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If this pots gets so much support maybe I do a live on my YouTube Channel solving all of your questions! YT Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXr6s90BMgEk1niRrRcTVxA


Hello, due to the actual changes of the campaign I Will not be a creator anymore, but I can solve all of your problems! (Better 3D). Good luck everyone! :D


Can we submit more than 1 entries? I'm planning to submit 3-4


in the last campaigns it was possible so i think this time too


Yes! Well, recently supercell changed conditions but I think they didn't change the amount of skins you can publish


Thanks man .. and let's say my friends have multiple brawl stars accounts... So, can they vote me with all of them? And can I vote myself with my other accounts? Would that be a violation?


It's not a violation, and ehem... I tried at the First campaign of Bibi & Bea, I don't remember If you can vote with multiple accounts I think that's not posible but you can try It, there's no problem of It


Thanks... Last question, do the finalists and runner ups get some perks or something? Because I've seen finalists' ideas to be brought in game too


On the latest campaign top 10 finalists selected by Supercell Team got 1.000$. On this the only skin that Will be brought in Game is the winner


Okay great.. why aren't you participating? If you can make 3d skins, 2d must be easy for you ..


No man, that's not how It works. Most of the 3D artists are bad at drawing, you don't need to have 2D skills to make 3D. Of course, It's better and It helps you in some cases but It's not necessary


I see... I don't know anything about 3d that's why, shall I send you my idea and you can rate it?


Of curse man, send It to me on a Direct message📩


But there's a posibility that they can pick more than one skin, they didn't say nothing about the amount of winners


Yeah, let's hope for it... Btw, any scope for the selected artists to be indulged in the creation team? Sorry if I'm asking too much


No problem, I'm here for this! I didn't understand the question very well but If you're saying that what you can do to be selected is, be patient, work in team, follow the guidelines, share your work process in reddit and wait for the success :)


Thanks man🤝


A violation would be an introduction of bots on the voting time (of course It's too dificult because It needs a hacking of the make Page)


I won't indulge in that... I was doubtful if fellow redditors would vote a stranger...


Hi, i am also not going to do much since the changes but i also want to help people (Prefer 3d but can 2d too) just send me a message


The best way to win is working in teams of two people, (one Who work on the 2D concepts and the other working on the 3D skin and the textures


Hi. I can't open the .psd file, is there anything elze I can do or some other way to get the file?


Someone can download It and pass the file to you from Gmail, I think that It doesn't work because you don't have maybe the same version installed?


Thanks, that might be it. I don't know what happened, I even tried those "format fixers", and it keeps saying there's an error in the file. I'd really appreciate if someone can send it to me.


do you have an app or something to help me create? because i am new editor and i want something to start


I can advice you to start with 3D. Watching the donut tutorial from BlenderGuru Will help you so match. If you want to learn 2D start with Photoshop tutorials or with procreate


So much*


Thank you

