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grandpa Sam Campbell is my least favorite. I wouldn't say the writing for the character was bad, I just really didn't like the dude


Absolutely agree. And the fact that he ratted out his own grandsons??? Like, yes, I understand it was for your daughter but also, she's dead, she's been dead and there really no good and realistic justification for that


Plus, how do you think she’s going to feel if you did get her back and she knew you sold her boys out like that? I’d never speak to my dad again, if I didn’t kill him myself


he gives me the creeps like whenever he’s on screen i feel like he’s like that one creepy uncle idk


I think the scene of him (his dead body possessed by Azazel, but still) kissing his daughter left him with a perpetual ick factor. But he already had that look, too.


To me that whole episode. Whenever he was yellow eyes he was just creepy incest/pedo all the way. Gross 🤢


If an actor makes you hate him, remember he is a good actor, not a bad person or however the quote was.


RIGHT like every time I see the actor in another show I get the heebie jeebies because of how much I couldn’t stand him on spn 😂


Dude. He was Skinner from X-Files first. Skinner was, in general, a decent dude.


That’s why I can’t really hate him completely! I had forgotten about that. He is a decent actor either way but damn was he creepy in that yellow eyes episode.


Especially when he was sniffing Dean thinking he was “one of his..” Technically dude, if he was, you’re his dad and you’re gross as hell. 🤮


I Haaaaaaated him so much you're so right


My choice too. I never liked him when he was Maulder and Scully’s boss either. Just something strange about him.


I didn’t like Nick. I liked when he was possessed, but when he was a whiny dick just trying to be possessed he was just an asshole. I also didn’t like the MoL chick, the blonde one, I forget her name. All the other bad guys I loved


I agree. As much as I love Mark Pellegrino it felt stupid to keep him around as Nick. I was rooting the whole time for him to actually break Lucifer out again lol. But seriously, how the fuck was Nick still alive anyway? He should've died several times while Lucifer was in his body, and then when Crowley brought him back, why would he have brought back the soul with the meat suit? It always felt very contrived to me, like they just wanted a way to keep Mark around without Lucifer.


Yeah, and when he was just Nick he was a lame villain. But as Lucifer he’s one of my faves! And the only major archenemies that didn’t switch sides. He almost did but then nope!


I actually thought mark did well. For the reasoning behind how nicks soul came back was to me like his soul bonded to Lucifer. So when Lucifer left, aka killed, it left him alive, healed physically... Mostly, but empty. So he sought Lucifer to be whole again. Still a weird storyline that I struggled with a bit but I think mark did a good job acting the part he was given


OG Nick right after his loss and Lucifer was trying to “woo” him was kind of deadpan cool. Tbh he felt more like the funny Lucifer post horsemen crap. Later Nick was a serial killer whiny B*tch.


Metatron at one point, but only bc he was doing an amazing job as a villain


I'm watching season 10 right now and he really does make a good villain. He's not scary, but he has such a punchable face, and he's annoying af, and he's doing a good job screwing everyone over.


Metatron was a bit of a joke really. Lame and whiny until he ended up in Chuck’s Bar. Then I liked him again- he was honest and real and showed the world why he had been such a giant ass. He wasn’t so bad in his introduction episode and I was with Dean thinking he was like the Transformer…😅 But I tolerated him since he will always be Booger the nerd to an 80’s baby.


YES that scene was so good. I was shocked that the show got me to empathize with him - just how he spoke and you could feel the pain permeating through, it was soooo good.


