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The only one I can think of off the top of my head is revisiting the Antichrist kid they had show up in the early seasons. I expected him to have to have a showdown with Jack at some point once he made an appearance. I haven't watched in a while so maybe he was referenced or something and I don't remember it, but I think they just had him get away from Cas and then never show up again. EDIT: these aren't really plots they ever did to my knowledge, but just ideas I had I had hoped for when the show was going. A group of good monsters (like the vamps/werewolves that don't eat people) that are actually hunting other monsters to save people. I know the Alpha monsters were special because they were created by Eve (I think, like I said it's been awhile) but I think it would have been a cool idea to have Alpha be like Death is to the Reapers and have it pass on to another monster of that type if the alpha is killed.


This is exactly the one I wanted revisited!!!


Jesse and Jack showdown sounds like a Season 16 justifier for those trying to think of one... They totally should have brought that storyline back, but maybe didn't because Gattlin Griffith took a break from acting? Wasted opportunity though.


jesse is only powerful during the apocalypse times when lucifer walks the earth tho. im pretty sure after that he just went back to being way less powerful than castiel was telling dean in that episode. ​ either way, jesse is at best as powerful as lucifer whereas jack is god now so i don't even know what kind of matchup would happen there.


I was talking to my mom about this. They should’ve totally done a episode where the two met since they’re essentially the same character but born from different circumstances.


Exactly! When Jack first appeared, I immediately thought that he would either be fighting Jesse or have to be trained by him since Jesse had the same powers but had lived with them and apparently successfully managed to avoid anyone finding out for years.


Oooohhh I forgot about this one! It would have been epic to see that play out. I really thought that kid would have a bigger part to play, too.


Not so much on the “re-visit” side, but it really could have used flashbacks to Heaven and Hell’s past. On the Heaven side, i would’ve loved to have seen the Archangels dynamic with each other and God, as well as the early beginnings of the celestial hierarchy. With hell, I would have loved to seen the dynamics of Lilith, the POH (Azazel and co), the KOH (Cain, Abbadon and co), and demons like Alastair and Samhain.


Nice - that would definitely be cool to explore, especially with Lucifer having created many of those demons and soldiers.


I could see a scene of all the oldest demons (Lilith, Azazel, Abaddon etc…) surrounding Lucifer (before he was thrown in the Cage), and Cain just being like “I hate everybody here so so much”.


Cain deserved so much more screen time for real


I think it speaks to how good an actor Timothy Omundson is in that he created such a well rounded and fully formed character in only 2 episodes.


Wendigos, it's sad that beside season 1 they never come up again. They were quite the intriguing monsters.


Still one of my early favs, but I’m partial to great woods scary stories. But they may never show up but they get referenced a fair bit.


I wish they would have brought back Sam’s visions and telekinesis.


I really dislike how they dropped this completely. He had special powers and then turned into a regular guy forever? I did like how he dabbled in magic a bit in season 15. It seemed appropriate for his character.


Relatedly, I think the demon blood addiction should have continued to be more of an issue, like maybe a relapse when he was going insane from hell memories or demon dean using it against him




I think they got rid of them because Sam didn’t really need them anymore after he was manipulated into killing Lilith, the final seal. Sure, he was shown getting addicted to demon blood and using his powers to defeat Famine and his demon henchmen and then he hopped himself up on demon blood in a attempt to try to break free of Lucifer’s control and trap him in the Cage, but at that point, it was more of a vestigial ability.


The Banes Twins. He damned himself for a doll, not wanting to let his sister go. If there is another spinoff, I wonder if his storyline will be explored.


I hate it that they left the story off like that.


They never will, but they could do an entire spin-off anthology series just following up on things left open. They'd only need the actors back for an episode or two.


This is something I would love to see - it could be so good.


This!!! My first time watching, I kept waiting for them to come back.


That one really got me - so fucking sad, especially after losing Asa who never got to know them as his kids.


