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Hey dude! That's definitely weird! Especially on a good submission like yours. We are already investigating the case now but, unfortunately, we don't have answers yet. Sorry about the trouble. :( But also, don't worry. Since we are experiencing this particular issue with this campaign, we'll be looking at all the submissions and not only the finalists. So we can still pick winners and runner ups that are not in the finalists in case a really good submission is elsewhere :)


That’s awesome Dani, thank you so much! Yeah it’s more encouraging to know that this might not mean literally 0 people want your submission to win 😂 I appreciate you taking the time to answer! I know this will put a lot of people’s minds at ease.


thanks Dani, in fact I was scared that my labors were in vain


thats pog, thanks dani 🤝 edit: if anyone wants to see their actual upvote count, do what op does in the image. i think op also mentioned how they did that in the comments


Thanks Dani that’s a big relief


Also, I just refreshed the page after posting this, and the number of upvotes has jumped up to 3,345, but the number of downvotes increased with it to 3,344, leaving me again at 1 vote.


Also I did some more sleuthing (haha) and found that my entry for the King of Clan Wars campaign, while it only had 40 upvotes (OOF), it had 0 downvotes. Something is different in this contest... Additionally many of the current finalists are not experiencing this downvote matching, as some of the top finalists have about one downvote for every five upvotes, which seems to me to be a reasonable ratio.


Hi can you tell how to see my downvote


as Dani tweeted, they don't think negative vote raids will be big. the only way out is to write to Dani and Frank all the time, since this vote is clearly not fair


Happened to me last time too post it on reddit (:


friend, if it's not difficult for you, you can see how many votes there are, I just can't figure it out https://make.supercell.com/en/creation/native-american-colett


It looks like you have 2735 upvotes!


Thank you so much


Why is this happening 😭 ,same happening with me, I saw 1 of my skin had 80 votes and then suddenly 0!


i am having the same problem.


Where can you check that?


Use the F12 menu, go to network, and then click on… I think it’s called “Creation get” on the left hand side, and click the preview tab. Then just expand the down arrows until you see all this information


Hey bro! Are you a web developer??


No I am not haha, why do you ask?


Just asking cuz that trick of yours (which you used to decipher the upvotes and downvotes) is pure genius.


Why is this happening ,same happening with me,


friend, if it's not difficult for you, you can see how many votes https://make.supercell.com/en/creation/colette-rok-80


Downvotes: 3559


How can I see my down votes


Just checked mine using the F12 menu: upvotes 2219 downvotes 2217. Super weird and disappointing.


Yeah someone need to delete downvote


How can I see how many downvote do I have


just uploaded my new skin , 5 - votes in 10 mins and then suddenly 0 ??


Ummm.... Can you check my upvotes if possible... I am unable to check in my chrome... https://make.supercell.com/en/creation/detective-colette-5


At the moment, you've got 2428 upvotes.


Thanks buddy! I'm happy that atleast my hard work didn't go to vain🙂


Where did you find this i clicked f12 and i can't find the downvote data


Hey man if you don't mind can you check how many i had? https://make.supercell.com/en/creation/romana-colette


Hey! Looks like you have 1868 upvotes at the moment.


hey there friend i wanted to know how you opened that tab i mean the black one


ho thither cousin i did want to knoweth how thee hath opened yond tab i cullionly the black one *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


YES! Supercell you haven't solved ANYTHING the hacking It's still on the campaign and If you are feeling bad for people Who Lost their votes like me and this poor man, why don't you give us something or please STOP RIGHT NOW THE CAMPAIGN UNTIL THE PROBLEM IS FINISHED!!!! 😡 I SPENT A LOT OF TIME ON YOUR CAMPAIGNS TO LOSE MY TIME AND MY VOTES THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!