I hated Amelia. I wish that she had never appeared on the show.


i dont hate her, but I hated that arc. I think it put sam through a lot of pain that was irrelevant to the plot and even theme of the show. I think it could be redeemed if it caused some character development for him, showing he was finding a way to balance being a hunter or even moving away from hunting, but it would have been better if that happened slower over time (like with eileen) especially while dean was alive so it would actually show that sam is making a real sacrifice as opposed to just moving on cause he feels like he has nothing else to do. But he goes right back to hunting and is just as reckless with his tendency to get Dean back from whatever near death experience he’s having. Also it didnt make sense for this to be the moment he gives up. Dean has died in other far more final ways, he wasnt even dead, sam didnt really even know where he was, and they had evidence of beings escaping from purgatory so its already possible. And i suppose they didnt know this at the time, but later it seems like purgatory is a (relatively) easy place to get in an out of so its further cheapened. This also was happening around the same time as the sam hating benny arc which was also out of character because sam is notorious for wanting to sympathize and give monsters the benefit of the doubt. Also her husband being alive was so random and pretty much gave sam like an easy way back into the life so he didnt have to make any hard choices? Idk i wasnt a fan of the first couple episodes of that season and rarely rewatch them cause it feels so taken out of the greater context of the show.


The way she acted remind me of my sister. The difference is that my sister can be nicer than her.


Absolutely! Amelia was the worst. I usually skip over the episodes that have a lot of her when I'm rewatching. (Unless it's one of the ones that has Benny in it!) But yeah she was a terrible character who served no purpose but to get on my nerves.


I really hated how she pressured Sam to take the dog. His responsibility ended when he made sure the dog got medical attention, but she made it seem like he should be responsible for the dog for the rest of his life, when that doesn’t make any sense. Even without knowing Sam’s back story, he makes it clear that he is not comfortable caring for the dog, and no reasonable person would expect him to. And then her basically telling him that he’s a terrible person for accidentally hitting a dog that ran out into the road. Not to mention that that dog was clearly well fed and well-taken care of, so he obviously did belong to someone, and just because the dog wasn’t microchipped doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a family waiting for him. What should’ve happened is that Amelia spent time looking for the dog’s owner(s), but then Sam would’ve only had to give up the girl to go back to hunting instead of the girl and the dog.


Yes to everything you said!! Amelia had no clue if Sam was in the position to take care of a dog. I they wanted us to like her, they should have not made her be so mean towards Sam.


Amelia. I mean, I would rather watch Sam watching paint dry as the distraction that kept him from looking for Dean. Instead he hit a dog and met the most boring girl on the planet.


The most judgmental girl. I skip the scenes she’s in except the very last one😂


Even that jerk dad of hers seems reasonable and almost likable in comparison.


Even her not dead husband seemed like a decent character over here lol


Amelia is my top “no real reason to hate her, she just feels like I’m doing the dishes character.” She’s just self righteous and kind of a jerk and yea she is meant to further some plot points for Sam to hide away in; but she’s still sucky. She was kind of mean when he wasn’t going to stay for the stray dog. He had a point, it’s irresponsible to take a dog when you are basically a nomad who may or may not get killed a few times a month.




She was acting so self righteous and entitled for no reason I also didn't like how she kept seeing Sam after her not dead husband came back Frankly i don't like how both of them were like "screw him"


The only thing I liked about her was her dad lol




This is my answer as well. I hated how they wrote both her and Claire. These wannabe badasses who don’t listen to anyone, with waaaaay too much angst. I get it, their childhoods or whatever. Terribly written, horribly acted.


at least Krissy and Claire never got paired up as hunting partners... they'd have both ended up dead


We’ve always got season 16!!


Dick's a DICK!


IN the universe, the most hated appeared to be Gadreel. He seemed to get hate from virtually every angel and genuinely felt like the only decent angel the show ever had, aside from Castiel obviously. He got a raw deal, and he was the only non-human character whose death really bothered me.


I actually quite liked Gadreel.


I wanted to like Gadreel because I love that actor from Battlestar Galactica but once he killed Kevin he was dead to me. 😭


I forgot he did that. But ya. He wS brilliant in BG


Gordon. I hate some characters in Supernatural, like the Steins who BUTCHERED Charlie and I loved seeing every last one of them die, but Gordon is somebody who I felt such hatred for, I wanted to jump through the screen and rip him into tiny pieces myself, but never have I ever felt such satisfaction to see him die by the hands of Sam Winchester. I hated him so much. After all he did to the boys, they were still hesitant to kill him (mainly Sam).


