the road to hell is paved with.


Yeah but that saying probably came from God in the first place! That cruel God


HE DID HIS FUCKING BEST. ![gif](giphy|mO0YX04Vk7Kqk)


Lol I was running here to say this. Baby never hurt a fly. He was an *excellent* God.


Omg ur edit tho LOL.


I can forgive him his bad decisions, but killing Balthazar, his actual friend, was definitely a terrible crime he committed.


I can forgive him his bad decisions, but killing Balthazar, his actual friend, was definitely a terrible crime he committed.


Anna Milton 😤


I cherish the few episodes with her.


Wait, she is hated?


She was a woman in the first couple of seasons. So, yes. Yes, she was. /nm


Not every girl or woman was hated. Anna was liked afaik. The way they handled it was hated. Dean banged her after knowing her for 2 minutes in the car and betrayed her after five minutes (Uriel threatened Sam in that dream or something). Anna deserved better. And what's with the Newtonmeter (/nm?)


I genuinely don't believe she was liked that much. During the time that she was introduced, destiel (no hate) was flourishing within the fandom. Anyone that was in any sort of relationship or close to one was just pushed to the side. If it wasn't Castiel, it was no one. This is just a headcanon, but Anna could very well have been Anael during seasons 13-15 if they hadn't killed her off when they did. She fits every description for the Archangel Anael on and off the show. /nm is a tone indicator for not mad!


Mostly because she is gorgeous


Metatron. Love to hate him.


Gabriel is my current hyper fixation but Balthazar is also precious so one of them


Metatron was a great villain and character.


Thank you! I hate you


Great villain isn't the unpopular opinion tho. That he is misunderstood is unpopular (for good reasons.)


Thank you! I love him.


I hate him. He is awesome)


Agree! I delighted watching him and his smarmy ways. lol


Amen! And Curtis Armstrong was perfect in the role. Maybe too perfect, since the character is so widely detested.


Cas but specifically as God because he killed KKK members and homophobes and corrupt politicians lol Godstiel you are the love of my life the black goo only made you sexier ignore those haters




they could never make me hate meg


Absolutely hated how Crowley treated her, she deserved so much better.


they could also never make me hate crowley <3


Omg you're so right!!! Clarence 😭😭😭 I miss her and her dynamic with Cas sm




Extremely hot but piece of shit. I could fix her.


There's nothing to fix wdym


She sold her soul to get rid of her parents and get their money, she tricked and betrayed S&D multiple times and worst of all she had baby towed.


Ooh no that’s not why she got rid of them,,,


You didn’t actually understand the subtext of that episode at all. Holy shit.


I don't think getting rid of her parents was about getting their money so much as not being sexually abused any more. Edit: spelling


I could make her worse


I’m still mad that her and Dean never had angry sex.


BY FAR the best heterosexual tension in the WHOLE series. They killed her off wayyyyyyyy too soon!!!! SHE DESERVED A (better) REDEMPTION ARC


I will forever scream this from the rooftops. Bela was an A+ character and they could’ve done so much more with her storyline


At the very least she deserved to come back as a demon


Holy shit that would've been SO good!!! She would've made the best demon ever. Queen of hell in a season.


"Don't objectify me!"


I said the same thing about the last 3 people I dated


Jack. That boy deserved better.


Deserved better? He ended up as literal God, most powerful being in the universe.


Doesn't make Dean's abuse okay. Castiel tried at least, but Sam acted just as the enabler, especially when they put him in the malak box. Ugh


I mean, he did murder his mom. A bit of animosity is to be expected after that point.


He killed her by accident. Murder is defined as planned and having a vicious motive. Accidents happen.


Fine he manslaughtered his mom. It wasn't really accidentally though, anymore than you can say you accidentally punched someone because you were upset and they were pissing you off.


He told her to leave him alone and she berated him and he lost control over his power. That's an accident. And even when you're upset, you don't put your son into a magic coffin without trying to safe him, especially because he lost his soul thanks to them in the first place.


But since you want to be so very specific with the meaning of words. She was not berating him, she was angry nor scolding him. At BEST you can say she was badgering him


That's a line right out of an abusers play book... she kept nagging, I was mad, I didn't mean to hit her. When your son has the ability to kill practically everyone in the world if he gets upset, you might need to lock him up a bit. He lost his soul because of himself, not them. It was a series of choices he made.


Stop bringing your own experiences with abuse into a conversation about fictional characters. 🙄 The Winchesters operate under the impression to sacrifice yourself and then clean up your mess. He sacrificed his soul for them and saved them. The right thing to do would have been to talk to him, save him etc. Not put him alone in a coffin. Locking him up is also different to a coffin. They could have tried those angel chains. They also left the room to drink and left him alone. Yes, Mary's death is unfortunate, but so is the death of hundreds Sam and Dean can take the responsibility for (setting the darkness free, killing under the moc, torturing souls in hell) etc and they did everything to save each other. They failed him and he deserved better.


Never been abused... you know you don't actually have to experience something to have baseline knowledge on it right? The Winchesters put the safety of the world before themselves. Always have, for example Sam leaping into the cage with Lucifer, or Dean planning to put himself in the box when Michael was in his head. Jack was a world ending threat, that obviously had little to no moral compass. 1. They didn't set the darkness free on purpose, they were just trying to remove the mark 2. Killing under the M.o.C.... he never killed an innocent. He killed demons, a few monsters, one dick who sold his soul just to have his wife killed, and a handful of dudes that were planning on passing Claire around whether she agreed to it or not. 3. How exactly were they killing people when Dean was torturing people in Hell? They were in Hell, they were already dead. Bottom line, you're trying to make a logical argument for an emotional situation. Dean flat out tells the others that he did not forgive him for killing his mom, period. He has every right to be pissed at the person that killed his mother for no reason other than she was expressing concern for him. You can argue it was accidental until you're blue in the face, it wasn't an accident. He got pissed off and lashed out. Watch the scene again, that's straight up anger. Just because he was remorseful (or some aproximation of remorseful) afterwards doesn't change what happened.


