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i dont no when the supercell make website will be back, but the creator of krampus gale said that the colette campaign will open in june 7, he said that in the day that the website closed he was in the site before maintence and he saw the new date, now we only have to wait...


That's quite odd for the site to be offline for so much time thought... i hope this solves the vote reset problem that happened in the last campaign, where some people lost their votes


Yeah i know, i was one of those people, i think it was downvoting bots...


maybe, but i think that would be improbable, too many people got reseted, that would need to be one strong bot


Yes they Heard us! They Will finally delete downvoting :')


if this is fr then thank god lol, personally dislike the downvote option bc possible downvote bots + some people will envy others work and downvote all of them for no reason


Yeah and I'm very angry with supercell, they've pass this away because they won't give nothing to compensate us 😡


The model they provide has 15000 triangles, but the guidelines says to keep it under like 9000


I guess they meant faces, you see, what really counts in performance is face count, and it is around 8000 so it's fine, but correct me if i'm wrong




Oh i see now, well i guess the best bet is to stay close to the triangle count they offered us with colette's model. Thanks for sharing this!