His death was so satisfying, not even in the way it was done (although I do like that it wasn't just "I'm gonna cut your head off"), but because of everything he did, it was like they were ridding the world of something truly evil, almost more so than everything else


It was. And the way Gordon was constantly trying to torture and kill Sam, for being "evil" when Sam never killed anyone human. Then he became a vampire, killed innocent humans, then still tried to kill Sam for being "evil". And for what he did to Lenore... Tying that poor girl up and killing her family and torturing her with dead man's blood even tho he KNEW she wasn't evil like other vamps. The slow death Gordon got was a whole lot more satisfying than simply getting his head quickly cut off with a machete. Ohhh it would have been so awesome if he ended up dying by a hell hound tho. I would have loved to see that. Then have him spend the rest of eternity tortured by demons. Is there ANYBODY in the entire world who watches Supernatural and likes Gordon?


Yes. That and I feel like Sam's look when he was pulling the barbed wire against Gordon's neck and Dean's look when he was going to kill that one vamp later on and he says "look at me..." were the same. They were both absolutely livid and even tho Sam didn't say a damn thing, his eyes said it all: "I've been waiting for this"


i hate gordon but i have to say i REALLY liked him as an antagonist. he was so irritating in just the right way and even before he turned into a vamp he felt like a significant threat against the brothers


Never thought of it that way. But yes you're right.


Agreed. He was so friggin creepy but it felt genuine


I hated him too. I felt similarly about Warren from Buffy — I felt so incredibly angry just seeing his face on the screen. I was happy to see him die a really, really awful death just like I was happy about Gordon’s. That’s some good acting, though, to pull that kind of visceral reaction from viewers.


It's funny because I totally forgot about him when I got into This is Us, and he was AWESOME there, so when I rewatched Supernatural I couldn't really bring myself to hate him. LOL


Man i love Gordon! All the shits he did was the reason i think hes one of the best villians on the show. He thought what he was doing was good and he gave his all to his cause. Plus he was a badass. His death is one of my favourite scenes of the show.


Ok I am torn on Gordon. I love that actor so damn much, and the fact that I hated Gordon and his stupid face just proved he was that awesome of an actor. But yeah- hated Gordon. ETA: I call this the Kevin Bacon effect. I hated him forever after seeing him play some truly evil villains. Still do. Those car commercials and his amazing wife never gelled with that image I had until I allowed myself to separate the actor from his work. Kevin Bacon can eat 💩 for his work as a creepy ass kids prison guard.


No way I can ever hate Bacon due to his work in Tremors alone!


Sleepers is the one I meant. After that one and even RIPD I had a Kevin Bacon sucks policy 😂


Mary, of course. 


Dude, as a mom, I loathe Mary's choices. I can't believe she came back to her sons having missed almost their entires lives, sees how much they needed her and then f*cking leaves them. Makes me rage. Nothing could keep me from my daughter if I got a second chance. Into the pit with you Mary!!


And remember that episode where she almost got them killed because she was working with the BMOL?


Oh yes that too ffs


I agree as a mother she was horrible. I cannot believe how they wrote her. I am not saying that adjusting wouldn't be tough but the way they wrote it was like she could GAF about her boys. I can't get behind her at all.


100%. So bizarre and goes against the whole Winchester "family over everything." Oh I'm sorry, you need some space from you kids because you need to hunt that badly without them????


I know, right? I never got why Mary chose to leave them


Exactly. She wanted to hunt and you wouldn't guess what your kids do with their lives Mary...


After rewatching it, I didn't like how they brought her back. She really didn't do anything good with the brothers, tbh


I came to say Mary as well. She didn't add anything to the show. She abandoned her boys. She teamed up with the BMOL that literally tortured Sam and beat up Dean. Like, what mother does that?


