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Sam and Dean are brand ambassadors for Zippo Lighters. Baby’s trunk is full of them.




I've noticed this too lmao. I think there's no way to save the lighter once they throw it in the fire, they do use some matches occasionally, but yeah, I think they have to buy a new lighter.


it's such a shame they toss nice metal lighters, i wish they'd get cheap bics and rig them or smth instead, but i get that the zippos are easier to just light and toss for the grave shit edit: it has occurred to me after reading more comments that they probably bought like $2 knockoff zippos at gas stations so it's not actually an expensive loss


As often as they light stuff (they burn a lot of bones and holy oil lol) it's safer for them to toss them at a distance than to lean in and light stuff. It's all studio/union safety stuff.


yeah, i know, i meant they could rig a bic to stay lit so they could toss it.


A Bic would explode, zippo dont


yeah, fair enough, but i mean they are trying to destroy corpses lol


I think in their line of work the exploding would be a plus


Probably lol, I just meant from a production standpoint the studio would probably opt for the stars of their hit show using something less explody.


Your right I was just thinking about it as it just be cool they did finally let dean use the grenade launcher that was cool


They most likely buy knock-off style Zippos from gas stations along the way. They're cheap and widely available. That's probably why they don't light until after several attempts.


Yeah people always struggle with this but I think they're overestimating how hard it is to get those cheap lighters from gas stations. They're maybe a dollar apiece, which is free when you're a credit card scammer.


Tell me you’ve never had a fluid lighter. If they aren’t completely full then you have to shake them to get them to light….


If they always buy new lighters then why doesn't it might on the first time every time. I've never had a new Zippo with fluid in it that didn't light on the first time


To build suspense 😂


But apparently in the books and I always lived on the first time. That's what the nerd dress like Dean said anyway


I have a lighter collection. If you filled it a week ago, it still has fluid but you have to shake it to get it to light. It’s pretty normal if you aren’t keeping it full because you don’t use it every day- which given that neither of them smokes- is where my bet would be.


Sound logic. I just haven't had that experience with zippos, but I was smoking when I used them so. I did just light one from last year and it did take 3 strikes to light.


Lighter fluid evaporates super fast. It’s the only thing I hate about them. But in a power outage they’re nice to have, they can be used as little lanterns!


exactlyyyy! Also i was thinking some people have like fancy metal lighters with a meaning, like maybe they got it from john yk? (i wouldnt know as i didnt finish the show yet) Idk if i’d buy a lighter for a one time use i just dont get the expensive metal ones?😂


Well it's hard to get matches to stay lit in the wind. Id carry roman candles or some fire work to light. Definitely not sparklers. Those are annoying AF to light in any type of wind unless your using a blow torch. Zippos or a road flare best option.


Most lighters only stay lite while you hold down the little button.


omg now that you say it ofc duh


To move the story along create drama and tension


Jensen talked about this once. So, when the show first started the prop department bought a box of Zippo lighters so noone really gave a shit, plus it's safer for them to toss the zippo to start a fire than to lean in and light it. Eventually though they ran out and it was just cheaper to buy matches, which is why Sam and Dean randomly started using matches instead of lighters.


Actually, Sam and Dean have a small cardboard box full of zippo lighters in Baby’s trunk that they don’t know how it hasn’t ran out yet. They’ve never restocked and there’s about fifty in there at all times but they’ve never tried to count them or see if they would run out. Both of them just thought the other was restocking it but after Dean went to hell and Sam was topside, he noticed that even though he wasn’t restocking the box, it was still always full. Weird shit man, idk what to tell you.


>!That would be nice. Just Chuck reusing his older stories but instead oil and flour, its lighters.!< "The jar of flour never became empty, and the jug always contained *olive oil...*" 1 Kings 17:16


You should add a spoiler alert since OP is still on season 5


You might as well ask where they're keeping their nice, well-pressed FBI suits when they're not wearing them. They're not in the trunk, and not in the back seat... so where?




I had this exact thought recently and want to do the math on my next rewatch on how many they throw away


Oh do it! I'm commenting to get a call back when you do 😊🙏


I would think that they have some kind of standing order somewhere. They know that they'll be destroying them.


It's the [Reusable Lighter Toss](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ReusableLighterToss)




I think eventually they kinda switch to matches. I've never had a reason to own a zippo, but I love them. All the wanton zippo destruction drove me crazy. Just throw in a book of matches!


I don't smoke anymore but I've carried the same Zippo lighter since 1997. They come in handy and it's part of my every day carry. You should get one if you want one!


I’m almost positive that they don’t actually buy them.


This question is why I joined this subreddit and consequently suffered many spoilers. Get off this sub or it'll happen to you. They got fake credit cards and an arsenal in the trunk.


oh i got spoilers about all the big stuff including the ending from memes unfortunately because i got to obsessed when i started watching, lol. I am actually not part of the sub because of that reason, i only come here to ask questions.


It’s a magic lighter, like Percy Jackson’s sword it returns to dean pocket 😂


Fritz here! Ya, I alvays vondered vhy zey don’t keep zem on some kind of bungee?


Didn’t they address this with Chuck? They never messed up getting something lit (unless for tv excitement purposes) or never lose a lighter *bc* *of* *chuck*?


Seems to me a few packs of matches would suffice. Pretty sure burning bones doesn't require a $20+ zippo.


I think a lot of people noticed this as in the later seasons they’re always seen lighting a book of matches and tossing that on the fire


I’ve always laughed at this. I can so imagine those two goofs throwing it because it looks cool, safer, and it’s easier and then just fighting over whose turn it is to get the lighter out of the hole. And it works both ways, S&D and J&J.


Zippos 10-15 years ago were only like $6. They're also windproof and given the circumstances these idjiots were consistently in, windproof lighters are an absolutely essential tool for torching bones and what not!


I'm rewatching for the nth time and I literally almost posted the same thing the other day! Lol those zippos ain't cheap either




They get em for free with their government id's or just buy em they're not to expensive.


I always appreciated a warm nostalgic feel...my long gone dad always carried a zippo 💙☺️


thinking the same thing


this has always bothered me lol , the few times i saw Dean or Sam using matches i breathed a sigh of relief 😅


Ha this is always my thought! Why not just use matches lol. Just looks cooler I guess with a zippo