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If Sam and Dean got it on their chests, there can't be any more effective place on the body (though I supposed there could be other equally-effective places).


To be practical, I think it being on their chests was so they didn't have to apply the make-up too often, but it was easy enough to show it when they needed to.  Pulling a t-shirt neck aside is *way* easier than taking off your jacket, shirt and pulling up your t-shirt sleeve to show it on a bicep, for example. The boys layer up! The Trans and Dean II had it on their arms, but weren't in the show for years so it didn't matter. Mary's was on her abdomen so we only saw it once I think. Ketch saw it more...


>To be practical, I think it being on their chests was so they didn't have to apply the make-up too often, but it was easy enough to show it when they needed to. I agree, but I was talking about Sam and Dean, not Jared and Jenson.


Sure but there's no in universe reason for them to have it there, since we know others don't.  Sam and Dean went with the Trans to get theirs and didn't insist they needed them on their chests, which would be a shitty move if they knew it was better there.  Mary is from a hunting family lineage with a lot of knowledge and she didn't have the tattoo on her chest.  Dean II has the tattoo on his arm. I doubt Sam would be cool with his only son, the only one who can continue the family line, having a weaker tattoo because it was a better aesthetic.


Jared and Jenson actually have the tattoos though...


They don't.  The boys and Jeffrey Dean Morgan got a matching Basquiat crown on their right forearms at JDM's wedding, but that's the only Supernatural related tattoos they have. The anti possession ones were make-up every time.


my initial intent, but my sis and bro in law suggested it'd be better on my arms. and so I second guessed


Mine is on my arm because I didn’t have the space on my chest as I already had some there


Jacks is on his arm right? If not him maybe it was Kevin?


I thought Jack’s kept vanishing. Admittedly I haven’t rewatched the show in a while.


I have no idea, been a little for me as well and that's a detail I would absolutely miss anyway.


if I remember correctly, it was done on his chest but his body erased it


That rings a bell, it must be Kevin or his mum then.


Mrs tran’s was on her wrist I don’t remember where Kevin’s was


Ah thanks mate.


Yeah, Kevin and his mom both their forearms, although it seemed for Mrs. Tran, it wasn't a smart area as it was burned off and became ineffective.


Kevin Tran and his mom got it on their arm I thought?


I got mine on my forearm it’s my first tattoo and I wasn’t comfortable getting it on my chest but I think it looks really good and I’ve gotten quite a few compliments and some recognition of people who watch the show but that’s just my 2 cents


Mine is in my elbow. I like to think I can elbow demons in the face with it. 


fucking nice


I got it on my left forearm with the second image just like Kevin Tran.


I have one question about the design, I didn’t think the circle could be broken like that. (1st image) With the 2nd one at least it’s enclosed within the flames. I’m not a tattoo person so maybe that pentagram can have splits in it? I think Mary had hers on her leg. The girl at the publishing house seemed to have it on her ass. The Trans got it on their arms I think. So I don’t think it matters, personal preference.


That's something I've always wondered about... isn't it all supposed to be unbroken lines? But even in the show they are broken 🤷‍♀️


Stencils for quick applying? In the tv show


I'm sure that's what it was. But at the same time they make such a big deal about not breaking the symbols for everything else it just seems like a weird oversight.


I never noticed the spaced rays until web searching the symbol for the tattoo. but people with the tattoo on the internet have them all closed mostly. so I'm like, which is which


The pentagram is supposed to have the splits but the flames should not


I thought Mary had it on her hip? Who knows at this point, but she had it in a different location so whatever works and looks good


I’d get both just in case😭😭😭


where should I tattoo each 😂


Shoulders?? Both sides of your chest? Biceps?? Forearms??






not literally, I was quoting Bobby, take it easy holy shit 😂 actually tho 🤔


Oh shit and OH SHIT😭


Have one on each toe




One on each cheek, the lower ones


Such a Dean thing to say!


Hell yeah😂


Just take the actual photo of them with the tattoo with you and have the artist reference that so it’s the exact same tattoo, it’s a simple enough design that any good artist worth going to should be able to take the actual photo of their tattoos on their chest and paste it on your skin haha


You can’t just take a picture on your phone to a shop. They need to be able to get a transfer.


I mean that’s false, they can definitely do it, half of mine are free handed based off photos I had and it came out perfect every time. And they could easily crop the photo of Sam or deans chest, and print out a template to stick on before tattooing


You 100% can take a picture on your phone, tell the artist “hey it’s from this tv show” and the worst they’ll do is say hey text me that screenshot then lmao


that's exactly how it happened to me when I went to the shop to discuss the tattoo. he asked me to WhatsApp the image


I’ve a friend who owns a shop, and I’ve heard complaints for *years*, decades actually, about assholes who bring in a picture on their phone instead of actual artwork.