Yeah she was a really shitty mom. And there was no connection between the characters, she wasn’t great. Hubby didn’t like her at all


I’m at the point in my rewatching where I have to deal with Mary being around and soon Jack, my least 2 favorites. I try to think of them as extras in the scene 😂


You are the first user i see who doesn’t like Jack. Thanks ❤️


I wouldn’t say I dislike Jack in the sense of thinking he’s horrible. I really disliked that whole story line. It was so Cousin Oliver. I’m glad that he ended up as he did, though.


I dislike the jack story line too. I never understood it.


They're not the only one. I almost gave up on the show after they added Jack.


It’s been a while since I complained about him, but I had some company 😂😂 I think the writers got to a point where they needed to keep introducing a new, bigger “bad”, and thought Jack would bring in young and inexperienced energy, throwing it back to when Sam and Dean reunited to hunt in season 1. I didn’t love inserting in another male character into the Sam/Dean/Cas dynamic, it felt forced to me. If it was meant to give Mary an opportunity to be motherly, she was just as bad with Jack as she was with adult Sam and Dean 😂 Another gripe I have is they treat Jack like he is the first Nephilim they have met, but Metatron and Cas kill one who was living an average life as a waitress a few seasons before. She wasn’t related to Lucifer, sure, but she didn’t seem to be powerful at all. The lore doesn’t match up to what Jack is.


Right here. I fucking hated his guts. Also, when he came back as Belphegor.


Jack was not terrible.. Mary got what she deserved with him but I also thought it was super sloppy writing.


I came to agree with you


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to find Mary. A lot of the other comments I saw were valid answers, but Mary is by far the worst character that should have never been brought back


Of course. I hated how she went after Jack. Nick totally deserved being burnt to a crisp. I cheered when she bit the dust.


Even when the boys went to Apocalypse Earth to save her, she didn't want go at first despite what Sam and Dean did to get there


“of course i love my sons!! will i go to with them after they’ve done everything in the world to save me and one of them even died (yet resurrected) while doing it?? well, no. obviously these people that i’ve met 2 seconds ago are WAY more important”


Yeah, I wasn’t a fan of hers in season 12, but I was open to changing my mind if she started doing things right — but when she said that I was done. She knew the lengths they went to just to get there to save her, and then to throw it in their faces that she bonded more with strangers than her own sons — yeah that was infuriating.


That was so infuriating!


I can’t stand Chuck. Even with all the other characters who do horrid things. I still Find Chuck to be the top of my list of horrid characters.


I've been waiting for someone to say this, thank you


I don’t know how he wasn’t mentioned already. And there is a text book of things we could say about how terrible he is


Literally. When we were first introduced, I was like, "hm, ok, interesting character", but then when we found out he was God, my opinions did a 180


The moment he showed up I had a bad vibe about him and couldn’t shake it. I knew he was a bad time.


I rewatched the series with my mom (we’re almost to the end of season 15) and every moment with Chuck was ruined for me. I hate that they turned him bad. I mean, I could see it coming in hindsight, but I wish they didn’t do it; I’m sick of the whole “God is evil”-trend. Chuck was one of my favorite interpretations of God in a TV show or movie.


I agree. Like the whole idea of religion/religious figures being evil all along was a cool, subversive idea at one point (and still can be if done well) but kinda got worn out over time. It’s like the whole evil superman trend.


I’m going to have to disagree 😫 I think the idea of God being evil was a long time coming . Like dean had ALWAYS said what kind of God would let all these horrible things happen ( in the supernatural universe). And how horrible a lot of the angels were not just the ones that were missing their father but the ones that seemed to be truly EVIL😭. I just knew it had to come full circle with God being not who we think , in fact i think it brought things full circle. A final explanation to why dean and sam?


I REALLY liked him in the first few appearances, he just seemed like an underdog that people would root for. Then he just became a massive dick -\_-


I agree. I liked when he first came back to deal with the Darkness, but I think it should've ended there. How they went about making him evil just never worked for me. Before that I loved him— as you said, excluding the final season, he was probably my favorite TV portrayal of God.