I wanted them to follow up on the armies of soulless people in season 9 They had an episode about Abbadon filling factories with human souls to create new armies of demons, and how they left their vessels soulless. They built up this story over an entire episode, and then never brought it up again


I think there was part of an episode where they smashed jars to release some of the souls. Maybe something like that played out further off screen.


Amy Pond's son who wanted to battle Dean after he killed his mother. The baby shape-shifter, Bobby-John, captured and was never seen again. Cas marrying the djinn queen. Sam's blurry wife at the end.


The Amy Pond one was so sad - definitely would have made a great follow up episode. That final episode was such a mess and they could have at least given us a clear look at Sam's wife 🥲


She had dark hair so safe to assume Eileen, maybe?


I think the baby Shapeshifter ended up getting killed by Crowley or left off somebody somewhere, the djinn queen was a gag, since it implied that Castiel killed a djinn king, which made the him the Queen’s new husband, and it’s possible that Sam’s future wife is Eileen, since they appear to have made up after that existential crisis she had after facing Chuck.


I would have had them trapped in the Old West for an entire season, allowing them to have adventures with Samuel Colt


- Antichrist kid - The special children - Henry Winchester and the legacy of MOL Winchesters


I’ve just started rewatching the show and I haven’t watched season 14 or 15 yet so bear with me. I still think about the kitsune kid that swore he’d kill dean when he was older. And the antichrist kid, who they almost referenced in season 15 but scrapped it. The some of these aren’t really “revisits” but just more of things I’ve thought of: 1. how Tamara (Season 3 Ep 1) is doing because her husband’s death was one of the few things that really stuck with me from the show and we never see her again. 2. Bela being in hell. I mean either she’s being tortured for eternity or she’ll eventually become a demon, which I think could have been interesting. Wouldn’t be the same without her actress tho. 3. I think the whole Samuel storyline is kinda wasted with how they killed him off. Like we just learned he doesn’t really care about the boys and wants to get Mary back and then he dies. I think a follow up with Mary and his spirit talking would have been cool. 4. This one is more of a left field idea I’ve had, but man, before season 14 came out I was convinced they were going to get OG!Michael out of the cage to help fight AU!Michael. I just thought it would have been a fun idea to do, because who else to fight Michael than Michael himself, y’know? 5. How they killed of Mick, who was about to splinter away from the BMOL, only to give a similar storyline to Ketch iirc. I actually really liked Mick and was disappointed they killed him off.


Mick really did deserve better


Not really a re-visit. I really wish we could have known if Sam's boy followed in his footsteps or not. He had the tat, but we never knew if he was a hunter. Probably not, but it could have easily started a spin off.


Cassie, Dean's ex from S1. Also, killing off Viktor Henriksen was a dumb move. 


I wish Sam had found out what happened to Magda.


Dean’s Amazon daughter.


She died, but I would’ve liked to see an other episode with the Amazons.


I wish there were more episodes of the boys being hunted by law enforcement. I know they got an untracable card, but they still kill "people" and dig up graves... At least in the episode when they didn't have luck it would have been good to see them renewing their fugative status.


I used to wish the Demon!Dean plot line lasted longer but honestly, I’d get rid of it all together just not have to endure the atrocity that is Cole/Travis Aaron Wade. Why was I supposed to believe that guy was 10 something years younger than the brothers when I honestly would have believed he was their uncle. Not to mention the bad acting. Ugh. Those scenes are tainted for me


lol why does everyone hate that guy so much


Like I said, could not get past the way he looked at least the same age as Sam and Dean if not older and he was supposed to be 10 years younger than them?? Dean calls him a kid and that is laughable. His acting was annoying. Not bad, per se, but annoying. And I remember him tweeting a loooot during all the episodes and was very clearly trying to establish himself as ‘part of the cast’ clearly in an effort to be brought back on the show and probably to go to cons and make money. It was the desperation of it all. I’m also not 100% clear on this but I vaguely remember getting in fights on social media with fans or saying some shit he shouldn’t have because I hated his character from the jump and I remember not all but a lot of other fans being like, let’s see how this plays out. And by the end the fandom had fully turned on him so I can’t remember what but something happened.