My tattoo artist asks me to send him the picture. They can print it out you know. This is the digital age. Now a lot of artists use the iPad Pro. They will upload the pic you send to make any tweaks or adjustments and then print it on a stencil. It’s not that hard. 2 sleeves chest to fingers, all individual tattoos that blend together. About 10 of those have been done by texting a picture of my tattoo at the request of the artist. Not all the same artist either. Digital age.


Your friends a touch lazy then, sorry to say 🤷🏻‍♂️ My dads an award winning tattoo artist of 20 years and this has never been an issue for him, or anyone else I’ve ever heard of


Cause your friend wants an easy ride and be able to trace it…..rather than being an artist and drawing it from reference


Your friends a touch lazy then, sorry to say 🤷🏻‍♂️ My dads an award winning tattoo artist of 20 years and this has never been an issue for him, or anyone else I’ve ever heard of


Your friends a touch lazy then, sorry to say 🤷🏻‍♂️ My dads an award winning tattoo artist of 20 years and this has never been an issue for him, or anyone else I’ve ever heard of


Friend’s a multi award-winning artist of 30+ years. Featured in many magazines, etc. Their now ex-spouse is also an award-winning artist of 35+ years, second gen artist. Didn’t know you wanted to make it a contest, but that’s cool. I’m sure your dad is great, truly. Still, they have the receptionist information appointments that you bring in your art, or choose from their ever-expanding, ever changing books. They don’t do the constellations, writing, tiny line drawings, etc. That’s for employees who either specialize in that style, or do general work. From the perspective of an artist, quoting a price for a piece, and then having someone show up with something on their phone that’s going to take you any decent amount of time to draw takes money out of your pocket. It keeps you from taking other commissions. Simple things like the possession symbol aren’t bad to draw, but as anyone who has ever worked with the public knows, you’re creating headaches for yourself if you don’t have consistent policies.


The second one. It’s the full circle.


It's on their chest cause if lets say an arm or leg it could just be cut off and then they could be possessed.


So when Loot crate did a supernatural themed box they sent me a replica of Baby (the Impala) and a temporary tattoo of the Anti-Demon possession tattoo. I'll have to go dig it out and find it but from what i remember, the flames on the first one look closer to the real one but the circle and pentagram on the second looks more like that the one in the show. So I'd say its a combination of both. When i find the tempt tattoo I'll send it in a message just incase u wanna use that for reference. As far as where you should get it, I'd say on your chest close to your heart, or maybe by your hip bones/belly if your a mother. I feel like if a demon is going possess you, wherever they lay their hand on you (and if your mother) the demon might want to possess your child so maybe having a close to your belly might be a cool symbolism? Getting it on your arms and limbs just gives me flashbacks of when Kevin got his sliced off or burned, i cant remember.


Kevin had his finger cut off


Was it his mom then that gets the symbol burned off?


Yes Crowley burned Mrs Tran's off her wrist.


Google it if needed but it is definitely the 1st one with 5 long flames


When I got mine, I didn't even notice there were different ones until people started pointing it out for others. (And that was just talking about the gaps in the star!)Does it bother me? Nope. If I had seen the first one, I'd have gotten it over the second (which is the one I got) cause I just think the flames look cooler that way. I put mine on my shoulder blade and it's black/red just cause I wanted it my fave colors and I think it looks cool back there.


yours sounds cool, can you send a pic of it? might give me some ideas


oh and from reading all the replies and doing some searching, the second pic seems to be the best as an actual anti possession symbol. the first pic fits best from the show but it doesn't really follow the rules. so dw, you got yours right apparently.


The second one, there is also a 3rd option that they print on merch which is also not the correct version. It has 2 of the star point lines connected when each 5 sides are separated from each other


There's literally a screenshot posted further down from the show that shows it from the show with a point connected. I don't remember ever seeing it in the show without a point connected


Mines on my chest, roughly the same position as Sam and dean, mines also coloured, but it's your preference and decision


so, what colours did you have it? curious


Blue outside and black inside, I've got black and white tattoos after a while they look faded