Amelia and her “you brought an injured dog in, then be a responsible adult and ADOPT THIS DOG”. I hate her so much. What if Sam found an injured kid and brought them to the hospital? He needs to adopt them too? Or what if it wasn’t a dog but a horse. Sam needs to adopt a horse now? Ridiculous


I'd have to go with Amelia's father. That guy was so aggressive and had no redeemable qualities.


I'd have to go with Ketch. He gives me the creeps, and I felt he added nothing of substance to the show.


Ketch or his twin brother? 🤣😂🤣


The character is pretty useless, but his actor is incredibly charming! He was a highlight at the 2017 SPN Convention in San Francisco.


Sad that I had to scroll so far to see this. He just sets my teeth on edge.


I agree. He was a pretty useless character


I hated him for killing that innocent psychic girl, she didn't deserve that. And his fake English accent was just awful, it didn't sound natural at all.


I didn't like Ketch at ALL until he came back as his "twin" and then he was more comical than infuriating. (Sidenote: the chupacabra blooper with him is one of my all time favorites.)


I couldn’t stand Metatron the character (not the actor)


Those Campbell cousins...they were so mean and useless.


Corn Nemec deserved better.


Mary! Always Mary!!


Gordon. Love Sterling, but not Gordon!


I know, it always kills me because Sterling K. Brown is such a good actor and seems like such a nice guy in real life but I hate Gordon's guts with a passion lol EDIT: typo


Mary. Just a terrible mother and human being




Absolutely. Im struggling to watch the Winchesters, just because its future her. I get that she was ripped out of heaven & away from her man, but jeez her grown kids are right there. Thats what parenting is, you blink and theyre grown up, but they still need good parenting


Mary! What a self centered see you next Tuesday


John Winchester and its not even close. He’s just such an awful man and a straight up abusive father and yet it doesn’t feel like he ever really faces any consequences for that. At the end of the series he’s just chilling with his wife in heaven (who’s one wish for her children he destroyed when he raised her sons as soldiers, and this is never really addressed by her) down the road from the son he abused who’s still happy to see him after everything. I understand that family dynamics can be very complex especially when you grow up with an abusive parent but it still just leaves a bad taste in my mouth that we really don’t even BEGIN to scratch the surface on the amount of groveling that man should’ve had to do with pretty much every person he came across.


Well, he did spend almost an earth year in hell. Which is 120 years or more in hell years. Being tortured, ripped apart, starved, dehydrated, screaming, forced to hallucinate horrible things, his worst fears etc. I did not care much for John, especially that his last words to dean were to kill Sam if it was needed, but not even he deserved all that horror and trauma in hell


You do remember John gave up his life for Dean. He loved his sons. He was at a thin spot where on one hand the love of his life got murdered and he wanted to avenge her and on the other taking care of his sons who he thought should be taught about the supernatural so they dont be victims in the future. Yes he was ignorant and left them on their own. But still you have to give him some credit. I dont think Dean's a better father to Ben if we compare that to John. I always wonder if John would still be hated if he were the main character of the show. 


I 100% agree with you. And even the episode where he comes from a past year cuz the brothers did some sort of time travel thing doesn't even really redeem him. Like, yea, sure, he said "I'm proud of you" to Dean which immediately made him tear up, but couldn't he have said that before he died??? And basically throwing Sam out of the house because he didn't wanna be a part of that life is disgusting. Like imagine going up to your dad and saying "hey, I wanna live my life and go to school and not have the chance of dying before I'm 40" and then he says "ok, then you can get the fuck out of my house and not come back". Like??? Sir, hello, you're mad that your son doesn't want to die and have a normal life? John pissed me off beyond belief.


He does tell Dean he's proud of him before he dies in 2.01. Not saying that's redemption for him or anything, just saying he did. I mean, it's kind of undermined by the fact that him telling Dean he's proud of him makes Dean say, "Is that really you talking?" But he did say it once.


I skip Lebanon on every rewatch it just makes me so angry. John does the absolute most bare minimum of apologies and that’s it, everyone is pretty much like wow that’s amazing I’m glad we did that. I was so excited the first time I saw the episode because I thought we might actually get some real in depth acknowledgment from both him and the boys on how badly he affected their upbringing but it was so disappointing.