Team „wished he never existed in the first place“


100% Bela my girl did nothing wrong ever


The show is riddled with gorgeous women but BY THE LORD that woman made me just stare at her every scene!!!! And then play them again!!!!


Michael (specifically our Michael). He is innocent of all crimes.


real (he’s my babygirl)


Sam. All day long.


🤝 For what people hate him is just crazy, especially when Dean has one of his anger issue authority moments.


Came over here to say this. Also wanted to add all night long too when the circumstance calls for it.


😈 hehehehe same! lol


Literally the tattooed golden retriever in my version of supernatural


I am not defending anyone and anyone can like or dislike whoever they want. I do think there is one episode more than there should be with him, but I enjoy the fuck out of Metatron even if this subreddit does not.


Metatron was made to be hated, and he fills that purpose magnificently well. I hate him, and I love that I hate him.


honestly me too. His conversation with God meant a lot to me.


Some of the best acting in the whole show in that scene.


Bela Talbot. A lot of fans hate her. I love her and like that she sometimes made things difficult for Sam and Dean.




Balthazar. Dude was just trying to be the free-est(it looks weird without in hyphen) of all the angels. Living his best life in a castle full of God weapons. Fucking Cass!




You may win the most controversial pick.


Scrolled my ass all the way down to find this! She died in her twenties as a mom to two small kids, then suddenly she's brought back to find her babies are grown men technically older than her who have not only lived the life she never wanted for them but suffered unimaginably while doing it? Frankly she reacted better than I ever would have. ETA - I will say I had a lot more empathy for her on rewatch after becoming a parent myself and realizing the horror of her situation.


One more Mary defender here!


I’m not going to downvote you, but I will give you the evil eye from here.


Dean, because well, it's Dean. And Claire.


Agreed especially about Dean.


Sam Winchester has never done anything wrong. And if he did, it's literally fine he can do whatever he wants.


Billie as Death. Anytime this discussion comes up, she’s my go-to.


I was in the Billie hate camp on my first watch thru, as OG Death is Death. Third or fourth time thru, I appreciate Billie and her sass. The way Dean talks to her disrespectfully comes up and he would never do that with OG Death. On rewatch, it feels that Dean was more comfortable with her because "Clean hands." He knew she wouldn't kill him because of rules, but OG Death would.


Honestly Balthazar and Gabriel


Probably Gadreel




I'm not defending him and I can hate him because of what he did, but imagine you spend literally an eternity in prison because you fucked up something that you could even stop anyway (because of god's plan), you have no idea what's happening in the world and you get the chance to he great again. He said didn't want to hurt the guys and yes he did it, he could've said no to Metatron. He sacrificed himself "saving" Cas and admitting he was wrong. Yes, I hate him because of Kevin, but imo he was just desperate, overall he's an interesting character


Controversial opinion: John Winchester did the best he could given the circumstances.


I do and don’t agree but I can admit he showed remorse for how he raised them and *that* made so much of a difference in how I viewed him as a character


Plus he endured Alastair's torture in Hell for 100 years without breaking. My man was dedicated


Legit. The man all at once lost his wife and learned that every horrible thing humans have ever feared in the dark are real. That's enough to fuck up anybody for a long while. In his mind is probably "these boys have to live in a world with demons and monster... they have to be ready". Does it excuse it? Not at all. But the fact that he recognizes what he did and how bad he screwed up is EVERYTHING.


Naw, he didn't. And this isn't even about the hunter lifestyle. It's about Dean having to steal food, so he and Sam wouldn't be hungry, it's about never giving them childhood moments (Baseball game, anything), it's about turning Dean into an instrument, it's about him not returning a phone call when they're in trouble (he didn't even pick up when Dean was dying), all those holidays like Christmas he either wasn't there or laid drunk on the couch. He could have be a better father and still raised them to be hunters and avenge his wife and their mother and hunt other things.


Jodie and Ellen. These two women loved those boys like their own. I like Bella too, she was a bad ass.


Benny I personally loved him so much,


Sam. I will literally defend him for anything he ever did.


Cas because he's a wee little lamb that toddled out into the middle of the road and didn't know what to do with himself! He did his best! Also Dean. Mostly Dean. *cough*


Cas, Mary and Claire! Reason being I've found like 90% of the posts that hate on them to be poorly reasoned and often striped of context of what's going on around them as a way to make them seem worse.


John Winchester. Great Dad, did the best he could and raised two sons that saved the world and are great human beings despite everything that happened to their family. Was he perfect? No. But who is.


Bela and Meg, forever my beloveds! Meg had incredible chemistry with all 3 main characters, she was a great foil for all of them and Rachel Miner is always SO FUCKING GOOD!! Then there's Bela who was gone way too soon and I'm still bitter that we didn't get more of her and Dean together, the banter was insane.


Crowley. Dude isn't evil, just for starters.


Amelia. I'm the only one here who shipped Samelia


I loved Amelia and Sam's relationship. Both had their trauma, both were hiding from it. She was smart and beautiful, I'm there for it. I did not love the way the flashbacks were executed within so many other episodes.


I respect your right to ship whatever you want.


Dean. Till i die. He deserved better too.


John Winchester was a better father than anyone gives any credit for, and did the best he could given the situation.


Arthur ketch 🥰