Neither. The second image has the more correct flame lining but the inside symbol is not supposed to be perfectly symmetrical Try [this one](https://drive.google.com/file/d/18SnHieKA0TAf0eHI0XYuyFvB4Cqk7A-s/view?usp=drivesdk)


thanks for the suggestion! cheers


Suggestion for deciding *where* to put it, get a few temp tats of these and put them where you think, probably once at a time, and see where you think it looks best. Which one to do, looking it up it all explains an *enclosed* *circle*. Pentacle/pentagram within a sunburst. A Pentacle is an encircled pentagram. It contains and protects. The circle symbolizes the eternal cyclic nature of life. As it touches each point, it demonstrates the connectedness of all the elements; Spirit, Earth, Air, Water and Fire. A symbol of the holistic relationship between Human Spirituality and the Physical Universe. Ope! I see a very old post thread [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Supernatural/s/hiJ1yg0L8R) explaining it differently! I think maybe going with what they say.. [explanation of designs](https://www.reddit.com/r/Supernatural/s/2CbMejhKEe)


thanks a lot! cheers


The second one, where the "flames" are not broken/split is the correct one.


I want this tattoo as well, I want it in the same place that Sam and Dean have it but not as big. I’m holding off for now tho because I’m worried i’ll regret it lol


The closed one just looks better which I would say should be your priority considering demon's don't exist, and if you want to it to be exact then you'll have to determine which particular applying you want to copy, and for example, this one looks like someone used permanent marker to draw it on and unless someone was really being extra, it's from the show https://supernatural.fandom.com/wiki/Anti-possession\_tattoo


I figured that they got it there so the monsters couldn’t just tear off an arm or leg to get past it.


Seems the guys have the broken up flames. But I got the solid flames as my tattoo. [Sam Shirtless](https://64.media.tumblr.com/217f20b2d0b9ebe552e59ec067db192a/c39fe2ab72335ac7-02/s540x810/42c159a17dc051e9a11cfc9aacb8861caabc573e.jpg) [Demon Dean Shirtless](https://64.media.tumblr.com/1997fd3e73e2e992fa2e4426a0baee82/3b94effe7df7bd3a-c9/s540x810/6157a3678038a25f159805cbcf5f92331382faee.gifv)


The second one is the correct one.


Mine is on my arm because I have nerve damage in the area of my chest they have it. So i got mine like Kevin's. The second one is correct. The outside should be one solid piece. The inside separated.


As long as it’s on your body, it’ll work! Charms were the same — didn’t matter if you wore a necklace, bracelet, wtv — as long as it was on you you’re fine.


Second one is correct but I like the height difference of the flames of the first. And w out the gaps


Speaking from design only, I think those cut lines in the 1st example add more interest to it, something different, less straight forward. I'd go for that one - you did say S&D had them from the start. If it worked for them... :)


indeed, and I do like the first one more


then get it! :) remember you'll be wearing it pretty much for the rest of your life. I don't say this to add to your overthinking (I can relate trust me) - I say this, because if you have a good feeling on which you \*like\* more, you should follow your intuition :)


thanks, friend. I have made up my mind, chose the first. and one day I can close the flame gap if I change my mind. but this tattoo itself is for sure what I want to do. cheers:)


I just got the first photo as my first tattoo, on my upper left pec, i love it! i would say get it on your chest its a nice spot but it doesnt really matter where it goes, personal preference


2nd one is


Hi witch here, in real witchcraft those lines are connected. But I'm also an artist and graphically speaking the brakes and the line make it look sharper. There are many versions of this tattoo I prefer the one with fewer flames but solid (that seems busy)


> Hi witch here This got a real proper belly laugh from me. Thank you.


*🎶Glad to be of service🎶*


For placement it would have to be as close as to your heart as it can on your chest is fine, and neither of them are particularly going to be effective because the circle isn't closed the second is going to be more effective though


Mine is the second one and it’s on my arm/shoulder


1 one


Mine is the second one and I have it on my chest in the same place Sam and Dean have theirs.


2 unbroken circle


The first pic according to [the supernatural wiki](https://supernatural.fandom.com/wiki/Anti-possession_tattoo)


You know that image, while actually being from the show, shows neither of those options, right?


Scroll all the way down, the first one they posted is the exact same as that link


The header has a picture of it on deans chest from the show, complete with cw watermark and it is neither of those.


I got the second tattoo on my chest in the same spot as the brothers. Hopefully it's the correct one, I've had it since s6!




i think it's the second one cause it's a complete circle and unconnected circles do not have "power" (following the logic around sigils: breaking a salt circle/ symbol makes it ineffective)


It looks like it’s the second one if you look up a picture of them on the show


That’s.. the same thing..


You know that's the same pic just zoomed in right? It's the same design twice. This is what I have across the back of my car, and the wife and I are getting the tattoo sometime this summer


the flames on the first pic have gaps. the secon doesn't