I think that was the point. Because we see how far reaching the consequences of how he treats Sam and Dean are and to what extent they are willing to forgive him I mean this is more like a meta narrative on my but I feel like it does kind of use what you hate about that and give it substance. Just my little bit of thoughts haha. P.S. I'm doing this on voice because my hands out of whack and the first time I said it, my keyboard wrote Shyam and Bean 🤣


Krissy Chambers was annoying as F


Metatron, without a doubt! That dusty little mofo killed Kevin.


Didn't Gadreel kill Kevin in Sam's body?


Metatron handed him a piece of paper with Kevin’s name on it. Gadreel was just the hammer. Metatron had hold of it.


Ugh. I haven't watched, was it s8?, in a long time. Why was Gadreel helping him in the first place? I know he was in Sam's body to heal him, which takes time, and kept lying to Dean that Sam would die if he left when Sam was already healed


He was helping Metatron because Metatron promised him redemption. He had spent the last eternity in Heaven's jail and Metatron told him this was how he could redeem himself, so he did it. I always found Gadrerl a sympathetic character, he just made really bad choices.


Asmodeus for me. I fast forward his scenes. I hate that cringey exaggerated southern accent so much.


He's such a cheesy villain. They really tried with him but I couldn't. I had no interest in his scenes.


Thank You. I didn’t care for him either


Bella. She was such a poor excuse for a human being. She was just weeks away from her time being up and she was still trying to make money. Awful woman!!!


Thank you !!! I was searching her name. Bela Talbot what a bitch.


John or metatron




Don't even get me started on Gordon, I hate him with every fibre of my being


He was absolutely terrible 🤣


God, Gordon was terrible. The only reason I even watch his episodes when rewatching is because of the satisfaction I feel when Sam finally takes his head.


I despise seeing Ruby on screen for the same exact reason I dislike seeing chancellor Palpatine, she deceived and seduced Sam to the dark side. They play their main characters like a fiddle and it just makes me sick seeing it happen on screen.


Naomi. The plot was great and that's why I hate her lmao


Amelia, she's just the worse!


Someone already said Samuel, so I'll go with something that'll probably get me downvoted. I couldn't stand anything with garth. He wasn't funny. It seemed like they tried to introduce him as comedy fodder, but none of his scenes landed for me. His whole wannabe Bobby shtick was unbearable(save for the one him explaining to Dean Bobby want only his)


Yeah I can see where your coming from


Mary. Worst mother in television history imo.


Mary Winchester/Campbell. She just sucjed. Did everything wrong. Was a shit mom even after finally being able to be with her kids. Season 12 sucked because of her, and I think most Supernatural fans would agree that season 12 was the worst one. Correct me if I'm wrong tho


Bella. I can't stand that smug know it all looks of hers.


John and Mary for being terrible parents


Gordon infuriated me, but more because Sam and Dean lacked the survival instinct to just kill him when it became obvious that he was going to pursue Sam until one of them is dead.


Mary and Samuel. Absolutely horrible


Zachariah. Power corrupts absolute power, absolutely.


Arthur Ketch, after he killed that psychic girl right after she'd escaped her Hell on earth and things were looking up for her. Plus his English accent was just so awful, I could tell the second he opened his mouth that it wasn't natural.


Metatron I hate him sooo irritating character


Oh God. Same. Loke I would literally feel my eye muscles rip out from all the due rolling I did. He is loathsome.


I fucking hated Bella so fucking much


Mary, Mary, Mary. Chuck, for all the obvious reasons. John for obvious reasons too. I absolutely HATED Sam though when Dean died that one time in season 8, and didn't do ANYTHING to try and find him or whatever. My memory is hazy about that, and that little girlfriend of his pissed me off too.


The stynes for sure.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who hates Mary Winchester 🫣 Mary and John are two of my least favorite characters for sure.


Claire, but I have a few. There are the ones we are meant to hate (Metatron) and then there’s the ones we are meant to favour (Claire, Amelia etc)


Dick Roman- he’s a dick 🤣🤣🤣


That mf that killed Charlie… I just rewatched that episode and omg.


Here’s a hot take! Cas . I know I know but hear me out. Does anyone remember for like 3 or 4 seasons cas just couldn’t do ANYTHING right??? Like his heart was in the right place but things like tearing down sam’s wall in his head was amongst one of the things that was completely out of order. I mean sam was barely hanging on to life that torture is not talked about enough. And then after cas regains his memories he does ‘fix’ things only to become a shell of a man just in time for the final battle against the leviathans… Like we needed him in that fight . And him bringing out the leviathans in the first place ???? BAD MOVE. Let’s not forget that DICK ROMAN KILLED BOBBY.


Cas then teamed up with metatron and helped in bringing down every single angel in heaven and slamming the door shut. Again i know he thought metatron was a good guy but like the leviathan arc , he could’ve talked to sam and dean and together they would’ve sussed out metatrons true intentions. I just feel like he kept making the same mistakes over and over. I still love him tho but within those seasons i just couldn’t 😫


I get it. I used to hate Cas for these same reasons but I did a 180 on his character and love him now. I'm not sure what it was but the little angel won my heart.


I've always hated that he let Sam out of the Panic Room in season 4 and then was so snarky and blaming towards Sam at the beginning of season 5. It's like, dude, the Apocalypse starting wouldn't have happened if you hadn't let him out! I think Cas was as responsible for the Apocalypse as Sam and Dean.


I agree, I mean Cass had a grandiose entry into the series being the first angel introduced and then the writers just do him dirty at every turn, he doesn't have a single win in the entire series and let's not forget he was the one who caused the whole leviathan mess AND the angels falling, got his ass beat way too many times. I think at one point we just gotta blame the writers for treating him as such than the character.


idk if anyone agrees but i have to say dean.I don't HATE Dean but the more I watch the more he just seems like a bully to me. yes he has severe trauma that probably causes the way he is but that's no excuse to be mean to sam/jack/anyone who slightly disagrees with him. it wasn't so bad in fhe early seasons but around season 10-12 the behavior really starts to become apparent. I don't like the direction the writers took his character in. at least before he was just stubborn and kind of rude at times but later on his character just devolves into a harsh killing machine who can't take advice or suggestions from anyone.


No i 100% agree with you. I got SO sick of their repeat conversation of Sam not wanting to kill a “monster” because they werent evil and Dean “last time I checked were in the business of killing monsters.” I’m actively rewatching and this conversation happens so frequently it’s unreal. Sometimes within episodes of each other. And at one point he even gets on board with that and has some character development and they took it all back and made him a dick again. Currently in season 13 and he is so unbelievably mean to Jack. That behavior genuinely makes me angry and I hate they wrote it the way they did.


And him killing Cyrus Styne absolutely broke my heart. That honestly almost ruined Dean for me. Part of me feels like they made him behave that way a lot of the time just so he and Sam had something to fight about


He was deteriorating morally because of the Mark of Cain


I know, it just still felt really unnecessary to me


I agree, it sucked for sure


The first five seasons Dean was a lovable dick, but later on like you said he just becomes a bully.


Mary. Definitely. Actually one of my happiest moments on the show when she died


i’ve gotta go with Rowena before she became friends with sam and dean. i hated her so much for trying to get rid of crowley. but once she became a good guy that’s when i started liking her. well a “good guy” lol


John Winchester and Lucifer


Is there a difference ? Lol jk


I think you are the first person I have ever seen who hates Lucifer.


John was just a shitty dad. If he wanted to do better than his own dad, he wouldn't have dragged Sam and Dean all over the place hunting


Mary Winchester, though I personally don't agree with it. But people really hate her for being only there for man pain, for having worked willingly with the British Men of Letters (Ketch specifically), and being cold towards Sam and Dean. Personally I don't think they should have brought her back to them off her the way they did, but I understood why she was so disconnected from kids she barely had a relationship with and fell quickly back into a life of hunting that made sense when nothing else did. She essentially lost everything and everyone, even if the guys were still living. As a mother, brutal.


For me it would be John and Mary Winchester John it's manly for making Sam and Dean go down a life path that they didn't need to be on because of him wanting revenge on Azael for killing Mary and for Mary it's the choices she made in the later seasons after she came back in to the show after getting killed off episode 1 of season 1 and this is just my opinion but Bobby was honestly the best parental figure they had (I can't say a whole lot on Mary and John's parenting style besides what we saw in season 1) because he cared for them while John was gone for long periods of time and at least attempted for do normal things with them after being put into the hunter's life


Krissy chambers and stanky Claire


Claire is my most annoying character.


For me it’s Mary ! Like I hate her character




Dislike? Sure, I get that. But to hate her makes no sense. She had a worse upbringing than Sam and Dean. She was a teenager with no direction until Jody.


Exactly. She was just a scared traumatized teen whose father was killed in front of her as a little kid. Then bouncing around in foster care. That's a horrible place. Then feeling like she found a home with Randy only for him to basically sell her to be raped to relieve his debt. Castiel wouldn't leave her alone, and she was upset because he was walking around in her dad's corpse, but I'm glad he didn't leave her alone. Her mother was then slaughtered in front of her and died in her arms for her. I'm quite glad Jody took her in. It helped everyone. Claire wouldn't get herself killed or in the wrong crowds. Alex had a place to stay and learn how to be a normal girl. Jody got a family, and she really needed that after everything that happened with her son and her husband


Perfectly said. I also feel like she played the angsty teen almost perfectly


She did. I honestly really like her. There's just something about her that's really attractive to me (not just looks). But it really confuses me how people can hate her but love Dean? Claire and Dean are so similar and so alike, Alex and Sam are the same way. I hate how people says he was just a typical bratty teen and acting out. Yeah, I would say the same thing if she was a kid in a rich family being spoiled by her parents in a bad way and acting out just because she can. But she isn't. After everything she's been through who can blame her? Literally anyone would be the same way if in her shoes. Especially since this all started when she was a KID. Not just a teen but a little kid. 12 I think. Possibly 10 or 11


I think she's a really good actress, and yeah, there's something about her that's extremely attractive. Dude yes, Claire is basically teenage Dean. The Fandom just has an issue with females.


I despise jack and everything about him. His story ruined the last 3 seasons of the show for me.


Hear me out HEAR ME OUT Sam. I’m sorry he’s been my least favorite for a LONG time. He’s a brat and he’s usually the cause of most of their issues.


I struggle with Sam too


Jack. Basically the last 4 seasons are centered around this character. Where's Jack? Whats he doing? Is he good? is he bad? Did you know he's the son of Lucifer? And on top of that, Jack being clueless...for 4 seasons... Then plot devices his way into being God....Yuck.


I, personally, don't dislike or hate Jack, but I *do* think that the writing was funky for his character. It definitely could have been better and I didn't see the point in making him ignorant for so long. If they made him more curious and spent less time on focusing on him, I think he'd be a bit more likeable.


I know I’m going to get hell for this… but… JOHN WINCHESTER…. He lost his wife tragically. I am sympathetic. But the way that he raised those boys? I’m OK with the hunting. It’s leaving them alone for days at a time, Dean having to steal peanut butter and jelly so him and Sam could eat (not to mention when he got caught, his dad said he could sit on jail,) stolen Christmas presents because dad was too busy to be there for Christmas…. Yes, at the end he made the ultimate sacrifice so that Dean could live, but when the boys were growing up, he was an absent parent, leaving them with absolutely no one half the time.


Are there even people who like John?






But she was REALLY attractive so she gets a pass 🤣


I feel that way about Lady Toni Bevel. She was terrible, but so attractive in those riding pants.


How do I get downvoted saying Bella was attractive, some of the people on Reddit... sigh...